
发布时间:2018-03-25 15:19:21

1、The culture of silk

Myths about the origin of silk(关于丝绸起源的神话)

Long ago ,Huang Di's wife Leizu ,discovered silkworms and further found that they can produce white material which is known as silk in todays world.


How Do Silkworms Make Silk?蚕是如何制造丝绸的?

Silkworms make silk by spewing a substance.The spewed-out substance consists of digested leaves and protein produced by the worm. Hangzhou is the home of silk in China.For Thousands of years, it has occupied an important position in the traditional Chinese silk industry. It is famous for its soft texture and beautiful colors. As early as the Han Dynasty, it has been sold abroad via the "Silk Road".


二、The culture of tea

Tea is an important part of Hangzhou's economy and culture. Hangzhou is best known for originating Longjing, a notable variety of green tea,. Known as the best type of Long Jing tea, Xi Hu Long Jing is grown in Longjing village near Xi Hu in Hangzhou, hence its name.茶叶是杭州经济文化的重要组成部分。杭州最著名的茶是原产于龙井的绿茶品种。龙井茶种在杭州西湖附近的龙井村,故得名“西湖龙井”。

Tea-drinking is a part of Chinese culture. China is an original producer of tea and is renowned for its skills in planting and making tea.喝茶是中国文化的一部分。中国是茶叶的原产国,以种植和泡茶的技艺而闻名。

Tea drinking involves each of the five senses. The tea drinker savors the color, fragrance, and finally the taste of the tea, at the same time listening to the swirling of the brew in the cup and feeling the warmth of the filled cup.品茶涉及到人的视、听、嗅、味、触多种感觉。饮茶者欣赏着茶的颜色、闻茶香,听着倒茶水击品茗杯回旋时发出的曼妙之音,感受持杯的温暖,最后品尝茶的味道。

Drinking tea has become an integral way of life. The spirit of the tea ceremony embodies the basic principles of harmony, respect, purity, appreciation and tranquility. The tea ceremony is a way to focus on mental spirituality, relaxation. It is important to reflect on these principles for one's own spiritual growth.喝茶已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一种方式,茶道精神体现了和、敬、清、寂四规。茶道是一种精神上的灵性,放松,对一个人的修身养性起到非常重要的作用。

三、Hangzhou Cuisine

1West Lake Carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce(西湖醋鱼)

West Lake carp in Sweet and Sour Sauce, also known as Shu sao Chuang zhen in Chinese, isa must-taste traditional Hangzhou dish.It only uses boiled water plus condiments instead of oil used,fish moderately done for a nice savory of its freshness and tenderness as well as original flavor. 西湖醋鱼是杭州名菜中的必尝的一道,也因“叔嫂传珍”的典故闻名。它不用油,只用白开水加调料,鱼肉适度煮熟,讲究食其鲜嫩和本味。

2Shelled Shrimps with Dragon Well Green Tea(龙井虾仁)

It combines succulent shelled shrimps with freshly picked Dragon Well tea leaves,and after cookingthe shrimp is white and tender, the tea leaves are green,the color and lustre are light and elegant, and the taste is unique . so it isknown as a famous dish with outstanding traditional flavor in Hangzhou..它将虾与刚摘下的龙井茶叶结合在一起,煮完后虾变白嫩,茶叶呈绿色,色泽淡雅,滋味独特,是杭州著名的传统风味佳肴。

3Dongpo Pork(东坡肉)

The pork is stewed along with vinegar, scallion, ginger, and sugar, in a sealed casserole pot over a low heat. After cooking, its skin is thin and meat is tender,crisp but not broken, fatbut not greasy.将猪肉和醋、葱、姜和糖拌一起,用小火放在一个密封的砂锅里炖。烹调后,它的皮薄肉嫩,脆不碎但不油腻

4Sister Song’s Fish Broth(宋嫂鱼羹)

Sister Song’s Fish Broth is the world-famous traditional Hangzhou cuisine. It tastes as good as crab meat, and is bright in color. 宋嫂鱼汤味道常起来像蟹肉的味道,色泽鲜艳是一道闻名于世的传统杭州菜

5Duck Soup with Dried Bamboo Shoots (笋干老鸭煲)

Duck Soup with Dried Bamboo Shoots is a nutritious soup served in a large pot. Itcon-

tains duck, dried bamboo shoots and Jinhua Ham.The duck used in the soup is carefully

selected from south of the Yangtze River . In order to preserve the tenderness of duck, it

has to be less than sixty days old. With the bamboo shoots providing a sweet and salty

flavor, and the Jinhua ham giving good taste, they both contributeto the spectacular taste

of the soup.竹笋鸭汤是将鸭、笋干和金华火腿放在一个大锅里焖出来的营养鸭煲汤中



6Cong Bao Hui (葱包桧)

Cong Bao Hui is a local snack known in Hangzhou. It’s a kind of pancake wrapped with Youtiao (a long, golden-brown, deep fried strip of dough),and needs to be pressed or fried over an iron pan until it is crispy and yellow.Finallyit serves with sweet sauce or spicy sauce.葱包桧是杭州家户喻晓当地小吃。这是一种(一条长长的,金黄色,油炸面团)和葱包在一起的薄煎饼,配以甜辣酱。

7Stewed Spring Bamboo Shoots (油焖春笋)

Stewed Spring Bamboo Shoots is included in the menu of most restaurants and families for its goodtaste, easy cooking quality and high nutrient value. The dish is prepared by stewing tender bamboo shoots in vinegar and plenty of sugar. Its salty and sweet flavor has won thousands of people’s hearts.油焖春笋以其美味、易煮和高营养价值而大多数餐馆和家庭青睐。这道菜是用炖嫩的竹笋做的拌以适量的入醋和糖。它独特的味道赢得了人们的喜爱。

