
发布时间:2010-11-25 11:39:19

1.And he's the mastermind of this whole thing. 他是整个事情的主谋
mastermind =策划者,主谋

2.he acknowledge that whatever neuroses drove the criminal to commit the original crime is compou nded.他知道无论是什么神经机能病变导致的最初犯罪都是复杂的
commit the crime=犯罪
acknowledge =承认,知道

3.You're not being very transparent,Warden. 你不是很坦率,狱长

4.But it's going to make collaboration kind of hard. 不过这样合作起来就不那么容易了
collaboration cooperation 协作,合作

5.i'm the furthest thing from a threat.我根本没有威胁
这句话体现了老外说话的艺术性,非直来直去的表达自己的意思,譬如老外喜欢用"is the ice cold?" 来表达"yes"之意

6.why don't you cut out all the riddles,snowflake,and just give us to a straight.你干嘛不把话说明点,小白脸.
riddle =谜题
straight 除了""的意思外,也用于"异性恋者",反义是homosexual同性恋者

7.the harder you struggle,the worse it gets你越挣扎,情况越糟
struggle =挣扎

8.Self-presevation is a strong motivator.自卫是很强的因素
self-presevation=self-protection 自卫
motivator =动机,因素

9.one thing you learn when you're walking the steps is that you never outsource a blame that belongs in your own backyard.当你经历这些,你学到的一件事就是自己做错了事就不要去责怪别人
walk the steps=一步步地经历下来

10.you fell for her 你爱上了她
等于我们常见的you felling in love with her

11.Sir,I cannot do a procedure like this without an anesthetic. 先生,如果没有麻醉剂,我没法动这个手术
procedure =手术 anesthetic =麻醉药

12.i want you to turn youself in.我希望你去自首
这里的turn in "自首"的意思,若换成"i want you to turn him in"turn in"告发"的意思

1.yeah,yuck it up,funny man.,尽情大笑吧,可笑的人
yuck up=开怀大笑

2.we're headed out,man 我们出发了,伙计

3.That is absolutely hogwash. 简直一派胡言
Hogwash =猪食

4.how was scofield able to have exclusive access to you?为什么scofield能单独接触你?
exclusive =专门的,独家的 ; access to=接近...

5.This will be your last outburst,officer. 这将是你最后一次发飙了,长官
outburst =爆发,发飙

6.Is it true you sold the right to run prison industries to the highest bidder. 你将监狱工厂管理权卖给出价最高的人是不是真的?
run=经营 eg. run a company 经营一家公司
highest bidder=最高价竞买人

7.We’ll call for you when we’ve reached a decision. 等我们做好决定后会通知你们
reach a decision=作出决定 (注意reach的用法)

8.your call.你决定吧

9.This can go down humanely if you don’t fight,but if you pull a stunt like that again,it's going to get inhumane right quick. 你要不挣扎的话,那接下来我将会很仁慈,不过要是你想再耍花招,我就会变得很残忍
humanely =慈悲地 pull a stunt=耍花招 inhumane =残忍的

10.if you would have just told us in the beginning that this was going to be a railroad.如果你一开始就告诉我们这是个快速通过案
railroad 在俗语中指"议案快速通过",泛指"铁路运输"

11.But you need a fall guy,fine. 但是你们需要一个替罪羊
a fall guy=替罪羊;替身演员

12.he went out with his boots on.他死在工作岗位
翻译组的译文是"他走得很平静",我觉得不确切.die with one's boots on,源自美国西部,它有两
层含义。一为死于工作岗位(die in harness)、一为殉职,尤指在战斗中或者为高尚的事业而
中死去,自然是穿着靴子的。而在英式英语里,通常把它说成“die in one's boots”。

13.i failed him.我让他失望了.

1.well,Hector says that you can serve your full sentence.,hector说你要刑满才释放.
sentence =判决,宣判
serve the sentence=服刑

2.anything break on the other six.其他六人有什么进展?

