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Lesson 1

你好,宝宝! 你好,毛毛! Hello, Baobao! Hello, Maomao!
I ’m Miss 大家好,我是王老师。 Hello, boys and girls! Wang. 王老师好。 Hello, Miss Wang.

hello 你好 a boat 一条船 a coat 一件外套

你好,你好,我们走吧。 Hello, hello, let ’s go.

带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Take your coat, let ’s go.

let ’s go. 到我的船上,我们走吧。 Hello, hello, let ’s go. To my boat,
Lesson 2

嗨! 我是玲玲。 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? Hi! I ’m Lingling.

My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello! I ’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字 a gate 一个门 a cake 一个蛋糕 a lake 一个湖 Kate, Kate, at the gate. 凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake, cake, by the lake. 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。

Kate is looking at her cake. 凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson 3 Hello, Maomao! Hi, Guoguo! Hello! what’s your name? My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。
一只脚,一只脚, good wood木材 a foot 一只脚 A foot, a foot,
A foot is on the wood. 一只脚放在木头上。

木头,木头, The wood, the wood,

木头在脚下。 The wood is under the foot.

Lesson 4

1页,共 10
起立 Stand up, please.

坐下 Sit down, please.

Put up your hands, please. Please put down your hands. Hello 歌词 Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? I ’m fine. I ’m fine. 我很好。

I hope that you are, too. Lesson 5



Good morning Miss Wang! 早上好,王老师。 Hi, boys and girls! Good afternoon, bays and girls!

下午好,李老师。 Good afternoon, Mr. Li!

一辆自行车 hi a kite 一只风筝 a bike
我有一辆自行车, I have a bike, 我喜欢我的自行车。 I like my bike.

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I have a kite, 我有一只风筝,
I like my kite. 我喜欢我的风筝。

Lesson 6

Good evening, Grandpa! 晚上好,爷爷。

Good evening, Lingling! Good night, Lingling! 晚安,玲玲。

Good night, Grandpa! evening 晚上 a bee 一只蜜蜂
a key 一把钥匙a knee 膝盖What do you see? 你看到了什么? I see a key on his knee. 我看到他膝盖上的一把钥匙 What do you see? 你看到了什么? I see a bee on his knee. 我看到他膝盖上的一只蜜蜂。 Lesson 7

morning, Maomao! 早上好 Good
morning, Mum! Good
evening, Dad! Good
evening, Maomao! dad 爸爸 a bag 一个包 a cat 一个猫 A
cat, a fat cat, 一只猫,一只肥猫,

A bag, a black bag, 一个包,一个黑包, A fat cat in a black bag. 一只肥猫在一个黑包里。

Lesson 8

Please open your books.

Close your books, please. Please read after me. Again, Please. Good morning 歌词

Good Morning To You!
早上好 Good Morning To You!
早上好 We are all in our places,
我们已各就各位 with sunshiny faces.

带着阳光般的笑脸 Good Morning To You!
早上好 Good Morning To You! 早上好 Lesson 9

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2页,共 10

3页,共 10


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Good morning, Guoguo! How are you?
早上好,果果。你好吗? I ’m fine,
Thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 Goodbye, Guoguo! 再见,果果!

Goodbye, Maomao! goodbye 再见 a cook 一个厨师
a book 一本书 A cook, a cook,
一个厨师,一个厨师, A cook has a book.
一个厨师有一本书。 A book,
a book, The book is a cookbook. 这本书是一本菜谱 / 食谱。 Lesson

Good evening, Guoguo,
晚上好,果果。 How are you today?
你今天过得怎么样? Fine, thank you, Mum.
很好,谢谢你,妈妈。 Hi, Grandma, How are you today? 嗨,奶奶,你今天好吗?
I ’m fine, and you? 我很好,你呢?

I ’m fine, too. 我也很好。 mum

a cup 一个杯子 a nut 一个坚果 a hut 一个小屋A nut, a nut, 一个坚果,一个坚果,

A nut is on a cup. 一个坚果在杯子上。

A cup, a cup, 一个坚果,一个坚果,

A cup is in a hut. 一个杯子在一个小屋里。

Lesson 11

Good afternoon, boys and girls!
下午好,男孩和女孩们! How are you, Miss Wang?
你好吗,王小姐? Oh, I ’m fine.

哦,我很好。 Thank you. 谢谢您 .

Goodbye, boys and girls!

Bye-bye, Kate! 再见,凯特!

you a UFO a uniform 一件制服 I have a uniform. 我有一个制服。 You have a uniform.你有一个制服。
We all have uniforms.
我们都有制服。 Lesson 12

Please come here. 请过来。 Go back to your seat, please. 请回到你的座位上。
Next, please. 下一个。

How Are You 你好吗?

歌词 Hello, Peter! 你好,彼得!

Hello, Mary! 你好,玛丽! How are you? 你好吗?

How are you? 你好吗?

Hello, Yangyang!


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4页,共 10

5页,共 10


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Hello, Lingling! 你好,玲玲! How are you? How are you?

I am fine, 我很好,
我很好。 I am fine.
Thank you. Thank you.

I am fine, I am fine. Thank you. Thank you.

Lesson 13

6页,共 10
妈妈,这是我的好朋友,果果。 Mum, this is my friend, Guoguo.

阿姨好! Hi, Auntie!

Hello, Guoguo!

