
发布时间:2018-10-10 03:49:13


Oral English Test (Level A, May. 2017)


This test is to test your ability to express yourself clearly and plainly. There are two parts in the test. Part one is to test your ability to pronounce correctly and fluently. Part two is to test your ability to communicate with others in an appropriate way. All the test materials are based on what you learnt in Unit 1-5 of the textbook. You could practice in advance in order to improve your oral English performance.

Part I Reading Aloud

Directions: Read aloud a part from Text A chosen at random by your teacher. The paragraph(s) may be selected from any part of Text A from Unit 1 to Unit 5, Book 2. Read the paragraph(s) clearly and fluently. Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation and rhythm.

Part II Conversations

Directions: There are 6 situations listed below. You could prepare all of the 6 situations in advance. When sitting for the exam, you are asked to choose one of the situations by drawing lots. Read the chosen situation carefully prepare with your partner within 10 minutes. Then, you and your partner are required to make an appropriate conversation based on the situation without referring to any written material.

Situation 1: Career

Do you have any plan for your future career development? Tell about it

What is important for career success?

(Please refer to Text A&B of Unit 1, Book 2)

Situation 2: Human Relationships

Tell about your relationships with your family or your friends.

How to build up and maintain good relationships with people around you?

(Please refer to Text A&B of Unit 3, Book 2)

Situation 3: Entertainment

What films do you like best? Why?

What music or singers you like very much? Why?

(Please refer to Text A&B of Unit 4, Book 2)

Situation 4: Online Shopping

Do you think it’s good to shop on line? Tell why or why not

Do you often bargain for a better deal? Tell how to get a good deal when shopping.

(Please refer to Text A&B of Unit 5, Book 2)

Situation 5: Professional Qualities

What qualities are important for career success? Why? Give some examples please.

(Please refer to Text A&B of Unit 6, Book 2)





考试课总评成绩= 平时成绩20%+口试成绩20%+考试成绩60%

