
发布时间:2018-07-01 05:40:26




Simth(A)---______ Yoyo(B)--- ______


A: Good morning, Atlantis Shipping Co, How can I help you?

A: 您好,这里是亚特兰蒂斯船舶公司,我能为您做什么吗?

B: Good morning, I’m Yoyo, export manager of Beijing Trading Company. Recently, we received an order for some tea sets. I’d like to know something about chartering a vessel.

B: 您好,我是北京贸易公司出口部经理悠悠,最近我们接到了一笔茶具订单,我们希望了解一些租用运输工具的事宜。

A: It’s essential to choose the right modes of transportation. Because of the type of purchase, we suggest chartering sea transportation. It’s cheap and of high effective.

A: 选择合适的运输方式是关键。由于你方货物的性质,我们建议您使用水路运输方式。水路运输经济而高效。

B: Sounds good. But the goods are very fragile, so that containers must be suitable for sea-voyage.

B: 这听起来不错。但由于我方货物属于易碎品,所以集装箱必须能够经得起海航行。

A: We suggest Seaworthy Container. It will protect goods from any possible damage, but it will also add your cost.


B: Money is secondary. To ensure that they are just in time for Christmas sales, we need a mode of transportation faster than shipment.

B: 钱是次要的,但是为了能够赶上圣诞销售季,我们需要一种比水运更快的运输方式。

A: How about chartering an aircraft? It’s faster but more expensive.

A: 那么使用航空运输可以吗?空运速度更快但花费较高。

B: Great! But please make sure they are protected from rough handing.

B: 很好!但是请避免货物遭受暴力装卸。

A: You can depend on us, our service has been approved by foreign clients.

A: 请您放心,我们的服务已得到了许多外国客户的认可。

B: Can you let me know your freight charges?

B: 请告诉我你公司怎样收取运费

A: We calculate charges based on size, weight and value and sometimes risk.

A: 我们按照货物的大小、重量、价值和风险计算运费。

B: Thank you very much.

B: 十分感谢。

A: You are welcome.

A: 不用谢。

