
发布时间:2019-02-05 18:03:49





1. 专有名词:表示人、地方、事物、机构、组织等专有名称的名词。具体说来,它包括人名、地名、月份、


专有名词如果是含有普通名词的短语,必须使用the如:the United States

姓氏如果采用复数形式,表示该姓氏一家人,如:the Greens(格林一家人)

2. 普通名词:表示某一类人或事物或个抽象概念的名词。例如:workerboymachine等。普通名词可分


A. 个体名词(Individual Nouns:表示个体的人或事物的名词。如:man pencilchair等。

B. 集体名词Collective Nouns:表示一群人或一些事物的总称的名词。如:classpolicearmyfamily等。

C. 物质名词Material Nouns:表示无法分为个体的物质或材料的名词。如:riceglasswatergas等。

D. 抽象名词Abstract Nouns):表示状态、品质、动作、情感等抽象概念的名词。如:lifelovelaw, happiness等。


名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词Countable Nouns和不可数名词Uncountable Nouns两种。表示可以计算数目的人或物的名词称为可数名词,一般有单数和复数两种形式,个体名词和大多数集体名词一般是可数名词;表示不可以计数的人或事物的名词叫不可数名词,一般不分单数和复数,前面不能用a/an,没有复数形式,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数名词。初中阶段学过的不可数名词有:newspapermilkorange(桔子汁),bread chalktruthwaterriceworkhouseworkhomeworkluckinkmeatmoney sugar grassice等等,如下图。






Jim, China, Qingdao, the UK, the Great Wall




girl, student, factory, desk,    cat , country



people, police, team, clothes,   group, crew



water, ice, pork, cheese,   cotton, broccoli



fun, healthy, happiness, courage, love, care

. 名词的复数

可数名词有单、复数两种形式,可数名词的单数形式要在前加 “aan”;复数形式在名词后加 “-s-es”可数名词由单数变为复数形式,其构成方法分为规则和不规则两种。

1. 规则变化(可依照下表)








chips,  jeeps, pats , clocks


boys, sharpeners, sofas, drawers




watches, boxes, classes, brushes




tomatoes, potatoes, heroes


zoosradios , photos, bamboos, pianoskilos




y ies


dictionaries, strawberries




beliefsroofsgulfschefs proofs

ffe v es




handkerchiefs / handkerchieves

注意:在中学英语范围内,要改 f / fe ves 的只有以下词,

妻子骑牛拿起刀, wife--wives; calf---calves; knife----knives;

追得贼狼满街跑, thief---thieves; wolf----wolves

碰倒架子丧己命, shelf---shelves; self---selves; life----lives

手帕树叶半空飘. leaf----leaves half----halves

2. 不规则变化

A. 单复数同形如:deersheepfishpeopleChinese JapanesePortugueseSwissaircraft

B. 改变单数名词中的元音字母

如: man—men woman—womenfoot—feet tooth—teeth goosegeese

C. 含有manwoman的复合名词的变化 man, woman 的变化形式相同,但是 humanGerman不是合成词,其复数要按一般规则变化

如:Englishman—Englishmenpolicewoman—policewomenFrenchwoman— Frenchwomen

D. man woman构成的合成词,其复数形式需要前后同时变化

如:men workerswomen teachersgentlemen officials

E. 其他变化如:child—children mouse—miceox—oxen

F. 有些词只有复数形式

某些由两个部分构成的物体的名词。如:trousersglassesclothes等。若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双)suit()等,如:a pair of glassestwo pairs of trousers


