
发布时间:2020-01-24 15:46:30


.The Terminal幸福终点站



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

1 figured out be forced to backed up with

have no choice show up

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words spoken by Viktor.

(1) You have choose.


(2) I'm afraid from Wolf mans, afraid from sharks.

of men of

(3) He say he bring the medicine for his father. This why he go to Canada.

said brought This is went

(4) He did not know he need this document. No one say to him he need document form.

needed said needed

(5) Amelia, you know what Napoleon give to Josephine when he win Bavaria?

do you gave won

(6) He wait month, week, year.

waited months, weeks, years

(7) Your friend do this for me? Why he do this for me?

did Why did he do this for me?

(8) I think I want go New York City.

want to go to

3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) 我的梦中情人

(2) 他找到了挣钱的方法

(3) 三缺一

(4) 私下付他现金的

(5) 保持低调




二、The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

Red: He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, from what I hear.

Andy: He's got scams you haven't evendreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. A river of dirty money running through here.

Red: Sooner or later, he'll have to explain where it came from.

Andy: That's where I come in. I channel it. Filter it. Funnel it. Stocks,securities, tax-free municipals. I send it out into the real world, and when it comes back...

Red: Clean as a virgin's honey pot, huh?

Andy: Cleaner.By the time Norton retires, I'll have made him a millionaire.

Red: If they ever catch on, he'll wind up in here wearing a number himself.

Andy: I thought you had morefaith in me than that.

Red: I know you're good, but all that paper leaves a trail. Now anybody gets curious, FBI, IRS, whatever. It'll lead to somebody.

Andy: Sure it is, but not to me, and certainly not to the warden.

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

(1) I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about.

(2) Truth is, I don’t want to know.

(3) Some things are better left unsaid.

(4) I’d like to think they were singing about something so beautiful it can’t be expressed in words and it makes you heartache because of it I tell you.

(5) Those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dream.

(6) Their feathers are just too bright.

(7) I think it the excitement only a free man can feel.

(8) I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand.

3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) 强者救赎自己,圣人普度他人。

(2) 希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝。

(3) 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以让你自由。

(4) 监狱里的高墙实在是很有趣。刚入狱的时候,你痛恨周围的高墙;慢慢地,你习惯了生活在其中;最终你会发现自己不得不依靠它而生存。

(5) 生命可以归结为一种简单的选择要么忙于生存,要么赶着去死。




三、Forrest Gump阿甘正传



1. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film.

Gump:Whats the matter, Mama?

Mama: I’m dying, Forrest. Come on in, sit down over here.

Gump: Why are you dying, Mama?

Mama: It’s my time. It’s just my time. Now, don’t you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a part of life. Something we’re all destined to do. I didn’t know it, but I was destined to be your mama. I did the best I could.

Gump: You did well.

Mama: Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you.

Gump: What’s my destiny, Mama?

Mama: You’re going to have tofigure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you’re going to get.

Mama: I will miss you, Forrest.

2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese and try to learn them by heart.

(1) Mama always said there's an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. Where they're going, where they've been.


(2) Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.


(3)Don’t ever let anybody tell you they’re better than you. Forrest. If God intended everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs.


(4) You are no different than anybody else is.


(5) Stupid is as stupid does.


(6) Miracles happen every day.


(7)We all have a destiny. Nothing just happens, it's all part of a plan.


(8)That is the outstanding answer I‘ve ever heard.


(9) A promise is a promise.


(10) I am a man of my word.  


(11) There is only so much of fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.


(12) You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on.


(13)Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.


(14) I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what God gave you.


(15) Have you given any thought to your future?


(16) I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.


(17) I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but II think maybe it's both. Maybe both get happening at the same time.

我不知道,是否我们每个人都有注定的命运, 还是我们的生命中只有偶然, 就像在微风中飘……。但我想也许两者都有吧,也许两者都在同时发生着。

(18) If there is anything you need, I will not be far away.


3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and I were like peas and carrots. She taught me how to climb. Come on, Forrest, you can do it. I showed her how to dangle.

由那天开始,我们经常在一起, 珍妮和我形影不离。她教我怎么爬树,“快,福雷斯,你能做到”。我教她怎么摇摆。

(2) It was only my induction day, I was getting yelled at.


(3) Now for some reason, I fit in the army. Like one of them round pegs.


(4) We’ve been through every kind of rain there is --- little bitty stinging rain and big old fat rainrain that flew in side ways, and sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up form underneath.


