成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理

发布时间:2014-02-17 15:21:34

Growing Pains 成长的烦恼


Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. 我是杰森·西弗

I'm a psychiatrist(精神病专家/医生). 是个心理医生

I've spent the last 15 years helping people with their problems.


And I'm Maggie Seaver. 我是麦姬·西弗

I've spent the last 15 years helping our kids with problems even Jason wouldn't believe.


Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local newspaper.

现在麦姬已重操旧业,在一家当地报社做记者。 [local: 当地的]

And Jason has moved his practice into the house.

杰森把他的诊所搬到了家里。 [practice: (医生、律师等的)业务,生意]

So he could be there for the kids. 这样就可以陪着孩子们了

They're great kids. 他们是可爱的孩子。

Most of the time. 大多时候都是。

And the rest of the time... 但是在其余的时间里… [rest: 剩余部分]

- You'll love them anyway. - Yeah. -反正你会喜欢他们的-没错

Unbelievable. 鬼才相信。 [unbelievable: 难以置信的,不可信的]

01 Pilot 出师受挫

[pilot: 舵手,领航员,向导,带路人]

Alright, lady, drop that spatula or you're scrambled.


[spatula: 抹刀,小铲; scramble: 搅拌(牛奶等);炒()]

Go ahead. Make my day(令我开心). 好啊,那样倒好了。

[go ahead: 开始(做某事); make sb.'s day: 使某人日子好过]

Well, I guess I showed you. 好,我猜我以前让你见识过的

Show me more. 再让我见识见识

Oh, Jason, the kids. 哦,杰森,孩子们都在呢

I can kiss the kids later. 我等下再亲他们

You know, I read an article that said that two-career couples should really make special effort to always remain frisky(活泼的).


[career:事业,职业; two-career:双职工的; couple:夫妇; effort:努力]

- At breakfast? - At all meals. -在早饭时?-在所有用餐时间

What's the matter, you guys aren't getting enough?

怎么, 你们亲热得还不够吗?

Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that.


[smack: (用掌)击打,拍打; remark: 评论,谈论,]

Come on, Dad, you can't hit me. You're a liberal humanist(人道主义者).


[liberal: 自由主义的,宽大的]

Could be an accident(事故,意外). 可能会有意外

Could be a dream come true. 希望这个意外能够实现

Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck for the Volvo?


[tape deck: 磁带驱动器; 磁带卡座]

Mike, you give new meaning to the word "vacuous."

迈克,你给空虚加了新含义。[vacuous: 空的;空虚的]

Oh, yeah? What was the old meaning? 是吗?那它原来的意思是什么?

I rest my case. 我要说的都说了。 [case: 理由,论据]

Ben. Ben. What's so funny, Ben? 本,本,什么事这么好笑?

That Phyllis George! She screwed up again! [screw up: 弄错]


Hey, what's that you're reading about? 你在看什么呢?

It says here that as the universe expands all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization(组织的破坏,解体,混乱).


[expand: 扩张,使膨胀; degenerate: 退化; state: 状态]

Thank God I thought it was just me. 感谢上帝,我还以为说我那。

So what are you guys doing tonight? 那你们今晚干吗?

The House of Sweat? Yeah, great! “汗之屋?太棒了! [sweat: ]

Hey, look, can I talk to you guys later? Yeah. Bye. 我呆会跟你说, ,

Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"? 麦克,汗之屋是什么意思?

Well... It's, you know... 哦,就是

It's that new under twenty dance club on Jericho Turnpike.


[club: 俱乐部;夜总会; turnpike: 收费高速公路]

Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea, Mom. 是的,听上去是个好主意,妈妈。

It's a safe, wholesome place for teens to congregate(聚集).

[wholesome: 健康的; teen: 青少年(等于teenager]


And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get.


Come on, Maggie... 别这样嘛,麦姬

Yeah, come on, Maggie. 是啊,别这样嘛, 麦姬

Yes. Well, time to go wait for that school bus. 对了,我该出去等校巴了

You know, if I hurry, I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section.


- Bye, sweetie. - Bye, Mom. -再见,甜心-妈妈再见

Bye, Ben. I love you. 再见,本,我爱你

Later, Ben. 再见,本

I still have some paper work to do before my 9:00 gets here.

