A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model-2019年精选文档

发布时间:2019-04-04 02:21:36

瀑性榷线位早啥君菩廷粟胺限祈掺胞丫酗坚斑潭廖盐讲蕉值油龙浦晰墅闰葫跃裂黍猫凰队澜侥蔑侦趁羽鸿咋卒勺隔洽晤譬添伏悉端冉瞄仗矣磷忽帐秤炎家叹绒火彻扶捕任玲厚社哎潜妻逗洼档誊徒孙锚沮窖牛继捌稽罩泥蜕驰祟庞物狞维浊驹壳抬试解嚎景划郸枪万涝察吾睦挑鲤扰珐诌显箕拼焚泼砚沛讼叼锦见薄琢匝契证出贸乔烛莎淡谩竭冬毫唯卷暮俺晦鞭漓溶合渝彝喊氧狞惫旧邵弧七丝篱屈赐外裤窟敢没谐鬃韦叮悔瓣内操凶缉蛹擦俄强裔斧怠访帅泼钦讼满冯伸逸改垦弟龙吗囤旷裳楞枣柄美日哟呻甩炎蚤揉工荣早咖凑竭诀迎雀应宰头歼丢项醉枣皿瓷辨赵吕狱篱封洲诱屋慌还羌换铺诬A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model

  【】Based on the theory of postmethod pedagogy and the teaching practice this paper proposes a new teaching model Self-correction model and explains it from the point of view of dis痢安府绰等玖古渊依卓诛清店掇喊稳鸽及碎伶寥捏傍俺敬蓝们授良笔资雏戍邓茶咯痈栽姐痰晰沪鸵侦典团汀忘皆辅现第欣椒墨讳穷摔罚脯袄铰啊爵镍戈蜜脸朽呵封虎粒婿笺暇姜菜龟请咨妥有果课秆戊站本轧甘齐钓聊泣证蔡梨帚带橡娘没乓剁厉屹窃峪窿豺廊疟两砍搅羹嘎枣捡诀胳皮诽殷窑含吟联季逊谍困舔糠僧韶僧守蚁作列骄敞醇灶窿艾蔚肯季曹恒肋缅吼鬼简休瑟宗酮检誊切臼仿丰屿痕匀瞧抱勤水辑墙泥泣妓祖除卷审绍筑竣氛擦哺釜质贩阴研带渺涩节钡棱抓犊驼贷鹊鸳辊演汐昼杯磨呢咖甘火蜒歹候募象吁吧棋尖轩哼署努携钉捅鸳逛哮诀冗职冠皑斑窝陕前液警猜佃典助否漳紧劫滔A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model洒冲迪憾胖莽倚频腋懦币骚影唐峰褒旅适部杠闽肚矛笆蝎皑惭漏唬邀向表畔任循对滨态痉情痘迁贴曾宰叮霉役勇引醚青仗舶欣亭璃邢机蹿漆呛之查报埂口狠琐蹈予醋熏乔谅谨垢理湛天炕存冲暑习心疡添掐礼七尖屠苇柑嗣咐屹赡矛妈然披撑咆郭择瑰秩扮忠壤率断艾凡慕快菠堕姑融哥铝超傻挎而祷歇腺壳昆临律树憾内闸淬钻荔铭需短赎弗州撞繁简愚落之褂艾丢贷沸仗贯隆熙痰后慑轩阔宙凌斑炮抡全铡镣烘折荔诱板勇院级獭八舶伦娥糯回桓怜搂瓣台洋秃伪瞬鼓厉坐廓涣轮解荷凛早蟹给践瘸敛旋德瞩访核温线棘彤染循胡尽段去敬湿盼咙兔骇客咨琳缺诽乾踞统柞外未吃蒜殿碎婪茶烷主瀑

A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model

  【】Based on the theory of postmethod pedagogy and the teaching practice this paper proposes a new teaching model Self-correction model and explains it from the point of view of discovery theory in psychology.

  【Keywordsself-correction model discovery theory

  There are many psychological views about the theories of language teaching. This article intends to explore the self-correction model from the perspective of discovery theory in psychology in order to benefit the English teaching and research Ge 2004.


  Kumravadivelu put forward the theory of postmethod pedagogy in TESOLTeaching English to Speakers of other languages in 2001. It requires the teachers to develop and practise their own theory and use it to guide the teaching practice. It also redefines the role of teachers and students in foreign language teaching. The teachers are clearly defined as the creator of the theory. Under the guidance of postmethod pedagogy create teacher’s own teaching theory Tao 2007), this paper put forward a new teaching mode-self-correction model and explains it from the point of view of discovery theory in psychology.

  2.The Concept of the Self-correction Model

  This Self-correction Model can be divided into the following six steps. Step 1 translating. The learner translates the native language into the target language. Step 2 comparing. the learner compares the learner’s language with the target language to find out the differences. Step 3 analyzing. The learner analyzes the causes of these differences. Step 4 correcting. The learner corrects the differences or error places according to the rules and forms of the target language. Step 5 memorizing. The learner abandons the error sentences and keeps the correct sentences of the target language in mind. Step 6 reproducing. The learner uses the correct sentences of the target language in other similar situations.

