
发布时间:2018-07-01 11:40:12


Cat's pajamas ,cat's meow, cat's paw, to let the cat out of the bag ,look like the cat that ate the canary

今天要讲的习惯用语都有这样一个关键词:cat。谁都知道cat是猫。我们要学的第一个习惯用语存在于英语和好几种其它的语言里。它是: cat's paw Paw这个词的意思是脚爪, 猫或者狗都有爪子,cat's paw从字面上解释当然是猫爪,但是作为习惯用语一定另有他意。刚才说过cat's paw是好几种不同语言共有的习惯用语,原因也许是它出自一个在世界各地脍炙人口的寓言故事,说的是一只聪明的猴子,骗猫去为它从火里取出烤栗子或者烤肉来,结果可想而知: 猴子美餐一顿, 可怜的猫爪子却被烫满了水泡。

猫是被猴子愚弄利用的工具,猫爪也成了为他人火中取栗的牺牲品。我们听个例子,进一步体会cat's paw是什么意思吧。这是跟朋友说的一段知心话,规劝朋友要提防惯会甜言蜜语的Scott,因为Scott老是能鼓动别人为他个人谋私利:

例句-1Better stay away from that guy Scott. You'll do the hard work, he'll make the money, and you'll end up looking stupid and lose whatever you put in. I tell you, don't end up as a cat's paw for him.


他说: don't end up as a cat's paw for him, 显然是说别被他利用成为为他谋利的牺牲品。 Cat's paw这个习惯用语的意思就是被人利用去火中取栗的牺牲品。


再学个和猫有关的习惯用语: cat's meow 你听了meow这个词的发音一定会联想到猫叫。是的, meow确实是象声词,相当于中文的‘喵’。猫咪什么时候会发出类似于meow的叫声呢?是心满意足的时候,或者希望引人注意的时候。也许从中文的角度来说更容易推测cat's meow这个习惯用语的意思。在中文里meow有时也用巧妙的‘妙’字来表示。这样说来cat's meow仿佛在说:妙,妙。那么cat's meow不就是在赞赏什么杰出的人或物吗?好,我们再听个例子来体会cat's meow这个习惯用语的含义吧。

说话的人 买下了一辆旧的老式赛车,然后整旧如新,于是他得意得不知如何形容他心爱的车才好了。

例句-2Man, this is the best car I've owned, old or new. It looks fantastic now. When I put my foot down on the gas, it takes off like a scared rabbit. And if I wanted, it could pass any other sports car on the road. You know, it's the real cat's meow!

他说:在我历来有过的新车旧车里,这辆是最棒的一辆!现在这辆车不仅外观出色,而且我一踩下油门,车子立刻象受惊的兔子那样奔跑如飞。要是我愿意的话,这辆车能比路上所有的赛车都跑得快。你知道, 它真是妙不可言!

这段话里的cat's meow显然是用来形容那辆赛车有多出色的。


今天要学的最后一个习惯用语意思类似于cat's meow,它是: cat's pajamas。大家也许已经知道pajamas是睡衣,通常指成套的宽松的睡衣睡裤。 Cat's pajamascat's meow一样,也可以用来表示令人赞叹的人或物, 然而这两个习惯用语都可以带有批评挖苦的口气, 用来讽刺过于骄傲自满,自以为自己比谁都强的那种人。


Eric似乎是姑娘们心目中的理想情人,因为他长得帅, 功课又好,而且还是运动健将。所以当Eric来约Susan出去的时候, Susan当然喜出望外欣然赴约。我们听听Susan后来又对Eric这小伙子产生什么看法的:

例句-3That's right! Susan couldn't wait to go out with Eric. But after a couple of dates, she stopped. He thought he was the cat's pajamas, and all he did was talk about himself and what he'd done. This simply bored her, and she decided he was just a waste of time.


这段话说Eric自以为是伟大绝顶的人才, 但是他的目空一切却是致命伤,到头来连女朋友都吹了。所以这段话里说:He thought he was the cat's pajamas, 是在挖苦他目空一切、自以为是。

to let the cat out of the bag

look like the cat that ate the canary


我们先给大家介绍:to let the cat out of the bag。从字面上来解释,to let the cat out of the bag的意思是:让那只猫从口袋里出来。但是,它的实际意思是:在不小心的情况下泻露了秘密。下面这个例子就能说明这个俗语的意思:

"I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday. But I'm afraid I let the cat out of the bag--I hid it under my socks and she found it when she was putting my clean clothes away."



"It was supposed to be a secret that we were firing our accountant for stealing money. But one of the secretaries saw the memo and let the cat out of the bag by telling her friends."


下面我们要讲的一个和cat有关的俗语是:look like the cat that ate the canaryCanary就是金丝雀。Look like the cat that ate the canary这个俗语是用来形容一个人显得非常满足,就像一只猫终于实现了它长期来的愿望,把鸟笼打开,把里面那只可怜的金丝雀吃了一样地感到满足。下面的例子说的是两个朋友去赛马,其中之一是个老手,可是却输了,而那个新手却赢了。这个老手说:

"My friend didn't listen to my advice and he bet twenty dollars on the horse. Why, I couldn't believe my eyes! The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the two thousand bucks he'd just won, looking like the cat that ate the canary."



"Say, I think Mister Green in Personnel just got that promotion he's been wanting so much. I saw him walk out of the boss's office like the cat that just ate the canary."


我们今天讲了两个和cat有关的俗语:to let the cat out of the baglook like the cat that ate the canaryTo let the cat out of the bag形容一个人在不小心的情况下泻露了秘密。To look like the cat that ate the canary形容一个人显得非常满足的样子。

美国习惯用语: 第八十六课就讲到这里。欢迎下次再一起来学习美国习惯用语。

