
发布时间:2019-09-30 03:22:28

1、 ignore=take no notice = not take any notice 忽略,无视v

2、 vital = essential = crucial重要的adj

3、 media = newspapers, television 媒体n

4、 accessible = easy to reach 容易到达的adj

5、 modify (modification) = change 改变v

6、 destruction = destroy = loss毁坏n

7、 investigate = probe =look into 调查v

8、 geographical location = where 表示地点

9、 confront = face =encounter = meet 遇见,遭遇v

10、 impetus = cause = stimulus =reason 原因

11、 protect = guard =safeguard 保护v

12、 mistaken view = misconception 错误的观点n

13、 habit = where to live 居住地n

14、 get wormer = global warming 变暖n

15、 contribute to = play a part 有助于v

16、 survive = continuing existence 幸存,活下来v

17、 curriculum = syllabus 课程n

18、 link to = be connected with 把·和·相联系v

19、 underdeveloped = degenerated = rudimentary 不发达的adj

20、 poor = bad = no good at something = weak 贫穷的可怜的adj

21、 exceptional =excellent =outstanding = brilliant = impressive =admirable 超常的,例外的adj

22、 mating = courtship 交配

23、 follow = track = tail = shadow = hound =stalk跟随追踪v

24、 good vision ability = vision is obviously more useful 好的视力

25、 best = finest = ideal = optimum = unsurpassed = record-breaking 极好的adj

26、 assist = help = aid帮助v

27、 specific = givesomebodymoredetails = expand on = elaborate 特定的adj

28、 substance = aparticulartype of solid, liquid, or gas 物质n

29、 surrounding = environment = circumstance 环境n

30、 engage = give somebody a job = employ 雇佣v

31、 combine = mix = stir 联合v

32、 survival = the stage of continuing to live or exist 幸存n

33、 emerge = appear = become visible 出现v

34、 emit = to send out gas, heat, light, sound 发出放射n

35、 situation = circumstances =plight 情况状况n

36、 self-conscious = worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you 自觉的adj

37、 generate = form = produce 产生

38、 various = differing = varying = a mix of something 各种各样的adj

39、 convenient = a thing or way of doing something that is easy and quick; a time or arrangement that is convenient 方便的adj

40、 objective = impartial = neutral 客观的adj

41、 observe = notice = spot = detect 观察v

42、 comment = remark 评论

43、 include = consist of 包含,包括v

44、 focuson = deals only with 专注于v

45、 initiative = on your own/by yourself = independently 主动的,自发的adj主动权n

46、 increase = go up = rise = grow 上升,增加v

47、 teach = educate = train = coach = instruct = bring up 教学v

48、 more than one language = bilingual = somebody ’s second language 多种语言n

49、 identify = pinpoint = diagnose鉴定查明

50、 young people = teenager = youth = in your teens = adolescent = minor年轻人n

51、 community = all the people in a particular area, city, country 群体团体社区n

52、 traditional = old-fashioned = outdated 传统的adj

53、 fail = failure = not succeed = unsuccessful = vain 失败v

54、 endanger = damaged = destroyed 危及使危险v

55、 diverse = varied = wide-ranging = mixed 各种各样的adj

56、 inevitable = certain to happen and impossible to avoid 不可避免的adj

57、 differfrom = unusual与不同v

58、 reluctant = unwilling = not willing 勉强的adj

59、 consult = asksomebodys advice 咨询v

60、 alternative = another = other 另一个

61、 therapist = someone who has been trained to give a particular form of treatment for physical or mental illness 临床医学家n

62、 retrain = taking courses 再教育v

63、 salary = pay = wage = incorme 工资收入n

64、 long-term = chronic = long-running 长期的adj

65、 complaint = complain抱怨n

66、 illness = disease = virus 疾病n

67、 connection = relationship 联系n

68、 benefical = nutritious = healthful 有益的adj

69、 insight=comprehension = understanding理解见解n

70、 reject = to refuse to accept 拒绝v

71、 employ = give somebody a job = take on 雇佣v

72、 courier = a person or company that is paid to take packages somewhere 快递员n

73、 storage = keep = store 存储n

74、 facility = equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose 设备n

75、 ambitious = ambition = power- hungry/power- mad 有志向的,雄心壮志的adj

76、 effort = to try very hard to do something = attempt = campaign = drive 努力n

77、 plante = the world = earht/earth = the globe 地球n

78、 unpredictable = can’t say /tell = unforeseeable = it ramains to be seen 无法预测的adj

