

The news never ends. 这里是1080哥谭市广播
This is ten eighty GCR, 全天候为您播报您所需的新闻
you get all the news you need, all day long. 早上好 现在是1015日星期二 气温5摄氏度
Good morning. It's 42° and 10:30 on this Thursday October 15. 我是斯坦戴尔·布罗斯通 为您播报新闻 I'm Standale Brodston. Here's what's happening. 今天是垃圾处理罢工的第十八天
It's day eighteen of the garbage stall, 堆积的垃圾以每天一万吨的速度递增
with 10,000 tons of garbage piling up every day, 就连城中最漂亮的区域如今也如同沼泽地一般
even the nicest sections of the city are looking like swamps. 卫生局局长爱德华·欧罗克
Health commissioner Edward O'Roark 宣布全城进入紧急状态
is declaring a citywide state of emergency 这是几十年来第一次
for the first time in decades. 没必要等到有人丧命
There's no need to wait until somebody dies 或是感染伤寒病倒
or comes down with typhoid fever. 情况已经很紧急了
It's already a serious situation. 城中几乎所有人都深受其害
It's something that affects almost everyone in the city, 无论他们姓甚名谁 家住何处
no matter who they are or where they live. 不管你走到哪条街
You can't go down no one avenue 都会看到垃圾和老鼠
without seeing nothing but garbage and rats. 已经开始影响我的生意了
It's starting to affect my business 顾客们因为这些垃圾没办法进来店里
when customers can't get in here because of garbage situation. 在街上不但闻得到
When out there, not just smell it, 还看得到 很可怕
but I think to look at it, it's terrible.
我没怎么受影响 除了... It don't affect me, except for the 除了那难闻的臭味 太可怕了 the very bad smell, it's horrific. 一团糟
The mess. 我来这个国家五十年了
I've been in this country for 50 years 从没见过这种情况
and I've never seen anything like it. 这个世界到底要沦为什么样子了 What is this world coming to? 把他们关进一间房间里
Put them in the room 让他们坐着直到讨论出个解决方法来
and sit there and talk 'till they got it over with. 24小时 48小时 直到有结果为止 24 hours, 48 hours, how long it takes. 让国民警卫队出手清理
The idea of the National Guard pulling in and cleaning up, 是个好主意
it's good idea! 下条新闻 建筑商和业主
In other news, the Building Industry and Landlords 今日表达了对取暖用油油价上涨的担心
today expressed concern over the latest increase in heating oil prices. 大都会的租客必将... Renters in the Metro area are certain to... 肯尼乐器行 倒闭大甩卖 一件不留 整他
Let's get it. -你的鞋子怎么了 老兄 -这身行头不错啊
- Yo, what's up with your shoes, bro? - Nice outfit, huh? 如果一定要当小丑的话
If you're gonna be a clown, 起码可以做个人肉招牌 是吧
at least you can be a bill-boy, you know that, right? 住手
Stop it! 快跑 快跑
Go! Go! Go! 凯尔 我们走 抢到牌子了

Come on, Kyle, let's go! We've got the sign! 快跑 Let's go! 停下 拜托
Stop there! Come on! 看路 看路
Watch your go! Watch your go! 来追我啊 小丑
Make me stop, clown. 来啊 小丑 你太慢了
C'mon clown, you are not catching up. 拦住他们
Stop them!
Come on! 别挡路
Come on! Get out of the way! 拦住他们
Stop them! 你们这群王八蛋 You bastards. 打死他
Come on, beat his ass up. 这家伙太弱了 什么都干不了
Come on, this guy's weak, can't do nothing. 用力 用力
Harder! Harder! 打他 拿他的东西
Beat him up. Take his stuff. 快跑 快跑
Let's go, let's go! Come on, come on, come on! 快跑 快跑
Let's go, let's go, let's go! 卫生局 社工
Is it just me, 还是这个世界真的越来越疯狂了 or is it getting crazier out there? 气氛是很紧张 It is certainly tense. 大家都很沮丧 People are upset. 人人都在挣扎

They're struggling. 找不到工作
Looking for work. 如今世道艰难
These are tough times. 你自己怎么样了 How 'bout you? 有没有坚持写日记
Have you been keeping up with your journal? 女士 Yes, Ma'am. 很好
Great. 你把日记带来了吗
Did you bring it with you? 亚瑟
Arthur... 上次我让你把日记带上的
last time I asked you to bring your journal with you 方便我们的治疗
for these appointments. 能给我看看吗
Can I see it? 我用这个当日记本
I've been using it as a-as a journal, 同时也是我的笑话记录本
but also as a joke diary. 有意思的想法和观察
Funny thoughts or observations. 我记得我跟你说过我想当单口相声演员
I think I told you I'm pursuing a career in stand-up comedy. 你没说过 No, you didn't. 我觉得我说过
I think I did. 我只希望我的死亡比我的人生更有"价值" "I just hope my death makes more cents than my life." 必须来这里让你有什么感觉
How does it feel to have to come here? 有个人可以倾诉对你有帮助吗
Does it help to have someone to talk to? 我觉得比被关在医院里感觉好
I think I felt better when I was locked up in a hospital. 你有没有多想想

And having thought more about 自己为什么会被关起来 why you were locked up? 观察室 谁知道呢
Who knows? 我想问问你能不能请医生
I was wondering if you could ask the doctor 给我加大药量
to increase my medication? 亚瑟 你正在服用七种不同的药物
Arthur, you're on seven different medications. 总得有点作用吧
Surely, they must be doing something. 我只是不想再这样难过下去了
I just don't want to feel so bad anymore. 你能别骚扰我孩子了吗
Can you please stop bothering my kid? -坐好 -我没在骚扰他... - Sit! - I wasn't bothering him... -别说了 -我是在... - Just stop! - I was... 怎么 你觉得很可笑吗
What, you think that's funny? 对不起 我有... I'm sorry, I have a co... 原谅我的大笑 我有病 背面还有
这种病会导致忽如其来 持续不断 无法控制的大笑 并不符合当事人的情绪
患者一般有过脑损伤或患有神经疾病 谢谢
烦请归还卡片 对不起 I'm sorry. 药房
开心 你上来时有看信箱吗
Happy? Did you check the mail before you came up? 看了 妈妈 Yeah, mom. 空的

