2012届高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解部分之限时训练(三)

发布时间:2019-08-08 02:13:39



Drinking water is so important for health. How much water you need in order to be a healthy human being?

Why You Need to Drink Water

Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your joints and organs.

Signs of Dehydration

You lose water through urination, respiration, and sweating. If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

How Much Water do You Need to Drink

A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half. That gives you the number of ounces of water per day that you need to drink. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water per day. If you exercise you should drink another eight ounce glass of water for every 20 minutes you are active. If you drink alcohol, you should drink at least an equal amount of water. When you are traveling on an airplane, it is good to drink eight ounces of water for every hour you are on board plane.

Drink Enough Water

It may be difficulty to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but watch for extra calories.

68.If the passage appears on a paper, it should be on a(n) ________ edition.

A. science B. environment C. politics D. business

69. When talking of drinking enough water, the author is ________.

A. curious B. worried C. careful D. excited

70.The aim to write the passage is to _________.

A. find out how much water is needed every day

B. warn us the danger of water shortage in life

C. tell us to drink water to keep healthy

D. call on people to know more about our body


These days, it is common to see 5-gallon bottles of water being sent to homes. Supermarket 41 are filled with all kinds of bottled water from simple 42 bottles containing pure spring water to expensive foreign types of mineral water in glass bottles. In Europe, bottled water is as 43 as soft drinks are in the United States. People are not only interested in the different choices of drinks, but also in the taste of bottled water and its 44 value.

All bottled water must 45 the content of the water on the bottle. Some companies 46 minerals to give the water a better taste. But the term mineral water is 47 , because all water—except specially purified water—contains minerals. 48 must be made to tell people clearly what kind of water people are exactly buying: spring water, mineral water, or purified water. For example, spring water will have to come from a(n) 49 spring.

Many people choose bottled water 50 tap water, because they 51 the safety of public drinking water. Some people worry about city water 52 . We need to pay close attention to the cleanliness of our drinking water. The government should be responsible for tap water 53 . It should be tested and checked 54 .

Keep in mind that bottled water is 55 . In many cases, you are paying for water that is not much different from tap water. If you are not sure of the safety of your tap water, have it 56 . A local health department can be of 57 . Compared with the cost of bottled water, the testing cost will be less expensive. Letting cold water 58 for a minute or so before taking a drink or using it in preparing a meal is a good way to 59 possible water pollution, especially if the water has been 60 for an hour or more.

41. A. baskets B. windows C. shelves D. carts

42. A. large B. plastic C. cool D. cheap

43. A. popular B. expensive C. fresh D. good

44. A. nature B. true C. face D. health

45. A. study B. stick C. list D. print

46. A. find B. add C. explore D. mix

47. A. mistaken B. misunderstood C. misleading D. misreading

48. A. Laws B. Notices C. Products D. Inventions

49. A. nearby B. hot C. underground D. overflowing

50. A. with B. besides C. before D. over

51. A. consider B. trust C. doubt D. ensure

52. A. supplies B. pipes C. pollution D. shortage

53. A. producers B. risk C. elements D. quality

54. A. normally B. regularly C. repeatedly D. instantly

55. A. enough B. excellent C. expensive D. ideal

56. A. collected B. boiled C. changed D. tested

57. A. use B. value C. service D. importance

58. A. run B. flow C. fill D. boil

59. A. improve B. discover C. limit D. solve

60. A. shallow B. off C. slow D. on



Every year there are hundreds of earthquakes in different parts of the world. In Sept.1923, Tokyo and Yokohama were both destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that followed it. They had to be completely rebuilt. One of the most serious earthquakes was in China’s Shanxi Province in 1556. It killed almost one million people.

We measure an earthquake’s strength on the Richter scale. The Richter scale was introduced in 1935 in Southern California in the USA. It measures earthquakes on a scale of one to ten. Any earthquake measuring five or more is usually serious.

The earth’s crust (地壳) is made up of layers of rock called plates. As these plates move, they sometimes crash against each other, causing the crust to quake. In cities such as Tokyo, where small quakes happen quite often, many modern buildings are designed to be flexible so when the earth moves, they move with it.

Earthquakes can also break up gas or oil pipes. This can cause fires to break out, which can do as much damage as the earthquake itself.

Another effect of earthquakes is tsunamis (海啸). These are huge waves created by earthquakes beneath the sea. They can be many metres high and cause great damage to coastal towns and cities.

China, Japan, Russia and the USA have the highest occurrence (发生) of earthquakes in the world.



68----70 BBD

完形填空 41—45 : CBA DC 46—50 : BCACD 51—55 : CADBC 56—60 : DCACB


71. earthquakes 72. history 73. its 74. happened 75. measure

76. introduced 77. cause 78. crust 79. effects 80. fires

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习 阅读理解部分之限时训练(三)
