

关于万圣节的英文单词 万圣节是西方国家的传统节日,下面给大家收集准备了关于万圣节的英文单词以及例句,欢迎大家阅读了解! 万圣节之夜:halloween night : night; nighttime; evening 万圣节: allhallows; hall9ween; hallo ... 欢度万圣节: happy halloween 万圣节(: halloween 万圣节8:复活: halloween 万圣节9: halloween 万圣节除夕: halloween 万圣节复活: halloween.resurrection 万圣节惊魂: monster bash; this is hallow ... 万圣节快乐: happy halloween On the eve of allhallows 在万圣节之夜 On a halloween night , they found a treat behind their trick with a e - from - behind victory 在万圣节之夜,他们同时期待一个背靠背的胜利 Halloween night , elliott and michael dressed e . t . in a sheet like a ghost
万圣节之夜,艾略特和迈克尔给e . t .套了块儿白布… …像个幽灵似的。 Police said the boys " lives were not in danger but one risked losing an eye . the tradition of asking neighbors for sweets or money on halloween is relatively new to italy but is gaining popularity 虽然在万圣节之夜跑到邻居家中去索要糖果或金钱的习俗对于意大利人来说尚属罕见,但不可否认眼下它在该国正呈日益流行之势。 In western countries , the annual october 31 , a halloween . dictionary as the eve of all saints day , the chinese translation : halloween night also said to be dress , how do you intend to spend this years halloween 在西方国家,每年的十月三十一日,有个halloween ,辞典解释为“ the eve of all saints day ,中文译作:万圣节之夜,也有说是“鬼节” ,你打算怎么度过今年的万圣节? Introduction : in western countries , the annual october 31 , a halloween . dictionary as the eve of all saints day , the chinese translation : halloween night also said to be dress , how do you intend to spend this years halloween 在西方国家,每年的十月三十一日,有个halloween ,辞典解释为“ the eve of all saints day ,中文译作:万圣节之夜,也有说是“鬼节” ,你打算怎么度过今年的万圣节?
1. Pumpkin cheese balls芝士南瓜球 Grate your favorite cheese, hard-boiled eggs, tomato or boiled carrot (for color and a few garlic cloves. Mix together and roll into small balls. Decorate with olives and herbs to create little spooky pumpkins. If you dont eat cheese, you can use rice instead. Or, create little vegetables balls to make sure your little ones consume enough vitamins this fall season. 把你最爱的奶酪、白煮蛋、西红柿或煮熟的胡萝卜(用来配色和几瓣蒜磨碎,混合后滚成小球。用橄榄和香草作装饰,做出小的万圣节南瓜脸的样子。如果你不吃奶酪,可以用大米代替。或者做小的蔬菜球来确保你家的小家伙们今年秋天消耗足够的维生素。 2. Halloween cookies万圣节曲奇 Halloween cookies e in different shapes, sizes and colors. From pumpkins, ghosts, owls, skulls and bones to witches hats, bats, spiders and black cats, there are a host of Halloween cookies that you can make today or for your Halloween party. It may take a bit more time to make the spookiest cookies, but its well worth it. 万圣节曲奇饼形状、大小、颜色各异。从南瓜、幽灵、猫头鹰、骷髅头和骨头形状到巫师帽、蝙蝠、蜘蛛和黑猫的形状都有,现在你可以做很多万圣节曲奇的形状,还可以在万圣节聚会时用。要做出最怪异的饼干要花更多时间,但绝对值得一试。
3. Monster mouths怪物嘴 These green monster mouths are super healthy and tasty, not to mention that they are diet-friendly. All you need to have to make these monster mouths is green apples, peanut butter, and yogurt covered raisins (or mini marshmallows or almond slivers. You can also use red food coloring to make bloody monster mouths. Yuck! 这些绿色的怪物嘴超级健康美味,更别说它们有多助于减肥了。做这些怪物大嘴你所需要的就是绿苹果、花生酱和裹了酸奶的葡萄干(或者用小棉花糖或杏仁你也可以用红色的食用色素做成血淋林的怪物大嘴,真恶心! 4. Bloody drinks血腥饮料 Bloody drinks dont necessarily have to be alcoholic. We all love Bloody Mary, but this beverage isnt for kids. Make some tomato smoothie or bine orange juice, cranberry juice, softened raspberry sorbet, and seltzer together to get a healthy, kid-friendly bloody cocktail. Or use red wine instead of sorbet to make alcoholic beverage for your friends. 血腥饮料不一定含酒精,我们都喜欢血腥玛丽,但可不能给孩子喝。做一些西红柿奶昔,或把橙汁、蔓越莓汁、软的树莓冰沙和苏打水混合,做出健康的适合孩子喝的血腥饮料。或用红葡萄酒代替冰沙给朋友做出酒精饮料。
5. Halloween pie万圣节派 It can be any pie you like be it an apple pie, a berry pie or a pumpkin pie. The trick is to decorate your pie so that no one can guess that its a simple and ordinary pie that they eat during the summer and fall seasons. Pumpkin, ghost, black cat, monster and bat are just a few ideas to consider. 可以是你喜欢的任何派——苹果派、浆果派或南瓜派。窍门是要装饰好,这样一来别人就猜不出来,感觉这就是夏秋季节吃的一款普通简单的馅饼。你可以考虑做南瓜、幽灵、黑猫、怪物和蝙蝠形状的。 6. Marshmallow pumpkins棉花糖南瓜 Marshmallow pumpkins dont look creepy, they taste amazing, especially in hot cocoa or bloody drink. Grab some white marshmallows (or any color youll find, heat the edges and fuse them together to create little pumpkins. Use food coloring and syrups to decorate your marshmallow pumpkins or let your little ones to do this job for you. 棉花糖南瓜看起来并不恐怖,味道很好,尤其是放在热可可或血腥饮料里。拿一些白棉花糖(或者任何你能找到的颜色把边缘加热,熔在一起做成小南瓜。用食物色素和糖浆作装饰或者让你家的小家伙们为你干这个活。 7. Green monsters绿怪物
Get your kids to eat spinach this Halloween by making delicious green monsters. This treat is ideal for breakfast or Sunday brunch. Make a few green spinach crepes, decorate them however you like, and serve with a bloody drink. You can stuff your green crepes with jelly worms to surprise your little ones. 今年万圣节做美味的绿怪物来让你家孩子吃点菠菜。这款食物是理想的早餐或周日的早午餐。做几张绿色的菠菜薄饼,装饰成自己喜欢的样子,再配上血腥饮料。你可以在绿薄饼里塞上蠕虫果冻来给你家的小家伙们一个惊喜。 8. Halloween cupcakes万圣节纸杯蛋糕 No Halloween party is plete without devilishly and ridiculously decorated cupcakes. Halloween cupcakes dont take a lot of time to make them, but they do take a lot of time to decorate them. Last year, everyone had trouble eating my Halloween cupcakes because, as my friends and family said, they were too cute to eat them. 没有过分荒唐装饰的纸杯蛋糕,万圣节聚会就不完整。做万圣节纸杯蛋糕不需要太多时间,但装饰比较费时间。去年,大家吃我做的万圣节纸杯蛋糕时有点困难,朋友和家人跟我说蛋糕太可爱了,人舍不得吃。 内容仅供参考