G. 除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式

: a dollar, two dollars;  a yuan, two yuan

H. s结尾仍为单数的名词,包括以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数

如:mathspoliticsphysics等学科名词,The Arabian Nights等,谓语动词用三单

3. 集合名词的单复数:集合名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。

如:peoplepolicecattle 等本身就是复数

4. 不可数名词没有单复数之分,如:newsinformationadvicefurniture


A.表示不定数量时,一般用much,(alittlea lot oflots ofsome any等词修饰


名词,如:a glass of watera piece of advicetwo pieces of paper

5. 有些名词既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词,但词义有所不同,如下:

food食物—foods各种食物 time时间—times 时代 green绿色—greens青菜

  fish——fishes鱼的种类 sand——sands沙滩 tea——a tea一杯茶

chicken鸡肉——a chicken小鸡 paper——a paper试卷、论文 wood木头——a wood小森林

orange橘汁——an orange橘子 cloth——a cloth桌布、抹布 room空间、余地——a room房间

glass玻璃——a glass玻璃杯,glasses眼镜 fruit水果——fruits表示不同种类的水果

drink饮料、酒——a drink一杯/一份饮料、一杯酒







the Chinese

a Chinese

two Chinese


the Japanese

a Japanese

two Japanese


the Swiss

a Swiss

two Swiss


the Americans

an American

two Americans


the Canadians

a Canadian

two Canadians


the Russians

a Russian

two Russians


the Australians

an Australian

two Australians


the Indians

an Indian

two Indians


the Italians

an Italian

two Italians


the French

a Frenchman

two Frenchmen


the English

an Englishman

two Englishmen


the Greek

a Greek 

two Greeks


the Swedish

a Swede

two Swedes


the Germans

a Germans

two Germans


1. 修饰可数名词的常用修饰语有these, those, few, a few, many, a great many

2. 修饰不可数名词的常用修饰语有much, little, a little

3. 有些修饰语即可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词,如all\some\enough\a lot of\lots of

4. 一般不可数名词不可以用数目来计数,若要计数,要借助单位词,如piece\bottle\pair等。



注:“a piece\pair+名词”之类的结构作主语是,其谓语通常与“piece\pair”的数保持一致。

. 名词所有格

1. 名词格的种类

有三个格,即主格、宾格和所有格。名词的主格和宾格形式相同。名词所有格表示名词之间的所属关系,相当于屋主代词,分为-’s 所有格和 of 所有格两种形式。

2. -’s 所有格

有些名词可以加's来表示所有关系、所属关系、动作执行者、动作承受者等意义,带这种词尾的名词形式称为该名词的所有格。如:Where is the teacher's office?中的teacher's





直接在词尾 +’s

Mr. Mott’s robot



the boy's bag



men's roomchildren’s books



the workers' strugglegirls’ school

不能加 's的名词

名词+of +名词

the title of the song



a month or two's rest


A. 主要用于有生命的人或物,有些表时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词后也可以加’s来构成所

有格,如:today’s papertwo hours’ restAmerica’s policy

B. 在表示店铺、教堂或某人家时,名词所有格可以表示地点,如:the barber's 理发店

C. and连接的并列名词的所有格分两种情况,分别带有 -’s表示“分别有”;若一个 –’s表示“两者共

有”,如:Jim’s and Jack’s rooms(两间),Jim and Jack’s room(一间)

D. 用所有格表示节日的方法

Teachers’ Day(教师节) Children’s Day(儿童节)

Mother’s Day(父亲节) Father’s Day(母亲节)

2. of所有格

A. 表示无生命的东西的名词或不能加's的名词,通常都采用“of+名词的结构表示所有关系。如:the gate of the schoolthe windows of that house

B. 名词较长或其定语较长时,有生命的事物也可用of短语表示所有关系。如:the story of Mr. Smiththe dog of the eight-year-old girl

C. 表示有生命的和无生命的名词,一般都可用介词of短语来表示所有关心,有些情况下,of所有格有时可以与-’s所有格互换

如:the boy’s name=the name of the boy(男孩的名字)

the dog’s legs=the legs of the dog(狗的腿)

   China’s population=the population Of China(中国的人口)

   China’s capital=the capital of China(中国的首都)