Guoguo, this is Lala.

Hi, Guoguo! Hi, Lala!

my我的 eyes 眼睛 晚安 , night 晚上 Good night,

睡个好觉。 Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。 Good night, 晚安 , Sleep tight.
Lesson 14 Hi,Maomao! Hi,Lala! This is Kate. Hi,Kate!

拉拉,很高兴遇见你。 Nice to meet you, Lala. 认识你我也很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too.

too the moon月亮 a spoon 一个勺子

I see the moon, 我看到月亮 , Like a big spoon. 像一个大勺子。

I see the moon, 我看到月亮 ,

spoon. 像一个银勺子。 Like a silver

Lesson 15 Hi, little fish! This is my friend, Lala. 嗨,小鱼儿!这是我的朋友,拉拉。
嗨, Lala !我是莉莉。 Hi, Lala! I ’m Lily.

too. 认识你我 莉莉,很高兴遇见你。 Nice to meet you, Lily. Nice to meet you,
也很高兴。 Lily 莉莉 a dish 一个盘子 a fish 一条鱼 Fish, fish, in my dish. 鱼,鱼,在我的盘子里。

鱼,鱼,美味的鱼。 Fish, fish, yummy fish.

Lesson 16 7 页,共 10 Who will try? 谁会试试

让我试试 我会的 Let me try. I will.

很高兴见到你 歌词 Nice to meet you

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我失去了我的朋友,我该怎么办? I lost my friend, what shall I do?
I lost my friend, what shall I do? Oh!

很高兴见到你,我的好朋友! Nice to meet you, my good friend!

Nice to meet you, my good friend! Lesson 17

我可以唱 我可以跳舞 I can sing I can dance

我可以跳 我可以跑 can jump I can run I

我能飞 我可以放风 can fly I can fly a kite I


我会游泳 can ride a bike 我能骑自行车 I can swim I
dance 跳舞 a star 一颗星 a car 小汽车

一闪,一闪,小星星 twinkle, little star. Twinkle, 我想知道你是什么 you are! How I wonder what

Lesson 18

Can you play ping-pong? 你会打乒乓球吗?

Let ’s play ping-pong. 我会啊。我们打乒乓球吧。 Yes, I can.
我会游泳,你会游泳吗? can swim, Can you swim? I

我不行。我们出去玩吧 No, I cant. Let ’s go out and play.

mouse一只老out 在外 出去 a a house 一所房子 Little mouse, little mouse. 小老鼠,小老鼠。

of you house. 请走出你的房子。 Please come out

Lesson 19

8 页,共 10
can read, Can you read, Bird? 我可以读,你会读,那只鸟吗?

我会啊。让我们来读一读这本书。 can. Let ’s read this book. Yes, I

Can you draw? 你会画画吗?

我会啊。让我们画一只鸟。 Yes, I can. Let ’s draw a bird.

一条裙子 a bird 一只鸟 a girl 一个女孩 a skirt

Big bird, big bird, 大鸟,大鸟

带回我的裙子。 Bring back my skirt.

小女孩,小女孩 Little girl, Little girl,

Here is your skirt. 这是你的裙子。 well done 做得好 good job 干得好 good for you 对你有好处 Lesson 21 Merry Christmas to you! 祝你圣诞快乐!

圣诞快乐! Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, dear Santa! 圣诞快乐,亲爱的圣诞老人! Merry Christmas to you! 祝你圣诞快乐! Dear 敬爱的 a beard 胡子 a deer 一只鹿 ears 耳朵 A deer, a deer, 一只鹿,一只鹿

一只鹿有两只耳朵 A deer has two ears.

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一只鹿,一只鹿 A deer, a deer,

鹿没有胡子。 A deer has no beard.

Lesson 22

新的一年,快乐,鲍勃叔叔 Happy New Year, Uncle Bob! 9页,共 10

祝你新年快乐,果果! Happy New year to you, Guoguo!

新年快乐,王老师! Happy New Year, Miss Wang!

新年快乐,孩子们! Happy New Year, kids!

Bob 鲍勃 a dog 一狗 a box 一个盒子

亲爱的狗In 亲爱的狗, Dear dog, dear dog, the box is a hot dog. 盒子里有

亲爱的狗, 亲爱的狗。 Dear dog, dear dog, You can have the hot dog. 你可
以吃了这个热狗。 Lesson 23

新年快乐,海伦姑妈! Happy Chinese New Year, Aunt Helen!

谢谢你,你也一样。 Thank you. The same to you.

新年快乐,玲玲 Happy Chinese New Year, Lingling!

你也一样。 The same to you.

Helen 海伦 a bed 一个床 a pen 一支钢笔

宠物,宠物,在我的床上。 Pet, pet, get on my bed.

宠物,宠物, 从我的床上下来。 Pet, pet, get off my bed.

宠物,宠物, 看见钢笔了吗? Pet, pet, see the pen 宠物,宠物, 找到那支钢笔。 Pet, pet, get the pen.

请把作品交上来。 Hand in your work, please.

下课了,明天见。 Class is over, see you tomorrow.

Happy new year 新年快乐 歌词 Happy new year, happy new year,

祝大家新年快乐 happy new year to you all.

我们唱歌 我们跳舞 we are singing, we are dancing.

happy new year to you all.

Word 可修 1 ×

10 页,共 10
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