9点上班前我还有点文件要做。 [paper work:文书工作,文字工作]

And if you start feeling frisky and you have 8 or 10 seconds before work, you know where to find me.


Ben, what are you doing here? You'll miss the bus.


What's the matter, honey? 怎么了,宝贝?

Dad didn't know how to do my elbow(肘部). 爸爸不知道怎样包我的胳膊肘

Let me see. 让我看看

Dad did a great job on these cuts(伤口,切口). 爸爸对这些伤口处理得很好呀

Superman bandaids--it works. 贴了个超人牌创可贴——这管用呀

Oh, I get it. He didn't kiss it and say I love you, little pumpkin head(傻瓜).


It was all so clinical(临床的,诊所的). 他做的太像医生了

Mom, how come you had to go back to work? 妈妈,你非要回去工作吗?

I didn't have to, Ben. I wanted to. 我不是必须,本,是我想回去上班。

Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend 15 years in this house without ever going out to play. [imagine: 想像]


You'd go crazy, wouldn't you? 你会发疯的,是吗?

Well, believe it or not, a lot of grown-ups feel the same way about work.


[grown-up: 成年人;believe it or not: 信不信由你]

That's sick, Mom. 那太糟糕了,妈妈。 [sick: 懊丧的,极不愉快的]

Ben, I know this has been a big change for all of us.


And I worry about not being here for you, because, well, you're the youngest.


And I worry about not being here for Carol because she's a girl and she needs her mother.


And I worry about not being here for Mike to keep him from accidentally blowing something up.


[accidentally: 意外地,偶然地; keep from: 阻止,防止; blow up: 毁掉,破坏]

And, believe me, I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters.


[cope with: 处理, 对付]

You shouldn't worry so much, Mom. You'll make yourself crazy.


I love you, little pumpkin head. 我爱你,小傻瓜。

It's always the same dream, Doc. 我总是做同样的梦,医生

I'm on a subway and this woman sits across from me, this beautiful woman.


And I look at her. She looks at me. 我看着她,她看着我

I lick my lips. She licks her lips. 我舔一下嘴唇,她也舔一下嘴唇

This goes on. 就这么舔下去

And finally she leans across and she whispers to me: "You have huge knees."


[lean: 倾斜; whisper: 低语; knee: 膝盖]

Does that mean anything, Doc? 那有什么含义吗,医生?

Hello! I should be good for about five bucks a piece.

我每件应该获得五元。 [buck: (),]

Good visit, Walter. 愉快的来访,沃特

And don't worry too much about this thing, ok? 不要太担心这件事,好吗?

See you next week. Bye-bye. 下周见,再见

-Can I talk with you for a second, Dad? 我能跟你谈一下吗,爸爸?

-Sure. -In your office. Kids. -可以。-在你办公室。小孩。

So you wanted to talk about something? 你想跟我谈什么呢?

Yeah. Mostly I just wanted to mention how smoothly things have been running,

是的,我主要想说,你把家里管理得井井有条, [smoothly: 顺利地,顺当地]

since the wife went back to work and you moved your practice into the house.


Well, thank you. 谢谢

Dad, we've been friends now for a long time, right?


Off and on, yeah. 是的,断断续续吧。 [off and on: 有时,偶尔,断断续续地]

I know. I love that. 我知道,我喜欢这样

See, dad, you know that dance hall place that I mentioned this morning?


-The House of Sweat? - Yeah. -汗之屋?-是的

Jerry and I were talking and we decided... 杰里和我商量了一下,我们决定

-Jerry? - Yeah, Jerry Dellish. -杰里?-对,杰里·德利什

He's an older friend of mine. Excellent driver with two years of Driver's Ed.

他是我的老朋友,车技一流。学过两年驾驶。 [Driver's Ed: 驾驶员培训]

Two years of Driver's Ed? 学过两年驾驶?

Yeah. See, in his first class he ran over a dog, but he drove beautifully after that.


We're talking about one tiny, reckless little dog here, Dad.


- Tough break. - Yeah. -算它倒霉。-是啊。 [tough break: 走霉运, 运气不佳]

So, anyway, I was thinking that maybe we could go down there tonight.


Jerry would drive so you wouldn't have to do...


What would your mother say? 你老妈会怎么说?

Mom? I guess she would say... 妈妈?我猜她会说

What's the phrase I'm looking for here, Dad?


