安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Reading English and its history导学案01 牛津译林版必修3

发布时间:2020-03-22 00:43:28

安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 Unit2 Language Reading English and its history导学案01 牛津译林版必修3

【课堂用语】(大声朗读三遍):His handwriting is beautiful. 他的书写很美观。


预习内容及目标: 1. 打开课本P23页,借助工具书弄清文章大意,扫除单词障碍 2. 熟读P2324行至P23末尾的课文

晨读课】 熟读P23的单词及课文。


(一)学习内容: M3 Unit 2 Language Reading: English and its history 课时

()学习主题:1. 能够听懂并熟读P22-23文章。 2. 了解文章大意并掌握英语古英语到现代英语的发展

() 定向导学·互动展示

Self-study & Self-exploration

Cooperation & Exploration

Show & Improvement

Conclusion & Summarization


内容·学法·时间 15′


内容·形式·时间 23


内容·形式·时间 22′




导生导学: 带读P23生单词。


亲爱的同学,昨天我们已经学习了Old English(古英语),那你们知道Middle English和 Modern English



请同学们带着step1 的问题





Line40中的make contributions to意思是为……做贡献的意思。

E.g.:We should make contributions to our country.

我们还知道一些关于“make contributions to”的拓展contribute to……


Step 3:回顾,知识梳

亲爱的同学们我们已经学完了这一课了,请同学们将课本翻到P23下方的Reading strategy(阅读策略),阅读一个历史文章,我们需要特别注意的是日期,年度,和事件。请同学们运用阅读策略来梳理整个Reading 英语发展历程吧,右边随堂笔记处step3的表格将会帮助你,认真填一填吧!

Step 4:诵读,读出感情,培养语感


Pair Work:(8)

1. 与你的合作对子交流讨论P23出现的新单词。



2. 选择四人相互

间一人提问,相互讨论并回答step 1里的问题 可以相互提问。

Group Work of Five:(5


Team Work of Ten:(10)


1. 组长带领组员整理本组成员找到的单词、短语及句子。说说他们的意思、用法 ,并给出例句。

2. 板书重点单词、短语句子,注意充分利用小黑板和板书速度。








1. Who made the greatest contribution to the development from Old English to middle English?

2.Why are many of the words for animals different from those for meat in English?

3.What did we call English from around the 12th to the 15th centuries?

4. When did Modern English appear?

Step 2:

Step 3:



Before the middle of 5th century

At the end of 9th century

By the 10th century

In 1066

By the latter half of the 14th century

In 1399

During the Renaissance in the 16th century


【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成


姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期:

一、基础题 同义句转换:

1.It is said that the new Chinese panda coin is made up of 99.9% gold.

It is said that the new Chinese panda coin _________ ________ 99.9% gold.

2. Old English is different from the English we speak nowadays.

Old English ________ ________ the English we speak nowadays.

3. Robots will replace people in the factory.

Robots will ________ ________ ________ ________ people in the factory.

4.She is certain to pass the exam.

____________ ___________ ________ that he can pass the exam.

5. Hard work leads to success while failure often lies in laziness.

Hard work ________ ________ success while failure often lies in laziness.

二、发展题 单项选择

1. Eating too much fat can ______ heart trouble and cause high blood pressure.

A. result from B. attend to C. contribute to D. devote to

2. In some countries, ______ is called “equality”does not really mean equal rights for all people.

A. which B. what C. that D. one

3. — How do you find the film?

— ______. You see, it was real effort to stay awake through it.

A. Very well B. By chance C. Just so so D. Great

4. Since new China was founded, people’s life expectancy has risen ______ 13 years.

A. to B. by C. for D. /

三、提高题 阅读理解

Everyone has many different relationships. Some relationships are with family members, some are with friends and some are love relationships. Each relationship is different, and all relationships change over time as the people within them grow and develop. Most relationships contain a combination of healthy and unhealthy characteristics.

Healthy relationships have certain characteristics. Each partner feels whole without the other even though the two people enjoy being together. They communicate effectively and honestly. In a healthy relationship, both partners accept the other as he or she is. There are no unrealistic expectations or attempts to control the other person. In healthy relationships, changes on both sides are recognized and appreciated. Both partners have established healthy, comfortable limits based on their own standards. There is a balance between togetherness and separate lives of each partner.

Some relationships may contain unhealthy characteristics. One person may expect his or her partner to fulfill all their needs. One or both partners may be jealous and demand complete devotion. The desire to control others is another unhealthy characteristic. There may be a tendency to dominate the other person and the relationship. Selfishness may be a part of an unhealthy relationship. Those who are selfish only take care of their own comfort, pleasure and interest excessively but without regard for others. The last characteristic that may exist in unhealthy relationships is abuse, which involves emotional and physical mistreatment.

When unhealthy characteristics exist within a relationship, partners may choose to work toward making the relationship healthier. However, both partners must be willing to make efforts to overcome the negative characteristics of the relationship. Counseling services within schools and communities help families and couples strengthen their relationships. When problems within a relationship are not surmounted, one or both partners may decide to end the relationship.

1.From the first paragraph we can conclude that ______.

A. people live among many kinds of relationships B. some relationships remain the same over time

C. there are various definitions of relationships D. there are some similarities and differences between different relationships

2. All of the following are the characteristics of healthy relationships EXCEPT _________.

A. a balance between togetherness and separate lives of each partner B. proper limits based on standards of both partners

C. attempts to control the other person if possible D. a kind of honest and effective communication

3.The underlined word “surmounted” in the last paragraph probably means “________”.

A. discovered B. caused C. valued D. overcome

4. From the passage, which of the followings is most likely to make the relationships end?

A. Being jealous and selfish B .Demanding complete devotion

C .The existence of the unhealthy and unbalanced relationships D. Unwilling to make efforts to overcome the unhealthy relationships

5.The best title for this passage is “________”.

A. How Unhealthy Characteristics Influence Relationships B. What Healthy Relationships and Unhealthy Relationships Are

C. How People Benefit from Healthy Relationships D. What Makes a Relationship Healthy

【学生自主反思】(精题选编, 错题纠正, 今日一得等)



【培辅课】(时段: 附培辅单)



安徽省铜都双语学校高中英语 Unit2 Language Reading English and its history导学案01 牛津译林版必修3