3.Listen,you know I'm thankful for the help with the green card,but I just don't want to get involved. 我很感激你帮我搞到绿卡但我不想卷入此事。
be involved in sth=卷入...事情中

4.those ass-hats are worth more dead than you and i are alives.那些混蛋就是死了也比我们值钱
eg. ass hat inside 内心卑鄙的

5.i hope you're holding on to something tight 'cause i'm about to break it down for you.我希望你做好心理准备,因为我要说的东西会让你崩溃
holding on to something tight牢牢扶助什么东西
break down=崩溃

6.you were attending when I first started here. 我刚来的时候你是主治医师。
attending =主治的

7.i want to alert you to a possible situation.我要提醒你可能发生的情况
alert sb=warn sb 警告某人

8.Give me one good reason why I shouldn't turn you in right now. 给我个不告发你的理由。
turn in=告发;上缴;上床睡觉

9.we keep tapping on cracks,and she's going to break.我们深入利用这个弱点,她就会崩溃
tap on=轻轻敲打 ; crack=裂缝
tap on cracks 敲打已有的裂缝,即深入利用弱点

10.humpty dumpty climbed up a wall,humpty dumpty had a great fall.胖墩爬上墙,胖墩摔下来
此句来源于一首童谣,humpty dumpty现在都用来称呼胖墩

11.How do you throw the hunter off the scent?Get rid of the prey.你怎么才能逃过猎人的鼻子? 扔掉猎物。
throw off=摆脱掉 scent=气味,嗅觉

12.your tags are expired.你的车牌过期了
expire =期满;死亡

13.provided the transport comes though.若果交通顺利的话
proviedprovided that常用于数学属于中,"假设,假如"的意思

14.You have the right to speak to an attorney before you speak to the police.Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. 在你向警方供述之前,你有权去请律师,但是你所说的一切将成为呈堂证供

As Michael starts to hatch an escape scheme, Whistler warns him that if he doesn't give up the book, he'll tell the Company that Linc has it. Michael is unfazed. He asks to borrow McGrady's cross necklace, but McGrady demands to know why.

unfazed: faze打扰,折磨,使狼狈,混乱,狼狈等意思,这里说“Michael is unfazed”可以翻译成米帅不为所动之类的

Linc, still freaked by the bloody box, visits Michael, who asks Linc to make friends with the prison gravedigger. We see in flashback what was in the box: Sara's severed head.

Michael cuts the power in the prison, then visits a trembling Mahone, going through withdrawal, to enlist him in his escape plan. He asks for a black felt tip pen. Bellick's watching. Mahone begins to hallucinate that Haywire is there, warning him against trusting Michael.

这一小段里面小猪觉得这个"a tembling Mahone,going through withdrawl" 很有意思,用一个"a" 小猪觉得表达出了这个Mahone已经不是当初那个人了。因为没有药物控制,Mohone有点面目全非。(星星不是那个星星了,呃,当然,还没变成猴子~)。而"going through withdrawal " ,"go through" 的意思有经历,经受,仔细检查,用完,被通过,参加,搜查,履行,而"withdrawal" 尽管我们经常用的是撤退之类的意思,尤其在新闻中(因为伊拉克撤军被说了又说),但是这里小猪认为是停止服药的意思,这里如果小猪来翻译的话,我会翻成然后去找马洪,一个因为没有药一直在颤抖的马洪……

这里面想说一下这个Achilles tendons,这个一般被翻译成跟腱。这里面的Achilles是希腊神话中的一个英雄,小猪看到的翻译最多的是把这个人翻译成阿喀琉斯。他的母亲提着他的脚后跟在冥河里给他沐浴,于是他的全身都刀枪不入,因为脚后跟部分没有浸湿,所以这里就成了他唯一的后来也成了致命的弱点。有一个短语和他有关,可以点击查看>>

八过为虾米这个一个人要逃跑,Lechero在其他犯人面前'cuts his Achilles tendons'”的情节偶木有印象了捏?

When Sucre refuses to help, Linc enlists Sofia as a translator so he can make friends with the prison gravedigger. The gravedigger recognizes Sofia from the prison gates. Okay, they're going to have to try honesty.

Lechero, knowing Michael is an engineer, goes to him to see if he can help get the electricity back on. If Lechero's cell phone dies, he can't get any food into Sona and they'll all die.

Michael says the electricity can only be repaired from No Man's Land, the area between the inner and outer gates of the prison, where any escaping prisoner is shot dead by tower guards. If he's going to trust that Lechero can protect him from the guards, he'll do it – but only in exchange for a specific corner cell – the first to get sunlight in the morning, he says. Bellick horns in, offering to help dig, and letting Michael know he overheard his conversations with Mahone.

