How to Make an Angry Person Happy

发布时间:2014-12-10 09:53:32

First off...stay calm. If you know you are going to be dealing with someone, be calm before you do and think about how the conversation may go. Think about what you want the outcome to be.


The most important thing to do is listen. Really listen. Angry people have a great deal of passion at that point. Figure out what they are passionate about. Before you respond, put yourself in their shoes. Think about what you would want to hear if you were them. If they are upset about something with their kids, think about what you would want to hear if you were a parent.


When you find their passion, let them know first off that you appreciate their concern. Try to show that you understand where they are coming from. Most importantly, tell them you care about what it is they are passionate about. Try to find a common ground that will be acceptable to both parties.


Finally, ask if there is anything else they are concerned about.


An example, I run a program with kids. The other day a parent called wanting to confront other parents about his child being bullied by other children. I listened, asked a few questions. It was clear he wanted his child to have a positive experience. I told him we are very concerned about bullying. It is completely unexceptable for a child to be bullied. I told him our staff would immediately make sure the bullying stops and we would punish those involved as we see fit. I told him we would handle it and let him confront other parents. I told him, our number one goal is the safety and happiness of the children in our program. I gave him action steps that we would take to ensure this stopped, apologized that we did not catch it sooner and asked if there was anything else they would like done. Finally, I told him if he had any other concerns or questions to please come to me immediately so we can take care of them. The parent went from being irate and yelling to thanking me for all that we do.

How to Make an Angry Person Happy
