
发布时间:2019-02-17 01:00:49



a:hey, buddy. did i see you before?

b:oh, thats impossible. because i am you from the future.

a:wow, thats cool. i cant imagine it. how could you make it?

b:im sorry that i am not allowed to tell you about it, its a secret. a:what a pity! wait, can i ask you something else?

b:yes, absolutely! thats exactly why i come here to meet you. a:have you married?

b:ha, i know you will ask this question first. but i wont tell you. a:how come? please.

b:there are many reasons but basically, i just simply dont want to tell you.

a:ok, i hope you have married because i dont want to be single at your age.

b:dont worry. maybe your wife is very pretty and empathetic. a:really?

b:ha-ha, who knows?

a:oh, is dads body ok? you know, his body has not been good since ten years before.

b:dont worry. medical technology has a great development in the future. a:thats awesome. oh, is gary still alive?

b:gary? oh, you mean the dog. no, you know a dog cant live so long. a:ok, i know the day will come sooner or later.

b:yes, although in the future there are still many things human cant control.

a:thats right. is the future world different from the world today? b:certainly, the world in future is different from today in many ways. a:can you tell a few examples?

b:sure, the biggest change is there only have global village in earth. a:what? is sounds crazy, you know, there are many conflicts between different nations.

b:its true, but people are yearn for peace and the world would change. a:anyway, it is a good news. oh, are robots behave like humans in the future?

b:of course. artificial intelligence has been developed rapidly in the future.

a:but how can people tell apart robots between humans? for they look like totally same.

b:good question, in the future, robots have the equal rights with humans. a:wait, you mean robots are no longer humans servant but friends? its unbelievable.

b:sure, robots in the future are similar to humans except they dont have to eat food.

a:wow, it sounds like a daydream but is kind of interesting. b:you bet.

a:let me see, what will you do when you are free in the future? b:you can guess it.

a:oh, i have no idea. for me, future is hard to imagine.

b:well, i will travel to venus on my vacation.

a:cool, that exactly what i have been always dreamed about. whats your feeling, is it exciting?

b:no doubt, it is an unforgettable experience when i traveled to venus the first time.

a:so, have you ever met with aliens?

b:yes, in the future aliens are living with humans together actually. a:re


b:yes, human beings are not the only intelligent beings in the universe. a:do they look like humans?

b:no, aliens have many different appearances and most of them are totally different from humans.

a:are they friendly or bellicose?

b:to be frankly, a majority of aliens are friendly but some of them are bellicose.

a:i know it is inevitable that some of them are not so kind. b:yes, you are right.

a:oh, there is a very important thing that i havent asked you. b:what?

a:whats your job? you know, i always want to be a great writer like hemingway.

b:no, it is not easy to be a great writer. but my job is also interesting, can you guess it?

a:let me see, are you a botanist.

b:well, botany is cool but im not.

a:just tell me, its hard to guess.

b:ok, im working for g.t.t.a, do you know it?

a:g.t.t.a? whats that?

b:global time travel agency. it is a global organization that manage time travel.

a:thats amazing. will i work for such an interesting organization? b:actually, it may be not true.

a:how come?

b:because future have limitless possibilities. and i am just one of the possibilities.

a:really? you mean i will have different future if i make different choice. b:yes. maybe you will meet with other you some day. who knows? a:ah, im looking forward to it. i think it would be fun.

b:oh, it is time to say goodbye, maybe you will meet me again in the future. a:i believe so, bye.




夜阑人静,我躺在床上辗转反侧,怎么也睡不着。挂在墙上的钟嘀嗒嘀嗒地在走。忽然,一个声音轻轻悠悠地响起来:“21世纪的小朋友,21世纪的小朋友,请答话??”连续不断的声音就像鬼魂一般在屋中飘来飘去。我的心猛地一缩,这,这是什么人在说话呢?是小偷?是幽灵?我蹑手蹑脚地在房间里来回寻找声音是从那儿传出来的;我强迫自己激动的情绪稳定下来,用心去倾听?? “噢!我的天啊!钟在发光?没错??可那并不是钟呀!那分明是我在电视上看过的群星灿烂的浩瀚的宇宙啊?我不禁暗自吃惊。披着淡淡的月光,我轻轻搬来一个小板凳,站上去,靠近发光体了??近了,更近了。我如痴如醉地看着墙上的发光图像,真美啊!我的手不由自主地抬了起来,触摸到它们了。啊!那图像竟然变成了我的身体??”我还没来得及想,我就被吸进了图像中。






在明白一切了吧!就是因为我们的祖祖辈辈都随意破坏环境,才变成这样子的,你一定回去要告诉人们爱护环境啊!?? 接着,我又回到了房间。望着窗外的月色,我暗暗下了决心:对!一定要!



高二(9)班 曹翠英指导老师 吴晓燕










