
发布时间:2020-05-17 21:46:16

舞蹈班(阳光沙滩)------小小一班(Are you sleeping )--- -小二班(小宇宙)--中一班(快乐宝贝)---大二班(儿童节愿望)----篮球(篮球)-----小小二班(What is it)---中三班(哆啦A梦)---小一班(快乐夏日)---中二班(樱桃小丸子)----大一班(快乐六一)

D: 尊敬的各位家长,你们好,在活动开始之前,有几点小小的提示,请家长们配合。为了维护现场秩序,请家长们不要在活动过程中随意走动,为了不影响小朋友的表演情绪,请勿进入小朋友就座区,在所有节目结束后,请在老师的指引下接回您的孩子。同时请勿在现场喝任何有颜色的饮料和吃任何食物。另外我们聘请了专业的摄制人员进行拍照及录像,如果您需要照片或者录像,可以和我们的老师进行联系,谢谢您们的配合!

DemiGood morning, 欢迎大家来到亚运城加拿达幼儿园的2015“六一”儿童节活动的现场。我是Demi.

Jonathan:Good morning, everyone. I’m Jonathan.


Jonathan:Yes. Today we celebrate this special day together. Wish all the children Happy Childrens Day


1. Demi:谢谢Elynn园长。就像Elynn园长说的今天真的是个开心的日子呢!

Jonathan: Yes, and I think all the kids are get ready. Dear parents, are you ready for our performance? Let’s welcome big class one welcome


2.Jonathan: Thank you, thanks for their wonderful performance. Big class one is really good.


Jonathan: Demi, we know big class is really good at dancing,but do you know mini class is good at sing? Look, they are coming. Let’s welcome mini class one《Are you sleeping》

Demi:大班的哥哥姐姐们真的很厉害,但是我们小小班的宝贝一点都不逊色哦!不信,你们看!下面让我们请出小小一班小宝贝们带来的歌曲《Are you sleeping》大家掌声欢迎

Wow. They are so cute. Lets give them a big applause.

Demi: 小小一班的小宝贝们真的是太可爱了。让我们再一次用热烈的掌声鼓励他们。

Jonathan: Demi. I’ve heard the alien will come and celebrate children’s day with us.


Jonathan:Me too. But I think small class two must know. Let’s welcome small class two <Its a small universe>.


:They are really good, and?I?should give them the biggest thumbs up.

Demi:感谢小二班宝贝的精彩表演,让我们把热烈的掌声送给他们。宝贝们有没有发现,最近的天气貌似不太高兴,老是哭脸。大家是不是都很想念阳光呢?Jonathan,Do u miss sunshine?

Jonathan:YES! I love sunshine. I hope it will stay more days with me.


Jonathan:I think the sun is playing hide and seek with us, the students from dancing class will help us find it. Let’s welcome dancing class <At the Sunny Beach>


:WOW,they are so lovely. Why shouldn’t we give them the warmest applause?


Jonathan:Demi,I'll tell you a secret, we are not only have sunshine angels, but also happy babies.

Demi: 是的,我们幼儿园不仅有阳光天使,还有快乐宝贝呢!

Jonathan:Look, they are coming. Let’s welcome middle class one


:Thanks, happy babies!

Demi:感谢中一班宝贝们的精彩演出,掌声送给他们!刚才我们的阳光天使和快乐宝贝都出来了,我们那群总爱问 What is it?可爱的好奇宝宝们都迫不及待啦

Jonathan:What is it?I can’t understand Chinese, but I think you must be talking about the mini class?


Jonathan:YEAH!I got it. Let’s welcome the mini class one

Demi: 亲爱的家长们,家里那个总爱追着你问为什么的好奇宝宝来了,欢迎小小二班的宝贝们给我们带来歌曲表演《What is it》.大家掌声欢迎!

:Thank you, thanks for their wonderful performance. Mini class two is really good.

Demi小小一班的宝贝们实在是太棒了,让我们再一次把热烈的掌声送给他们。Jonathan,你知道吗?我们幼儿园的宝贝们除了会唱歌、跳舞,还特别爱运动哦?Jonathan,Do you like sport?

Jonathan: Yes,I like sport very much. Let’s welcome the basketball class. Welcome.


:That is cool. Let’s give them a big applause.


Jonathan:Boys and girls, I have a question for you? Do you know which season is coming after spring?

Demi:小朋友们,Jonathan 有一个问题想要问大家,请问春天过后到来的是哪个季节呢?(summer)

Jonathan:wow. You are so clever. It’s summer. Now let’s welcome small class one , welcome

Demi: 小朋友们真的太聪明了。接下来请大家欣赏小一班宝贝带来的舞蹈表演《快乐夏日》

They are so cute. I really enjoy the song.


Jonathan:Today is children’s day, I think parents must prepared gifts for children.


Demi:相信我们的家长们都准备好了。Jonathan,they did.

Jonathan:But do they know what the children want? I think they need some tips. Let’s welcome big class two


10. Jonathan: Demi,they are amazing. Let’s give them a big applause.


Jonathan:Demi,I have a question for you? Which cartoon do you like best?

Demi:Jonathan刚才问了大家一个问题,你们最喜欢的动画人物是谁呢?(看回答随机应变)其实,Demi老师也有喜欢的动画人物哦!它就是哆啦A梦。Jonathan,Do you know Doraemon?

Jonathan:Yes, I know. You mean the blue cat has a treasure bag?

Demi:That is it! 原来Jonathan 也知道哦。

Jonathan:Let’s welcome Middle class three < Doraemon >, welcome

Demi: 下面让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎中三班的宝贝们带来的舞蹈表演《哆啦A梦》

:Hey ,Demi. That’s the cat I said. Thanks for Middle class three; let’s give them a big applause

Demi:Yes!You are right. 谢谢万能的哆啦A梦。让我们再次把热烈的掌声送给中三班

Jonathan:Demi,I know you like Chi-bi Maruko,too. So today you got a big surprise.

Demi:Surprise? 什么惊喜呀?我迫不及待想看到了。

Jonathan:Ok, Let’s welcome Middle class two


:They are so lovely. I love them.


Jonathan: Demi, I know students in dancing class can dancing very well. They also got the first prize during the Dancing competition.



Jonathan: Thank you, thanks for your wonderful performance.


Jonathan:Wow, today’s performances are really amazing, our kids are really good. Thanks for all the teachers and students.