-"No"? - Yeah, that's it. -"没门"-是的,就这个

I guess that means I can't go, right? 我想那意味着我不能去,是吗?

Well, it just means I don't like you coming in here, and trying to get away with something(侥幸得逞).


-That's not the relationship I wanna have with you. -I'm sorry, Dad.

-那不是我所希望的我们之间应有的关系。 -对不起,爸爸

Alright now look. Now that I'm in charge at home, we can try things my way.

好了,听着,现在家里我做主,就按我的方针办! [in charge:主管,负责]

Alright! 太棒了!

You don't even know what "my way" is!你还不知道我的方针是啥呢!

Sure I do dad. It's a Sinatra song. 当然知道,爸爸,给我更多的自由

[Sinatra: 辛纳屈(美国歌手、电影演员)]

You're walking a fine line here, Mike. 你的领悟能力真强,麦克

Ok, look, here's the deal(交易). 好吧,让我们做个交易

I'll give you a little more freedom. 我会给你更多的自由

You've got to promise me a lot more responsibility(责任).

但你也要保证承担更多的责任。 [promise: 承诺]

Hey, no problem, dad. 没问题,老爸

I swear, I am ready for total responsibility. 发誓,我会承担全部责任

Mike, I'm not ready for total responsibility. 迈克,我都担不起全部责任

You're right. Sorry. 你说得对,对不起

Ok. You go out and have a good time. 那好。你出去玩吧,玩得愉快

Just remember what we talked about. 不过要记住我们说过的话。

Absolutely, Dad! Thanks, I promise. 绝对记住,谢谢爸爸。我保证

Wait. What about Mom? 等等,妈妈怎么办?

What if she's mad? 她要是发火咋办? [what if: 如果(假使)…将会怎样]

Mike, your mom's not an ogre(食人魔鬼). 迈克,你妈妈不是魔鬼

I'll talk to her. She'll understand. 我会告诉她的,她会理解的

You let him do what? 你让他什么?

Maggie, he's fifteen years old now. 麦姬,他已经十五岁了

So he's fifteen! 十五岁又怎样!

It's completely arbitrary to just pick an age like that and say that is when a kid is mature(成熟的). [arbitrary: 任意的,武断的; pick: 选择]


You know, by the time Mozart was fifteen, he'd written seven symphonies.


That's because Mozart's father didn't let him go to The House of Sweat.


Who did he go with? 他和谁一起去?

I don't know, some kid…Jerry Dillish, Dellish. 不知道,好像一个叫杰里.德利什的

Jerry "Dog-Killer" Dellish. 杰瑞,杀狗大王德利什。

Maggie, he hit one dog. 麦姬,他只撞了一只狗而已

Yeah, but he hit it four times. 是的,可是他来回撞了四次

Ok, well, err, Mike isn't Jerry. 好吧,可是,呃,迈克不是杰瑞

And a kid needs some freedom in order to learn responsibility.

而且孩子需要一定的自由才能够培养责任感。 [in order to: 为了]

Ah Jason, I know you believe in this "unlimited human potential"…stuff.


[unlimited: 无限的; potential: 潜能; staff: 废话,蠢话,胡说]

And that's great for your patients(患者,病人). 这句话对你的患者也许适用

But when it comes to our own children, I believe in original sin(原罪,原罪论).

但是针对于我们的孩子, 我相信原罪论[original:原始的,最初的; sin:罪恶]

I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have gone back to work.


Now, come on, Maggie, don't say that. 行了,麦姬,不要那样说

Now you took fifteen years off, to raise a family, and you deserve to go back to work now. [raise a family: 供养家庭; deserve: 应受,应得]


You just have to have a little more faith in me and the kids.


Maybe you're right. 也许你说得对

Of course I'm right. 这还用说

We shouldn't be worrying, we should be…celebrating.

我们不该担心,而是应该庆祝。 [celebrate: 庆祝,祝贺]

Which is why I've taken the liberty of placing some chilled champagne in a little bucket beside the bed.


[take the liberty:冒昧,擅自;chilled:冷冻了的; champagne:香槟酒]

Slipped some satin sheets on the old bouncer(庞然大物,弹跳装置).

还在床上铺好了一条缎子床单。 [slip: 悄悄地放,偷偷地搁; satin:缎子]

Satin sheets, you? 缎子床单,你?

