

醒来,天还没有完全亮。我习惯性地从床头抓起手机,睡眼蒙咙 地扫了 一眼,617分,一堆微信朋友圈新信息,多到没有显示数 量。
每分每秒,朋友圈里都有人发微信,从昨晚睡前的最后一瞥,到刚刚看 手机前的两分钟。我躺着,开始刷屏。各种小道消息' 八卦、励志故事' 灵鸡汤、个人感悟、生活细节、瞬间情绪……还有各种群里的观点争论、时 局探讨、家长里短、晚餐食谱、出游信息、饭局 通知、语音留言……
三年来,微信里加了很多新朋友。他们像时代丛林里的鸟儿,站在各自 的枝头,或打理羽毛、或忙于捉虫、或搭窝筑巢,乐此不疲。而我,像个光 阴里沉默的遗少,只作壁上观。
刚接触微信朋友圈时,它确实让我跟许多疏于联络的朋友重新有了交 集,但我们再次熟悉了的,只是手机里的那个人,只是他愿意扮 演和展示的 某个微小的部分,他真正的处境和心情,远在我们的视线之外。
那些人还是喜欢抛头露面的:吃一碗羊肉绘面,看一场流星雨,听一曲 老歌……而我都会把心情摊在阳光下,让大伙检阅。任何事物 都有保鲜期, 如当年的偷菜游戏,新鲜劲一过,便开始在微信里隐身,不再发表情感宣 言,也不再没有原则地点赞,仿佛我从来没用过微信。
人类一思考,答案就失望。不少年轻人指望电磁波中走出女神维纳斯, 有空就掏出手机“摇一摇”。我觉得它形同摇奖,只怕摇松了后盖,也难得 一见心灵碰撞的火花,摇出一段苦痛孽缘的事例倒是听说过。与其只爱陌生 人,还不如问问身边的同事芳龄几许,府上何方,休闲时是逛街还是看书?我 就试着问过一个女同学,你喜欢听雨吗?她对我嫣然一笑。我很满足,就像 一个大胡子诗人所说:你对我微笑却不语,为了这个,我已经等待好久了。
大多数人转过心灵鸡汤,它是集减压、醒脑、点化等功能于一体的十全 大补,偶尔来一碗,恰似醍醐灌顶,但喝多了,肯定消化不良。在文友QC
一份微信鸡汤,该不是什么难事。在任何一碗鸡汤 后面,都有一个不善于表 自己的朋友,笨拙地想对你表达他的关切和善意。如果上天赐予他和你一 样的品味,一样的文采,一样的周旋能力,那么,他还为什么要和你交朋友 呢?鸡能炖汤,也可爆炒,就像正话亦能反说。你视若圭臬的经书,只是写 手谋生的盒饭。二十岁的孩子看看倒也罢,一个在社会的油锅里煎熬多年的 老油条,再去重返鸡汤罐,只能理解为他不按常理出牌。所以,我常把心灵 鸡汤当小品,一笑而过。
朋友圈里最常见的还有晒图。当相框里温馨的家庭照,变成满屏的“寻 人启事“,一个讨人欢喜的英子易容为遭人侧目的祥林嫂,这不是逼着人去 相见不如怀念么?至于类似游戏弹窗的微商广告,
在社会压力和繁重学业的高压锅沸煮当下,一个人内心孤独越是无处诉 和寄托,越是会在第三方虚拟构架上寻求自我满足感。也就 是说,一个人 越缺少什么就会越炫耀什么的存在。无论物质需求或者情感。这也是幼稚, 无主见,但又偏自恋的表现。也有些人的人际关系欠缺,希望通过“晒”获 得认同' 满足自我,积极地建立人际关系。朋友圈里也有这样一类人,他们 常常散播负面情绪,满腹牢骚,对生活和社会现象常常不满,这源于内心焦 虑,渴望获得理解。那些每天发太多信息,时刻期待别人点赞,有可能是自 卑作祟,希望建立稳定
当越来越多的朋友加入微信,将天涯变成咫尺,现在的我却固执地希望 某个闲暇的午后,拨通一个号码,对着话筒,送出自己的“鸡毛信”: 嗨,别来无恙?


