
发布时间:2016-06-18 10:40:20


白玉堂前春解舞, 东风卷得均匀.蜂团蝶阵乱纷纷.几曾随逝水,岂必委芳尘.

万缕千丝终不改,任他随聚随分.韶华休笑本无根,好风频借力, 送我上青云!



Dancing at ease in spring before white jade halls,

Swirling gracefully in the spring breeze

While whirling all around me

Are butterflies and bees.

I have never followed the flowing stream,

Why then should I abandon myself to the dust?

Constant to ten thousand boughs,

Whether together or parted I keep trust.

Do not jeer at me as rootless,

But lend me strength, good wind,

To soar up to the azure sky at last.

