
发布时间:2020-03-20 21:41:25


也许对于做医生的他来说看到女人的身体并不算什么,可我已经不再是从前那个小姑娘了呀! “哥哥,不要,不要...”我大声的叫喊着,挣扎着,也不知是不要打屁股还是不要扒内裤。 “你都这么大了,怎么还象个小孩子!好,今天我就用教训小孩的方法教训你!”他一点都不听我的哭叫,把我下身的裤子都扒到膝间。 “啪!”他的大手第一次落到我的屁股上,就出现了一个掌印。本来感到十分羞愧,可当疼痛来袭时,我就顾不了那么多了,大声的叫了一声。 “啪...”“叫什么,你是不是想让全医院的人都知道你被打屁股呀!都长这么大了,还害怕打针,看你刚才的样子,真是丢人透了!不许动...”他大声的呵斥着我。 我怕打针是真的,可如果让人知道我被打屁股,那可是件更丢人的事。于是我尽量不再叫喊出声,只是默默的哭泣。因为床是皮制的,我的眼泪再床上流了一片。 “哥哥...我知道错了...”我从两巴掌的间隙吞吞吐吐的说,之后继续哭泣。 “知道错?你昨天是不是臭美,没穿外衣走回来的?”哥哥终于停下来了,原来他已经知道了... “...是...”我小声的说。正如我所预料的,他的大巴掌又一次次打在我的屁股上。 “这么冷的天,你竟然就穿那么少衣服...你是三岁小孩吗?”“啪...”这次打的更重了。 “我错了...我不敢了...”

本来就全身无力的我现在连哭的声音都变小了。 “打不打针?”哥哥停手问我。 “打...”我哭了好一会儿,才小声的回答。这时感觉自己的屁股象火烧一样的疼。 “还臭美吗?”哥哥又问。 “不了,不了...”我赶快回答。 哥哥看到我可怜兮兮的样子,终于停手不再打了。我却继续趴在床上哭。他坐到床上,把揽在身边,从口袋里掏出纸巾为我擦眼泪。 “唔...”我还在哭,并且有越哭越凶的迹象。 “别哭了。你现在已经是大孩子了,不能老是任性。你现在生病,害的爸爸妈妈都为你担心知道吗?”他的语气已经明显缓和多了。 “知道...”我尽量使自己平静下来,可还是不住的哽咽。 “好了,现在去打针吧,一会儿你还要考试呢!”哥哥想帮我把裤子穿上。这时我才看到自己的屁股,红红的,都有些肿了,变的有些透明。不知道一会儿打针的时候会不会碰到那里。 我跟着哥哥乖乖的来到注射室。这时已经室午休时间了,屋里只有一个护士。我想她一定听到我刚才的哭叫和打屁股的声音了,脸不禁有些红。 “小冰,趴到这个床上。”护士姐姐是哥哥的同事,当然也会知道我的名字。她轻轻的指了下旁边的床,十分温柔的说。这次我真的乖了好多,尽管还是害怕,但也自己慢慢的把裤子下脱了一点,趴到床上。虽然没有全部脱掉,可还是能看到我的红屁股。 “护士姐姐一定在笑我吧!”我羞的把头钻进胳膊里。哥哥也跟着站在一旁看着我。 看着护士姐姐举着针管走到我面前,我又更加的害怕了。但又不敢下床,刚止住的眼泪又流了出来。 “小冰,忍一下就过去了。”哥哥走到我前边,用手轻抚我的头发。 护士姐姐开始给我要打针的地方消毒,还好不是挨打的地方。可当针头扎下来的时候,我又开始想逃跑了,哥哥早又预见我会乱动,一手把我的双手固定在后边,这样我就一点都不能动了。小声的哭泣成了我发泄的唯一途径。 终于打完了。看到护士姐姐把针头拔出来的那一刻,我终于松了一口气。哥哥的手好像也松了,刚想从床上下来,但又被她拦了会去。 “别动,还有一针呢!”她又举着一支针筒走过来。 “啊?”我眼睛泪汪汪的看着哥哥,希望他能告诉我这不是真的。可看来是不可能的。 “这次打这边吧!”哥哥指了指我未打过针的那半边屁股。 “啊?不要...”本来被哥哥打过的屁股就有些疼痛,左边被打了第一针后又有些酸涨了,我不想在来一次了。哥哥看到我上次打针并没有太大的挣扎,所以用的力气也小了很多。 和上次一样,哥哥重新用手压住我,但因为我这次用的力气比上次大一些,屁股不停的乱动,消毒的棉花迟迟不能下手。 “啪!啪!啪!”哥哥见我又不听话了,就又在我屁股上打了三巴掌。不知道是因为我的屁股本来就够痛了,这三下格外的疼。我当然也自知理亏,不敢乱叫,加上前面的疼痛,我只知道委屈的哭。 护士好像在旁边都看傻了。举着针筒在旁边迟疑了好一会儿才又走上前来为我打针。本来都很安静的我在被扎上这针时,感觉好像特别的疼。 “哥哥,太疼了..”我哭着求道。 “乖,马上就好了。 ...怎么还不好呀?”我感觉这一针格外的长,比刚才的长好几倍。有几个世纪长。被打针的地方非常的酸涨。我回头去看那支针筒,里面的药水好像一点都不见下。 “唔...不行了,好疼呀...”我怎么也没想到这支针这么的疼。 “好了。”护士把针头拔了出来,哥哥也把我的手松开。我顾不上屁股的疼痛,连忙从床上爬起来,生怕还会挨上一针。 打完针,我们又回到了他工作的诊室。我站在他身边,虽然已经不哭了,可还是一副眼泪随时要掉下来的样子。 “还疼吗?”哥哥边问边把我拽到他身边,用手给我揉屁股。想到他刚才打我那么用力,我有些生气,低着头没说话。 “你是不是生气我打你呀?” “不是。”我小声的回答。 “如果你不任性,大冬天穿那么少衣服,就不会生病。如果你不任性乖乖打针,我会打你吗?” “我知道错了。”本来生病就够惨的了,打针也够疼的了,还被打光屁股。想到这里,我的心里就感到十分的委屈,眼泪就又掉了出来。他看到后又要扒我的裤子。 “哥...”我用试图阻挡。 “没事,让哥看看。”他想看看我的伤势如何。脱掉裤子,我又一次看了一下我的屁股。好像比刚才越发红肿了。哥哥更是一副心疼的样子,还拿出抽屉里止痛消肿的药给我喷。顿时让我感觉舒服多了。