(5) I played Ping-Pong even when I didn’t have anyone to play Ping-Pong with. The hospital's people said it made me look like a duck in water.


(6That’s what’s left after me saying, When I was in China on the all-America Ping Pong team, I just loved playing Ping-Pong with my Flex-O-Lite Ping Pong paddle, which everybody knows isn’t true, but Mama said it was just a little white lie, so it wasn’t hurting nobody.


(7) He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God.





四、 My Best Friend’s Wedding我最好朋友的婚礼


1. Have you seen this film? Yes/No

2. What kind of movie is it? Comedy/Drama

3. Who is the leading actress? Julia Roberts

4. What is the story about? Julianne is upset that her ex-boyfriend will marry someone and she finds that she still loves him. She decides to run over there and breaks up the marriage……

5. How does the story end? Does it have a happy ending? Julianne regrets what she has done and wishes them the best.


1. Complete the following form with what you’ve learned from the film about the message left on Julianne’s answering machine


MessageMichael is in the Drake Hotel, Chicago and he wants to talk to Julianne. He asked Julianne to call him.

2.Try to do the following exercises according to the song l say a little prayer for youin the film:

(1) What’s the routine of a woman in love like? Label the pictures according to the activities described in the song.

wake up, put on her makeup, say a prayer, comb her hair, wear a dress, run for the bus, work, have a coffee break

(2) Put the following activities in order according to the song.

put on her makeup ( 2 )wear a dress ( 5 ) comb her hair ( 4 )

wake up ( 1 ) say a prayer ( 3 ) work ( 7 ) run for the bus ( 6 )

have a coffee break ( 8 )

(3)Fill in the blanks with what you’ve learned from the song.

The moment I wake up before I put on my makeup

I say a little prayer for you whilecombing my hair, now,

And wondering what dress to wear, now,

I say a little prayer for you

(Forever) Forever, and ever, (you'll stay in my heart and I will love you)

(Forever) Forever, and ever, (we never will part. Oh, how I love you)

(Together) Together, forever , (that's how it must be. To live without you)

Would only mean heartbreak for me, ooh

I run for the bus, dear,

While riding I think of us, dear,

I say a little prayer for you

At work I just take time

And all through mycoffee break-time,

I say a little prayer for you

(Forever) Forever, and ever, (you'll stay in my heart and I will love you)

3. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film.

Not particularlywhat I came to dosplit upproud of swept uptoucheddrummingdownWonderingdance

4. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the blackbody expressions.






五、 Hachi: A Dog's Story忠犬八公的故事



1. Choose the best words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

a mystery dog, jumped out of

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words.

(1) I understand how you feel. Hachi, my friend, Parker is never coming home.

(2) Did you see what he did? I threw the ball and he brought it back with a fetch.

(3) If he's gonna fetch, he'd wait for a special reason.

(4) You know we love you, Hachi. We wanted you to stay here with us.

(5) If it's all right, could I wait with you for the next train?

(6)Hachi was found by your grandfather.

(7) If Hachi wants to wait, then Hachi should wait.

(8) The real Hachi was born in Odate, Japan in 1923.

3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) 这正是我要你做的。

(2) 昨晚我在车站发现了这个小家伙。

(3) 幸运数字

(4) 看门狗看守热狗?

(5) 出去遛、得喂它、给它洗澡,还得捡拾它的粪便。



A schoolboy reports on his hero: Hachi, his grandfather's dog. In a flashback, a puppy at a Japanese monastery is crated and sent to the US. The crate's tag tears, and when the puppy pushes his way out of the crate at the train station of a small Rhode Island town, Parker Wilson, a professor of music in nearby Providence, takes the dog home for the night. His wife isn't happy about it, but after failing to find the owner, she lets the dog stay. A Japanese friend reads the dog's tag - "Hachi" or "Eight," a lucky number. Parker can't teach the dog to fetch, but the friend explains that the dog will forge a different kind of loyalty.

Hachi sees his master off at the train station every morning and is there in the evening waiting for him when he returns from work. Parker fails to return to the train station one evening. But Hachi continues to wait at the train station every evening, day after day, year after year, no matter whether it is hot or cold or rainy or snowing. Until finally, one evening, the master finally shows up, so to speak, and takes his beloved dog Hachi with him on a special journey.


五、 Air Force One空军一号



1.Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film.