D. 表示同位关系时,通常只用of所有格,如:the city of Beijing

3. 双重所有格of +名词所有格/名词性物主代词)

同时使用’s of的所有格,如:a friend of his,  the big nose of Tom’s

. 名词的用法

1. 用作主语,要求谓语动词必须在人称和数两方面和其主语一致,

如:One daya little monkey was playing in a tree by the river

2. 作表语,如:The largest city of China is Shanghai

3. 作宾语,如:The students love their teachers

4. 作宾语补足语,如:They choose the boy monitor

5. 作同位语,如:We are waiting for Miss Yanthe English teacher

6. 作定语,如:The school gate was built last year

. 部分词义辨析


sport常指“户外运动”以锻炼为主,概念较大,如:People all around the world enjoy sports.


如:The 2008 Olympic Games was held in Beijing.

match意为“竞赛、比赛”,多指正式比赛,如:Our team won the league match.

race主要表示“赛跑、赛马、赛车”,如: They were strong and won the boat race.


festival“节日”指喜庆的日子或持续一段时间的文娱活动,如:the Spring Festival


如:What are you going to do during the summer vacation/holidays?


如:Sunday is a holiday and most people do not work.



如:He made up his mind to make the journey to Dunhuang.


如:He has gone on a walking tour.

trip通常指往返定时的短途旅行,如出差度假等,如:He took several trips to Shanghai.


行为,如:Did you go to Santiago(圣地亚哥) during your travels?


sound指各种声音,如:All of a sudden there was the sound of shots.

noise主要指“噪音”,如:The noise of the street kept me awake in the night.

voice指人的“嗓音”如: The singer has lost her ringing voice as a result of a bad cold.



fishes 指许多种类的鱼如:There are many kinds of fishes in the pool.

fish指“鱼肉”时是不可数名词,如:I prefer fish to meat.










10. say强调”的内容,如:What did he say at the meeting


talk意为谈论、交谈”,强调”的连续性,如:They talked until it got dark

tell意为告诉,强调叙述、讲述,多带双宾语,如:tell sb. sth.





13have to意为必须、不得不”,强调客观需要


14whether if这两个词都可做是否”讲,引导宾语从句,但在whether or not...

结构中,一般用whether,不用 if


along沿着之意,可以说along the streetalong the river



17. person people 都有 的意思,“一个人 a person,“两个人 two persons

people 泛指 人们”,是集合名词表示复数

the people 人民”, a people一个民族


I 写出下列名词的复数形式。

1bag _______      2orange _______     3family _______  4wish _______    

5leaf _______       6knife _______  7key _______      8baby _______

9tooth _______  10foot _______    11woman _______      12sheep _______ 

13Indian _______  14Japanese _______  15potato _______  16radio_______ 17child _______     18fish _______  19Frenchman _______ 20man doctor _______

