

如何保护地球英语作文带翻译篇1 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down,and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers. Furthermore,wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to man s existence. We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the pub!ic must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and so on. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment. 全世界的环境问题在变得越来越严重.随着工农业的发展,汽车制造噪音、排放毒气,山上的树木被砍伐,污水不断被排入河.另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾.整个地球生态平衡正在改变,环境的巨大破坏已带来负面影响,甚至对人类生存带来巨大威胁. 我们必须面对现实,采取行动解决环境问题.例如必须通过新的法律严格控制工业污染问题,大众必须接受污染危害的教育.我们希望这些措施的有效实施能带给我们一个健康的环境. 如何保护地球英语作文带翻译篇2 Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. For example, cars have made the air unhealthy for people to breathe and poisonous gas is given off by factories. Trees on the hills have been cut down and waste water is being poured continuously into rivers.Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.

The earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our later generations. Fortunately, more and more people have realized these problems. Measures have been taken to cope with these problems by the government. Laws have been passed to stop pollution. I hope the problem will be solved in the near future and our home will become better and better. 全世界的环境问题变得越来越严重.例如汽车污染的空气影响了人们的呼吸,工厂释放污染的气体,山上的树木被砍伐,水不断被排人河里.另外,无论我们走到哪里,到处可见随意丢弃的垃圾.事实上,污染正威胁我们的生存. 地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它.庆幸的是,愈来愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题.府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污.我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好. 如何保护地球英语作文带翻译篇3 Earth is our mother.Without earth ,without life.It provides us with enough water,food,sunshine,mineral and so on,so please protect it ,protect our mother ,we can do it from little things such as saving water,planting trees and so on. So please do it right now,for ourselfs,for our younger generation. Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the world.
It is our duty to save our earth. How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the places. Because it will pollute the environment. Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the river. Because it will kill fishes.
We just have one earth. Please save her! 地球是我们的母亲,没有她就没有生命。她给我们提供了水,食物,阳光和矿物质等。所以我们要好好保护她-我们的母

亲,我们可以从一些小事做起像节约水植树等。现在就开始做吧,为了我们自己,也为了我们下一代。 如今,地球污染越来越严重。已成为当今世界一系列问题之首。 拯救地球是我们的责任。 如何能够使我们的地球摆脱污染?首先不乱扔垃圾,因为它会污染环境。其次,不要向河中排放污水,因为它会使鱼类死亡。 们只有一个地球,请保护她! 如何保护地球英语作文带翻译篇4 Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer. In order to protect them,something must be done. 尽管世界发展得更快,更好,地球上的资源越来越少。为了保护它们,必须做些什么。
Save water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So it s very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it. 节约用水。水是生命之源。没有水,就没有生命。所以,我们这样做是非常重要的。我们不仅要保护饮用水和停止污染,而且充分利用它。
Save electricity. It is crucial. We can t imagine what the life will be like without it. Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Don t forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working. 节约用电。这是至关重要的。我们无法想象的生活就会像没有它。每个人都应该尽自己的最大努力节约用电。不要忘记关灯或其他当我们完成工作的电机。
Save forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. Make our world a green one to live in. 拯救森林。他们是有用的。请停止切割下来,用再生纸代替。使我们的世界成为一个绿色的生活。

Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. We can save resources in this way. 回收有用的垃圾。大量的垃圾可以回收罐一样,纸,瓶,等。我们以这种方式可以节省资源。

