
发布时间:2019-06-10 11:33:16


班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________


1.Linda often helps his parents     the housework 

A. to     B. with        C. on



2.We learned by ________

Ado things      Bmake things      Cdoing things



3.I want to      some leaves.

A.see        B.look for  C.look



4.__________will they go to see Beijing Opera?

A. What time         B. When          C. both A and B




(    )1A369852               B321456

(    )2AE-I-R                Bi-r-e

(    )3A30                   B21

(    )4Ared                 Bred and white

   )5APRC                 BUSA

(    )6A.大象的体形更大。     B.大象的体形大。

【答案】1B     2B    3A    4B    5A       6B



1Three two one four five six    2).i-r-e    3thirty    4)加拿大的国旗的颜色是…… 5)中国的英语缩略式是……     6The elephant is big

6.Mrs Green asks Jim_______ some reading in the morning .



7.I don't like the colour.  Can you show me___ trousers?

A. those  B. them C. this




1A.bike     B.subway    C.stop       D.plane 

2A.north     B.south     C.east       D.buy 

3A.play      B.watch     C.find        D.post office 

4A.actor      B.singer    C.traffic      D.writer 

5A.rain       B.cloud     C.stream      D.bike 



9.There    a  car  in  the  street .         

A.is         B.are             C.be



10.I am_______than you.

A.taller        B.tall        C.tallest



11.I        a film about space yesterday.

A. looked    B. see     C. watched



12.--- _______ are you eating?

--- I’m eating _______ meat.






13.(   ) Let’s help my mother ______  dinner.

A.   making     B. makes         C. make


【解析】此题考查名词组help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事,help后的动词要用原形。A是现在分词,B是第三人称单数,故答案为:C

14.There is a___________on the desk.

A. milk                 B. pen             C. Books



思路分析:本题考查的是There be 句型中be 和其后出现的主语在数上应保持一致的原则。

名师解析:本句中There be使用的是is,其后的主语应该也使用名词的单数形式,故排除C选项。Milk是不可数名词在表达数量时应与量词连用,不能表达为a milk,故答案是B


(    )  1. A. snow  B. how   C. slow  D. show

(    )  2. A. some  B. hot   C. often  D. on

(    )  3. A. lunch  B. sun   C. put   D. bus

(    )  4. A. yellow  B. very   C. never  D. he

(    )5.Aday  B. Monday C. may   D. play

【答案】15B A C D B



1 We are making a model plane. (变成一般疑问句)


2 The boys are sitting under the tree. (对划线部分提问)


3 Look out of the window. (改为否定句)


4 We can see some birds over there. (对画线部分提问)


5 The children have some apples. (改为单数句子)



1 Are you making a model plane?

2 Where are the boys sitting?

3 Don't look out of the window

4 What can you see over there?

5 The child has an apple.



【答案】1. on   2. under   3. next to  4. in front of


1. 图片显示猫在椅子上,所以对应的介词是on

2. 图片显示猫在椅子下,所以对应的介词是under

3. 图片显示猫在椅子旁边,所以对应的介词是next to

4. 图片显示猫在椅子前面,所以对应的介词是in front of


I have to ________ the________.

【答案】 cleanwindow

【解析】clean :清洁。clean the window:擦窗户。固定短语。故填cleanwindow



I'm going to ________  ________  ________ next week .


【解析】根据汉语提示,旅游take a trip.故答案为take.

根据汉语提示,旅游take a trip.故答案为a.

根据汉语提示,旅游take a trip.故答案trip.


20.aanthe填空,不填用"/"表示。①—Is Amy at________home?—No. she is at________school.

②When do you usually go to________bed?

③________Washington is________capital of________United States of America.

④Mike had________cold last week. So he stayed in________bed.


【解析】①at home在家,固定词组.故答案为/.

②at school在家,固定词组.故答案为/.

③go to bed去睡觉,固定词组.故答案为/.


