what impress you most about the culture comparison between the UK and the USA

发布时间:2023-01-19 07:20:27

what impress you most about the culture comparison between the UK and the USA
American adventure, pioneering and innovative culture that I am most impressed. Britain was once the day is not empire, but they kind of classical, traditional culture and not allow them to maintain a position as the world, but the adventure of the United States, pioneering and innovative culture beyond. The frequency and amount of U.S. scientists received the Nobel Prize is the world's largest, accounting for 60% of the total U.S. science and technology, especially the most developed country in the cutting-edge technology, proprietary projects the world's most ... Why the United States to have such status, not because this nation in the United States has adventure, pioneering and innovative spirit, every American citizen has a strong spirit of this. American motto is "no risk there would be a big success, the coward never a big act". Set foot on the North American continent, from the first English immigrants to the United States of America was established a half century, the sinister natural conditions in North America, cultivated Americans tenacious Pinbo hard work personality. Rich resources in North America waiting for the development and utilization, and to cultivate the American pioneering spirit, adventurous spirit. From the cultural perspective of North America to a certain extent have a cultural vacuum, to break into this vacuum, is not organized cultural

units, but the number of the traditional system has lost the goodwill of the fugitive. Their minds to dominate rebellious spirit, who rarely traditional conservative thought, because of the dangerous environment forces them to establish different from the traditional way of life, this spirit of adventure has become the tradition of the American people. They adventure to explore the New World as to seek the opportunities of life. This spirit of adventure has penetrated into all aspects of life of the people of the United States. In gun smoke of battle, the Americans the courage to blaze new trails reflected everywhere, from all the adventurous spirit of this nation. Based on this, the Americans with special emphasis on the spirit of innovation, they think the opportunity is everywhere, mainly due to the initiative to find and use. In addition to laws, the Americans believe that all tradition and precedent are the barriers to innovation, they are willing to challenge tradition and precedent. United States does not like China, India, the United Kingdom has a long and splendid civilization, so the Americans to accept new ideas, new technologies are rarely investigated these things first meets an expert, the authority of the theory, and then quote the classics to comment and research, to decide whether to adopt. Courage to brave all challenges to the existing with an expert, authority, tradition equal to tradition and authority challenges. The courage to challenge the traditional, dared to question the reality. It is such a kind of culture a spirit, the United States to become and maintain status as a superpower.

what impress you most about the culture comparison between the UK and the USA