On the dig, Michael won't include Bellick in his plans. So Bellick goes to Lechero and tells him Michael's planning an escape, and that he saw Michael bury something in a junction box in No Man's Land. Lechero goes to Michael and demands to see what he buried. It's duct tape – to fix the frayed wires, says Michael. Time to turn the power back on; Lechero insists on coming along with Michael. They arrive in the main power room. There is a fusebox, where Michael has jammed McGrady's cross – this is what's really been keeping the electricity off. The main power switch won't work while the cross is there, and Michael can't get the cross without Lechero seeing. So Lechero picks a fight with Sammy, during which he is able to surreptitiously remove the cross. The power comes back on. Lechero, though suspicious, is satisfied for now.

T-Bag kills Nieves, Lechero's man for smuggling drugs and money into the prison, and makes it look like an

overdose. Lechero already suspected Nieves of thievery; this just confirms it. T-Bag takes Nieves' place in Lechero's organization.


Linc arranges to meet Susan and get $15,000 from her. Sofia insists on coming along; Linc refuses to let her. And he tells Sucre to get lost already if he's just gonna run off.

Mahone brings Michael a felt tip pen. Whistler doesn't understand why Michael repaired the electricity – now the electric fence, which hadn't been working in the first place – is back online. Michael says they'll escape by making the fence as deadly as possible.

Susan and Linc meet with the gravedigger; the money is to bribe him. He asks for more money; Susan shoots him dead.

The hallucinatory Haywire begins to urge Mahone to kill Michael. T-Bag brings Mahone some drugs, and he takes them to steady his shakes. He visits Michael in his new cell – which overlooks the electric fence – bringing him the black felt tip pen, which he'd left behind in his old cell. Now why would Michael do that? Full of new confidence and self-control, Mahone says he'll kill Michael if he's not included in the escape attempt.

Linc, still hiding that Sara's dead, tells Michael that the gravedigger's been killed – but Sucre is now the gravedigger. He couldn't abandon his friends after all.

Susan sends the bird book back to Whistler, who then visits Michael to find out the details of the escape plan. They watch Sucre bury Nieves. Every body is sprayed with Kesslivol, a chemical that kills the odor of decomposition. And when heated to a certain degree – as it can be by, say, Sucre surreptitiously spraying it on an electric fence – it can corrode steel.

呃,反正是4.5版本的,偶们可以讨论下面一集会怎么样呢?Lincoln什么时候会告诉Michael Sara已经死掉了呢?顺便透漏一下,第4集的名字叫Good Fences,第5集的名字叫Interference,大家自由想象吧。

I want to don't hear anything out of your mouth other than what yourphotograpic...map 除了你说关于地图的事,其它事我都不要听
want to 在口语里读成wanna other than=除了

we're pulling them now. 我们在全力以赴

we're going to get made out here. 我们会被认出的
make out=辨认出

oh ,shut it 哦 闭嘴吧
我们一般多用shut up,shut it语气没shut up 强烈

something was in their way 有东西挡着它们

if we hit the foundation,we stay
hit the foundation=触到地基

we got to do something and it's not going to involve hurting anyone 我们要干点什么,但不能伤人
involve doing sth=包括...

then gas up the car 给车加满油

can I hitch a ride? 我能搭个便车吗?
hitchhike =徒步搭过路车式的旅行

Fresh out of the academy 一毕业就开始了

If you're telling me the road to him leads through Sara Tancredi ,by all means,pursue it.如果你认为抓到他必须利用到ST,那就用任何手段继续下去
这个词组蛮好用的,road to sb/sth leads through sb/sth是很形象的说法=达到。。。必须通过。。。。
by all means=用尽一切方法

The president has unwavering faith in you.总统对你很有信心

Now feel free to call your company
feel free to 请便

we're ready to turn your juice back on 我们准备好去恢复你家的电力

What's up,snowflake?
snowflake 表面意是小雪花,引申义是白种高加索人不友好的称呼,可见C-NOTEMS的不满

ask him if he would like have a drink with me after the punches out?问问他下班能和我喝一杯吗?
punch 有打孔的意思,punch out引申为打卡下班” punch in则同理为打卡上班

1.Just go easy.放松点

2.Go nothing.别动
警察的惯用语是:Freeze! "别动"的意思

3.It was 1:00 PM when they tangled it up.他们在下午一点聚集在一起
tangle up 集中在一起

4.The guy id'd both of them 那个人认出了他们两
ID=identify,鉴别,识别,id card=身份证

5.your car's empty .