II. 将下列短语译成英语。(名词所有格的用法)

1. 吉姆的自行车 ______________ 2.王叔叔的自行车 ______________

3. 教师节 ______________ 4. 吉姆和凯特的父亲 ______________

5. 我父亲的一个朋友 ______________ 6. 五分钟的路程 ______________

7. 儿童节 ______________ 8. 中国地图 ______________

9. 床头 ______________ 10. 今天的作业 ______________

11. 孩子们的故事书 ______________ 12. 在我姑姑家 ______________

13. 在医务室 ______________ 14. 几年的时间 ______________

15. 我姐姐的朋友的书 ______________

III. 选择填空。

1The day before yesterday she told me _______  news

   Aa good Bsuch a good Cso good a Da piece of good

2I won't go there with youfor I have a lot of _______  to do

   Aworks   Bjob    Cwork    Dworking

3 _______ will conquer(征服)nature

   AThe man     BA man    CThe men    DMan

4Li Lei is a friend of _______ 

   AI sister  Bmy sister's   Cme sister   Dmy sister of

5Have you read _______ 

   Atoday's             Btoday paper Cthe today's paper   Dtoday's paper

6There are lots of _______ in the basket on the table

   Atomatos    Btomato    Ctomatoss    Dtomatoes

7Whose _______  are these

   Aphoto      Bphotoes    Cphotos    Dphotoss

8The cat caught two _______  last night

   Amouses     Bmice       Cmouse     Dmices

9There are many _______  on the hill

   Asheeps     Bsheep       Csheepes   Dsheep's

10There are six _______  and fifteen _______  in this w workshop

    Amans womans Bmen women Cmen womans          Dman women

11. The children had _______ in the park.

A. good times B. good time C. the good time D. a good time

12. I am busy with my work these days. I don’t get _______.

A. many sleep B. much sleep C. more sleep D. most sleep

13. This is an interesting _______.

A. news B. information C. work D. job

14. Her parents are _______.

A. English B. America C. Frenchman D. two English

15. Room 110 on the second floor is the _____ office. I know some of them.

A. doctors B. doctor’s C. doctors’ D. doctors’s

16. The room is _______. They are brothers.

A. Tom and Mike’s B. Tom’s and Mike’s C. Tom’s and Mike D. Tom and Mike

17. The box is made of a kind of hard _______.

A. wooden B. wood C. woods D. word

18. Can you see some _______ on the hill?

A. sheeps and deers B. sheeps and deer C. sheep and deers D. sheep and deer

19. How many _______ shall we pay for the special service?

A. money B. yuans C. dollars D. pound

20. I have many friends here. Lily is _______.

A. mine friend B. a friend of my C. one of my D. one of them

21. --- Would you like some _______?

--- Thank you, but I am not hungry.

A. breads B. cakes C. oranges D. orange juice

22. Don’t make any _______, the boy is sleeping.

A. voice B. noise C. music D. laugh

23. She was born in Xiangfan, but now she works in Taiyuan. So we cannot say Taiyuan is her _______.

A. hometown B. second home C. family D. house

24. Is this your _______ for making so many mistakes?

A. idea B. mind C. excuse D. result

25. There are few _______ for supper. Would you please buy some carrots and cabbages on your

way home?

A. meat B. eggs C. fruit D. vegetables

26. --- Would you like some _______?

--- Oh, yes, just a little please.

A. pears B. apples C. bananas D. milk

27. --- Can you finish the work in a week?

--- No _______.

A. problem B. matter C. trouble D. question

28. Is there a little _______ left for me?

A. room B. place C. ground D. house

29. The sign “_______!” is often seen on the box.


30. Help yourselves to some _______, children.

A. fish B. fishes C. a piece of fish D. a fish

31. --- Here is the _______, please.

--- Oh. Fried meat with some green peppers and two eggs.

A. bill B. list C. book D. menu

32. _______ is used to eat soup.

A. Knife B. Fork C. Spoon D. Chopsticks

33. --- What’s the _______ like today?

--- It’s sunny.

A. climate B. weather C. sky D. space

34. Two thirds are _______ in our school.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers C. woman doctor D. women doctors

35. It’s _______ walk from my home to our school.

A. two minutes’ B. two minute’s C. two minutes D. two-minutes’

36. They got much _____ from those new books.

  A. ideas   B. photos   C. news   D. stories

37. I have two _______ and three bottles of _________ here.

  A. orange, orange          B. oranges, oranges C. oranges, orange        D. orange, oranges

38. An old _______ wants to see you.

  A. people      B. person      C. the people    D. the person

39. Help yourself to __________.

  A. chickens and apples     B. chickens and apple C. chicken and apple     D. chicken and apples

40. Oh, dear. I forgot the two _________.

  A. room’s number      B. rooms’ number      C. room numbers      D. rooms’ numbers

41. She has been in Tianjin for ten years. Tianjin has become her second _________.

  A. family        B. house       C. home        D. room

42. ________ mothers couldn’t go to the meeting, because they have gone to Shanghai .