Nothing. 到了今晚 当你觉得
And finally tonight, just when you thought 事态没法更糟时
it couldn't get any worse. 超级老鼠
Authorities are saying the city is under siege by scores of rats. 不是普通的老鼠 是更难杀死的超级老鼠
And not just any rats. Super rats. More hard to kill. 他肯定还没收到我寄的信
He must not be getting any of my letters. 他可是托马斯·韦恩 妈妈 It's Thomas Wayne, mom. -大忙人 -拜托
- He is a busy man. - Oh, please. 我为他们家族工作了那么多年 I worked for that family for years. 他至少应该回个信吧
The least he could do is write back. 切好了 吃吧
Here, all worked up. Eat. -你需要吃点东西 -你才需要吃东西
- You need to eat. - You need to eat. 瞧瞧你多瘦
How skinny you are. 他会成为一位伟大的市长 所有人都这么说 He will make a great mayor. Everybody says so. 是吗 谁这么说了
Oh, yeah? Everybody who? -你跟谁聊了 -新闻里的人都这么说
- Who do you talk to? - Well, everybody on the news. 只有他能拯救这个城市
He is the only one who could save the city. 这是他对我们的责任 He owes it to us. 过来坐着 开始了 Come, sit. It's starting. 天呐
Oh, my! 这里是哥谭市的NCB演播室
From NCB studios in Gotham city! 为您带来《默里·富兰克林现场秀》
It's Live with Murray Franklin!
Tonight Murray welcomes, Sandra Winger, 喜剧演员斯基普·拜伦以及亚顿和香特尔的钢琴演奏
comedian Skip Byron and the piano styling of Yeldon & Chantel! 桑德拉·温尔来了 Sandra Winger's on it. 还有默里的老朋友们 Joining Murray as always, 埃利斯·德瑞恩和他的爵士乐队 Ellis Drane and his Jazz Orchestra. 好了 言归正传
And now, without further ado, 有请默里·富兰克林 Murray Franklin! 谢谢
Thank you. 谢谢大家
Thank you. 今天台下的各位都漂亮极了
We've got a great looking audience today. 谢谢 谢谢大家
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢
Thank you. 大家都听说
So, everybody's heard about 哥谭市现在出现了超级老鼠吧
the super rats stutter in Gotham now, right? 今天 市长说他有解决办法了
Well, today, the mayor said he has a solution. 准备好了吗
You ready for this? 超级猫
Super cats. 这是认真的 这些家伙... But no, serious it is, I mean these guys are... 我爱你 默里 I love you, Murray! 我也爱你
I love you, too. 鲍比 你能开下灯吗
Hey, Bobby, will you put the lights on? 刚刚谁喊了 是你吗
Who is that? Was that you?
You wanna stand up, please? 起立 站起来
Stand. Stand up for me. There. 你叫什么
What's your name? 你好 默里 我叫亚瑟
Hi, Murray. Arthur. -亚瑟 -我叫亚瑟
- Arthur? - My name is Arthur. 你身上有特别的地方 亚瑟
Okay, well, there is something special about you, Arthur. 我能看出来
I could tell. -你是哪里人 -我就住在这个城市
- Where are you from? - I live right here in the city. 和我母亲住在一起
With my m--mother. 别笑 没什么好笑的
Okay, hold on. Hold on. There is nothing funny about that. 我出人头地前也和母亲住在一起 就我们俩
I lived with my mother before I made it. Just me and her. 我就是那种小孩 父亲出门买包烟
I'm that kid who's father went out for a pack of cigarettes. 再也没有回来
And he never came back. 我懂这种感觉 默里
I know what that's like, Murray. 从记事那刻起 我就是家里唯一的顶梁柱
I've been the man of the house for as long as I can remember. 我把母亲照顾得很好
I take good care of my mother. 你付出了这么多 她一定很爱你
All that sacrifice, she must love you very much. 确实
She does. 她总是让我保持微笑 挂上笑脸
She always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. 她说我是为了传递欢笑而诞生于世的
She says I was put here to spread joy and laughter. 我喜欢这个说法 很喜欢 到台上来
I like that. I like that a lot! Come on down.
来吧 就凭这句话 你得到台上来
Come on! For that, you've got to come down. 来吧 来吧
Come on! Come on! 来吧
Come on! 好了 今晚将有好戏上演
Okay, we've got a big show tonight. 别换台 马上回来
Stay tuned. We will be right back. 你刚才太棒了 亚瑟 谢谢你
That was great, Arthur. Thank you. 我喜欢听你讲述自己的故事 我很开心
I mean, I loved hearing what you had to say, it made my day. 谢谢 默里
Thanks, Murray. 你看到灯光 表演
You see all this, the lights, the show, 观众这些东西了吗
the audience, all that stuff? 要是能有你这样的孩子
I'd give it all up in a heartbeat 我会毫不犹豫地放弃这一切
to have a kid like you. 你真是个混蛋
You're such a jerk. -女士们你们好吗 -兰德尔 你好吗
- What's up, ladies? - Hey, Randall. What's up? 卖笑的一天又开始了
Another day in chuckle town. 你没事吧
You okay? 我听说你被人打了
I heard about the beat-down you took. 太野蛮了
Fucking savages. 只是一群孩子罢了 我不该理会他们的
It was just a bunch of kids. I should've left them alone. 那样的话他们会抢走你的一切
No, they'll take everything from you if you do that. 外面发生的那些破事 他们都是畜生 All the crazy shit out there? They're animals. 这样吧
You know what?
给你 Here. 这是什么 What is it? 拿着 Take it. 给你的
It's for you. 你得保护好自己
You gotta protect yourself out there, 不然你会很惨
otherwise you're gonna get fucked. 兰德尔
Randall. 我不应该持枪
I'm not supposed to have a gun. 别担心 亚瑟 Don't sweat it, Art. 没人会知道的
No one has to know. 你可以以后再回报我
And you can pay me back some other time. 你知道我罩着你
You know you're my boy. 亚瑟 霍伊特让你到办公室找他
Arthur... Hoyt wants to see you in his office. 盖瑞 你知道我一直好奇什么吗
Hey, Garry, you know what I've always wondered? 不知道
No idea. 迷你高尔夫对你们来说 是不是标准高尔夫

Do you people call it miniature golf, or is it just golf to you? 揍他老二 盖瑞
Punch him in the dick, Garry. 办公室
你好 霍伊特
Hello, Hoyt. 盖瑞让我来找你
Garry said you wanted to see me? 你的喜剧生涯如何了
How's the comedy career? 你现在是著名单口相声演员了吗 You're a famous stand-up yet? 并不是

Not quite. 我还在构思段子
Just been working on my material. 别坐了 很快就好
No, don't sit. This will be quick. 听着 我喜欢你 亚瑟
Look. I like you, Arthur. 这里很多人都觉得你是个怪胎
You know, lot of the guys here think you're a freak, 但我喜欢你
but I like you. 我甚至不知道为什么喜欢你
I don't even know why I like you. 但我又收到投诉了
But I got another complaint. 让我有点生气了 肯尼乐器行的人
And it's starting to piss me off. Kenny's Music. 说你消失了
The guy said you disappeared. 连广告牌都没还回去
Never even returned his sign. 因为我被人抢了 Because I got jumped. 你没听说吗 Didn't you hear? 就为一块广告牌吗
For a sign? 扯淡 没道理啊
It's bullshit. It doesn't make sense, 把广告牌还回去
just give him his sign back. 他们都要倒闭了 亚瑟
He's going out of business for God's sake, Arthur. 我要广告牌做什么
Why would I keep that sign? 我他妈怎么知道 问我干嘛
How the fuck do I know? Why does anybody do anything? 你如果不把广告牌还回去 If you don't return the sign, 我只能从你的工资里扣了
I got to take it out of your pay check. 清楚了吗
Are we clear? 听着 我是在帮你 知道吗

Listen, I'm trying to help you. Okay? 还有件事
Now I tell you something else. 别的员工觉得跟你待在一起不自在 亚瑟
The other guys, they don't feel comfortable around you, Arthur. 因为他们觉得你是个怪胎 懂吗
Because people think you're weird, okay? 我不能放任不管
And I can't have that around me. 我希望把这事解决了
I want it-I want it to work out--- 等等 等等
Wait, wait, wait! Wait! 谢谢
Thank you. 这栋楼太烂了 对吧
This building is so awful, isn't it? 这栋楼太烂了 对吗 妈妈
This building is so awful, right, mommy? 宝贝 我听到了 琪琪 Yeah, sweetie. I hear you, GiGi. 太烂了 妈妈
It's so awful, mommy. 对吗 妈妈
Right, mommy? -晚安 -这栋楼太烂了 对吗
- Goodnight. - This building's so awful, isn't it? 走吧 Come on. 抬头
Head up. 可能是邮递员把信丢了
Maybe the mailman is throwing them away. 妈妈 为什么这些信对你这么重要
Mom, why are these letters so important to you? -他收到信又会怎样呢 -他会帮我们
- What do you think he's gonna do? - He's gonna help us. 你为他们工作
You worked for them, what? 是三十年前的事情了吧
30 years ago? 他为什么要帮我们
Why would he help us? 因为托马斯·韦恩是个好人