6.It's time to get the hat.我们该去拿钱了

7.We have already committed the crime .我们已经犯罪了
committe the crime犯罪
committe the suicide自杀

8.The hat's over the wall.犯罪已成事实

9.There was a way we could wipe the slate clean.这样我们可以洗清冤屈
wipe the slate clean 是个再常用不过的词组,你会在很多电影和歌词中碰到,意思为"勾销往事 洗清冤屈"
slate=石板, 古人会把罪犯的名字刻在石板上

9.it looks like we're back to square one.看来我们又回到起点了

10.They withdrew his nomination他们撤销了对他的提名
withdraw=撤销;撤退 nomination=提名

11.oh,hit me a nerve ,真吓人

12.knock it off. 安静

13.whatever you got eating at you,you just give it up.无论什么事在折磨你,你就让它去吧(即别让这种内疚折磨你

14.Bodies kept stacking up.
stack up=不断堆积 body=尸首

15.The picture makes me look like a sociopath.照片上的我跟精神变态者似的
这里教一个猜单词词义的方法 sociopath: socio-为单词前缀=社会 -path为单词后缀=

16.Keep your head down.小心撞头,引申为"小心行事"

17.She found no signs of foul play.她没发现谋杀迹象
foul play原义为"球场上的严重的恶意的犯规"


1.The money was never yours to begin with.本来就不是你们的钱
to begin with=本来,原先

2.you are outnumbered and we will come after you.你人数少,我们会追上你的
 come after 追上

3.i let that psychopath t-bag loose once.我让T-BAG那个变态逃掉一次

4. i didn't mean to startle you. 我没想吓你。

5.in an apparent attempt to avoid jail time.有意逃避入狱 字串6
 avoid n.doing sth.

6.that stuff on that table is premium.桌子上放着保险费

  premium n.保险费   a.高价值的

7.here is a list of options available to you.单子上提供的东西对你有用
 available在口语中是常用的词,譬如问别人有没有空"are you available today?",或问座位有没有人占"  is the seat available?

8.Places to stay,business that are more open to hiring men out of the correctional system. 能住的地方,优 先聘用劳改犯的商家。 字串2
  be open to=...开放; correctional system=引申为教改所

9.without the money,we are screwed 没有钱我们就完了

10.we ran into some car trouble 我们遇到车祸了
run into=遭遇,撞上

11.They're ladies' clubs -- I'm guessing they're hotter than a monkey's jock strap.那些小妞的酒吧,我猜她们比猴子的护裆还热
  Jockstrap是指男用的护裆(打壁球容易被球反弹击中),大家都知道猴子的PP是红的嘛,所以monkey's jock strap红热红热的。。

12.we got to lose the bike. 我们得扔掉这车。 字串7
throw,leave 用腻了,用用lose也不错

13.from a public relations standpoint,abruzzi and apolskia were by the book.从公众角度出发,(杀)abruzzi and apolskia是按规定的。
  by the book=按常规,按规矩

14.your brilliant plan to eliminate sara tancredi from the equation failed.你的伟大的铲除SARA的计划,失败得也如此伟大

15.It's a simple strategy,plays across the board. 很简单的策略,广为人知

16.Get some two-bit job? 找份廉价工打打?
two-bit=二毛五分,即廉价的 字串4

17.and then when you strat running out of air...当你没气的时候
 在学校学的都是“out of breath

18.i will chain you to this desk until i get some answers i cannot fertilize my lawn with

 fertilize=施肥  lawn=草坪
 这里用了个比喻,i cannot fertilize my lawn with原义直到我的草坪施1.I've been working.Uh,night shifts,cleanup and...Jimmy said I could change my shift 我一
the night shift=夜班;the day shift=白班 ;three shifts=三班倒

2.copy that.收到
eg. Do you copy?收到了吗?
  Roger. 收到了

3.all the charges against you have been dropped,you're free and clear to start a new life.
 你身上所有的指控都撤销了,你可以重新开始新的生活了 字串7
 指控:charge somebody with

4.Not be constantly running,looking over your shoulder不用到处躲藏,小心翼翼地生活
 looking over your shoulder小心翼翼,时刻警惕

5.was there any opprtunity to subdue him? 是否有机会制服他?