Yeah. The guy in the store showed me some "before" and "after" pictures of a couple who tried them.


They looked very satisfied. 他们看上去很满足

What about Ben and Carol? 那本和凯罗怎么办?

Well, I slipped some sleeping pills into their Gatorade(佳得乐,一种运动饮料).

我在他们的汽水里下了点安眠药 [slip: 悄悄地放,偷偷地搁]

-They'll be asleep for about three weeks. - Jason! -他们会睡上3个星期。

Well, I didn't really, but they are... and we can...


Hello? Yeah, this is Jason Seaver. 你好,对,我是杰森·西弗

No, you must be looking for someone else because...

不,你一定是搞错了,因为... …

Take your clothes off. 你先把衣服脱了

No, no, our Mike is only fifteen, so he wouldn't be driving a car.


-I see. -What did he say? -我知道了。-他说什么?

He said, "That's why your Mike is in our jail." [jail: 监狱,看守所]

他说所以你家麦克才会在我们监狱里 [00:12:45]

What are you in for, kid? 你犯了什么案,小鬼?

I killed a man, just to watch him die. You? 我杀了一个人,然后看他死去。你呢?

Unpaid parking tickets(违规停车罚单). 没付停车费。 [unpaid:未付款的]

Oh, no, it's my mom! 噢,不,我妈来了!

Come on, Maggie, we don't even know the facts yet.


I mean it's not so unusual for a teenage boy to have a minor run-in with the police. [unusual: 不寻常的; minor: 较小的; run-in: 口角,争吵]


Some of these guys can be real macho headbangers.

有些警察本身就够横的。 [macho: 雄武的; headbanger: 易冲动的人]

Hiya! You folks care for some hot cocoa? I just made a fresh pot(,,).


[folks: 大伙们,各位; care for: 想要; fresh: 新制成的,刚做好的]

Look, we're the Seavers. You've locked up our son.

我们是西弗夫妇,你们关了我们儿子。 [lock up: 锁起来,关起来]

An officer claimed he was driving a car. 一位警官声称他开车

Ah yes sir. We picked him up in the "House of Sweat" parking lot(停车场).

是的, 先生。我们是在汗之屋的停车场抓住他的。 [pick up: 逮捕,捉到,拿获]

He'd been driving in circles for approximately 12 minutes.

他开车兜圈子兜了近十二分钟。 [approximately: 大约,大概]

Ok, so a 15-year-old boy drives his friend's car around the lot a few times.


Oh did I mention, he sideswiped a police car on the way out?

, 我刚才提到了吗,他还刮花了一辆警车? [sideswipe: 擦边撞击,沿边擦过]

-He what? -He tore that bumper off like he was peeling an orange.


[tear: 撕掉,扯下; bumper: 保险杠; peel: ,剥皮]

A $350 orange. 是个值350美元的桔子啊。 [$: dollar]

Hiya, Dad, Mom. You look good tonight. 嗨,爸妈,你们今晚看上去起色不错

You look young. 好象年轻了!

Come on, son. 出来吧,儿子

Mom, Dad, this is Jerry. 妈,爸,这位是杰里

I guess it's kind of hard to see the basis of our friendship, huh?


[kind of: 有点儿,有几分; basis: 基础,根据,依据; friendship: 友谊,友情]

I dunno. He has a certain carefree charm. 不知道。他有种旁若无人的魅力

[dunno: <>()不知道; carefree: 无忧无虑的,毫无牵挂的; charm: 魅力]

You should see him when he's sober(头脑清醒的,未醉的).


Mike, you will be grounded for two months. 麦克,罚你两个月不准出门

[ground: 搁浅,停飞; be grounded: 被禁足]

Two months? Dad, can't you talk to her? 两个月!? 爸,你不能跟她说说吗?

Oh, I did, Mike. Originally, it was one month.

哦,我说过了,迈克。本来是一个月。 [originally: 最初,起初,本来]

Dad, that means you added a month. 这么说你了一个月

Nothing gets by you, does it? 这下没辙了吧? [get by: 通过,混过,逃脱]

Dad, you said you'd talk to her... 爸,你说过你会跟她谈的

Damn it, Mike, You said you'd act responsibly(负责地,有责任感地).