79、 machinery = device = robot = appliance = machanism 机械n

80、 ultimate = final 最终的,根本的adj

81、 atmosphere = thefeeling that an event or place gives you = the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth 气氛大气n

82、 occur = happen = takek place 发生v

83、 expand = get bigger = grow = swell up = stretch 扩张扩大v

84、 form = type = shape形式n

85、 encourage = persuade = persuation = encourage 鼓励v

86、 loan an amount of money that you borrow from a bank 贷款n

87、 poverty = being poor 贫穷n

88、 crime = illegal activities in general 犯罪n

89、 purpose = aim = objective = object = goal = target = end 目的n

90、 uncertaintyiscertain唯有变革才是稳固的

there isno antidote to uncertaintty. Everything is always uncertain. There are infinite possibilities, whitch is what makes miracles possible. Life is about dealing with the question marks and making the best of them without any guarantees for what’s going to happen next.


91、 nobody on earth knows how things will turn out for you, which is why you have to press forward everyday on the heels of your intuition and passion. If you give it your all, sometimes amazing things happen, but they’ll rarely be precisely what you had expected.


92、 life is a circle 生命是一个循环

everything you do, everything you say, every choice you make, comes back around.


93、 if you want to be rich, be generous.if you want to make friends, be friendly. If you want to be understood by others, take the time to truly understand them. If you want to be heard, listen.


94、 if you want to live an interesting life, be interested the happenings around you. If you wish to truly learn and master a skill, study what you can and then teach someone else what you know.


95、 if you long for peace, act in peace and harmony. If you want the world to change, start with the one in the mirror.


96、 whatyou give is eventually what you get. Whatever it is you hope to achieve in this life, give it, nurture it, be it, and you will enjoy a lifetime filled with it many times.


97、 discipline is the mother of all virtues. 自律是所有美德之母。

Self-controlisthechiefelementofdiscipline, and discipline is the chief element of bringing ideas to life. No matter how smart, skilled, or capable you are, nothing is possible or achievable without a disciplined mind.


98、 disciplineistheabilityto make yourself do the thing you have to do, whether you want to or not at any given moment. It is the most important of all the virtues because without it, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.


99、 you have full control of your fears. 你能控制自己的恐惧。

Your fear is 100% dependent on YOU for its survival, and it is the only thing standing between you and your goals. Deal with your fears; don’t let them deal with you.


100、 have patience with the thoughts and concerns that remain unsolved in your heart. Don’t hide; live in question as you slowly uncover the answers you seek. Replace your fears with an understanding that settles them. Instead of wasting energy on avoiding what you don’t want, spend it on obtaining the knowledge you need to achieve what you do want.


101、 goodfriendsare priceless 好友无价

friendsandacquaintances come and go, but good friends are hard to come by. You know who these people are. They’re the ones who are always there with you in spirit –the ones who leave footprints in your thoughts and dreams. They are the glue that blinds a smile to your soul.


102、 hang on to them dearly. Reach out and make an effort to stay connected. Lend them a hand and let them lend one to you. Don’t get so busy or tired that you neglect their existence. Treat your good friends like royalty.


103、 it’s impossible to love someone who doesn’t love himself or herself. 不自爱的人也无法爱别人。

When someone doesn’t love who they are, they pretend to be someone else, and others end up falling in love with their mask,instead of who they really are. To keep the affection they keep pretending and performing behind this mask.


104、 If you see these masked tendencies in someone you care about, confront them before it’s too late. Because if they lock themselves behind a mask for too long they will grow attached to it- it will become their comfort zone. They will begin to enjoy the imprisonment, and if you try removing their mask to remind them of the truth, they will feel like you’re robbing them of their dignity.


105、 bottomline: self love is the greatest gift- to live and to teach. The best way to love someone is to help them love themselves.


106、 a positive vision makes a big difference. 积极地想象会产生大影响。

Don’t just see things the way they are. Envision yourself in the place you want to be, skillfully doing what you are capable of doing. Envision yourself in this place living the life you desir. Allow yourself to dream in full color, and know with certainty, that this dream is achievable if you want it to be.


107、 envision the things you desire as being achievable and they will be. Envision yourself doing what you need to do, operating at your very best, and then hold that image firmly in your mind, day after day, moment by moment, as you step boldly in the direction of your vision.