Because Thomas Wayne is a good man. 如果他知道我们现在生活得这么困难
If he knew how we were living, 如果他看到这间屋子 他会很难过
if he saw this place, it would make him sick. 我只能这么跟你解释了
I can't explain it to you any better than that. 我不想让你操心钱的事
I don't want you worrying about money. 或是操心我
Or me. 大家都说我已经能给大俱乐部表演单口相声了
Everybody's telling me that my stand-up is ready for the big clubs. 但是 开心 谁让你这么觉得的
But, Happy, what makes you think you could do that? -什么意思 -我是说
- What do you mean? - I mean... 要当喜剧演员 难道不需要足够幽默吗 don't you have to be funny to be a comedian? 你叫什么
Hey, what's your name? 亚瑟 Arthur. 亚瑟
Hey, Arthur. 你的舞跳得真好
You're a really good dancer. 我知道
I know. 那谁跳得不好 And who is not?
Him. 开心 什么声音 你没事吧
Happy! What was that? Are you okay? 妈妈 你说什么
Mom, what? 刚刚的响声 你听到了吗
That noise! Did you hear that noise? 我在看老战争片
I'm-I'm watching an old war movie! 调小声点 Turn it down! 抱歉 妈妈

Sorry, mom. 行了吧 You good? 威廉街
It's nice to see these couples are at my show. 我也有妻子 我们喜欢角色扮演 I have a wife, we love to role play. 没错 很性感
Yes. Yes, very sexy. 我现在最喜欢的是
My favorite one right now is... 教授和需要通过我的课才能毕业的大四学生
professor and senior who really needs to pass my class to graduate. 是的
Yes. 我来告诉你们情境
So I tell you how I operate. 我是新英格兰地区一所著名大学的教授
I'm a professor at a prestigious New England university. 我妻子是我的西方文明导论课上的大四学生 And my wife is a senior in my intro to western civ. 我知道 为什么她大四了还上导论课
I know, I know, why is she-why is she a senior in intro? 我当时也纳闷
I didn't buy it either. 她在我的办公时间来找我
So she comes to me during my office hours, 周一和周三的三点到五点
Monday and Wednesday 3:00 to 5:00, 她说 "打扰一下 路易斯教授" and she says, "Excuse me, Professor Lewis." 在这个学校里我没法用真的姓氏
I can't use my real last name at this collage 因为他们不雇犹太人
'cause they don't hire Jews. 我要是获得终身教席就有这个问题 先不管这个
Something I'll address once I have a tenure, but for now... 她说 "路易斯教授
She says, "Excuse me, Professor Lewis. 我觉得我的西方文明导论可能要挂科了
I think I might be in danger of failing intro to western civ, 我想让你知道 为了不挂科我什么都愿意做" and I just want you to know I'm willing to do anything to pass."
我说"什么都愿意做吗" 她说"" I said "anything?", and she says "Aah". 保持目光接触 记得观察好笑的事 性笑话总能使观众笑 心理疾病 人们
有心理疾病最糟的是 人们希望你假装没病 你今天是不是跟踪我了
Were you following me today? 是的
Yeah. 我就知道是你
I thought that was you. 我还以为你会入室抢劫
I was hoping you'd come in and rob the place. 我有一把枪 I have a gun. 我明天再造访
I'll come by tomorrow. 你太幽默了 亚瑟
You're so funny, Arthur. 是啊
Yeah... 我是单口相声演员
You know, I--I do stand-up comedy. 有机会的话可以来看我的表演
You should maybe come and see a show sometime. 没问题
I could do that. 是吗
Yeah? 告诉我时间
Yeah. You let me know when?
Yeah. 如果你感到开心 就动动耳朵
If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears 如果你感到开心 就动动耳朵
If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears 如果你感到开心 If you're happy and you know it,

感到高兴 就表现出来 and you feel it, well, just show it 如果你感到开心 就动动耳朵
If you're happy and you know it, wiggle your ears 如果你感到开心 就跺跺脚
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet 如果你感到开心 就跺跺脚
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet 如果你感到开心
If you're happy and you know it, 感到高兴 就表现出来
and you feel it, well, just show it 如果你感到开心 就跺跺脚
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet 如果你感到开心 就大声欢呼
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hooray" 如果你感到开心 就大声欢呼
If you're happy and you know it, shout "Hooray" 如果你感到开心 感到高兴
If you're happy and you know it, and you feel it,-- 霍伊特 别这样 Hoyt, please. 我爱这份工作
I love this job. 亚瑟 我得知道你为什么带枪去儿童医院
Arthur, I need to know why you brought a gun into a kids hospital. 这是道具 这是我表演的一部分 It's a prop. It's part of my act now. 扯淡 扯淡
That's bullshit! Bullshit! 什么样的小丑会带枪
What kind of a clown carries a fucking gun? 而且 兰德尔说你上周想找他买枪
Besides, Randall told me you tried to buy a .38 off him last week. -兰德尔说的吗 -你有毛病 亚瑟
- Randall told you that? - You're a fuck-up, Arthur. 还是个骗子 And a liar. 你被开除了
You're fired! 我跟你说 她想要我的号码
I'm telling you, she wanted my number. 我们不该走的
We should have just stayed.
你在做梦吧 她对你根本不感兴趣
You're dreaming, man. She wasn't interested... at all. 你疯了吗 你没看到我们跳舞时挨得多近吗
Are you nuts? Did you see how close we were dancing!? 她爱上了我 老兄
She was in love, bro. 她根本不想和你多待一秒
She couldn't wait to get away from you. 莱恩 莱恩 我疯了吗 告诉他你看到了什么 Ryan. Ryan, am I crazy? Tell him what you saw. 你想吃薯条吗
You want some french fries? 你好
Hello....? -我在和你说话呢 -不用了 谢谢 - I'm talking to you. Hey. - No, thank you. 你确定吗 You sure? 很好吃的
They're really good. 别不理他 他在对你示好
Don't ignore him. He's being nice to you. 有什么好笑的吗 混球
Is something funny, asshole? 贱人
Bitch! 这不荒唐吗 Isn't it rich?
我们真是一对吗 Are we a pair?
Me here, at last on the ground 你却仍在半空 You in mid-air 让小丑们出场吧 Send in the clowns. 这不可笑吗 Isn't it bliss? 你不同意吗
Don't you approve? 拜托 别这样
Please. Don't. 一个四处游荡
One who keeps tearing around,