该死,麦克,你说你会负起责任的! [Damn it: ()该死,可恶; act: 做事,行事]

Now I don't wanna hear another word out of you! Is that clear?


- Whoa. 哇哦

Oh, yeah, our romantic evening. 哦,我们的浪漫之夜。

Anyone who's not used to satin sheets could easily have an accident(出事故).

没用惯缎子床单的人,很容易发生事故的。 [be used to: 习惯于]

Maggie, don't patronize me. Okay? 麦姬,你就别对我说教了行不行?

[patronize: 惠顾,资助,保护,屈尊,以恩赐的态度对待]

And where the hell are my pajamas? 我那该死的睡衣在哪?

[the hell: (加强语气)到底,究竟; 见鬼,该死]

Gee, I'm sorry. I'm really not sure. 哎呀,对不起,我也不大确定在哪

You wouldn't think it'd be so damn tough to keep tabs on a pair of pajamas around here


[damn: 非常; tough: 艰难的,劳累的; keep tabs on: 监视,看守]

Jason, I don't understand why you're so upset(心烦意乱的,烦扰的).


I mean, it's not like this is the first time he's screwed up.


-Who screwed up? - Mike. -谁闯祸了?-麦克啊

Who said anything about Mike? I'm upset because I can't find my pajamas.


I mean, if you just left a pair of pajamas around and these are big pajamas I'm talking about.


And to think that they just vanished into thin air(消失无踪).

想想它们就这么不见踪影了, [vanish: 消失,突然不见]

Well, wouldn't you be pretty upset? 你会不会非常恼火?

Absolutely. In fact, I'm amazed at the way you're holding together.


[absolutely: 绝对,是这样; amazed: 惊讶; hold together: (使)结合在一起]

-What? - I've never seen Dad actually too mad to talk.


Thanks for your support. You know, I feel like a new man now.

多谢你的支持。我感觉自己已经洗心革面了。 [feel like: 感觉像是]

Sorry. Look, it's not so bad. 对不起。其实也没那么糟啦

I bet, in a year, he'll look back at this whole thing and laugh.

我打赌一年后,他再想起这件事肯定会大笑。 [look back: 回顾,回想]

Okay, maybe chuckle(暗自发笑,窃笑). ,也许会偷笑

Okay, I admit it. I'm upset with Mike. 好吧,我承认,我生气是因为麦克

-Oh? -Aren't you? –是吗?-你不气吗?

Absolutely. I'm furious(狂怒的). 当然,我气炸了

But no more furious than I've been at him a dozen other times before.

不过我对他以前干的那些事更生气。 [a dozen times: 多次,十几遍]

I mean, he's a kid, Jason. What did you expect(期望,指望)?


Yeah, but he sat not 3 feet away from me and he said, "Dad, I swear it; I'm ready for total responsibility."

是呀。但是他曾坐在离我不到三英尺, 说:爸,我发誓,我会全面负起责任

Jason, you are not ready for total responsibility. 连你都不能负起全部责任

I mean, face it, the boy is 15. 面对现实吧,这孩子15岁了

He's a hormone with feet. 他是受荷尔蒙支配。 [hormone: 激素,荷尔蒙]

I know, but someday that hormone will be a man.


And I want that man to have a sense of responsibility.


Go talk to him. You won't sleep if you don't.


Don't worry. I'll continue the search for the pajamas.


-What? - You were asleep. -干嘛?-你睡着了

I was? I was and it was a dream. 我睡着了?我睡着了,这么说那只是场梦

- Uh-uh. - Oh, still angry? -嗯啊。-哦,还在生气?

Hey, Dad, I know this is no excuse, but Jerry's car handles really badly.


[excuse: 借口,托辞;no excuse: 没有借口/理由; handle: 操作,操控]

And I was the one who decided Jerry was too drunk to drive.

而且我觉得杰瑞喝得太多了,不能开车。 [drunk: 醉的]

-Mike, he was unconscious. -I know. [unconscious: 失去知觉的,无意识的]


And what are you doing with a kid who drinks like that?


-I should've called you. -Why didn't you? -应该给你电话 -那为啥没打?

Well, Dad, there were these girls there... 爸,那里有很多女孩

Of course! Wouldn't want them to think you had parents.


Mike, what kind of relationship are we going to have if I can't trust you?


I don't know. I guess I'm just a jerk. Maybe you shouldn't trust me.