108、 givethisvisionallyou’ve got, mentally and physically, and you’ll be amazing at the energy and excellence that comes out of you in the long run.


109、 it’s impossible to know exactly how another feels. 不可能知道别人真正的感受。

The hearts and minds of others are mysterious, dense forests, always, no matter how deep into them you venture.


110、 even if you have known a person for a hundred years, it is impossible to know exactly what they are feeling. You can’t feel something for them, or know exactly how their mind is processing something. You could invest every bit of your energy over the course of your entire life in an attempt to achieve this understanding, but in the end you will fall short.


111、 whatyou can do is bea friend who listens, supports, and loves openly without judgment. Only then will you get a momentary, unfiltered glimpse into their soul.


112、 connecting with your purpose brings great resuts.有的放矢能带来好结果。

Dont allow other to convince your heart what to do. Your heart already knows. listen to it. Don’t let anyone else distinguish what is right or wrong for you. you’ve got to stand up for something specific, on your own two legs, or you will achieve nothing great in life.


113、 within you there is a formidable and undeniable sense of purpose.success comes from making a solid and persistent connection to that purpose. When your intentions are supported by a “why” that has meaning, you will find a way to bring them to life. Getting anything done is a matter of continuing to remember why you have chosen todo this thing in the first place.


114、 in the end, focused and persistent effort always brings great achievement. When your effort are driven by your purpose, you can keep these efforts going for as long as it takes to reach this achievement.


115、 they had to call in a heart specialist.

116、 Whatdid the doctor say?

117、 The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.

118、 The doctor said I look pale.

119、 If I want to be healthy. I have to stop smoking cigarettes.

120、 The physician said somking is harmful to my health.

121、 It’s just a mosquito bite, there is nothing to worry about.

122、 You are wanted on the telephone.有你电话

123、 Whatnumbershould Idial to get the operator?

124、 I want to make a long distance call. 打个长途

125、 Pick up the receiver and deposit a coin in the slot.拿起话筒,然后将硬币投进硬币口中。

126、 Itried to call Mr Copper, but the line was busy.

127、 You must have dialed the wrong number.

128、 I dialed the right number, but nobody answered.

129、 The telephone is ringing, would you answer it, please ?

130、 Would you like to leave a message?

131、 Who is this? I don’t recognize your voice.

132、 Would you please tell Mr Copper I called?

133、 Is this empire?

134、 I have to hang up now.

135、 Put the receiver closer to your mouth I can’t hear you.

136、 Would you mind calling back sometime tomorrow?

137、 How long has it been since you’ve heard from your uncle?

138、 When was the last time he wrote you?

139、 Ican’t recall how long it’s been.

140、 I’m always disappointed when I don’t get any mail.

141、 I feel guilty because I haven’t written her lately.

142、 What time is the mail delivered on Saturday?

143、 The postman always comes at two oclock.

144、 I wrote to my uncle last night, I couldn’t put it off any longer.

145、 I enclosed some photographys in my letter.

146、 Ididn’t know whether to send the letter airmail or not.

147、 How long does it take for a letter to get to California?

148、 Don’t forget to put stamps on the letter before you mail it.

149、 He went to the post office to mail a letter.

150、 Idropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner.

151、 How did you sign the letter? Did you write “sincerely yours”?

152、 Astrange thing happened to me this morning.

153、 Iwas crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.

154、 Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit.

155、 It was a terrible experience, and I won’t forget it.

156、 Yesterday was such a beautiful day we decided to go for a drive.

157、 We prepared a picnic lunch and drove down by the river.

158、 After a while, we found a shady place under some poplar trees. 杨树

159、 Ontheway back home, we were tired.

160、 I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip.

161、 Speaking of trips, did I ever tell you about the experience I had?

162、 We used to have a lot of fun when we were that age.

163、 I can’t recall the exact circumstances.

164、 I never realized that someday I would be living in New York.

165、 We never imagined that John would become a doctor.

166、 We are looking for a house to rent for the summer.

167、 Are you trying to find a furnished house?

168、 This split-level house is for rent. It is a bargain.

169、 That house is for sale, it has cental heating.

170、 We have a few kitchen things and a dining room set.

171、 This is an interesting floor plan, please show me the basement.