话题 8 Daily routines (日记)(xx-xx年)


一、日记的格式:一般是在左上角记上当天的日期(年、月、日)、星期,右上角写上当天的天气情况。 时间的两种写法: 1. 星期,月+日(基数词/序数词缩写),年 : Friday, October 3/3rd, xx2.星期,日+月,年 : Friday, 3/3rd October, xx

二.星期表示法:Sunday/ Sun. Monday/ Mon. Tuesday/Tue./Tues. Wednesday /Wed. Thursday/ Thu./Thurs. Friday /Fri. Saturday /Sat.

三.月份表示法:January /Jan. February / Feb.March / Mar.April /Apr.May /May June/ Jun. July/ Jul. August /Aug. September /Sep./Sept. October/ Oct. November/ Nov.December/ Dec。

四。描写各种天气的词汇:sunnynice/fine cloudy rainy snowywindy foggy hot warmcoolcoldshower


日记多采用第一人称I 或we 来叙述当天所发生的事情。但在写作过程中,免不了要描述他人,就要依实际而定使用不同人称。



七、词汇归纳 :1、必备词汇

wake up, get up, wash, brush teeth, get changed, have breakfast / lunch/supper, read newspapers, have coffee / tea, listen to the radio, watch TV, gather/meet at the gate ,drive to, go to work/ school, by bike / bus / subway / car/ship, on foot / walk, do exercise / paperwork / homework / housework / shopping, have a rest, have meetings, have classes, play puter games, chat online, watch films, play basketball / football / baseball / badminton / tennis, take a (hot) bath, go to bed, sleep

2. 必备句型

(1)Usually, I get up at seven o'clock and it takes me about thirty minutes to wash, get dressed, have breakfast, leave home and get on the tube.

(2) I am always the fist person to get to the office.

(3) Meetings and paperwork take up a large part of my day.

(4) I spend all morning checking numbers.

(5)On Monday nights, I have dance classes, and on Wednesday nights, I go to the gym.

(6)Sometimes, if the weather forecast is good, my friends and I drive to the countryside for a weekend break.

(7)We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.

(8)I take Tina, the dog, for a walk every afternoon.

(9) I get to bed around midnight when my wife and children are already asleep.

(10)Aording to the traditional point of view, men should do important work, while wives should do all the housework and educate their children at home.