(1)Dialogue One

The First Lady: Where is my husband?

The Hijacker: He has fled. The coward chose to save himself. But one can always strike a bargain.

The First Lady: No, you listen to me. I don't know who you are or what you want... but you will never get it. He will not negotiate.

The Hijacker: Really? His wife. His daughter. A man could not live with himself. And it would be such bad politics. I think he will negotiate.

The First Lady: Oh, my God.

(2) Dialogue Two

Russian President: Now, let us be pragmatic. 50 lives mean nothing in the grand scheme.

The Vice President: Well, then, let me be equally pragmatic. Our presidenttook a great risk to come to your aid against strong opposition in both parties and among our allies. It would be politically impossible to do so again.

Russian President: If it meantsaving his life, I would gladly do it. But I would have to know for sure, and you cannot tell mehe's alive. Can you?

The Vice President: No, Mr. President, I cannot.

(3) Dialogue Three

The President of U.S: This is an emergency call from Air Force One. This is the president. Connect me to the vice-president, please.

The Operator: Who did you say is calling?

The President of U.S: This is the president.

The Operator: Yeah, right. And I'm the first lady.

The President of U.S: Don't cut me off. This is an emergency.

The Operator: Sir, the president doesn't call this particular phone number. So, whoever you are...

The President of U.S: Trace the call. Follow your standard security procedure and trace the goddamn call.

The Operator: Okay, sir. You wanna make a federal case out of this, fine by me.

2. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the following expressions.

(1) 真正的和平不是避免冲突而是伸张正义。

(2) 我们等到自己的国家受到威胁时才行动。

(3) 我知道我们没有资格庆功,谁都没有资格,找出凶手否则你们就没命。

(4) 为了安全理由我不能透露劫机者和人质的身份。

(5) 他们以为我们没胆量支持政见。



六、 Sydney White大学新生



1. Choose the proper words from the following table to fill in the blanks according to what youve learned from the film.

have met would have met step out offit insearching

outsiders bizarre unconventional dorkydorks

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words.

(1) My dad always did his best. But sometimes, a girl just needs her mom.

(2) If your mom was here, she'd know exactly what to say. She'd be so excited you're going to her school, going to join her sorority.

(3) Girl, you’re going to fit into that place like an overflow tube in a pressure tank. 

(4) I was raised by construction workers.

(5) I'm so sorry I'm not there to see you off to college.

(6) Perhaps you'll fill this box with your own memories to pass on to your daughter someday.

(7) If this is what sisterhood's all about, then I don't want any part of it.

(8) I'll be your campaign manager and I'll be with you every step of the way.

(9) It is cute and it'll be even cuter when we win.

(10) Nothing could make me prouder than that.

3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the following sentences.


(2) 不要担心,爸爸。我会每天都保持微笑的。

(3) 我妈妈去世的时候我只有九岁。就是说,我的性格形成受了父亲很大的影响。

(4) 但是由于我没有这个机会,我已经把我最美好的回忆都放到了这个盒子里。



(7) 你在大学里遇到的朋友将会成为你一生的朋友。

(8) 她妈妈为她赢了个价,但她还得靠自己的力量来当选。






七、 Freaky Friday辣妈辣妹



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

Tess’s toast:(in Tess's body):

Hi. I guess I'm gonna start the toasts.

So, three years ago, we had a really bad thing happen in our family.

We lost a father and a husband, and I didn't think we'd ever be able to get over it.

But then...

This guy next to me came into the picture.

And everybody could see I was happy again.

I was singing in the shower again.

Not well, I might add.

But I was still really worried about my kids, Anna and Harry.

Whether they'd be able to accept a new man in their life.

And now I know how Anna feels.

And what she feels is that...

No one could evertake the place of her dad...

Because he was a really great dad.

But somebody could be part of a new family.

Its own kind of cool, new, little unit.

And that for someone as special as Ryan,

that we would all just make a little room.

Anna really wanted her mom to know that.

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words spoken by Anna or Tess.

(1) Anna: You couldn't lasts one day in my high school.


(2) Anna: You're ruin my life!


(3) Tess: Why do you always have to blames him?


(4) Tess: I had some car trouble.


(5)Tess: I'm gonna be availabled on my cellphone.


(6) Anna: Oh, I just realize I have to meet my friends, and they're waiting for me.


(7)Tess: I promise there will be seriously consequences for her.


