
发布时间:2019-05-05 17:47:11




ispentthissummervacationinquiteadifferentway iusedtorunabouteverydayinprevious

summervacations ,

butthissummervacationisimplycouldnotaffordtodosoc i

ndthissumm ervacation wastheidea ltimeforme todothiso a tfirstiwas ratherdism ayedatthet houghtofth is, butlate rithoughti twasbetter thiswaybec ausebywork inghardthi ssummerico uldcounton

endlessh appysummer stoe witht hisinmindi thensettow orklikeany thingandon lyoccasion allywentou tforachang eordidsome physical i wasnotatal lboredbyth iskindofli fe , foriwas sustainedb yahopeo


《我的暑假mySu mmerHolida y

Summer holidayisi ng Iamgoin gtodomanyt hingsthatl wanttodo F orexampie , firstlwill

jionasocce rclub, beca usellikepl ayingsocce r Duringth esummerhol iday, Iwa nt topractice more to impr ovemyskill sSecondlw illgotomyg randma^ sho use, becaus elmissherv erymucho Iw anttostayw ithherfors everaldays Lastlwill helpmymoth erdosomeho useworko Sh ewasreally tiredwhenl wasgotosch ool Except fortakingc areofme, sh ealsohasto worko There fore, I want tohelpheri ntheholida yswhatwil lyoudoonSu mmerHolida y?

暑假就要到来了,我打算做一些我想做的事。比如说, 首先我要参加一个足球俱乐部,因为我喜欢踢足球。暑假 期间,我想多练习以提高我的技术。其次,我要去奶奶家, 因为我很想念她。我想和她待几天。最后,我会帮我妈妈 做些家务。我去学校的时候她真的很累。除了要照顾我之 外,她还要工作。因此,我想在假期帮忙她。暑假你会做 些什么呢? 暑假计划英语作文(三):

howispe ntmysummer vacation

summercanb everyhotin southernta iwanwheret hetemperat ureusually goesupto32 "connote b ecauseofth eheatitisa tryingexpe riencetogo

toschoolor doanything elseinapla cethatisno tair- condi tionedo als obecauseof thisistaya thomemosto fthetimedu ringthesum mervacatio nandonlyoc

casionally gotothebea chtoplunge myselfinto

thecoolwat erasawayto keepmybody lesssticky actually! likeswimmi ngandthink nothingism orerefresh

edmuchbene fitfromthi sarrangeme nto


《暑假来了! SummerH olidaylsco ming

The summerholi dayisingo Imgoingtoh aveagoodre

Iwillt rytospendm oretimeinc hattingwit hmyparents

okingforwa rdtoito

暑假即将来临,我打算好好休息放松一下自我。我要 读很多有用的书籍,不仅仅搞笑而且能使我学到知识的书 籍。我将尝试花时光同父母交流,帮他们做家务。我将参 加社会活动,以便更好地了解社会。如果可能,我将去厦 门旅游。我想这个暑假必须十分搞笑,并且有好处,我很 期盼。


《我的暑假mySumm erHoliday

mysummer holidaybeg unonjuly7t h Ilovesum

atchTVinth eafternoon athomebeca useit'sver yhotoutsid e Andinthe evening , Ig oswimmingw ithmyfamil yandthenha ngoutwithm yfriends I loveswimmi ngverymuch

我的暑假77日开始。我喜欢暑假,因为我不用去 学校,能够和朋友玩。我经常在上午做作业,下午在家看 电视,因为外面很热。傍晚,我和家人去游泳然后和朋友 去逛街。我很喜欢游泳。

m yplanforAu gustistrav ellingo Itr avelwithmy

etothemwhe nthejourne yendso

我八月份的计划是去旅游。我每个暑假都和家人去旅 游。我喜欢旅游是因为我能够去不一样的地方认识不一样 的人。有时候我在旅途中交到了好朋友。旅途结束和他们 告别的时候我觉得很难过。


how ispentmysu mmervacati on

thesum mervacatio nhaderound again iwas

happythati couldforge taboutscho olatleastf orawhileo
1 estifoolar oundallthr oughthissu mmervacati on, imadeap lanastohow tospenditfirst, itho ughtishoul

eilivedupt owhatihadp lannedo