基础写作1. xx年5月3日,你参观了红星农场。请根据下了情况,用英语写一篇日记。1.时间地点和学校名称:星期一,第一中学

2.事情经过: 早上8点从学校大门口整队出发; 8点半到农场,并受到了热烈欢迎; 场长带领参观了农场,听了报告; 12点钟吃了自己带的午餐; 然后听音乐;跳舞; 5点钟告别,并回家。

基础写作2. 有一个星期日,我母亲叫我带小弟弟去乡村游历。她吩咐我要好好照料他。当我们沿着道路行走的时候,太阳灿烂地照耀着,微风轻轻地吹着。我们看见美丽的花儿对我们微笑着,并听见鸟儿在树上唱着悦耳的歌曲,风景实十分美丽。


基础写作3。内容:Peter澳大利亚,xx年8月到中国,现在为一家英国公司工作。 平时:早上8点起床,用30分钟洗漱、穿衣、吃早餐、离家、坐上地铁。


兴趣:中国传统节日的风俗。 计划:国庆假期参观长城,明年教英语。

要求:1。标题:Peter’s Life in China2.必须用5个句子介绍所有内容。 基础写作4。 国庆节是一个很重要的中国传统节日。国庆节那天,我们在天安门广场上升国旗,唱国歌。国庆期间我有八天的假期。我们一家去海南。那是一个美丽的海滨城市。我们在那里待上一个星期。我们去沙滩,还在海里游泳。我们游览“天涯海角”,菀泉河还有别的许多好地方,在那里我们玩得很开心。(必须用5个句子介绍所有内容)

基础写作5: 请做金榜一号:P.166 活学活用 读写任务.阅读下面的短文,然后根据后面的要求写一篇150字左右的英语短文.

How many men do housework? Recently a European mission tried to find out people's ideas and reactions to the women's movement. As part of their survey, they asked many men and women the question: "Who does the housework?" The men answered very differently from the women! The housework they asked people about were: preparing meals, washing dishes, cleaning the house and babysitting. 48% of British husbands said they did these things. 37% of Danish men helped in the house. But only 15% of Italian men said they did the housework. Many of them said they never helped at all. But there was an interesting

point of view from the wives. Aording to British wives, only 38% of their husbands helped in the house, and Italian wives said that their husbands hardly ever helped. The Italian and British didn't tell the truth! The mission found that Danish men were the same as their wives' answers. Do you think that men help in the house? Do you think that the survey gives a true picture based on your own experience?





(1)传统观点Aording to the traditional point of view, men should do important work, while wives should do all the housework and educate their children at home.// It is against the traditional point of view that men do housework.

(2)你的看法 In my opinion, men should (not) do housework because....

I think men should consider doing housework their duty and obligation instead of a heavy burden.

1.Sunday, May 3,xx Fine

Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning ,we met at the school gate and went there together, where the farm workers gave us a warm wele and then the head of the farm shows us around the farm .How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a piic lunch in the sunshine, and , after a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing , telling jokes or stories .Two of us even played a game of chests, so the time passed quickly before we knew it.

2.One Sunday, my mother had /made me take my little young brother to have a trip to the country and she told me to take good care of him. While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile (smiling) at us and heard the birds sing (singing) their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty (beautiful).When we felt tired, we returned home , seeing our mother waiting for us at the door.

3. (1)Peter's Life In China

Peter is an Australian who came to China in August, xx and now he is working for

a British pany. Usually, he gets up at eight o'clock and it takes him thirty minutes to wash, get dressed, have breakfast, and leave home and get on the tube. On weekdays, he is fully oupied with meetings and paperwork. On weekends if he is free, he'll either drive to the countryside with his friends or have a rest at home. So far, he has expressed a keen interest in the customs of Chinese traditional festivals and he has planned to visit the Great Wall and teach English next year.

(2) Peter's Life In China

Peter, who is from Australia, has been working for an English firm since he came to China in August, xx. He usually gets up at 8 o'clock and spends thirty minutes in washing, getting dressed, having breakfast, leaving home and getting on the tube. He is always busy with meetings and paperwork on weekdays while on weekends he usually drives to the countryside with his friends or stays at home. What interests him most is the customs of Chinese traditional festivals. Now he is planning to visit the Great Wall during National day holiday and teach English next year.

4. The National Day is an important traditional festival in China, when we flied five Stars flag in the first day in Tian'anmen Square and we also sang national anthem ,too! We had eight days’holiday. On The National Day, my family went to Hainan, a good seaside city, where we stayed there for a week. We went to the beach and swam in the sea. We visited Tianya Haijiao ,Wanquan River and many other beautiful places ,enjoying ourselves there.

任务型写作:Should Men Do Housework?

A European mission made an investigation on how many men do housework, whose answers to this question are different. Most men did little housework, and some didn't help in the least.

Aording to the traditional point of view, men should do important work, while wives should do all the housework and educate their children at home. As a result, men may think doing housework breaks the traditional morality rules. In my view, as a family member, men should forwardly turn his hands to part of housework. Housework shouldn't be done only by wives, especially those who have to work every day.

Generally speaking, men are stronger than women. Men's doing some housework can lighten wives' burden, and it can also let wives have a better rest. I think men should consider doing housework their duty and obligation instead of a heavy burden.