6.But sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.但有时候事情的发展会超出你

7.care to comment? 有啥想说的么?
 want to用腻了就用care to吧,同样是"愿意,想要"的意思

8.i believe i said no comment.我说过无可奉告了
 no comment=无可奉告

9.God help the who goes behind my back and talks to the press.上帝保佑那个背着我向媒体通风报信的家伙(别被我抓到)
 go behind sb's back=背着某人

10.the only way to win a war is to try to konw your prey completely.知己知彼,百战不殆


11.everything's arranged.一切就绪
 everything's arrangedeverything's ready

12.let's roll out.我们出发吧
  let's roll out=let's go

13.We don't have to ditch the car. 我们不必丢弃这辆车。

14.It's a one-shot deal out of the country. 这是离开这个国家的惟一的机会。

15.i just figured that since we were divorced...我只是发现自从我们结婚后...

  figurefigure out 在口语中非常常用,为"发现,觉得"的意思

16.the bureau take its toll on your family.当局给你家带来了损害

17.can you guarantee me that my family ain't going to get hurt?你保证我家人不会受伤?
  eg. i promise that i'm on your side.我尽量保证支持你(即如果事情有变我可以背叛你)
    i guarantee that i'm on your side.我誓死保证支持你

18.nobody's punking out没人退出 字串3
punking out =退出
  i'm punkd 即"我被耍了"

19.he's a closed book.他很自我保护

20.All you have to do is wait by the merry-go-round. 你要做的就是等在旋转木马旁

21.Alex was consumed with finding him.Alex费尽气力去找他

22.you're slipping.你错了

23.two caucasian males on foot ,fleeing the willcox station.两个白种男人徒步从willcox火车站逃逸 字串2

1.he ain't coming off the goods.他什么都不说
 come off就是二个原来在一起的东西分开的意思

2.i'm on my way and I need your talents,on the ground as well. 我正在赶去,我需要你的帮助
on the ground=从基础开始
 另外与之相对的hit the ceiling的意思的"暴跳如雷"

3.You wanted me to figure out Scofield's rendezvous with Tancredi? 你想我找出ScofieldTancredi的       会面地点么?

4.I'm sitting right on top of it. 我就快得手了
on top of=了解知道,熟练掌握

5.i could drop you back off with the crops if you'd prefer.若你喜欢我可以把你们再还给警察
 drop... back off=退还给

6.she's picking me uo in a few hours.她一会来接我
 pick up 是常用口语,意为"接某人上车",或"搭便车"

7.Running away into the sunset with the man who lied to me? 和一个骗我的男人一起逃亡?

8.he's not gonna call for backup.他不会叫后援的
 back up=后援,增援

9.i don't wanna get trapped in here.我不想被困在这里
 trap=陷阱         be trapped in=被困住

10.you are somebody.你是个大人物
 同样的,i'm nobody意思就是"我是个小人物"

11.you're on the wrong side.你站错了立场
 on sb's side 站在某人一边
 eg.i'm on your side.我站在你这边,我支持你

12.This is a monumental moment for both of us. 这是我们的重要时刻


13.i'm not kidding around.我没有开玩笑
  i'm not kidding太常用啦

14.you named him after yourself.他跟你姓
  name A after BAB命名

15.Well,thanks for bailing as out. 谢谢你把我们弄出来
16.Down by the border. 南部的边境
up by the border. 北部的边境

1.this is the tribune police.make yourself known.我们是警察,请表明身份
make yourself known=表明身份

2.cops found your girlfriend fish-belly white,gargling her own puke.警察发现你女朋友不省人 ,口吐 白沫
fish-belly=鱼腹;fish-belly white=鱼翻白肚,即生命岌岌可危
gargle=漱口 ; puke=呕吐物
gargling her own puke口吐白沫(若换成字面意思挺恶心*_*)

3.bring her down 将她打垮了
这里再说另一个常用的词组let sb down,"使某人失望

4.the analyst got his hands on a phone conversation.分析员得到一通电话交谈
get a hand on sth=得到...

5.And judging by how hard they're going after sara tancredi,i'm pretty sure they think she has it.以他们追捕sara的力度看,我很确定她有(带子)
judge by=...为判断 (因为这里的主语为I,所以用judge的动名词)
go after=追逐;追求

6.But i hope his death properly illustrates the magnitude of the situation that we're in right now. 但我希望他的死完全说明了我们的麻烦,已经很严重了。 字串7
properly=适当地,完全地; illustrate=举例说明,阐明; magnitude=大小

7.are you aware of the nature of your sins?你知道你犯的罪的性质么?
be aware of=知道,了解
sin=,其实sin和一般的罪不一样,它一般指人的原罪Original sin,如大家所熟悉的"七宗罪"(七宗
罪即:Gluttony 暴食 Greed 贪婪 Sloth 懒惰 Pride 自负 Lust 淫欲 Envy 嫉妒 Warth 愤怒)
1.Until we verify,you will drop your weapon or we will drop you.在我们核实之前,放下武器,不然我们就放 倒你