  A. Mary and Peter’s       B. Mary and Peter C. Mary’s and Peter        D. Mary’s and Peter’s

43. Li Lei has been to __________ many times this month.

  A. her uncle    B. her uncle’s     C. her uncles          D. aunt’s

44. He is a success as a leader but he hasn’t ________ in teaching.

   A. many experiences       B. much experience C. an experience            D. a lot experience

45. A classmate of _________ was here ten minutes ago.

   A. you         B. your          C. your sister          D. your sister’s

46. A group of _________ are talking with two ___________.

   A. Frenchmen, Germans  B. Germans ,Frenchmans 

C. Frenchmans , Germen  D. Germen , Frenchmen

47.The team ________  having a meeting .

   A. is        B. are         C. am          D. be

48. “Would you like _________?”    “________, please.”

A. drink, Three coffees           B. a cup of drink, Coffees

C. a drink, A coffee             D. a drink, Three cups of coffees

49. The Great Wall was made not only by _______, but also the flesh and blood of ________ men.

   A.earth and stone, millions of          B. earths and stones, millions

   C. the earth and stone, million of        D. the earths and stones, millions

50Last night, there was a food accident. The _______ were ill, but no _______ were lost.

A. child, lives     B. children, life     C. children, lives     D. child, life

51. ---This is a photo of _________ when they were young.

  ---OK, how happy they both looked!

  A. my father and mother              B. my mother and father's

  C. my mother's and father's            D.my father's and my mother

52. The new student is in __________ , Grade Two.

   A. Class Third     B. Third Class      C. Class Three      D. Three class

53. Today is September 10th. It's __________ Day. Let's go and buy some flowers for our teachers.

  A. Teachers        B. Teachers'        C. the Teachers'        D. Teacher's

54. The market isn't far from here. It's only _________ bicycle ride.

  A.half an hours'    B. half an hour's     C. half an hour       D. an hour and a half

55. --- What would you like to drink, girls?

  --- _________, please.

  A.Two cup of coffee       B. Two cups of coffe

  C. Two cups of coffee      D. Two cups of coffees

56. During Christmas, people get together and sing Christmas songs for _________.

  A. fun         B. wishes       C. interest        D. thanks

57. Some _________ are flying kites near the river.

  A. child        B. boy       C. boys        D. childs

58. After the exam, we'll have________ holiday.

  A. two weeks     B. two-weeks    C. two weeks'      D. two week's

59. They are those _________ bags. Please put them on the bus.

  A. visitor       B. visitors        C. visitor's           D. visitors'

60.--- How many workers are there in your factory?

  --- There are two ___________.

   A. hundreds      B. hundred       C. hundred of      D. hundreds of

61. ---What do you think of the _______, the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven?

   --- It sounds really wonderful.

  A. subject       B. music      C. book        D. animal

62. There is not enough _________ in the corner for the fridge.

  A. place         B. room      C. field         D. ground

 63. _________ comes from sheep and some people like eating it

A. Wool        B. Pork       C. Mutton         D. Milk

64. If you don't take more ________, you'll get fat.

A. medicine    B. lessons     C. photos      D. exercise

65. My school is about twenty ________ walk from here.

   A. minute      B. minutes'     C. minutes's     D. minutes

66. Mum, I have _______ to tell you!

  A. a good news    B. some good news    C. some good newes   D. much good news

67. Which is the ________ to the post office?

  A. street         B. way        C. road        D. address

68. Maths ________ not easy to learn.

  A. are          B. is            C. am          D. were

69.She was very happy. She ________ in the maths test.

A. makes a few mistake B. made a few mistake C. made few mistakes D.makes few mistake

70. We need some more____. Can you go and get some, please?

A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe

71. Children should make____ for old people in a bus.

A. room B. a room C. rooms D. the room

72. John bought___for himself yesterday.

A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoe C. two pair of shoes D. two pairs shoe

73. _____are____for cutting things. A. Knife/used B. Knives/used C. Knife/using D. Knives/using

74. They got much ___ from those new books.  A. ideas B. photos C. information D. stories

75. _ face to the south.