(8) Tess: Actually I could, and I would do it without get a detention..


3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the sentences.




(4) 你真的好像跟我原来认为的不一样。








八、 If You can Catch Me猫鼠游戏



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

(1) Every pilot has to have two things with him at all times: one is his airline personnel badge...... Looks just like this one here, from Pan Am. The other one is their FAA license... and that looks just like this.

(2) Do you know what would happen if the IRS found out I was driving around in a new coupe?

(3) Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

(1) Carl Hanratty: Sometimes it's easier live in the lie.

to live

(2) I did it all before my 19 birthday.


(3) The banks didn't know what is happening till last week.


(4) I'd like you take a look at something for me.

to take

(5) These people have been embarrass, Frank. They're angry.


3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) 假冒泛美航空公司的飞行员

(2) 追究你的责任

(3) 贷款

(4) 拒绝了你的贷款(请求)

(5) 冒充代课教师

(6) ()离婚

(7) 落井下石

(8) 总的来看;无论如何




The Bourne Identity谍影重重

【资料查询】1. 2.答案开放

3. The following is the summary of the plot, please fill in the gaps with the words given in the table:

action spy film stars directed adapted released floating fishermen bullets microfilm hip reconstruct

visits opens currencies offers realized skills

4. Give the correct order according to what you’ve learned from the movie. Assign to students one number and ask each student to describe what happens in the scene.

Bourne gets well ( 1 ) On bridge No.9 ( 12 )

at the bank ( 2 ) 1 gun and 6 passports ( 3 )

drive to Paris ( 6 ) at the farmhouse ( 10 )

a German woman ( 4 ) escape from embassy ( 5 )

hotel Regina ( 9 ) change the hairstyle ( 8 )

the apartment ( 7) phone in (11)

I find you ( 14 ) treadstone project ( 13 )

(1) One unconscious man is rescued by fishermen in the sea and later he gets well suffering from amnesia. (2) He visits a bank in Switzerland.(3)He opens the safe deposit box and finds several passports, many paper currencies and a handgun.(4)He meets a German woman named Marie Kreutzat the U.S. embassy. (5) Facing the captors who attack him, he escapes from embassy. ( 6 )He offers the German woman $20,000 to drive him to the address in Paris on his French driving license.(7)They arrive at the address, an apartment, where some findings are made in the process when he makes a few calls. Someone jumps out of a window to his death. They escape and begin to investigate "John Michael Kane". (8)Forced into hiding, Maria changes her hairstyle with his help. (9)They go to hotel Regina for clues. (10) For seeking refuge, they go to French countryside and stay with Maria’s friend. (11)The assassin reveals their mutual connection to Treadstone before dying.  He calls Conklin using the assassin’s phone and ask for a meeting.(12)Conklin goes to the arranged meeting place but Jason refuses to meet him.(13)Facing an oversight committee, Abbot dismisses Treadstone and announces a new project. (14) Some time later, Jason finds Marie and finally they are together.


1. Choose the proper words from the table to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the movie.

(1)A street, in Switzerland

Woman: What are youlooking at?

Bourne: I heard youinside.

Woman: What?

Bourne: The consulate. I heard you talking. I thought maybe we could help each other.

Woman: How's that?

Bourne: You need money. I need a ride out of here.

Woman: I'm not running a car service just now. Thank you.

Bourne: I'll give you $10,000 todrive me to Paris.

Woman: (in French)What, do you think I'm a fool?

Bourne: (in French)You'd be a fool not to take it.

Woman: What is this, a joke? Some kind of scam?

Bourne: No, it's no scam. And I'll give you another ten when we get there.

Woman: Jesus. Is that for you?

Bourne: Look. You drive, I pay. It's that simple.

Woman: I got enough trouble, okay?

Bourne: Okay. Can I have my money back?

(2)In a restaurant

Bourne: I'm not making this up. These are real.

Marie: Okay.

Bourn: Who has a safety deposit box full of...money and six passports and a gun? Who has a bank account number in their hip? I come in here...and the first thing I'm doing is I'm catching the sight lines and looking for an exit.

Marie: I see the exit sign too. I'm not worried. I mean, you were shot. People do all kinds of weird and amazing stuff when they're scared.

Bourne: I can tell you thelicense plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed...and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs 215 pounds and knows how to handle himself. I know the best place to look for a gun is the cab of thegray truck outside. And at this altitude, I can run flat-out for a half mile before my hands start shaking. Now why would I know that? How can I know that and not know who I am?