2.There men are in my custody. 我抓住了两个逃犯
in custody=被拘留

3.I was wondering if you could help a brother out.我想问问你能否帮兄弟我一个忙.
我们都知道help sb"帮助某人",help sb out "帮助解决难题,帮助摆脱困境,救出 "

4.Remain at large. 仍逃亡在外
at large=未被捕

5.How a guy goes about getting a hold of one of those prosthetic jobbies. 一个人怎么才能得到假肢? 字串1
get hold of=得到 ; prosthetic=[]修补学,装补学

6.He just neglected to tuck in the sheets. (医生)只是忽略我了
这里说一下neglect,overlook, ignore的区别,虽然三个单词都表"忽视,忽略"的意思,neglect指因粗心或遗 忘而没有事,ignore指有意识地拒绝、故意不予理会;overlook指由于草率或没有注意到而忽视某事。
在搭配上, neglect除了可接sb.sth.之外,还可接to do sthdoing sth作其宾语,而ignore 后面只可接sb. sth.不可接不定式。

7.You sure as hell can figure out how to get a prosthetic for that stump of yours by yourself. 你自然能给自己搞个假肢
as hell=表示强调,意为非常


hell 在口语中使用频率很高,经常见到的由hell构成的词组还有:
1)a / one hell of 表示强调,意思为极好的/极糟的
e.g. Forrest Gump is a hell of a good soldier. 阿甘是一个绝对出色的士兵
2)go to hell 去你的,见鬼去吧
3)feel / look like hell (感觉或气色)很差
4)the hell表示强调,意思为到底


8.with his escape,the aiding and abetting charges the felonies he's racked up along the way,on top of his original sentence,I'd say Mr.Scofield will be spending the rest of his life behind bars.介于他越狱,协助并教唆犯罪等种种重罪指控,我得说Scofield要在监狱渡过余生了
abet=怂恿,教唆 ; rack up=积累 ; behind bars=坐牢 字串5

9.We're entitled to a phone call. 我们有打电话的权利
be entitled to do sth.=有权利,有资格做某事

10.So sit tight.所以给我好好坐着
sleep tight="睡个好觉"

11.What you're asking me to do is tantamount to suicide. 你要我干的事相当于让我自杀
tantamount to=等价于

12.Pardon my forwardness. 原谅我的粗鲁
pardon=原谅,宽恕 ; forwardness=卤莽;热心

13.there's sure to be a moment or two of chaos.会有一小会儿骚乱 字串3
a moment or two=一会儿
chaos=骚乱,吵杂 (教一个音忆法 chaos--chao s,用汉语拼音读就是"吵死" ,这个词一下就能记住啦^ ^)

14.Refresh my memory. 我回忆一下

15.there is just one teensy-tiny thing i been meaning to ask.我只要求你帮个一个小小的忙
tessy=[]极小的=tiny ; teensy-tiny=小之又小的

16.copy that.收到

17.You just found your inside man,but it's got to be right now. 你们得找个知情人,不过我们现在就得行
inside man=知情人,线人

1.They put me with this foster father down on pershing avenue.他们让我和住在pershing大街的养父一起生活.
foster-father=养父. 另外step-father=继父

2.Apparently,you were some kind of analyst.That's the job you chose over your family. 显然你是个分析家,你就为了那工作不要家了。

3.Michael,turning on the company put me and you at even greater risk.Michael,跟公司作对会让你们和我冒更大的危险
我们常见的turn on是指"打开,拧开",在此处trun on (sb)"攻击"
eg.Why are you all turning on me ? 你们为什么都冲我来了?

另外,turn sb on=使某人激动或兴奋

4.You must be relieved that it's over. 这事结束了你就解脱了

5.we don't get a whole bunch of homicides out here,and,well,we're trying to play catch-up.我们还没抓到那帮逃犯,我们正努力呢
a bunch of=一堆,一群 ; homicide=杀人犯

6.we can each sniff out a perp like a hot fart.我们能查觉谁是罪犯,就像闻臭屁一样
sniff out=闻到;查觉到 ; fart=[俗语]

7.I'd be indebted. 我很感激
indebted=感恩的;负债的 字串6

8.I'll do whatever i can to help you nail that son of bitch.我会尽我所能去帮你们抓住那个狗娘养的
nail=指甲;钉住;[俚语]抓住 (在此句中表"抓住")