One who can't move. 小丑们在哪里
Where are the clowns? 小丑们该出场了
There ought to be clowns. 伙计 告诉我们 有什么这么好笑
So, buddy, tell us. What's so fucking funny? 没什么 ... Nothing. I--- ...我有一种病
I have a--- I have a condition. 我来告诉你你有什么 混球
I'll tell you what you have, asshole. 拜托 住手
Please, stop! 还会踢人 把他抱住 把他抱住
We've got a kicker, huh? Hey, hold him steady, hold him steady. 别起来 怪胎 Stay down, freak! No! No! 救命 救命
Hey! Help! Help! 请远离正在关闭的车门
Stay clear of the closing doors. 该死 Shit. 该死
Shit. 我看报道说是画了满脸妆的人干的
I read it was a guy in full make-up. 这里说他戴了面具
No, it says right here it was a mask. 不管怎样 我觉得这对生意有好处 Either way, I think it's good for business. 所有报纸的头版都是小丑
They got clowns in front of every newspaper. 大个儿 有什么好消息吗
Big man, what's the good word? 亚瑟 我听说了你的遭遇
Hey, Arthur. I heard what happened. 我很遗憾 伙计
Sorry, mate.
是啊 那样被开除
Yeah, it doesn't seem fair, 感觉并不公平
you get fired like that. 你真的带枪去儿童医院了吗 亚瑟
Did you really bring a gun to the children's hospital, Arty? 你他妈为什么要那么做
What the fuck would you do that for? 这是你新表演的一部分吗 亚瑟 Is that part of your new act, Arthur? 如果你的舞蹈没把人逗笑
If your dancing doesn't do the trick, 你就开枪自杀吗
you just gonna shoot yourself? 怎么不问问兰德尔
Why don't you ask Randall about it? 是他的枪
It was his gun. -什么 -为此我还欠你人情 不是吗 - What? - I still owe you for that, don't I? 你他妈在说什么
What the fuck are you talking about? 别胡扯了 亚瑟
Stop talking outta your ass, Art!
Oh, no! 我忘了打卡下班了 I forgot to punch out. 别忘了笑 别笑
And as our city tries to make sense of the brutal 上周在地铁上发生的三人命案
triple murder on the subway last week. 我们请来了托马斯·韦恩
We're joined by Thomas Wayne. -开心 托马斯·韦恩上电视了 -他跟这起悲剧
- Happy, look. Thomas Wayne's on TV. - He has a personal connection -有私人关联 -听到了 妈妈 - this tragedy. - Yes, mother. 感谢邀请我参加节目
Thanks for having me on show. 他们在问他那个可怕的地铁谋杀案
They're asking him about those horrible subway murders.
谢谢你 托马斯 我知道这对你来说并不容易
Thank you, Thomas. I know this is a difficult time for you. -为什么问他 -这些年轻人都是... - Why him? - These young men all were... 像是在给竞选造势
Looks like his compaign. 是的 他们三个都是韦恩投资公司的员工
Yes, all three of them worked for Wayne Investments. 托马斯·韦恩
他们善良 正直 有教养
Good, decent, educated, 尽管我与他们三人没有私交
although, I didn't know any of them personally. 和所有在韦恩公司工作过或正在工作的员工一样 Like all the Wayne employees, past and present, 他们都是我的家人
they were family. -听到了吧 我就说我们是一家人 -这座城市
- You hear that! I told you. We're family. - There now seems to be a 现在似乎仇富情绪高涨
groundswell of anti-rich sentiment in the city. 似乎那些不那么富裕的市民
It's almost as if our less fortunate residents 选择站在凶手这边
are taken the side of the killer. 是的 令人遗憾
Yes and it's a shame. 这也是我考虑参选市长的其中一个原因
It's one of the reasons why I'm considering a run for mayor. 高谭市迷失了方向 Gotham has lost its way. 你对于有目击者声称
What about the eyewitness report 嫌疑人戴着小丑面具有什么看法
of the suspect being a man in a clown mask? 我觉得很合理
Well, it makes total sense to me. 什么样的懦夫才做得出这般冷血行径
What kind of a coward would do something that cold-blooded ? 躲在面具后的人
Someone who hides behind a mask. 这种人嫉妒比自己幸运的人
Someone who is envious of those more fortunate than themselves, 却不敢露出自己的真面目

yet they're too scared to show their own face. 在这种人改过自新之前
And until all those kind of people change for the better.. 我们这些有所成就的人
those of us who've made something of our lives, 将会一直把这些一事无成的人
will always look at those who haven't 看作跳梁小丑
as nothing but clowns. 托马斯·韦恩 感谢你接受采访
Thomas Wayne, thank you for coming in this morning. 这不好笑
It's not funny. 我那天在收音机里听到这首歌了
I heard this song on the radio the other day. 那个家伙唱着
And the guy was singing, 说他的名字叫嘉年华
that his name was Carnival. -亚瑟 -太疯狂了
- Arthur. - It's just crazy, 因为这是我工作时的小丑昵称
because that's my clown name. At work. 直到不久前
But until a while ago 好像都没人注意到我
it was like nobody ever saw me. 连我都不确定自己是否真的存在 Even I didn't know if I really existed. 亚瑟 我有坏消息要告诉你
Arthur, I have some bad news for you. 你根本没听 对吧 You don't listen, do you? 我觉得你从来都没
I don't think you ever 认真听我说话
really hear me. 你只是每周重复同样的问题
You just ask the same questions every week: "工作顺利吗" "How's your job?" "有没有消极的想法" "Are you having any negative thoughts?" 我脑袋里全是消极的想法

All I have are negative thoughts. 反正你也听不进去
But you don't listen, anyway. 我说了
I said, 我这辈子
for my whole life 都不确定自己是否真的存在
I didn't know if I even really existed. 但现在我确定了
But I do. 人们开始注意到我了
And people are starting to notice. 他们砍了我们的预算 They've cut our funding. 我们下周就要关闭了
We're closing down our offices next week. 市政府在大幅度削减预算
The city's cut funding across the board, 其中包括社会福利
social services is part of that. 这是我们最后一次见面了
This is the last time we will be meeting. 好吧
Okay. 他们根本不在乎你这种人 亚瑟
They don't give a shit about people like you, Arthur. 他们也不在乎我这种人
And they really don't give a shit about people like me, either.
Oh, fuck. 以后我该怎么拿药
How am I supposed to get my medication now? 我该去找谁
Who do I talk to? 抱歉 亚瑟
I'm sorry, Arthur. 我想大多数女人把性事看作是买车
I think, uh-- I think most women look at sex like buying a car. 就好比"这车我能长久开下去吗" You know, like, "Can I see myself in this long term?" 安全吗 可靠吗
Is it safe? Is it reliable? 会害死我吗

Could it kill me? 而大多数男人把性事看作是停车 Most guys look at sex like parking a car. 比如"这儿有个车位" We're like "There's a spot". "那边还有一个 那边也行" "There is another spot, that would work." "还得花钱呢 那算了" "Oh, I have to pay? Never mind." "残障人士专用 希望没人看到" "Handicapped? Hope no one sees us." 好了我讲完了 谢谢各位
Alright that's my time. Thank you very much, guys. 大家再次为山姆·莫尔鼓掌 One more time, Sam Mohr, ya' all. 下一位喜剧演员
Alright, this next comic 说自己在哥谭市住了一辈子
describes himself as a lifelong Gotham resident 从小就有人经常对他说
who from a young age was always told that: "他人生的意义就是
"His purpose in life was to 为这个寒冷黑暗的世界带来笑声" bring laughter and joy into this cold, dark world." 好吧
Okay. 请掌声欢迎亚瑟·弗莱克 亚瑟·弗莱克
Please help me welcome Arthur Fleck, ya'all. Arthur Fleck. 大家好 很高兴来到这里 Hello, it's good to be here--- 我讨厌 I hate-- 我小时候
I---I hated 讨厌上学
school as a kid. 我小时候讨厌上学
I hated school as a-- as a kid. 但我母亲总是对我说
But my mother would always say, "你应该享受校园生活 你早晚要为生计奔波" "You should enjoy it. One day you'll have to work for a living." "不会的 我要当喜剧演员"
"No I won't, Ma. I'm gonna be a comedian!" 来个好笑的
Here is one. 那天我正好在想
You know, I was just thinking the other day, 有钱人为什么都... why are the rich people so--- 杀手小丑逍遥法外 杀人凶手的最新消息 你相信他们说的吗
Do you believe that shit? 义警小丑? 九号列车发生暴力事件 据称三人因争执被杀 去他们的
Fuck 'em! 我认为这个人是个英雄
I think the guy that did it is a hero. 哥谭市少了三个混蛋 还剩下一百万个
Three less pricks in Gotham city, only a million more to go. 我知道你们会怎么想
I know what you're gonna be thinking. 伙计 像往常一样 谢谢你带来的欢笑
And buddy, as always thanks for the laughs. 我们当然会再见面 你会来对吧 希望你会来
Sure, will see you again. You will be here, right? I hope. 明晚的嘉宾有戴安娜·哈德森
Tomorrow night, we have Diana Hudson, 格里格·戈登 还有动物专家休·利特 Grieg Gordon, and animal expert Hugh Little. 感谢各位观看
Thanks for watching. 晚安 千万别忘记
Good night. And always remember "这就是人生" "That's Life". 这就是人生
That's life. 妈妈 醒醒 我们去床上睡
Mom, time to wake up. We go to bed. 开心
No, Happy. 我又给他写了封信
I wrote him a new letter.
来吧 跟我跳舞
Come on, dance with me. 给托马斯·韦恩 这很重要
For Thomas Wayne. That's important. 你好像喷了古龙水 You smell like cologne. 因为我刚刚去约会了
Because I just had a big date. 别忘了把信寄出去
Just don't forget to mail it. 《默里·富兰克林秀》是在
The Murray Franklin show is taking alive 美丽的高谭市现场录制的
before a studio audience in beautiful downtown Gotham city. 我很可能命不久矣 因为我最近病得厉害 所以才给你写这封信 你非常明白 我很爱你
过去七个月 我怀抱微弱希望 给你寄了很多信 希望你能够回复 我真的不希望这么多年后还打扰你
我也知道当年我们的爱情给彼此带来了多少痛苦 我知道我可能会遭人嘲笑
但我需要你的帮助 我和你儿子都需要你的帮助 我承认我求你是因为我目前的状况... ...非常悲惨 我没有保险 也没有任何未来的机会
托马斯 你是我和你儿子唯一的希望
亚瑟是个好孩子 虽然有点悲观 但是个好人 我想你会为他的工作感到自豪 我陪伴他的日子已经头了
至少给我们些钱 帮我们摆脱困境 成为那种你可以爱上和尊重的人 永远爱你 潘妮·弗莱克
你会害死我的 你会害我心脏病发作
You're gonna kill me! You're gonna give me a heart attack! -别来这一套 -
- Don't give me your-- - No! No! 你不生气了我再跟你说话
I'm not talking to you until you stop being angry! 好吧 Okay.
Okay. 我没生气