⑤the capital of.....的首都,固定词组.故答案为the.


⑦have a cold感冒,固定词组.故答案为a.

⑧in bd卧病在床,固定词组.故答案为/.


21.Today is Saturday. It’s the Double Ninth Festival. The sun is shining. The students of Class Four have no lessons today. They’re in the old people’s home. They take some fruit to the old people. They help them clean the houses. They sing and dance for them. The old people like them. They are happy.

1.  It’s Sunday.

2. It’s the Double Ninth Festival.

3. The students of Class Four visit the old people.

4. They are having a lesson.

5. The old people are happy




Jack and Li Xuan are good friends. On Sunday they are in Li Xuan’s room. Li Xuan’s room is very clean and tidy.There are two windows in his room. Near the window there is a desk.On the desk there is an ink bottle, a lamp and some books.Beside the desk there is a bed .On the wall there is a phone of Li Xuan’s family.

1Jack and Jane are good friends.

2Li Xuan’s room is clean but not tidy.

3There are no windows in Li Xuan’s room.

4There is a chair and a table in Li Xuan’s room.




AHi, Jim. Are you free tomorrow?

BYes, I am. Tomorrow is Sunday.

AGood. Tomorrow is Mike’s birthday. Let’s go to his birthday party.

BSounds good. Let’s buy a nice present for him.

AOK, how about a toy car?

BOh, no. Mike has so many toy cars. Why don’t we buy him a storybook?

AGood idea. Mike likes reading very much. Shall we go to the bookshop now?

BWhat’s the time now?

AIt’s six thirty.

BOh, it’s too late. How about tomorrow morning?

AOK. Let’s go to the bookshop by Bus No.2.

BGood. Let’s meet at nine o’clock in front of Lianhua Supermarket.

AAll right. See you tomorrow, David.

BSee you then.

1When’s Mike’s birthday party?

A. On Friday.           B. On Saturday.     C. On Sunday.

2What does Mike have?

A. lot of toy cars.      B. Many presents.   C. A new football.

3When will David and Jim meet?

A. At nine on Saturday morning.

B. At six thirty on Saturday afternoon.

C. At nine on Sunday morning.

4Which present will Mike get from David and Jim?

A. A big cake.          B. A storybook.     C. A toy car.

5Does Mike like reading books and playing with cars?

A. Yes, he does.  

B. No, he doesn’t.   

C. Sorry, I don’t know.




Look at the photo. It is Mr. Lee’s house. There was a sofa beside the window. Now it is beside the desk. The mirror was above the sofa. Now there is a map above the sofa. There was a green rug (地毯)in the sitting-room. Now there is a blue rug. The shelf is on the right. There was a radio on it. But now there’s no radio. There are some books on it. Mr. Lee liked music. Now he likes reading.

⑴Whose house is this?


⑵Where is the sofa now?


⑶Is there a mirror above the sofa now?


⑷What colour was the rug?


⑸Did Mr. Lee like music?


【答案】⑴It’s Mr. Lee’s house.⑵Now it is beside the desk.⑶No, there isn’t.⑷It was green.⑸Yes, he did.




问题是这是谁的房子?由第二句It is Mr. Lee’s house.它是李先生的房子。可知答案是It is Mr.Lee’s house

问题是现在沙发在哪儿?由第三四句There was a sofa beside the window. Now it is beside the desk.(以前沙发在窗户旁边,现在在桌子旁边。)there was是过去时,表示以前,问现在用一般现在时。可知答案是:Now it is beside the desk

问题是现在镜子在沙发上面吗?由句子Now there is a map above the sofa. 现在沙发上面有一幅地图。可知答案是No, there isn’t.

问题是地毯以前是什么颜色的?问的是过去时间。由句子There was a green rug (地毯)in the sitting-room.(以前在起居室有一块绿色的地毯。)得知本题答案是It was green.