9.He got me clean through.他打穿我的身体了
clean=整个地. eg.The bullet went clean through his shoulder. 子弹整个儿穿过了他的肩膀

10.it's a backup.这是后备的
而词组back up=支持;倒退

11.Geary and me had a little dustup over how to go about finding bagwell.Geary和我在对于怎么寻找bagwell的问题上出现了纠纷

12.All we need to do is find a pharmacy. 我们要找的就是个药店

13.I'll make sure that everybody involved knows that your help was invaluable. 我保证每个有关人员都知道你的帮助是无价的

14.And i want to cut a deal first.我想先做个交易
cut a deal 并不是破坏一个交易。相反地,to cut a deal就是在做生意方面,或者是在司法方面和对方 达成一个协议

15.A little incentive,and i want it in writing. 以防万一,我要书面承诺。

16.When we found the money,Geary double-crossed me. 当我们找到钱时,Geary出卖了我

17.Now,at this juncture,thing will go a whole lot easier for you if you admit to the crime.事情到这份上,你还是早早认罪的好
at this juncture=在这个当口上,在这个节骨眼上

18.Bagwell set me up.bagwell陷害我
set up是一个常用的词组,用法很灵活,"竖起;排版;创立;张贴;树立(榜样);装置、安放...."一堆意思

1.Give me a medevac,asap!我需要医疗直升飞机,快点!
asap=尽快,"as soon as possible"的缩写,在紧急情况下读成"asap"以节省时间

2.No offense,sir,but we're searching every vehicle.恕我冒犯,但我们在搜查每一辆车
no offense在美语中很常用,当你要指出别人的缺点,或者表示不同观点的时候,都可以加这样一句,表示没有故意要冒犯的意思.另外,no offense如果用在打球方面,就是一方没有进攻,或没有得分

3.That means,that at this stage,every second is critical.So if you detain me for one moment more,i will have all of your jobs. 这说明,眼下每一秒都至关重要.如果你们再妨碍我,我就让你们都失业 字串5
at this stage=眼下,暂时 critical=批评的;万分紧急的; detain=阻止,拘留

4.Now I have a bull's-eye on my chest,just as you two.现在我也你们俩一样被人追杀
bull's-eye=靶心 ; chest=胸口

5.Don't fret now. 先不要急

6.We got ourselves a clean slate.我们都清白了
a clean slate相当于中文里的"白纸一张,如白纸一样纯洁"

7.Well,you were a little more formidable than we anticipated.你们比我们想像中要强大些
formidable=强大的;令人敬畏的,可怕的 字串3

8.We don't need compliments out of you,jackass. 我们不需要你的恭维,混蛋
out of=来自;...里面;...范围外

9.well,it was touch-and-go there for a minute,but i got everything handled.,刚开始有点儿惊险,不过我已经掌控一切了
touch-and-go= 草率从事的行动;一触即发的形势

10.He is a losse end.他是个麻烦
loose end=(常由于复数)不用的部分;未了结的零星问题

11.you are great,top-notch.你们真强,是高手.

(这句话是steadman在电视上看到mslinc又逃走后,对某FBI说的 ^^)
top大家都知道是最高的意思.notch为在一样东西上刻记号.当然最高的就是最好的,所以Top-notch是指最出众的人或其他东西. "top-notch personnel"即指"拔尖人才"

12.Man,you don't quit. 老兄,你真是执着

13.You are smarter than a bee sting.你真聪明
这是一个形象的比喻,bee sting为蜂刺,smart在此一语双关,以为smart既有"聪明"的意思,还有"刺痛"之意, 故于bee sting比较

14.If anything jumps off,you get my back,I won't forget it. 如果有事发生,你帮我一把,我不会忘记的
jumps off的字面意思为"跳下,脱离",在文章中常表示"开始" 字串3

15.Out there,you're on your own. 在外面你得靠自己
on your own=独立自主

16.just relax and keep your head.只需放松和冷静
keep one's head=保持冷静
此外,keep your head down的意思是"说话做事保持低调,不为人注意"

1.Exit with your hands in the air.举手出来
with your hands in the air=我们更熟悉的:with your hands up

2.I'll make you a deal if you don't move a muscle,i won't blow your head off.我跟你说好,只要你乖乖着.我就不打爆你的头
not move a muscle=毫不动容,不变神色
此外,在美国俚语中be on the muscle=准备动武; 准备蛮干
在口语中flex one's muscles =小试身手
on the muscle =用暴力方式;气势汹汹的

