山东省肥城市王庄镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section A(3a-3c)导学案

发布时间:2016-01-08 10:37:25

Unit 2 How often do you exercise ? Section A 3a---3c



1.Master the vocabulary: result active about as for

2.Understand the magazine article.

3. Reading and writing skills. Communicative competence.

(二)过程与方法: 通过自主学习和groupwork 进一步巩固和熟练how often 和频率副词的用法。

(三)情感态度与价值观:Study hard and to be a good student.

二、教学重难点:Aim 2 Aim 3



Task 1 :写出下列短语


12)吃健康的早餐 13)至少

14)帮着做家务活 15)做运动

Task 2 :完成句子


1)__________ apples are there on the table? Three.

2)__________tea did he drink? A little.

3)__________do you watch TV? Every day.

4)________ __is the yellow skirt? 25 yuan.

5)__________ do you do homework every day? About two huors.

()、预习诊断 1 . Most students in my class _____exercise every day

A . does B . do C . is doing

2 . How often do you watch TV? About_____

Aonce or twice a week B . a or twice a week C. once or twice

精讲点拨 词语辨析:

how often 多久一次,用来提问动作发生的频率。回答用:oncetwice, three times 等词语。How often do you play sports? Three times a week.

how long 多长,用来询问多长时间,也可询问某物有多长。

How long does it take to get to Shanghai from here? How long is the ruler?

how far 多远, 用来询问距离,指路程的远近。 How far is it from here to the park? It's about 2 kilometers.

五、限时作业 :(限时十分钟,满分10分) 得分 _______

(1)单项选择:1The girl is very lazy, so she's ___ late for school.

A. often B. sometimes C. never D. hardly ever

2. Everyone knows girls ____ sweets. A. usually likes

B. Likes usually C. usually like D. like usually

3. "____ do you watch TV?" "Hardly ever."

A. How B. How often C. How long D. How soon

4. Please pass my glasses to me. I can _______ see the words on the blackboard.

A.hard B.never C.hardly D. really

5 . She hardly ever _____sports games on TV Sunday evening.

 A.watching;over B.to watch;in C.watch;by D.watches, on

6. My father_______goes to the movies.

 A.sometime B.sometimes C.sometime D.some times

(2) 根据汉语补全下列英语句子,每空一词。


  -- does she

- . She always .


  My father _____ _______ .


I often _____ _____ with my mother Saturday.


  ----What do you________do on___________?

  -----我通常帮着做家务活。----I usually____ ______ .

山东省肥城市王庄镇初级中学八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise Section A(3a-3c)导学案
