
发布时间:2016-05-01 19:07:02

弗兰克·奥康纳短篇小说中的精神顿悟 张伟

Frank o 'connor short stories of the "spiritual enlightenment"


Frank o 'connor in short stories focus on the characters' psychological and spiritual world, capture the Irish ordinary moments of life. Based on the national guests "and" Christmas morning "as an example analysis o 'connor of the use of" Epiphany "creative skills, trying to reveal the profound connotation of the works and social significance.


友好的敌人”——略论短篇小说《异乡客》中的敌人形象 李珍

Friendly "enemies" - zhao xuegang "enemy" in the short story "the alien" image


Because of the different national interests, Hawkins and belcher, of course, "the enemy" become "we". Surprise is, through the author painstakingly arranged close contact, "we found that the" with "we" of close relatives and "friend" is not. It is because of this similarity, left over from the old sedimentary, aroused our subconscious of the same kind of identity and belonging, makes us close "friends" and "brothers". Unfortunately, in the process of human civilization development state, the interests of the nation, the human had forcibly divided into "the enemy" and "friend". This article proposed the "enemy" in "the alien" image carries on the system analysis and induction, show the conflict between war and humanity, will be thinking of the author about humanity, war system elaboration.

荒诞世界里的人性煎熬——《异乡客》中的二元对立及其消解 朱静怡

The absurd world of suffering humanity - "the alien" of binary opposition and its resolution


"The alien" is the master of short stories of Ireland frank o 'connor's classic. This article will attempt to explore duality phenomenon, and by the death of the novel of dualistic digestion, which explains the suffering the absurdity of individual body odor when in the face of the world meaningless and nothingness.

《异乡客》人物杰里迈亚·多诺凡分析 程娟

"The alien" characters, jerry Jeremiah Donovan, analysis


"The alien" describes the five are affected by the war hero, and jerry Jeremiah, Donovan's character is very different from other four, the author through religious, political alluding to reality, mainly from the character name, double character two aspects to show the distortion of humanity, to reveal the cruelty of war.

悲剧的必然性——论《异乡客》中二元对立的解构与颠覆 沈梅英 赵学德

The inevitability of tragedy - the theory of "alien" deconstruction and subversion of the binary opposition


Novel "alien" is a masterpiece of Irish frank o 'connor short story writer. In "the alien", the author will be a lot of binary contradiction, apply colours to a drawing of human nature in a dilemma. Based on the theory of Jacques derrida's deconstruction, analyzes the causes of the phenomenon of binary opposition in the novel and its inevitable result eventually overthrow.

从《异乡客》中的人物塑造看弗兰克·奥康纳的战争观 王冰清

From the characters in the "alien" shape to see frank o 'connor war view

爱尔兰小说家弗兰克·奥康纳(Frank O’Connor)19191921年的英爱战争为背景,创作了现实主义短篇小说《异乡客》(Guests of the Nation)。小说中,奥康纳从语言、心理、行为等不同角度,通过对人物进行直白而细致的刻画,塑造了一系列战时社会底层的人物形象。由此清晰地表明了他对这场战争的态度:战争究其本质而言是残酷且荒谬的,交战双方的所有人都是战争的受害者。

Irish novelist Frank O 'connor (Frank O 'connor) in 1919 to 1921 of the anglo-irish war as the background, created a realistic short story "the alien" (Guests of the Nation). In the novel, o 'connor from different angles, such as language, psychology, behavior through the study of the straightforward and detailed depiction of characters, shaping a series of characters at the bottom of society in wartime. Thus clear that his attitude towards the war: the war is cruel and absurd in its essence, both sides of all the people are the victims of war.

现实主义作品《异乡客》中主角人物特征分析 张清荣

Realism works analysis of characteristics of main characters in "the alien"


O 'connor, as the representative of realism, the "alien" can be said to be a classic. There is no too much description of grand background, no procrastination characters background before and after the introduction, by just a few night, will the war, the friendship, the degree of human nature in the most real. The characters that deserve careful ponder, careful study.

论《异乡客》中杰里迈亚·多诺凡性格的两面性 张雪瑾

In the theory of "alien" jerry, Jeremiah Donovan, character of the two sides


Is short story "the alien" is one of the representative work of Irish writer frank o 'connor, the novel tells a story in the Irish war of independence. Unlike many war drama works, the novel of the scene is not located in the smoke of the battlefield, but an ordinary farmhouse in Ireland. In this little house, lit the lamp British prisoners of war and Ireland to keep busy playing poker, harmonious atmosphere, seem to be war does not hinder the friendship between the two peoples. With the development of the story, however, the cruelty of war and absurdity has been doing, Irish guards command from a superior, were forced to kill

无家可归的人——试析《异乡客》的失乐园主题 闫建华 贾爱兵

The homeless - w.k.che "alien" of "paradise lost" theme


Irish writer frank o 'connor street "alien" by telling friends were forced to kill the story, for readers deduced a lost their homes, or the tragedy of "paradise lost". But paradise lost is not confined to the victim, ponzi also cannot survive, because they are killing kind and sincere life at the same time, also destroyed oneself live is the cornerstone of the spiritual home of make themselves become homeless. This is that this tragedy to our ethics.