Circle of friends
Wake up, the day is still n ot completely bright. I habitually from the bedside grabbed the phone and bleary eyed Longdi swept one eye, 6 17 points and a bunch of micro cha nnel in formati on of new circle of trien ds, much to did not show the nu mber. Every minute, the circle of friends is a micro channel, from the last glimpse of the last night before, to just two minutes before the mobile pho ne. I lay dow n, start scraper. All kinds of hearsay, gossip, stories, Jack, pers onal experie nee, the details of life, emotional moment ................................................................... And various groups in the argument, the current situation discussion, gossip, dinner recipes, travel information, inform the dinner, voice mail... Three years, the micro channel, a lot of newfriends. They like the birds in the jungle, standing in their respective branches, or take care of feathers, or busy catchi ng in sects, or n est, never tired. And I, like a silent one spoonful of time, just sta nd by watch ing others battle. Just con tact micro circle of frien ds, it really let mein touch with a lot of neglect of friends to the intersection, again we are familiar with, just phone the man, but he is but once
willing to play and display of a small part, his real situation and mood, far away in our sight.
Those people still love the show on e's face in public: eat a bowl of mutt on, to see a meteor shower, liste ning to a song ..............
And I will put the mood in the sun, so that every one review. Everything has a freshness period, as the year of stealing food game, fresh Jin, then began to hide in the micro channel, no
Ion ger issued a declarati on of emoti on, and no place like the
place, as if I have n ever used a micro cha nn el. Humanthi nking, the an swer is disappo in ted. Manyyoung people expect to come out of the electromag netic wave of the goddess Venus, have the time to take out a mobile phone shake”. I think it is tan tam ount to Erni e, I am afraid that shake up the rear lid, also seldom see heart collision sparks, shake out a pain of Nie yua n case is heard. And only love stra ngers, also ask manycolleagues at home, where is the shopping, leisure or read a book? I try to ask a female classmate, you like the rain? She told meto give a pleasant smile of a woman amsatisfied, just like a big bearded poet said: you smile at me but not the language, for this, I have been waiting for a long time. Most people around the chicke n soup for the soul, it is decompress! on, refresh ing, att un eme nt and other fun cti ons in one of Shiquan
Dabu, occasional bowl, resembles the sobering, but drinking too muchcerta inly
in digesti on. In Wenyo uQCgroup, a lot of good at writ ing sen time nt folk master hidde n, their works on the main journal, concocted a micro channel chicken soup. This is easy to do so. Beh ind any bowl of chicke n soup, there is a trie nd who is not good at expressing himself, and he wants to express his concern and kindn ess to you. If the God gives him and you like the taste, as literary tale nt, the same deal ability, then he is also why it to make friends with you? Chicken stew, can also stir, so also can say like. You as the standard book, just a writer lunch. At the age of twenty childre n look dow n worth men tio ning, in a society of Pan sufferi ng for many years the sophisticates, to retur n to the pot of chicke n soup can only be un derstood for him not in the sense of a bra nd. So, I ofte n put chicke n soup whe nthe pieces, to laugh it off. Circle of frie nds is the most com mon and show the slide. When the photo in the warmth of family photos, into a full screen H''Notice of miss ing pers on, a seek joy yin gzi disguise to encoun ter people raised eyebrows of Hsia ng Lin's wife, this is not forcing people to better meet you miss?? As for the game like pop micro bus in ess advertiseme nt, do not un dersta nd - sister, tonight, I don't care about looks, just want to elope with your souls. Cannot say that the strange phenomenonin the circle of friends
always reflects the curre nt social psychology. In the social pressure and the high pressure cooker boiling the prese nt, a pers on's inner Ion eli ness is no place to say and sustenanee, the more will be in the third party virtual framework to seek self satisfacti on. That is to say, the more a person is lack of what will be more to show what the existenee of. No matter what material needs or feelings. This is also naive, no assertive, but partial narcissism of the performanee. Some people lack of in terpers onal re I at i ons, hop ing to get approval, meet the self, and actively build re I at i on ships. Circle of friends is such a class of people, they often spread negative emotions, disgruntled, and social phenomena of life ofte n un happy, the source in the inner an xiety, eager to gain an understanding of. That day, too much information, always expect others praise, there may be inferior mischief, hope to establish a stable social circle, to enhance the sense of self-worth
When more and more friends to joi n the micro cha nn el, will become Tianya Zhichi, now I was stubbor n hope in a leisure after noon, dial a nu mber, i nto the microph one, sent his JIMAOXIN: Hey, how's it going?! Ganyu Provi nee, Jia ngsu Provi nee, the first middle school three (11 of the class Author: Sun Yu Tutor: Cao Gua ngqiao