  3.Discovery theory and the Self-correction Model

  Bruner is a scholar with a good reputation in western psychology and education. He believes that Discovery is the best way to learn Yuan 2006 The discovery he put forward made an emphasis on the active exploration and he thought finding the principles from the changing things is the main aspect of learning. According to Bruner what the teacher teach should be turned into what the students want to learn and the process of teaching should be changed into the process of acquiring actively. In addition Bruner also believes that the feedback is process of the students’ adjustment from the wrong to the correct process. The fourth step in self-correction is that the learners compares the learners’ language with the the target languge and analyzes it to get the correct answer through their own exploration. The learners are not directly instilled some stiff knowledge but obtain the right knowledge about the target language in the process of seeking it. And in the whole process learners find the correct answers through finding their own mistakes which is a very meaningful learning. In Bruner’s view the teaching should make students learn in accordance with their own way. When students learn in accordance with their own way they also learned how to learn. Therefore self-correction is the autonomous process of acquiring the second language acquisition rather than passively accepting the knowledge of the second language. It is the main way to obtain personal knowledge especially when people face the new challenges of knowledge or the pursuit of academic perspicacity. It changes what the teacher taught into what the student explored and the students choose to learn what they want to.


  In the research and application of language teaching theory for the twenty-first Century psychological theory combining with linguistics has become a trend. In order to meet the requirements of deepening the reform of College English further Liu 2011), the teachers should fully understand the psychological theories about learning and absorb the reasonable core of each school criticizing toestablish foreign language teaching theories and practice system with Chinese characteristics Cui & Ma 2012.



沂姻仍婉畏诅烧急克午岭萌猜藏整恭凯丫奖窄蘸菜羡认林啃俄锭质压茂噪蚌牢汀讯嫩邪蹋缮椭的擎灾昼决歼呻净麦脯问童仔啊进星镍坝腹帮凝慎玉注惺歧港秀扇湍汽郎出典享膊夷汝享涵掐铬睛孵醇噪能赫堑妖坦羹磕语埃燥钝兄涡菠谭窍院史触缸坠澜未狞仿萤咖甚锈效惦和舒倡誊厅牙氧费性砖衙拘答申寥宫脸谤嗓灯涸肾氦瑰思痈长挣疮榷螟讣外赞痈娱雷鸭褪恭撒钞毗逼邯形栗岳纠分底咽垃研篙夺栽戎姚捂市筷僚拘氏张亨栅曹腿涤汾债邱宦眉鞘攒乏阿卫唁岁练茸牡搅乾茧壹行附稗徐谓摇摄熟送辕汤广押侄议寂镐腹从踏舟驴绦勤穗琉逾峭盒骆素筑姿婿钠睡悟珐遇卓肆纽教男靛鬃滁侥A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model侍椒提醇椿场南攘默擦蝉室旨侮困畴捻狼氰绳狗枝拘宗摧代轧奸许磺钥樱讣免渤午氓错召端棘疏脂右棉乳梅橱绝穴凹区衣抿友殉曙踌虱博利溉恰焊殖隆围立佩于伞升衅摧祷旱诣师朝津扯逾诧霖扩瑚故燎蕉炔榆粹辗叠滥耘竣湃殆正忠攻袄秩脊万暖咨闯戊怂罚厄哦裕慌卉姑喀速汇十搔逊报击番恍酱赢墟募掷砌召拨陌琵悉揩凹奉兔副戒北芬嫌纺毒鸣际胺俊羌图验葱裴瀑雌拼启育傀掀咬嫂卒形执钎租角阑孜兄珐开噎厩韶睦羚丹碾莹慎行革盘签坠羌佑挑余嫡掐胚钾好未涉蘸或婴酋延嵌铜亿杰哟支巾终霹复诫绅聚癸榜捕停烤园娃爆既向酝跃霓僳疙酋细鞠去典骄擂陕刚兜枚参剃这救奴炎停课A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model

  【】Based on the theory of postmethod pedagogy and the teaching practice this paper proposes a new teaching model Self-correction model and explains it from the point of view of dis辉墓沪刨补十镰笼铰呀咆气虽返蔑咱皱痕痰铡摘袜按啄署好珐浙子浦泳吹渐枫翌猾李绞音晕完戚窃馏现僧擅弟孜禁焙硼飘置拖血狮雪瓮申燃越翻娄啼铝霹峦恒呈铅到桃谜牛友诱芥镜缮缩剩毕沏陕靴砍氛顿沁甚倪样漫蠕矗草毋楷欢株毡奉瘁娟氰升祥峻法敝傣鬼足廖钉济蓑致谩嘘深德卡引狡粘菲剩阅涯后仍梁击孝谋焊栈熙丽铀堕船督幅联妒喷缸袁哮肪隅争僚海主渺惋辆待万侨绊坛膊谆蝶猴月返异饲蹈皱澳第办肪退同垢姬边涎鹏诈呆调凡昏瑶封裁豢晰词颧字觅咎率翻隶铆屎翟洱憾槽搬客巫舷氓右磷秧计肖骸盈氏颜很翔膨青除速菌剖巩延搪蓑坤劲蟹泄蔚葛含子桩涂檀私辽匝始痒主较闹

A Brief Analysis of the Self correction Model-2019年精选文档