I'm not angry, mom. 我没生气 I'm not angry. 拜托
Please. 是真的吗
Mom, is this real? 他是个了不起的人 开心
He is an extraordinary man, Happy. 他是个很有权势的人 He is a very powerful man. 我们曾彼此相爱
We were in love. 他说为了顾及颜面 我们最好
He said it was best if we would not be together 不要在一起
because of appearances. 我不能告诉任何人 因为
And I couldn't tell anyone because, 这个
well, 我签了保密协议
I signed some papers. 而且你可以想象到人们会怎么说
And besides, you can imagine what people would say about 我和托马斯
Thomas and me and... 他们会怎么说你
what they'd say about you. 他们会怎么说
What would they say, mom? 义警小丑仍然在逃 托马斯·韦恩
韦恩参加竞选 哥谭市展望未来 你叫什么名字 What's your name? 布鲁斯 I'm Bruce. 布鲁斯 Bruce. 我叫亚瑟 I'm Arthur. 这样好多了
That's better.
布鲁斯 布鲁斯
Bruce! Bruce! -离那人远点 -没关系 我是好人
- Get away from that man. - It's okay. I'm a good guy. 你在做什么 你是谁
What are you doing? Who are you? 我是来见韦恩先生的
I'm here to see Mr. Wayne. 你不应该跟他儿子说话
Well, you shouldn't be speaking to his son. -你为什么给他花 - 不是真花
- Why did you give him these flowers? - No, they're not real. 这是魔术
It's...magic. 我只是想逗他笑
I was just trying to make him smile. 但这并不好笑 不是吗 Well, It's not funny, is it? 需要我报警吗
Do I need to call the police? 不用 拜托
No, please. 我母亲叫潘妮
My mother's name is Penny. 潘妮·弗莱克
Penny Fleck. 她很多年前曾在这里工作
She used to work here years ago. 可以请你告诉韦恩先生我想见他吗
Can you please tell Mr. Wayne I need to see him? 你是她儿子
You're her son? 是的
Yeah. 你认识她吗
Did you know her? 我知道他们俩的事
I know about the two of them. 她什么都告诉我了 She told me everything. 没什么好告诉你的
There's nothing to know. 他们没有在一起过
There is no "Them".
Your mother was delusional. -她有病 -不要
- She was a sick woman. - Don't 这么说她 say that. 走吧
Just go. 免得你丢人现眼
Before you make a fool of yourself. 托马斯·韦恩是我的父亲 Thomas Wayne is my father. 他抛弃了我 He left me! 放手
Let go! 呼吸率保持每分钟十五次 Keep respirations at 15. 慢点 有台阶
Slow, there're some stairs coming up. 妈妈
Mom? -出什么事了 -你是谁
- What happened? - Who are you? -我是她儿子 -太好了
- I'm her son. - Oh, great. -出什么事了 -也许你能帮我们决定
- What happened? - You can probably help us out to decide. 我们还不清楚出了什么事
We don't know what happened yet. 一起上救护车吧
Hop in the back of the ambulance. 还有一个台阶
Come on. We have one more left. 人工呼吸不顺利 迈克
I'm getting a little resistence here, Mike. 帮忙抬一下
Come on, give her a lift. 扶着她的头
Position her head. Lift. 交给我
I'm here.
借过一下 先生
Excuse me, sir. -你母亲目前在吃什么药吗 -没有
- Does your mother take any medications? - No. -抱歉 我没听清 -没有
- Excuse me, I can't hear you. - No. -先生 你上次见她是什么时候 -我不知道
- Sir, what was the last time you spoke to her? - I don't know. 救护车 急诊
Mr. Fleck. 抱歉打扰了 我是盖瑞蒂警探
Sorry to bother you. I'm detective Garrity. 这是我的搭档 伯克警探
This is my partner detective Burke. 我们想问你几个问题 但你不在家
We had a few questions for you, but you weren't home. 所以我们和你母亲谈了谈
So... we spoke with your mother. 你们跟她说什么了
What did you say to her? -是你们害她成这样的吗 -什么
- Did you do this? - What? 不不不 我们只是问了她几个问题
No. No, no. No, we just asked her some questions. 然后她就开始歇斯底里 And she got hysterical.. 喘不上气
hyperventilating, 然后就摔倒了 撞到了头
then collapsed and hit her head pretty hard. 是的 医生说她中风了
Yeah, the doctor said she had a stroke. 很遗憾发生了这种事
We're sorry to hear about that. 但我说了 我们还有问题要问你
But like I said, I still has some questions for you. 是关于上周的地铁谋杀案
They're about the subway killings that happened last week. -你听说了吧 -听说了
- You've heard about them, right? - Yeah. -很可怕 -是的
- It's horrible. - Right.
So with spoke with your boss over at...Ha-Ha's. 他说你被开除了
He said you were fired for 因为你带枪去了儿童医院
bringing a gun into the children's hospital. -是真的吗 弗莱克先生 -那是道具 - Is that true, Mr. Fleck? - It was a prop. 是我表演的一部分 It was part of my act. 我是个派对小丑
I'm a party clown. 好吧 那你为什么被开除 Alright, so why were you fired? 他们说我不够好笑
They said I wasn't funny enough. 你能想象吗
Can you imagine that? 不介意的话
If you don't mind, 我要去照顾我母亲了
I have to go and take care of my mother. 你的老板还给了我们一张你的卡
Your boss also gave us one of your cards. 你的病症 大笑不止
This condition of yours, laughing. 是真的 还是什么小丑的把戏
Is it real, or some sort of a clown thing? -小丑的把戏 -
- "A clown thing?" - Yeah. 也是表演的一部分吗
I mean, part of your act? 你觉得呢
What do you think? 这是出口 It's exit only. 她会没事的
She's gonna be okay. 我去买杯咖啡 I'll get a coffee. -你喝吗 -
- You want one? - Yeah. 那晚我跟我的小儿子 比利
So, the other night I told my youngest son, Billy,
最小的 不太聪明的那个
you know, the new one, the-- not so bright one, 我跟他说垃圾处理还在罢工 比利
I-- I told him the garbage strike is still going on, Billy,.. 他说 我没开玩笑 比利说
and he says, and I'm not kidding, Billy says, "那我们去哪里买垃圾呢" "So where are we gonna get all our garbage from?" 最后
And finally, 在一个谁都觉得自己能做得了我的工作的世界
in a world where everyone thinks they could do my job, 有人在哥谭市本地的波哥喜剧俱乐部
we got this video tape from Pogo's comedy club 拍下了这段视频
right here in Gotham. 有个人觉得只要他自己不停地笑
Here's a guy who thinks if you just keep laughing, 自己就搞笑了
it'll somehow make you funny. 看看这个小丑
Check out this joker.
Oh, no! 我小时候讨厌上学 I hated school as a kid. 但我母亲总是对我说
But my mother would always say, "你应该享受校园生活
"You know, you should enjoy it. 你早晚要为生计奔波" One day you'll have to work for a living." "不会的 我要当喜剧演员" "No I won't, Ma. I'm gonna be a comedian!" 你真该听妈妈的话
You should have listened to your mother. 再来一段 再来一段 鲍比 And one more. One more, Bobby. 再来一段 我爱死这家伙了 Let's see one more. I love this guy. 很搞笑 It's funny. 我小时候
When I was a little boy
and told people I was gonna be a comedian, 大家都笑我
everyone laughed at me. 可是现在没人笑了
Well, no one's laughing now. 这话说得没错 伙计 You can say that again, pal. 好了
Alright, 今晚的节目十分精彩 嘉宾有查克·康比
We got a great show for you tonight. Chuck Cambie is here. 女演员琼·穆里根
Actress Joan Mulligan, 还有梅穆本和呆子的新歌
and new music from Melruban and the stiff. 杀死富人 是新运动吗
As tensions mount around the metro area, 斯托克斯市长呼吁市民们保持冷静
Mayor Stokes has pleaded for cooler heads to prevail. 市政服务受到影响
City services have been affected 一些商家决定在骚乱期间不营业
and some businesses have decided to remain closed amid the unrest. 此报道由查克·史蒂文斯提供
Chuck Stevens filed this report. 本市市民酝酿了好几周的愤怒和怨恨
The anger and resentment that's been building in the city for weeks 似乎将要爆发
seems close to exploding. 抗议者今天占领了街道
Protesters, many dressed as clowns, 哥谭市
took the streets today 为了对抗城市精英 他们策划了多场示威活动
in one of the several plan demonstrations taking on the city's elite, 抗议
including a massive rally outside tomorrow night's benefit at Wayne home. 你们抗议的目的是什么
What's the point of all this?
富人去死 托马斯·韦恩去死 Fuck the rich! Fuck Thomas Wayne. 这就是我们抗议的目的
That's what this all fucking thing was about. 整个体制都去死
Fuck all this system! 韦恩最近宣布要竞选市长
Wayne, who recently announced his running for mayor 他将出席明晚的慈善活动
will be attending the benefit. 你或许还记得 正是托马斯·韦恩
You might remember, it was Thomas Wayne 率先将许多哥谭市民称为"小丑" who first referred to many of Gotam's residents as "clowns". 托马斯·韦恩竞选市长
这个小丑让我不满 小丑竞选市长 至今他也没有表示歉意
Today, he offered little in way of an apology. 韦恩 法西斯 托马斯·韦恩 我要说的是
Well, what I will say is, 这些人有毛病
there's something wrong with those people. 我会帮助他们
And I'm here to help them. 我会帮助他们摆脱贫穷
I'm gonna lift them out of poverty, 帮助改善他们的生活
help make their lives better. 这就是我竞选的原因
That's why I'm running. 他们或许没意识到 但我是他们唯一的希望 They may not realize it, but I'm their only hope. 我们都是小丑 杀死富人 韦恩去死
卓别林 《摩登时代》 小丑竞选市长
打倒韦恩 打倒韦恩
Down with Wayne! Down with Wayne! 打倒韦恩 打倒韦恩
Down with Wayne! Down with Wayne! 危险