A. Windows of the room B. The windows of the room C. The room's windows D. The windows in room

76. He gave us____ on how to keep fit. A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice

77. What___ lovely weather it is! A. / B. the C. an D. a

78. -Would you like___tea?

-No, thanks. I have drunk two____.

 A. any, bottles of orange B. some, bottles of orange C. many, bottles of oranges D. few, bottle of oranges

79. It really took him___ to draw the nice horse. A. sometimes B. hour C. long time D. some time

80. -How many ____ have you got on your farm? -I've got five.

 A. sheeps B. sheep C. pig D. chicken

81. Some ___ came to our school for a visit that day. A. Germans B. Germen C. Germany D. Germanies

82. This table is made of___. A. many glass B. glasses C. some glasses D. glass

83. -What would you like to have for lunch, sir?

-I'd like____. !

  A. chicken B. a chicken C. chickens D. the chicken

84. I have read____ of the young writer. A. works B. work C. this works D. the works

85. Let's meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of___?

 A. the People's Park B. the Peoples' Park C. the People Park D. People's Park

86. If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller____. A. set B. one C. piece D. pair

87. There are sixty-seven___ in our school.

 A. women's teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher

88. September 10th is____in China.

 A. Teacher's Day B. Teachers ‘Day C. Teacher Day D. Teachers Day

89. The football under the bed is____. 

A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily's and Lucy's C. Lily's and Lucy D. Lily and Lucy's

90 .It's about ___ walk from my house.

A. ten minute B. ten minutes' C. ten minute's D. ten minutes

91Can you answer my _______ Jim Aquestion Bproblem

92Do you know the girl _______  those peopleAbetween Bamong

93He won't go thereI won't _______

Atoo Beither Calso

94Can you _______  me your pen Aborrow Blend

95Who is going to _______ at the meeting

Asay Bspeak Ctalk Dtell

96Don't _______  in bedIt's bad for your eyes

Asee Bread Clook

97Do you like reading this _______  book

Ainteresting Binterested

98It rained heavily yesterday, so I _______  stay at home and couldn’t go out

Ahave to Bmust

99I don't know _______  or not she can speak English

Aif Bwhether

100Go _______  the bridgeyou'll find the bus stop on the left

Across Bin Cacross Dalong


I. 1.bags 2.oranges 3.families 4.wishes 5.leaves

6knives 7keys 8.babies 9. teeth 10.feet

11.women 12.sheep 13.Indians 14Japanese 15Potatoes

16radios 17children 18.fishes 19.Frenchmen 20.men doctors

II1Jim's bike 2Uncle Wang's bike 3Teachers’ Day 4Jim and Kate's father

5a friend of my father's 6five minutes’ walk 7Children's Day 8A map of China

9the end of a bed 10today's homework 11children's storybooks 12at my aunt's

13at the doctor's 14a few years' time 15my sister's friend's book

III1.D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6.D 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.B

11. D 12. B 13. D 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.D

21.B 22.B 23.A 24.C 25.D 26.D 27.A 28.A 29.D 30.A

31.D 32.C 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.C 38.B 39.D 40.C

41.C 42.D 43.B 44.B 45.D 46.A 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.C

51.B 52.C 53.B 54.B 55.C 56.A 57.C 58.C 59.D 60.B

61.B 62.B 63.C 64.D 65.B 66.B 67.B 68.B 69.C 70.C

71.A 72.A 73.B 74.C 75.B 76.B 77.A 78.B 79.C 80.B

81.A 82.D 83.A 84.D 85.A 86.D 87.B 88.B 89.D 90.B

91.A 92.B 93.B 94.B 95. B 96. B 97.A 98. A 99. B 100. C

