格拉斯哥人脸匹配测试(GFMT)(Glasgow Face Matching Test(GFMT))

发布时间:2012-05-06 19:57:27

格拉斯哥人脸匹配测试(GFMT)(Glasgow FaceMatching Test (GFMT))数据介绍:This test of unfamiliar face matching ability was developed as part of an ESRC funded research project entitled “Individual Variation in Face Processing” (ESRC Grant ref no. RES-000-23-1348). Short and long versions of the test are available to download from the link below. The linked folder also contains normative data for each test as well as image files that can be used to familiarise participants with the identities that appear in the test.关键词:GFMT,格拉斯哥人脸识别小组,个体差异,人脸处理,常模性资料, GFMT,Glasgow Face Recognition Group,Individual Variation,Face Processing,normative data,数据格式:IMAGE数据详细介绍:Glasgow Face Matching Test (GFMT)

格拉斯哥人脸匹配测试(GFMT)(Glasgow Face Matching Test(GFMT))