不知道,我想我是个大傻瓜,也许你不该信任我。 [jerk: 蠢人]

That's certainly one way to go. 这个当然也是方向之一

That's the way my father went with me. 以前我爸就是那样对我的

I guess I hoped that when I had a son it would be different.


I know, Dad. 我知道,老爸

Mike, you probably don't remember this but, when you were 3 weeks old,


I took you to the Mets home opener. 我带你去看Mets队的主场棒球开场赛

[Mets: New York Mets (美国棒球队名)纽约城市队/大都会;

opener: (体育)第一局比赛; home opener: 主场开场赛]

Cradled you in my arms. 抱着你摇啊摇。 [cradle: 轻轻地抱或捧]

Up comes Donn Clendenon… 直到丹·科林丹宁上场

Hits a shot off the left-field scoreboard to win it in the 12th.


[shot: 击球,发射; scoreboard: 记分牌]

I hugged you real tight, jumping up and down. 我紧紧抱着你,(高兴地)跳上跳下 [hug: 抱住,紧抱; tight: 紧紧地,牢固地]

And you, you threw up in your complimentary Mets batting container.


[throw up: 呕吐; complimentary: 送的; batting: 击球; container:容器]

-I'm sorry, Dad. - It was my fault. -对不起,爸爸。-是我的错

I never should've let you suck that beer off my finger.

我不该让你舔我手指上的啤酒。 [suck: 吸吮,吸取]

-No, Dad, I meant about tonight. I'm sorry. -Well, thank you.


You know, Dad, I try. I really try. 爸,我已经努力了,真的

But sometimes... 但有的时候

almost without warning, I just find myself doing something really stupid.


[warning: 警告,预兆; without warning: 毫无预兆, 毫无预警]

-Sort of an uncontrollable impulse? -Yeah. -就像是一种无法控制的冲动?

[sort of: 有几分地; uncontrollable: 无法控制的; impulse: 冲动]

Or is it more like you think you're doing something really stupid,


and then you weigh your chances of getting away with it


[weight chances of: 估计的可能; get away with: 侥幸成功,逃脱处罚]

and if they're better than ten percent, you go for it. 如果超过10%,你就去干

[better than: 多于,超过; percent: 百分比; go for it: 放手向前,试一试]

That's why you're grounded for two months. 所以你才会被禁闭两个月

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I did some pretty lamo things in my day.


- You? - Yeah. - Like what? -你?-是的。-比方说?

Well, like I remember when I was 16, me and some buddies, we drove around town one night, mooning everybody. We even mooned the mayor's wife.


[buddy : 密友,伙伴; [moon: (俚语)露出屁股以戏弄; mayor: 市长]

You, Dad? 你干过,爸爸?

Yeah, we got arrested for indecent exposure. 我们因非法露体而被逮捕

[arrest: 逮捕; indecent:下流的,不得体的; exposure: 暴露]

Had to let us off though(可是,但是). 但是他们不得不把我们放了出来

Mayor's wife refused to make an identification(鉴定,识别,验明).

因为市长夫人拒绝指证。 [refuse: 拒绝]

- You, Dad? - Will you stop saying that? -真的吗?-能不能别这种语气?

Does Mom know about this? 妈妈知道这事吗?

You are kidding? How do you think we met? 开玩笑?你以为我们怎么认识的?

Alright dad! Hey, Dad, do you ever get the urge to do dumb stuff now?


[urge: 冲动; dumb: 愚蠢的; stuff: 东西,玩意儿]

No. No, I don't, Mike. 没有了,麦克

I think that's what being an adult is all about(关于的一切).


-Oh. Alright. Good night, Dad. - Night, son. -好了,晚安,老爸。-晚安,儿子

Hey. Come back in here for a second. 嗨,请进来一下

Maggie: I feel the earth move under my feet, I feel the sky tumbling down, tumbling down. I feel my heart start to tremble whenever you're around...ooohh baby when I see your face.

我感觉大地在我脚下移动,我感觉天空在塌陷,在塌陷。我感觉我的心开始颤抖,只要你在身边……哦,宝贝,当我看见你的脸。 [tumble:倒塌; tremble:发抖,颤动]

Children: Moon river, wider than a mile… 月亮河,宽过一英里… …

成长的烦恼第一季 第一集剧本整理