8、Jingle Bells(干炸响铃)

Jingle Bells is called Ganzha Xiangling in Chinese. Ganzha means deep fry, while Xiangling means jingling bells. The food is made from a thin skin of tofu androlled in finely minced meat and then fry.This dish is golden in color and crisp in mouth, if you dip in salt and pepper especially with wine,and it will have a unique taste.干炸响铃在汉语中被称干炸响铃”。干炸的意思是油炸,而响铃的意思是叮当的钟声。这种食物是用薄薄的豆腐皮制成的,卷入细碎的肉末,然后煎炸。这道菜色泽金黄,吃到嘴里松脆有声,如果你蘸上盐和胡椒,特别是配上酒,味道会很独特。

9Southern Song Dingsheng Cake (南宋定胜糕)

Mixed with rice powder and fruitjam,Dingsheng Cake is a diamond-shaped, reddish fluffy cake. The inside of the cake is stuffed with red bean paste (a dark red, sweet bean paste), which contributes to the color of the cake. Dingsheng Cake tastes soft and sweet.南宋定胜糕是用米粉和果酱混合制成的一种菱形、红色的蓬松糕点。糕点里面裹着红豆酱(一种深红的甜豆酱),使得糕点色味俱全,尝起来松软而甜

10Honey Lotus Root Stuffed with Glutinous Rice(西湖糖

The dish perfectly combines crispy lotus root, sticky glutinous rice, sweet honey and fragrant osmanthus together.It is weet and not greasy, also with a touch of flower fragrance.这道菜把香脆的莲藕、糯米、甜蜂蜜和桂花完美地结合在一起。甜而不油腻,带有淡淡的桂花


Hangzhou's climate is humid subtropical with four distinctive seasons.As for spring,it is a little warm and wet.From March to April,there is only a few sunnydays.

Hangzhou goes into real rainy season during the late spring and early summer,it lasts for nearly two months and is commonly called the plum-rain as this is time when plum is going to be ripe.Hangzhou can be unbearably hot in late summer especially during each August . Autumn is dry and cool,it is a little cold in winter and snows once or twice a year, but not too much.杭州地处亚热带季风气候区,四季分明。杭州的春天较为温暖潮湿,3月到四月份,杭州烟雨绵绵少有晴天春末夏初,杭州进入真正的雨季,将持续近两个月湿。因此时正是李子成熟的时候而被称为梅雨。杭州的仲夏酷热难耐,尤其是八月份。秋天天气干燥凉爽。冬天较寒冷,几乎每年都会下一两场雪,但雪不会很大。

5、Cultural taboos

1. When giving gifts always offer pairs. All good things are given in pairs and not as one piece.送礼物时,要送成对的。好事成双,而不是单数2.Never try to bite noodles or cut them on your birthday. This will lead to early death. A 

long noodle can be swallowed whole.吃寿面时不能咬断,咬断了会折寿

3.Don't wash your hair on (Chinese) New Year Day because this will wash away your 

good luck.不要在初一那天洗头,因为这会洗掉好运。

4.Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody.倒茶水时茶壶的口不能面向任何人。

5.Never stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl, lay them on your dish instead.不要把筷子竖在饭碗里,要放在盘子上。

6.You could not point at others with chopsticks when you talk to others.当别人说话时,不能用筷子指着别人。

7.Never sweep the floor on Lunar New Year's Day, for doing so will sweep away the ear's good luck.不要在新年那天扫地,因为这样做会扫去好运。

8.When eating with a group, if there is a dish everyone is sharing (which is customary), do not use your chopsticks or the spoon you are eating with to dish your food. Use the serving spoon to dish into your bowl or plate and then use your spoon or chopsticks to eat.和大家一起吃饭时,有一起不要用筷子或你正在吃的勺子来舀食物。用盛物的勺子盛入 你的碗或盘子,然后用你的勺子或筷子吃

9.The elders are always to be respected in every situation by those who are younger. You should always acknowledge the elder in a group to that person.老人在任何情况下都应该受到年轻人的尊敬。你应该总是向那个人表示感谢。

10.Never try to turn a fish over and de-bone it yourself, skeleton from the lower half of the flesh will usually be performed by the host or a waiter. Superstitious people think bad

 luck will ensue and a fishing boat will capsize  if you do so.千万不要试着把鱼翻过来,把骨头从肉的下半部取出,通常由主人或侍者来做。迷信的人认为运气不好会接踵而至,如果你这样做一艘渔船将会倾覆。

Hangzhou Olympic(杭州奥体中心)

Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center includes a main stadium of 80,000 people, a main stadium of 18,000 people.Besides these,it contains a swimming pool, a tennis center, a baseball and softball center and so on. It can hold the global comprehensive games and international track,field and football competitions.It is one of the largest sports center in China with fixed audience of 80000 seats and will be used for the2022 Asian Game.


Operas (戏剧)

The major kinds of operas in China, includes Peking Opera, Shaoxing Opera, Huang Mei Opera, Pingju Opera and Henan Opera. The local representative opera in Zhejiang Province is the Shaoxing Opera, which is second only to Peking opera in China . Shaoxing opera is famous for it's song,and the song is very graceful. Expressing emotion is particular distinguishing features of shaoxing opera.The talented scholars and beautiful girls is main form of Shaoxing Opera.The Butterfly Lovers,A Dream in Red Mansionare the representative work of Shaoxing Opera.