(3)Operator from the phone

Bourne: Uh, yeah. Hello? Hello?

Operator: Yes, sir. Hotel Regina, Paris. How may I direct your call?

Bourne: Yeah. You're in Paris?

Operator: Yes, sir.

Bourne: I'm looking for a, uh, a guest there. Uh, Jason Bourne.

Operator: One moment, please.

Bourne: Thank you.

Operator: I'm afraid I have no one by that nameregistered, sir.

Bourne: Uh, okay. Uh, thank you. Uh, wait. No, no, no. Uh, are you there? Hello?

Operator: Sir?

Bourne: Uh, can you check another, uh, name for me, please? Uh, bear with me one second. Uh, uh, John Michael Kane. Kane with a "K".

Operator: One moment, sir.

Bourne: Thank you.

Man: You call about Monsieur Kane? John Michael Kane?

Bourne: Uh, yeah. That's right.

Man: You are a friend of his?

Bourne: Uh, uh-huh. Yep.

Man: I have some very bad news for you, sir. I'm terribly sorry to tell you this...but Monsieur Kane haspassed away almost two weeks ago. There was an accident on the motorway. Apparently, he was killed instantly.Really. I'm terribly sorry to be the one to tell you this. When they came for his things, it was made known for us, you see?

Bourne: Who came?

Man: His brother.

Bourne: Did his, uh, brotherleave a number or a way toget in touch with him?

Man: I think not. No, I'm sorry--

(4)In Eamon's house

Marie: Morning.

Eamon: Christ, you're up early. Bless you formaking coffee. One night. Youweren't kidding.

Marie: For a change.

Girl: He's not there either.

Eamon: And you looked by the car?

Girl: He's not anywhere.

Eamon: All right, let me get dressed.

Bourne: Who?

Eamon: Bloody dog's gone missing.

Bourne: Does that happen a lot?

Eamon: What? That mutt? Miss his breakfast? Not a chance. It's always something, right?

Bourne: Get in the basement.

Eamon: What?

Bourne: Get everyone in the basement.

Eamon: What the hell are you talking about?

Bourne: You'rein danger. Your family's in danger. I don't have time to explain.

Eamon: Wait a minute. What

Marie: Eamon, you should go.

Eamon: What the hell have you done?

Bourne: It's not her. It's me. You need to get out of sight and in the basement as quick as you can.

Girl: Daddy.

Bourne: I'm sorry.

Eamon: Let's go.


Bourne: Where is it? Where's the weapon? Who else is out here? Who else? How many you got with you? I'm not gonna ask you again.

Assassin: I work alone, like you. We always work alone.

Bourne: What do you mean?

Assassin: Who are you? Bonn?Paris? Treadstone, both of us.

Bourne: Treadstone?

Assassin: Which one?

Bourne: Paris. I live in Paris.

Assassin: Do you still get the headaches?

Bourne: Yeah.

Assassin: I get such bad headaches. You know at night when you're driving a car? Maybe it's something to do with the headlights.

Bourne: What is Treadstone?

Assassin: Treadstone...said, "Pills--" They said, "Go to Paris."

Bourne: Is Treadstone in Paris?

Assassin: Look at this. Look at what they make you give.

2. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the following expressions.



(3) 放过这个机会。


(5) 我们准备就绪。



(8) 你没办法摆平。


(10) 我们只是照章行事



十一、Misery 危情十日



1. Choose the best words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

Annie: The rain, sometimes it gives me the blues. When you first came here, I only loved the writer part of Paul Sheldon. Now I know I love the rest of him, too. I know you don't love me, don't say you do. You're beautiful, brilliant, a famous man of the world and I'm... not a movie star type. You'll never know the fear of losing someone like you if you're someonelike me .

Paul: Why would you lose me?

Annie: Book's almost finished, your legs are getting better. Soon you'll be wanting to leave.

Paul: Why would I leave? I like it here.

Annie: That's very kind of you, but I'll bet it's not all together true.

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words spoken by Annie.

(1) Oh, Paul, I've read everything of your. I know them all by heart.


(2) It shouldn't be too much long now.


(3)It's like clockworks the way your pain come.


(4) Oh, it's ridiculous, who am I to make a criticism to someone likes you?