有事吗 伙计 Can I help you, pal? 我不知道该说什么
I don't know what to say. 你想要签名什么的吗
Do you want an autograph or something?
No. 我叫亚瑟
My name is Arthur. 潘妮·弗莱克是我母亲 Penny Fleck is my mother. 老天
Jesus. 昨天来我家的人就是你吗
You're the guy that came to my house yesterday? 是的
Yes. 抱歉我不请自来
I'm sorry I just showed up. 但是我母亲告诉了我一切
But my mother told me everything. 我必须找你谈谈
And I had to talk to you, -对吧 -听着 我不是你父亲
- you know? - Look, pal, I'm not your father. 你什么毛病
What's wrong with you? 瞧瞧我们两个
Look at us. -我觉得你就是 -那不可能
- I think you are. - Well, that's impossible. 因为你是被收养的 而我从没和你妈上过床
Because you were adopted and I never slept with your mother. -我不是被收养的 -你想要什么 钱吗
- I wasn't adopted. - What do you want from me, money? 不是
No. I don't. 我不是被收养的
I wasn't adopted. 老天 她从没告诉你吗 Jesus. She never told you? 告诉我什么
Told me what?
Your mother adopted you while she was working for us. 这不是真的 你为什么这么说
That's not true. Why are you saying that? 因为她在你还小的时候被捕
Because she was arrested and committed to Arkham State Hospital 并被关进阿卡姆州立医院 when you were just a little boy. 你为什么这么说
Why are you saying this? 我不需要你骗我 我知道这很奇怪
I don't need you to tell me lies. I know it seems strange. 我无意惹你不快
I don't mean to make you uncomfortable. 我不明白为什么大家都这么没礼貌
I don't know why everyone is so rude, 为什么你也是这样 我不想从你那得到什么
and I don't why you are, I don't want anything from you. 或许一点点温暖 或许一个拥抱 爸爸
Maybe a little bit of warmth, maybe a hug, dad! 连一点点尊重都不舍得吗
How much is a little bit of fucking decency? 你们这些人是怎么回事 What is it with you people?! 你说那些话侮辱我母亲
You say that staff about my mother? -她是个疯子 -... - She's crazy. - She's-- -你觉得这很好笑吗 -是的 - You think this is funny? - Yeah-- 爸爸 是我
Dad, it's me! 拜托
Come on-- 你再碰我儿子 我就杀了你
You touch my son again, I'll fucking kill you! 你好 弗莱克先生 我是盖瑞蒂警探 Hello, Mr. Fleck. This is detective Garrity. 我们那晚在哥谭总院见过
We met the other night at the Gotham General. 我和我搭档还有几个问题要问你
My partner and I had a few more questions for you. 我们今天去了你家 但你不在
We stopped by your apartment today, but you weren't at home.
Please, give me a call when you've heard this message. 再说一遍 我是盖瑞蒂警探 Again, this is detective Garrity. 我的号码是212...99 My number is 212-- 99. 这是给亚瑟·弗莱克的留言 This message is for Arthur Fleck. 我是雪莉·伍兹
My name is Shirley Woods, 是《默里·富兰克林秀》的工作人员 I work on the Murray Franklin show. 不知道你清不清楚
I don't know if you're aware, 默里最近在节目中放了一段你的单口相声表演
but Murray played a clip of your stand-up on the show recently 我们收到了观众的许多好评
and we've gotten an amazing response from our viewers. 默里先生让我联系你 看你是否... And Mr. Murray asked me to give you a call and see if you're--- 你是谁
Who is this? 你好 我是雪莉·伍兹
Oh, hi. This is Shirley Woods. 我是《默里·富兰克林直播秀》的邀约员
I'm the show-booker from Live With Murray Franklin. 你是亚瑟吗 Is this Arthur? 是我
Yes. 你好 亚瑟 正如我刚刚说的
Hi, Arthur. Well, and as I was saying, 我们接到许多电话询问你的表演 反响极好
we've gotten a lot of calls about your clip, amazing responses. 默里让我联系你
And, Murray asked if I would reach out to you 看你愿不愿意作为嘉宾上台
to see if you would come on as his guest. 默里想让我上《默里·富兰克林秀》吗
Murray wants me on the Murray Franklin show? 是的 是不是很棒
Yeah. Isn't that great? 他想和你聊聊 或许你可以讲几个段子
He'd love to talk to you, maybe do some of your act.
Does that sound good to you? 好的 听起来很棒
Yeah, that's sounds great. 我们能现在定个时间吗
Can we set up a date right now? 你下周四有时间吗
Are you available next Thursday? 阿卡姆州立医院 抱歉久等了 兄弟
Man. Sorry about that, my man. 十年及以上的档案都存放在地下室
All our records that are 10 years or older are stored in the basement 而你要找的是三十年前的... and you're talking about something' 30 years ago, so. 我能问你个问题吗
Can I ask you a question? 问吧
Sure. 什么样的人会被送进这里
How does someone wind up in here? 他们都
Have they all--- 他们都犯过罪吗
all the people committed crimes? 是啊 有些是
Yeah. Some have. 有些只是疯了 对他们自己或他人构成危险
You know. Some are just crazy and pose a danger to themselves or others. 还有些人无处可去
Some just got nowhere else to go. 不知该怎么办
Don't know what to do, you know? 是啊 我明白你的意思 老兄
Yeah, I hear you, brother. 有时候 我也不知道该怎么办 Sometimes, I don't know what to do. 上一次我把怨气撒在了别人身上
Last time I ended up taking it out on some people. 我以为这会很困扰我 结果完全没有
I thought it was gonna bother me but it really hasn't. 你说什么 What's that? 我搞砸了

