星火英语 2020专四听力听写练习

发布时间:2019-12-12 19:51:15

Ways to reduce your headaches

The dynamic lifestyle people lead nowadays causes many reactions in our bodies and the one that is the most frequent of all is the headache. How many times have you come back from work and felt that your head is going to explode. Well there are several ways to reduce the frequency of headaches. And those are eating healthy through the day making sure your body is well hydrated, getting some exercise to eliminate the negative energy, and helping yourself for a short massage on your head.

Hot water is beneficial. We all know that water is essential to our survival. We have probably all heard doctor say that drinking roughly 8 glasses is ideal. Warm water is particularly beneficial for digestion. Studies have shown that drinking cold water during or after a meal can harden the oil present in the consumed food. However if you replace the glass of cold water with warm, you can avoid this problem.

Stay positive when facing difficulties. Everyone faces difficulties from time to time. Sometimes, the difficulties come from situations that are out of our control. And other times, our difficulties are a direct consequence of the decisions we make. In life, we cannot change events or their outcome. We can however choose the emotion and meaning we attach to them. We have to retrain ourselves to see the positive in even the most challenging times.

Measuring pain level is difficult. Scientists have long known that pain’s intensity is difficult to measure, because people experience pain differently. The pain one person rates at 7 for example might be 4 to someone who is more tolerant of pain. These differences make it difficult to show how well new medicines to ease pain really work. The question is especially important because of the increasing misuse of painkilling drugs in some countries.

US doctoral degrees may be losing their appeal for many people who seek higher education in the US. The common study period of 2 to 4 years is not enough. The highest level of education offered by American college or university is the doctoral degree. Doctoral degree programs have a path to a well-paying, meaningful career. A new study however finds that the number of people seeking phDs has decreased. Experts say the structure of the American higher education system could be the cause.

Save the polar bears

Polar bears live on the ice. It is where they hunt, mate and raise their young. But a team of researchers has found that the animal’s ice habitat is warming up and shrinking faster than experts predicted it would. The researchers say that this change in the animal’s home territory is threatening their survival. Polar bears face a difficult future unless countries reduce air pollution.

星火英语 2020专四听力听写练习