(5) When my husband leave me... I wasn't prepared, it wasn't an easy time


(6) What I did to getting through it was I dove into work days, nights


(7)It would take a pretty special guy to make me want walking down aisle again.

to walk

(8)It's not anything you should enter into lightly.


3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) When he has a new book coming out, he usually keeps in touch.


(2) I do have a very hard-and-fast rule as to who reads my stuff at this early stage.


(3) You'll never realize what a rare treat you've given me.


(4) You can tell me what you think it's about. Maybe you can come up with a title.


(5) I told him what had happened. He said as long as there's no infection, you 're not in any danger.


(6) Don't get me wrong. I'm not against marriage per se.


(7) It's about decency and purity. It's about God's values.


(8) How would you feel about a non-fiction book about what went on in that house?


十二、True Lies真实的谎言




3. computer birthday surprise used bug kidnap antique bridge key waiter

4. Students watch the movie and write from 1-14 to give the correct order. Assign to students one number and ask each student to describe what happens in the scene.

taking one of the Harriers ( 12 ) at Omega Sector ( 2 )

kidnap ( 9 ) to rescue Helen ( 11 )

at the party ( 1 ) fighting ( 10 )

a call from Simon ( 6 ) at the toilet ( 5 )

to plant the bug ( 8 ) at Juno Skinner’s office ( 3 )

to rescue Dana ( 13 ) a little adventure ( 7 )

Helen at home ( 4 ) a year later ( 14)



(1)At home

Harry: I'm late.

Helen: Yeah, me too. How'd it go at the convention? Make all the other salesmen jealous?

Harry: It was fantastic. You wouldn't believe it. You should have been there. We were the big hit of the show. With that new model ordering system, the 680 I told you about......

I can write up an order and immediately...

as soon as the customer's name comes up, you see what his credit line is...

what he has ordered in the past, what discount he has gotten. Every little detail.

Helen: Sounds great.

Harry: It's fantastic. That's why I love the computer business.

Helen: Listen, the plumber called. He says he has to dig under the slab or something that's gonna cost $600.

Harry: That's okay.

Helen: It's not okay. It'sextortion.

(2)In the interrogation room

Mrs: I guess I needed something.

Mr: What did you need?

Mrs: I needed to feel alive, I just wanted to do something outrageous, and it felt really good to be needed, and to be trusted, and to be special.

It's just that there's so much I wanted to do with this life, and it's like I haven't done any of it.

And the sand's running out of the hourglass.

And I just wanted to be able to look back and say,"See? I did that! I was reckless and I was wild and I fucking did it.

(3) In the island

Aziz: Do you know what this is?

Harry: I know what this is.

This is anespresso machine.

It's a snow cone maker. That's what it is.

Is it a water heater?

Aziz: Do you know why you've been brought here? So that this man can verify to the world......the Crimson Jihad is now anuclear power.

Helen: How can he do that? He's just a salesman, for Christ's sake.

Aziz: If I'm wrong about him, the last thing you'll see...will be your blood spraying across his face.

Harry: It's a Soviet MIRV-6 from an SS-22 air launch vehicle. The warhead contains 14.5 kilograms of enriched uranium...and a plutonium trigger. The nominal yield is 30 kilotons.

Harry: What can I say? I'm a spy.

(4)In the detention room I

Helen: What did they give you?

Harry: Sodium Amytal, or some othertruth agent.

Helen: It makes you tell the truth?

Helen: Is it working?

Harry: Ask me a question that I normally wouldlie to.

Helen: Are we gonna die?

Harry: Yep.

Helen: I'd say it's working.

Harry: They're gonna shoot us in the head, or they're gonnatorture us to death...

or they're gonna leave us here and let the bomb...

Helen: How long have you been a spy?

Harry: Seventeen years.

Helen: Have you everkilled anyone?

Harry: Yeah, but they were all bad.

(5)In the detention room II

Samir: Is thereanything you want to tell me before we start?

Harry: Yeah. I'm going to kill you pretty soon.

Samir: I see. How, exactly?

Harry: First, I'm going to use you as a human shield. Then I'm going to kill this guard over there...with the Patterson trocar on the table. And then I was thinking about breaking your neck.

And what makes you think you can do all that?

Harry: You know myhandcuffs? I picked them.


Harry: Let's get out of here.

2. 参考译文











十三、Life Of Pi少年派的奇幻漂流



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

(1) At Pi’s house

Pi: Which story do youprefer?

Writer: The one with the tiger.