问题是李先生以前喜欢音乐吗?由句子Mr. Lee liked music. 李先生以前喜欢音乐。得知本题答案是Yes, he did.




d _______      c____ ____        p ______          w___ ____

【答案】dictionary      comic book       postcard       word book



1left ,Beijing,February,we,1st,on(.)


2on,are,you,where,going ,your,holiday(?)


3father,day,does,your,every,newspapers,read (?)




5sister,a,one,wants,my,to,teacher,day,be ,science(.)





⑴My birthday is in August. (对画线部分提问)


⑵He reads books every day.(改为否定句)


⑶I have a book.(改为复数)


⑷like, do, which, best, season, you (?)(连词成句)


⑸There are some teachers in the classroom.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)



⑴When is your birthday?

⑵He doesn't read books every day.

⑶We have many books.

⑷Which season do you like best?

⑸Are there any teachers in the classroom? Yes,there are.




划线部分是月份,即问的是时间,用特殊疑问词When来提问,然后去掉划线部分将剩下的句子改成一般疑问句,并将my改成your,故答案为:When is your birthday?

将肯定句改为否定句,本句中关键词是reads,否定形式找助动词doesn’t,后面动词还原成read,其余照抄,故答案为:He doesn’t read books every day.

将单数句改为复数句,只要将单词通常指名词一对一进行转换即可,i对应的复数是wea对应的复数是manybook对应的复数是books,故答案为:We have many books.

连词成句先弄清每个单词的中文意思,再理解句意:你最喜欢哪个季节?故答案为:Which season do you like best?

肯定句改成一般疑问句,先看句中有没有be动词,如果有只要将be动词提到句首,然后some变成any,句号变问号即可,故答案为:Are there any teachers in the classroom? Are there开头的句子肯定回答是:Yes, there are.

易错提示:审题不清,句型转换知识掌握不牢固,一些细节变换如some anyiyou等等转换不细致。


1. What will be in the year 2050?

2. Which animal is the heaviest?

3. Which animal run the fastest?

4. The ticket is expensive.






29.Listen and judge(根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√” , 不相符的打“×”,每小题2分,共10分)

1Today is National Day.

2Tom is going home tomorrow.

3Tom is going to the park tomorrow morning.

4Tom is going to buy some books in the bookstore..

5Tom is going to read books in the evening.




How are you? I am fine at school. Tomorrow is National Day. We don’t have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to Zhongshan Park. I am going there by bike. It’s near our school. In the afternoon, I am going to the bookstore and buy some new books. In the evening, I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do tomorrow? Can you tell me?

Your son,



1John was busy last weekend.

2John can play chess.

3John went hiking last Saturday afternoon.

4On Sunday morning, John did homework.

5John and his mother watched TV at home on Sunday afternoon.




John was very happy last weekend. On Saturday, he went hiking with his parents. In the morning, they went to a forest park by car. There is a river in the park. His father and John went fishing in the river. In the afternoon, they read a funny story-book together. Then they played chess. And John won. They went home at 4:30. On Sunday morning, John helped his mother do housework. In the afternoon, John and his mother went to the cinema and watched Harry Potter 3. Wow, it was great.





1. peak  beat

2. pig   kite

3. tin   dish

4. apple cake

【答案】S D S D



1. The mouse woke the lion up.                                 

2. The lion ate the little mouse .                                 

3. Two men caught the lion with a small net.                       

4. The mouse made a hole in the net and helped the lion get out.        

5. Then lion and the mouse were friends at last.                     

【答案】T   F  F  T  T



1Have you got any stamps?

2Do you collect stamps?

3Is there a letter for me?

4What’s your hobby?

5These stamps are from China.

E.Yes ,there is .




(1)in the we are of shop front


(2)get how I room the to can


(3)it next is to school the


(4)mother work your where does


(5)lives sister my in city a


【答案】1We are in front of the shop.

2How can I get to the room?

3It is next to the school.

4Where does your mother work?

5My sister lives in a city.