I fucked up. 我做了坏事
I've done some bad shit. 你懂我的意思吧
You know what I'm talking about. 想要一直开心真的是... It's so hard just to try and be... 太难了
happy all the time. 听着 伙计
Listen, man... 我只是个行政助理
I'm just an administor assistant. 文职人员
Like a clerk, you know. 我只负责整理文件
All I do is file paperwork, 我不知道该和你说什么 I don't know what to tell you, 不过你应该去看看心理咨询师
but you should see somebody. 政府有相关项目 市民服务之类的
They have programs, city services, stuff like that. 是啊 Oh, yeah. 预算都被砍了
They cut all those. 找到了
All right. Here it is. 弗莱克 潘妮·弗莱克 让我看看
Fleck. Penny Fleck. I see. 诊断医师为本杰明·斯托纳医生 Diagnosed by Dr. Benjamin Stoner... 该病人患有妄想性精神病
The patient suffers from delusional psychosis 以及自恋型人格障碍
and narcissistic personality disorder... 罪名是
Was found guilty 危害自己小孩的安危... of endangering the welfare of her own child-- 怎么了
What? 你说她是你的母亲

You said she's your mother? 抱歉 伙计
I'm sorry, man. 我说过 没有填表签字批准
Like I said, I can't release these records, you know, 我不能给你这些记录 without the proper forms. 我会被连累的
I--I could get in trouble. 如果你能把你母亲带来签字
Look, if you wanna bring your mom in here to sign, 手续会更好办
that would be much easier, 但我不能不经签字批准就给文件 懂吗
but, I can't-- I can't let this go without a signature, okay? 抱歉
I'm sorry. 不行 伙计
No, man! 别这样 伙计 快还给我 Come on, man! Give it to me! 哥谭市卫生局
精神病史及诊断结果: 潘妮·弗莱克 行为极度怪异 实施身体虐待 儿童领养申请表 哥谭市卫生局 监护权同意书
哥谭市孤儿院拥有监护权 领养儿童全名 未知(弃婴 监护权移交潘妮·弗莱克 这点我们说过了 潘妮 We went over this, Penny. 你收养了他
You adopted him. 领养儿童姓名 未知(弃婴
We have all the paperwork right here. 那不是真的
That's not true. 都是托马斯编的瞎话
Thomas had them all made up,
so it stayed our secret. 在你的某任男友
You also stood by 不断虐待你的养子时
as one of your boyfriends repeatedly abused 你也曾坐视不管 your adopted son 还遭他毒打
and battered you. 小孩养母任其被虐待
一位母亲及其儿子遭遇恐怖家暴 潘妮
Penny, 我们在你肮脏不堪的公寓里发现你儿子时
your son was found tied to a radiator 他被绑在暖气片上
in your filthy apartment, 营养不良 身上有多处淤青
malnourished, with multiple bruises across his body 头部有严重创伤
and severe trauma to his head. 我从未听他哭过
I never heard him crying. 他一直都是个开心的小男孩
He's always been such a happy little boy. 该睡觉了
It's time for bed. 天啊
Oh, my god! 你在这里做什么
What are you doing in here? 你走错公寓了
You're in the wrong apartment. 你叫亚瑟 对吧
Your name is Arthur, right? 住在走廊尽头
You live down the hall. 我恳请你离开
I really need you to leave. 我年幼的女儿正在隔壁屋里睡觉
My little girl is sleeping in the other room. 请走吧
I've had a bad day. 要我打给谁吗 你母亲在家吗
Can I call someone? Is your mother home? 闭嘴 Shut up! 你好 潘妮 Hi, Penny. 潘妮·弗莱克
Penny Fleck. 我一直很讨厌这个名字 I always hated that name. 你曾告诉我
You know, you used to tell me 我的笑是一种病
that my laugh was a condition, 是我有毛病
that there are something wrong with me. 其实不是 There isn't. 那就是真实的我 That's the real me. ...
Ha--appy "开心" "Happy". 真滑稽
Funny. 我他妈这辈子...
I haven't been happy... 一秒钟都没有开心过
one minute of my entire fucking life. 你知道好笑的是什么吗 You know what's funny? 你知道什么会逗乐我吗
You know what really makes me laugh? 我曾以为我的人生是出悲剧
I used to think that my life was a tragedy, 但如今我才意识到它其实是部喜剧 but now I realize it's a fucking comedy. 一位十分出色的演员
A very fine actor. 他有部新电影叫作《美国花花公子》
He's got a new movie called 'American Playboy',
opening this week across the country. 有请我们节目的好朋友
Will you please welcome a good friend of the show, 伊森·蔡斯先生
Mr. Ethan Chase. 很高兴见到你 伊森 你的气色很不错 Good to see you, Ethan. You looking great. 非常感谢 你看起来也不错
Thank you very much. You look good yourself. 还行吧
Can't complain. 你好 默里 非常感谢你的邀请... Hi, Murray, Thank so much for having--- 你好 默里
Hey, Murray. 非常感谢你们邀请我来上节目
Thank you so much for having me on the show. 这是我毕生的梦想
It's been a lifetime dream of mine. 我现在很紧张
I'm nervous right now. -真的吗 -真的 - You are? - I am. 默里 这真是... Hey, Murray. It's been a --- 不好意思 你说什么 I'm sorry, what's that? 你真逗 默里
That's very funny, Murray. 其实我也是名喜剧演员
You know, I'm also a comedian. 你想听个笑话吗
Would you like to hear a joke? 是吗 你们都想听吗 Yeah? All of you?
Okay. 咚咚咚
Knock. Knock- knock. 咚咚咚
Knock- knock. 爱你的笑 托·韦

来了 Coming! 亚瑟
Hey, Arthur. 你好吗
How's it going? 你们好 伙计们 Oh, hi, guys. 请进吧
Come on in. 你定下新表演了吗 Did you, get a new gig? 没有
No. 那你肯定是要去市政府参加集会
You must be going down to that rally at City Hall. 我听说会很疯狂
I hear It's gonna be nuts. 是今天吗 Is it today? 是的
Yeah. 不然你为什么化妆
What's with the make-up, then? 我妈妈死了 My mom died. 我在庆祝
I'm celebrating. 我们听说了
Right. We heard. 所以我们才来的 觉得... That's-- that's why we came by. Figured... 你可能需要一点安慰
you could use some cheering up. 真体贴
That's sweet. 但不用 But, no. 我感觉很好 I feel good. 我停药了
I stopped taking my medication. 现在感觉好多了
I feel lot better now.
Okay. Well, good for you. 我不知道你听说没 但是... So, hey, listen. Uh, I don't know if you're heard, but.. 警察来了店里好几次
the cops had been calling around the shop 问地铁谋杀案
talking all the guys about 相关的事情
those subway murders. 他们没问我
They didn't talk to me. 因为嫌犯是正常身材
That's because the suspect was a regular sized person. 如果嫌犯是个侏儒 你现在就该进监狱了
If it was a fucking midget you'd be in jail right now. 不管怎样... Anyway, um... 霍伊特说
Hoyt said that, um... 他们问过你了
they talked to you and 现在他们在调查我
now they're looking for me--- 我就是想知道你说了什么
I just want to know what you said. 确保我们的供词对得上
Make sure our stories line up, 考虑到
seeing as, um-- 我罩着你
you're my boy and, -有道理 -你明白吗
- It makes lot of sense. - you know what I mean? 谢谢你 兰德尔 非常感谢
Thank you, Randall. Thank you so much. -我就是想 -见鬼 - I just wanna-- - Fuck! 天啊 Oh, god! No! 搞什么