Pi: And so it goes with God.

(2) In the street

Pi: Religion is a house with many rooms.

— Writer: But no room for doubt?

Pi: Oh yes! On every floor.

(3) At Pi’s house

Writer: So you were raised in a zoo

Pi: Born and raised in Pondicherry, in what wasthe French part of India.

(4) In the zoo

Pi: I just wanted to say hello to him.

Father: You think tiger is your friend? He is an animal, not a playmate.

Pi: Animals have souls. I have seen it in their eyes.

Father: Animals are animals. When you look into his eyes, you are seeing your own emotions reflected back at you.

2. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1)It was a time filled with wonder that I'll always remember.


(2)All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.


(3) Animal and person have substantial distinction, forget that some people will die.


(4)When you understand life and self are not used to overcome but to get along!


(5)You will understand some things although not reasonable, but you must believe, they are not strong, you must rely on!


(6)Don't be deceived by these things and scenery, children, the society is very complicated.


(7)Pi: By the end of that day, I was Pi Patel, school legend.


(8)Science can teach us more about what is out there, but not what is in here.


(9) — When I was beyond all hopes of saving, God was watching. He gave me rest, then gave me a sign to continue my journey.



(10) — It's the plain truth: without Richard Parker, I wouldn't be alive today to tell you my story.





十四、King Kong金刚



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

(1)At the bank

--Carl Denham: 2000 is a deal. Will youtake a check?

-- Captain Englehorn: Do I have a choice?

(2)In the ship

--Carl Denham: I keep telling you, Jack, there's no money in theater. That's why you should stick with film.

-- Jack Driscoll: No Carl, I love theater.

-- Carl Denham: No you don't. If youreally loved it, you would've jumped.

2. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) --Captain Englehorn: That's the thing about cockroaches. No matter how many times you flushed them down the toilet, they always crawl back up the bowl.


(2) --Carl Denham: We're going to finish this movie, dedicate this movie to him and give the profits to his wife and kids.


(3) -- Carl Denham: Monsters belong in B movies.


(4)--Carl Denham: Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes; it was beauty killed the beast.


(5) -- Carl Denham: And look, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And beauty stayed his hand. And from that day on, he was as one dead.


(6) --Ann Darrow: Good thing never last ,Mr Denham.


(7)--Carl Denham: I’m really good at crapping the crappers.


(8) -- Ann Darrow: I’m not in the habit of accepting charity from strangers.


(9) -- Ann Darrow: I’m a huge fan.


(10)--Carl Denham: Don’t be alarmed. It’s perfectly safe.





十五、Night at the Museum博物馆之夜



1. Choose the proper words to fill in the blanks according to what you’ve learned from the film.

1 stop the train Now stop whining full speed ahead

2. Find out and correct the mistakes in the following words.

(1) You're an old man, I don't want to fight you.

(2) Let's all laugh at me, the comedy night guard

(3) Good Lord, Lawrence! Why are you slapping a monkey? 去掉at

(4) I told you three times. You can't come through this door with those antlers.

(5) Some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them.

(6) Anything's possible, Lawrence. If it can be dreamed, it can be done.

(7) This is not worth $11.50 an hour!

(8) I'm not a giant, guys, alright? You guys are really little.去掉a

3. Try to guess the Chinese meanings of the underlined expressions.

(1) 你会整夜哭诉拉里叔叔骗了你,是吗?

(2) 好吧。各位,让我们行动起来吧。动物们…和古怪无脸的木偶人们。

(3) 现在别哭了,像个男人一样接受吧。

(4) 你们都是一家人,看在上帝的份上,别打了。北方赢了,蓄奴制不好,抱歉。不想打破你们的幻想……

(5) 这些马经过训练,没有口令什么也不能让它们停下来。



When an unemployed divorced loser father Larry Daley is hired as night watchman at the Museum of Natural History, he soon discovers that an ancient curse brings all the exhibits to life after the sun sets. Suddenly, Larry finds himself face-to-face with a frisky T. rex skeleton, tiny armies of Romans and cowboys and a mischievous monkey who taunts him to the breaking point. But with the big help of President Teddy Roosevelt, Larry may just figure out a way to control the chaos and become a hero in his son's eyes. Then when the three other evil night watchmen steal the tablet Larry must restore order to the museum before all the historic characters turn to dust!

He fights back, successfully saves the museum and starts a new career as an inverter.