172、 The roof has leaks in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.屋顶内有漏洞,前面台阶也需要维修。

173、 We’ve got to get a bed and a dresser for the bedroom.

174、 Does the back door have a lock on it?

175、 They’ve already turned on the electricity, the house is ready.

176、 I’m worried about the appearance of the floor.

177、 If you want a towel, look in the linen closet.放亚麻制品的壁橱

178、 What style furniture do you have? Is it traditional?

179、 We have drapes for the living room, but we need kitchen curtains.卧室有窗帘,厨房也需要。

180、 The house needs painting. It is in bad condition.

181、 What do you going to wear today?

182、 I’m going to wear my blue suit. Is that all right?

183、 I have two suits to send to the cleaners.

184、 I have some shirts to send to the laundry. 洗衣房

185、 You ought to have that coat cleaed.

186、 I’ve got to get this shirt washed and ironed.熨烫

187、 All my suits are dirty. I don’t have anything to wear.

188、 You’d better wear a light jacket. it’s chilly today.

189、 This dress doesn’t fit me anymore.

190、 I guss I’ve grown this pair of trousers.

191、 These shoes are worn-out. They’ve lasted a long time.

192、 I can’t fasten this collar button.

193、 Why don’t you get dressed now? put on your work clothes.

194、 My brother came in, changed his clothes, and went out again.

195、 I didn’t notice you were wearing your new hat.

196、 You have your point of view, and I have mine.

197、 You approach it in a different way than I do. 以不同于我的方式探讨它。

198、 I won’t argue with you, but I think you’re being unfair.

199、 That’s a liberal point of view.自由的见解

200、 He seems to have a lot of strange ideas.

201、 I don’t see any point in discussing the question any further.

202、 What alternative do I have?我还以什么办法?

203、 Everyoneisentitledtohisown opinion.

204、 There are always two sides to everything.

205、 We have oppseite views on this.

206、 Please forgive me. I don’t mean to start an argument.

207、 I must know your opinion. Do you agree with me?

208、 What point are you trying to make?

209、 Our views are not so far apart, after all. 毕竟我们的观点没有如此大的分歧。

210、 We should be able to resolve our differences.

211、 If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, I think I’ll go shopping.

212、 There’s a possibility we’ll go, but it all depends on the weather.

213、 If I have time tomorrow, I think I’ll get a haircut.

214、 I hope I remember to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short.

215、 My son wants to be a policeman when he grows up.

216、 If I get my work finished in time, I’ll leave for New York Monday.

217、 Suppose you couldn’t go on the trip, how would you feel?

218、 What would you say if I told you I couldn’t go with you?

219、 If I buy the car, I’ll have to borrow some money.

220、 If I wont with you, I’d have to be back by six o’clock.

221、 One of these days, I’d like to take a vacation.

222、 As soon as I can, I’m going to change jobs.

223、 There’s a chance he won’t be able to be home for Chrustmas.

224、 You may be able to help you in some way.

225、 If you were to attend the banquet, what would you wear.

226、 What would you have done last night if you hadn’t had to study?

227、 I would have gone on the picnic if it hadn’t rained.

228、 If you had gotten up earlier,you would have time for breakfast.

229、 If I had had time, I would have called you.

230、 Would you have seen you, if you hadn’t waved to him?

231、 If he had only had enough money, he would have bought that house.

232、 I wish you had called me back the next day, as I had asked you to.

233、 If you han’t slipped and fallen, you wouldn’t have broken your leg.

234、 If I have known you want to go, I would have called you.

235、 Had I known you didn’t have got the key, I wouldn’t have locked the door.

236、 She would have gone with me, but she didn’t have time.

237、 If I had asked directions, I haven’t got lost.

238、 Everything would be alright, if you had not said that.

239、 Looking back on it, I wish we hadn’t been given in so easily. 那么轻易的让步

240、 Whatisityou don’t like about winter weather?

241、 I don’t like it when the weather gets real cold.

242、 I can’t stand summer weather.

243、 The thing I don’t like about driving is all the traffic on the road.

244、 He doesn’t like the idea of going to bed early.

245、 I like to play tennis, but I’m not a very good player.

246、 I don’t like spinach even though I know it’s good for me.菠菜

247、 I’m afraid you’re being too particular about your food.

248、 He always finds fault with everything.

249、 She doesn’t like anything I do or say.

250、 You have wonderful taste in clothes.

251、 What’s your favorite pastime?