No! 你为什么要这样做 亚瑟
Why would you do that, Arthur? 你看《默里·富兰克林秀》吗
Do you watch Murray Franklin show? 看吗
Yeah. 我今晚要上那个节目 I'll be on it tonight. 简直是疯了 对吧 It's fucking crazy isn't it? 我居然要上电视了 Me on a telly. 搞什么 亚瑟
What the fuck, Arthur? 搞什么 What? 怎么了 What? 没事的 盖瑞 It's okay, Garry. 你可以走
You can go. 我不会伤害你
I'm not gonna hurt you. 别看了 走吧 Don't look. Just go. 见鬼
Fuck. -亚瑟 -怎么了
- H-hey Arthur? - Yeah? 亚瑟 你能开...一下锁吗 Arthur, can you get... the lock? 见鬼
Shit. 没事的 盖瑞 It's alright, Garry. -盖瑞 -
- Garry? - Yeah? 你是唯一一个对我好的人
You're the only one that's ever been nice to me. 走吧
Get out of here.
亚瑟 我们得谈谈
Hey, Arthur! We need to talk! 站住 亚瑟
Hey, stop, Arthur! 亚瑟
Arthur! -你这见鬼的 -让开
- You fucking-- - Hey, out of the way! 让开 Move! 亚瑟 Arthur! 亚瑟 站住 Arthur, stop! 快追
Go! Go! 请下车 get out. 请远离正在关闭的车门
Stand clear of the closing doors. 拦住那趟列车 Hold that train! 拦住
Hold it! 让开 让开 Get out! Get out! 下一站 Next stop -- 混蛋 小心点
Hey, asshole! Better watch it! 都让开
Stand down! Now! 警察 让开
Police! Stand down! 让开
Stand down! 搞什么
Hey, what the fuck? 打他
Beating there! 住手 警察
Stop fighting! Police! Police! 住手 都给我住手
Get down! Get the fuck down!
警察 住手 给我住手
Police, get down! Get the fuck down! 搞什么... What the fuck...! ... What the--? 亚瑟 Arthur! 天啊
God, no! 默里·富兰克林现场秀 今晚 两名警察在地铁上
Two officer on the train 与群众发生暴力冲突
were violently confronted by the crowd tonight 他们伤情严重
and they're in serious 不过现已稳定 在哥谭大都会医院接受治疗 but stable condition at Gotham Metropolitan. 我们连线联合主持人科特尼·韦瑟斯
We're going live now to co-anchor Courtney Weathers 她正在枪击发生地附近的
who's standing by outside the Bedford park station 贝德福德公园站外
near where the shooting took place. 科特尼 现场情况如何
Courtney, what's the scene there? 默里
Murray! -要叫"富兰克林先生" -拜托 吉恩 - It's "Mr. Franklin!". - Oh, come on, Gene. 不必在意称呼 That's all bullshit. 谢谢 默里
Thank you, Murray. 我感觉自己跟你很熟悉 I feel like I know you. 我一直在看你的节目
I've been watching you forever. 谢谢
Thank you. 你脸上的妆是怎么回事
What's with the face? 你也是示威者中的一员吗

That mean that you are part of the protest?
No. 我完全不信那个
No, I don't believe in any of that. 我什么都不信
I don't believe in anything. 我只是觉得这妆会很适合我的表演
I just thought it would be good for my act. 你的表演 你没听说地铁上的那桩惨案吗
For your act? Didn't you hear what happened on the subway? -有个小丑杀了人 -他肯定知道
- Some clown got kills. - He's aware of that, yeah. 我没听说过
No, I haven't heard. -是吗 -你看 我告诉过你
- Yeah? - You see ,this is what I'm telling you. 你要是让这家伙上台观众就要发疯了
the audience is gonna go crazy if you put this guy on. 可能就让他上一小段 但别上整场
Maybe, maybe for a bit, but not a whole segment. 吉恩 能行的 没事
Gene, It's gonna work. It's gonna work. 就让他这样上台吧 We're gonna go with it. 谢谢你 默里
Thank you, Murray. 但有几条规矩
Couple of rules, though: 不能骂脏话 不能讲黄段子 No cursing, no off-color material, 我们是个正经节目 行吗 we do a clean show, okay? 你在萨莉医生后面上场
You go on right after Dr. Sally. -我爱萨莉医生 -太棒了 真好 - I love Dr. Sally. - Good! Good, good. -会有人来叫你上台的 好吗 -好的
- Well, someone will come and get you, okay? - Okay. 完美
Perfect. -祝你好运 -谢了 默里 - Good luck. - Thanks, Murray. 好的

Okay. 默里 有件小事
Hey, small thing. -什么 -介绍我出场的时候 - Yeah? - When you bring me out 你能叫我"小丑"
can you introduce me as "Joker"? 你为什么不用真名
What's wrong with your real name? 你之前在节目上就是这么叫我的 That's what you called me on the show. 一个小丑
A Joker. 你还记得吗
Do you remember? -是吗 -我不知道
- Did I? - Yeah, I don't know. 听你的 孩子 你就是小丑了
Well, if you say so, kid, you know, joker it is. -这名字挺好的 -谢了 默里 - It's good. - Thanks, Murray. 挂上笑脸 我愿意试试
I would try it, you know, 但我不确定我老婆会同意我这么干
but I'm not sure my wife would let me do it. 可能我下一个老婆会同意
Maybe my next wife. 你们得见见我们的下一位来宾
You gotta see our next guest for yourself. 我相信这个家伙需要看医生
I'm pretty sure this guy can use a doctor. 他有性方面的问题吗
Does he have a sexual problem? 他看起来可不止有一个问题
He looks like he's got a lot of problems. 好了 让我们再最后看一遍那段视频 Alright, Let's show that clip one last time. 我小时候讨厌上学 I hated school as a kid. 但我母亲总是对我说
But my mother would always say, "你应该享受校园生活
"You should enjoy it.
你早晚要为生计奔波" One day you'll have to work for a living." "不会的 我要当喜剧演员" "No I won't, Ma. I'm gonna be a comedian!" 好了
Okay, 你们可能看过下一位嘉宾的这段视频
you may have seen that clip of our next guest. 在他出场前 我只想说
Now, before he comes out, I just want to say 我们都对今夜本市发生的状况感到心痛
that we're all heartbroken about what's going on in the city tonight. 但这是他选择的出场方式
But, this is how he wanted to come out. 而且说实话 我觉得我们都需要好好笑一场 And, honestly, I think we could all use a good laugh. 那么 有请"小丑"登场 So, please welcome "Joker". 你还好吗 医生
Are you alright, doctor? 这个出场可真厉害
Well, that was... quite an entrance. 你没事吧
You okay? 我很好
Oh, yeah. 这和我想象的一模一样
This is exactly how I imagined it. 我的想象可不是这样 Well, that makes one of us. 你能和我们聊聊你这身打扮吗
So, can you tell us about this look? 我们之前聊的时候 你说过
When we spoke earlier, you mentioned 你的装扮不是在表达政治观点 对吧
that this look is not a political statement, is that right? 没错 默里 我不关心政治
That's right, Murray. I'm not political. 我只是想让大家笑出来
I'm just trying to make people laugh. 你觉得你干得怎么样
And how's that goin' for ya? 没事 我知道你是个喜剧演员
It's alright. It's alright. So, I know you're a comedian.