3.pull over. 靠边,靠岸,开到路边
发现这是michael经常跟linc说的话----"把车停到一边",每当linc"why"的时候,michael都是一脸懒得跟你解释的那种神情说"just pull over"

4.Your commitment to help others,and i put you in a place that's every doctor's nightmare.你承诺帮助他人,我却让你陷入医生的恶梦中
commitment to=许诺

5.I'm going to take a leak. 我去小解
leak=泄漏; take a leak=小解

6.That's a nasty contusion.那是恶意殴打
nasty=令人不快的;恶意的 ; contusion=殴打;打伤

7.If you think i can pull some strings to keep you out of gen pop.I can't do that. 如果你以为我能让你不关禁闭,那么你错了
pull strings=在幕后操作
gen poplockdown的口语说法,意为"一级防范紧闭"

8.They're already done irreparable damage. 他们已经造成了不可挽回的损失
irreparable=不可挽回的 ; ir-""的前缀

9.A tape purported to be made by escaped convicts lincoln burrows and michael scofield was immediarely dismissed by the justice department.逃犯lincolnmichael做的可疑录影带被司法部门立即驳回
purported=可疑的 (purport=意义,主旨)

10.They dumped it off the front page and buried it.他们把这事从报纸头条撤下并隐瞒起来
我们常在电影里听到的"He/She dumped me"的意思就是"/她甩了我"
front page=报纸上的头版头条,也可用"page one"

11.It's a hail mary,man.这是孤注一掷,老兄
hail mary原指祷告者向圣母玛丽亚求救,而在美国口语中通常是指当成功的机率非常小时,做绝望的尝试

12.I'm guessing they're spoon-feeding us every lead they want us to follow.我猜他们想让我们顺着他们铺的路去白忙一场
spoon-feeding education=填鸭式教育

13.What if this is just one giant setup?如何这是个巨大的圈套呢?
giant=巨大的;伟大的 ; setup=陷阱,圈套

14.I didn't drive all this way to gloat. 我跑这么远不是来嘲笑你的

15.The girl bailed on you back in Gila.这女孩在Gila都没跟你走

1.Out in the cold. remember? 我被流放着,你还记得么?
Out in the cold=被忽视,被冷落

2.I don't recognize the insignia,do you? 我不认识这个标记,你呢?

3.I want Scofield's and Burrows' pictures on each and every gas pump.我希望SB的照片贴在每个加油站上
gas pump=加油站
each and every.虽然老师一直教我们eachevery的区别,但从此句可以看到,口语中可用"each and every"是可以连用的,起强调作用

4.Everything goes through headquarters from now on.从现在起,所有事都要向总部汇报


5.I need you to clear a car for me.我需要你腾出一节车厢给我

6.You want him to rub elbows with your other passengers?你想他和其他乘客坐一起么?
rub=磨擦 ; elbow=
rub elbows with sb.的引申义就是"与某人挨很近"

7.Everything is jake.一切都好
Everything is jake=Everything is all right

8.I tried,but your new warden,straight as an arrow.我试过了,但你们的新狱长固执得要命
straight as an arrow=像弓箭一样直,来比喻一个人待人处世抱诚守真、刚正不阿
eg.The man insisted that he was innocent and that he was as straight as an arrow. 那个人坚持自己是清 白的, 而且他是个正直的人

9.And you tracked down bagwell by following susan hollander.你又通过跟踪susan hollander追捕到了bagwell.
track down=追捕

10.It's just waiting to be rubber-stamped. 只需一些盖章的批准工作

11.Fowl is not part of a traditional brunch.禽肉不是传统的早午餐的一部分
brunch=breakfast lunch,"早午餐"
12.We have got company.我们有客人

13.Remember that merry-go-round that we saw today? 记得我们今天看到的旋转木马么?

14.what if the only thing inside's a bunch of stogies?要里面只有一些雪茄怎么办?

15.I don't wanna spend any more minutes in here than necessary.我不想再在这里浪费时间了
...more...than necessary=比应当的更... 字串4

16.I'm no local hayseed cop. 我不是地方草包警察

17.whoever this is..tell bill kim that he just screwed up..big time.不管你是谁,告诉bill kim他这次搞砸了...砸大了
screw up=搞糟,搞砸
big time=[俚语]十分,极度;欢乐时刻


