


Tiger: Im a great tiger. Im very athletic. Im very brave. Im the king of the forest.But now Im very hungry. I must find a little food. Oh, theres nothing here. Oh, Im very hungry. (Sleep soundly 老虎: 我是一只伟大的老虎。 我非常强壮。 我是非常勇敢的。 我是森林的国王。但现在我非常饿。 我必须发现些食物。噢,我好饿。 (然昏眠
Fox: Im a fox. You can see, Im pretty and lovely. Im good at cheating and telling lies. Just now I cheated a crew out of a piece of meat. Mm, Mm, Mm. How delicious it is!
狐狸: 我是狐狸。 您能看出来,我是俏丽和可爱的。 我是擅长于欺诈和识破谎言。 我刚才欺诈了乘员组在肉片外面。 啊啊啊。 它多么可口啊!
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Tiger: Ah, a fox. A good meal. Ah, a good meal. 老虎:Ah,一只狐狸。 一顿好午餐。 Ah,一顿好午餐。
Fox: Oh, my God! What should I do? Yes, I have a good idea. Yes, a good idea. Hello! Tiger sister! How are you?
狐狸: 噢,我的上帝! 我该怎么办? 是,我有一个好想法。 是,一个好想法。 你好! 老虎姐妹! 你好吗?
Tiger: Not so good. Im very hungry now. I want to eat you. 老虎: 不那么好。 我现在非常饿。 我想要吃您。
Fox: Oh, my dear! Im the king of the forest! You can not eat me 狐狸: 噢,我亲爱!我是森林的国王!你不能吃我! (老虎装作疑惑
Fox: If you dont believe me, just follow me and see who is the king of the forest.
狐狸: 如果您不相信我,跟我看看谁是才是森林的国王。 Tiger: Ok. Lets go. 老虎: 好。 我们去。
Rabbit: Im a rabbit. I like to eat a Carrot. Ah, a big Carrot. 兔子: 我是兔子。 我喜欢吃胡萝卜。Ah,一个大胡萝卜。 Bird: Im a bird. 鸟: 我是鸟。 Rabbit: Hi! 兔子: !
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Bird: Hi! What are you doing, Miss Rabbit? Can I help you? 鸟: ! 干嘛呢, Rabbit小姐? 我可以帮助您吗? Rabbit: Yes, please. 兔子: 是的。
Frog: Im a frog. Hello! What are you doing? What can I do for you? 青蛙: 我是青蛙。 你好! 您在这里做着什么? 我可以为您做什么? Rabbit: Yes, come on! 兔子: 是,来吧! Frog : Ok! Im coming! 青蛙: ! 我来拉! Fox: Hello, Frog! 狐狸: 你好,青蛙!
Frog: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away 青蛙: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉 Fox: Hello, Bird! 狐狸: 你好,鸟!
Bird: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away 鸟: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉 Fox: Hello, Rabbit! 狐狸: 你好,兔子!
Rabbit: Hi, Fox. Oh, a tiger! (run away 兔子: 喂,狐狸。 噢,老虎! (跑掉
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Fox: Tiger, Now, you see. Im very athletic.! They all run away! 狐狸: 老虎,现在,您看见。 我太强大了! 他们全都跑掉!
Tiger: Yes, you are right. Im very sorry. Thats all right.you are the king.
老虎: 是,您是对的。 我非常抱歉。对的,你才是国王。
Fox: Wa! There is a big Carrot. Now, the Carrot belongs to me. 狐狸: Wa! 有一个大胡萝卜。 现在,胡萝卜属于我。 狐假虎威的英语故事篇2
Once upon a time, a fierce tiger was looking for food in the forest. 从前在森林里,有一只凶饿的老虎正在觅食。
He was starving, but there was not a single prey in sight, So he walked along the river bank and hoped for better luck. There, he saw a fox coming.
The smart fox saw the tiger too and was on guard. The hungry tiger hurried up and said,"How nice, Mr. Fox, xiaogushi8 you ve come exactly in time to be my lunch!" "Oh ,no , Mr Tiger," replied the fox, "you cant possibly dare eat me. " "Why not?" retorted the tiger, showing his teeth.
狐狸防备的看着老虎,饥饿的老虎连忙走上前说:狐狸,你来得正好,乖乖的做我的午餐吧!"哎,老虎,你可不能吃我呀!""为什么不能吃?" 4 / 总页数 7

"Dont you know that I am the envoy of the Emperor of Heaven? If you eat me up, you shall be severely punished," explained the fox. "I wasnt born yesterday," said the tiger, not believing a word. "If you dont believe me, " said the cunning fox, "Come to the wood with me and see what the other animals say."
"你不知道我是天帝的使者吗?你吃了我,你会受到惩罚的呀。"狐狸解释说。"我又不是三岁小孩,"老虎不相信他的话。"如果你不相信我, 我们一起去问森林里动物吧!"狡猾的狐狸说。
The birds saw the tiger and spread the news in the wood. The hare ran away first of all and the crocodile was afraid that the tiger might find it tasty. Even the wild boar left for fear of ending up as spare ribs on the tigers table.
The serpent, too, wriggled away in case the tiger liked snake soup. xiaogushi8 When all the poor creatures had fled, the fox turned to the tiger and said, "You see, the mere sight of me is enough to scare them all away!" Would you eat me? "Well, Your Excellency, " said the tiger, "I am not really that hungry."
蛇也担心自己变成蛇羹,掉头就跑,但所有的动物都逃走后,狐狸对老虎说:"你现在相信我了吧,看看他们多害怕我呀!""你还敢吃我吗?"" 5 / 总页数 7

Feeble and famished, the tiger bade the fox goodbye and went elsewhere for food, The fox in the tigers company is likened to people who wield the power of those above them.
饿的手脚发软的老虎只好离开森林,去别的地方觅食去了。狐假虎威比喻依仗别人的势力去欺压人。 狐假虎威的英语故事篇3
A tiger caughta fox in a forest, and was just about to eat it, when the fox said, "You mustnt eat me. I was sent by Heaven to rule the animals. By eating me, You will violate the command of Heaven. If you dont believe me, just follow me to see whether the animals are afraid of me." The tiger agreed, and followed the fox as it walked around the forest. The animals all ran away on seeing them. The tiger thought they were afraid of the fox, so he let it go. He didnt realise that it was him that hte beasts were really afraid of.
This idiom means relying on another s power to bully or frighten others.
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