252、 What did you like best about the movie?

253、 Ididn’t like the taste of the medicine, but I took it anyway.

254、 Why do you dislike the medicine so much?

255、 If you want my advice, I dodn’t think you should go.

256、 I suggest that you tear up the letter and start over again.

257、 It’s only a suggestion, and you can do what you please.

258、 Let me give you a little fatherly advise.

259、 Please don’t take offense I only wanted to tell you what I think.

260、 In my opinion, the house isn’t worth the price they’re asking.

261、 My feeling is that you ought to stay home tonight.

262、 It’s none of my business, but I think you ought to work harder.

263、 In general, my reaction is favorable.

264、 If you don’t take my advise, you’ll be sorry.

265、 I’ve always tired not to interfere in your affairs.

266、 I’m old enough to make up my own mind.

267、 Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to figure out myself.

268、 He won’t pay attention to anybody, you’re just wasting your breath.浪费你的口舌

269、 Would you please hold the door open for me?

270、 You’re very kind to take the trouble to help me.不辞劳苦来帮助我

271、 IwishIcouldrepay you somehow for your kindness.

272、 I’m afraid it was a bother for you to do this.

273、 It wasn’t any bother, I was glad to do it.

274、 There’s just one last favor I need to ask of you.

275、 I’d be happy to help you in any way I can.

276、 Would you mind giving me a push? My car has stalled.

277、 Would you be so kind as to open this window for me? Its stuffy.

278、 If there’s anything else I can do, please let me know.

279、 This is the last time I’ll ever ask you to do anything for me.

280、 I certainly didn’t intend to cause you so much inconvenience.

281、 He’ll always be indebted to you for what you’ve done.对你所做,感激不尽

282、 Could you lend me ten dollars? I left my wallet at home.

283、 I’d appreciate it if you would turn out the lights, I’m sleepy.

284、 I didn’t realize the time had passed so quickly.

285、 I’ve got a lot of things to do before I can leave.

286、 For one thing, I’ve got to drop by the bank to get some money.

287、 It’ll take almost all my saving to buy the ticket.

288、 Oh, I just remembered something! I have to apply for a passport.

289、 It’s a good thing you reminded me to take my heavy coat.

290、 I never would have thought of it if you hadn’t mentioned it.

291、 I’ll see you off at the airport.

292、 They’re calling your flight now. you barely have time to make it.

293、 You’d better run or you’re going to be left behind.

294、 Don’t forget to cable to let us know you arrived safely.

295、 I’m sure I’ve forgotten something, but it’s too late now.

296、 Do you have anything to declare for customs.报关

297、 You don’t have to pay any duty on personal belongings.

298、 What’s your nationality? Are you american?

299、 What part of the world do you came from?

300、 I’m american by birth.

301、 I was born in spain, but I’m a citizen of france.

302、 Do you know what the population of japan is?

303、 What’s the area of the Congo in square miles?

304、 Who is the governor of this state?

305、 According to the latest census, our population has increased.

306、 Politically, the country is divided into fifty states.

307、 The industrial area is centered largely in the north.

308、 The country is rich in natural resources, it has mineral deposits.

309、 This nation is noted for its economic stability.

310、 How old do you have to be to vote in the national elections?

311、 Today we celebrate our day of independence, it’s a national holiday.

312、 My home is in the capital. It’s a cosmopolitan city.国际都市

313、 Geographically, this country is located in the southern hemisphere.

314、 It’s a beautiful country with many large lakes.

315、 This part of the country is very mountainous.

316、 The land in this region is dry and parched.干旱且贫瘠

317、 Along the northern coast, there are many high cliffs.

318、 There are forests here, and lumbering is important.伐木业

319、 The scenery is beautiful near the pacific ocean.

320、 This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons.山脉

321、 What kind of climate do you haved? Is it mild?

322、 How far is it from the shore of the Atlantic to the mountains?

323、 Is the coastal plain good for farming?

324、 What’s the longest river in the united states?

325、 Are most of the lakes located in the north central region?

326、 Are you travel westward, does the land get higher?

327、 The weather is worm and sunny here.

328、 Children enter school at the age of five, don’t they?

329、 In elementary school, the child learns to read and write.

330、 In secondary school, children get more advanced knowledge.

331、 In universities, students train to become teachers and engineers.

332、 He went to grade school in New York and high school in Cicargo.

