
发布时间:2020-04-29 17:55:02

译林牛津版七年级下册英语(7BUnit1 Dream homes课课练

Unit 1 Dream homes

Comic strip & Welcome to the unit


1. Tom lives in Beijing, but his d     home is in Suzhou.

2. The c    of China is Beijing and lots of people come to visit it every year.

3. Most of us want to go to Beijing to visit the Summer      (宫殿).

4. There is a good      (饭店) near my home. You can enjoy nice meals there.

5. We all know Shanghai is the      (最大的) city in China.


. 词汇

A. 根据所给汉语提示,用合适的单词填空。

1. Will you live in the    (木质的) house?

2. Your house will look more beautiful if you     (种植) some flowers in it.

3. The     (城镇) near the lake is a good place to spend your holiday.

4. The     (花园) looks colourful and beautiful when spring comes.

5. Miss Green is my    (邻居). She is polite and helpful.

B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. I live in the     (two) building on the left.

7. Lianyungang is a good place for summer. It has some nice      (beach).

8. Be      (friend) to other people, and you will make many friends.

9. Mother spends ten minutes cleaning the    (sit) room every morning.

10. The room is not bad, but I dont like the colour of     (it) wall.

C. 根据所给首字母提示补全单词。

11. There are many shops on both sides of the busy s    .

12. Its a q    place. I can hear nothing but the running water.

13. Jane is the only c    of her family. She has no sisters or brothers.

14. I want to c    some Chinese food for my American friends. I hope they will like it.

15. A big r    runs through the city. People often fish in it.

. 单项选择

( ) 1. My home is in     place called Lukou. Its about 20 kilometers from     Nanjing.

A. a; / B. the; a

C. a; / D. /; the

( ) 2. —Where does your best friend work?

He works in an office in     .

A. Manhattan, New York, the USA

B. the US A, New York, Manhattan

C. Manhattan, the USA, New York

D. the USA, Manhattan, New York

( ) 3. Look up! Can you see a bird    your head in the tree?

A. on B. under

C. over D. in

( ) 4. After reading for an hour, its good to    the green trees for a minute or two.

A. look out of B. look out at

C. look out from D. look for at

( ) 5. Its not a good idea to listen to music    youre doing your homework.

A. while B. before

C. after D. then

. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。

1. My brother and I use the same study. (改为同义句)

I     a study    my brother.

2. They like green best of all the colours. (改为同义句)

Green is          colour.

3. The building has seven floors. (改为同义句)

         seven floors in the building.

4. Tom lives in the centre of Nanjing. (对划线部分提问)

        Tom live?

5. I think living near the sea is great. (对划线部分提问)

    do you           living near the sea?

. 根据所给汉语完成句子。

1. 我梦想中的家应该有超过10个房间。

My dream home should have     .

2. 这个公园是散步的最好的地方。

This park is     go on a walk.

3. 右边第七个房间是我的。

    is mine.

4. 看,小吉姆在爬梯子。

Look, little Jim     

5. 我不喜欢住在这里,因为这里夏天下很多雨。

I dont like living here because it     here in summer.




Wendy: Welcome to my new home, Lily and lucy.

Lily: Thanks. Wow, your (1) a    looks so comfortable. Can I sit in it?

Lucy: Then Id like to sit in the (2) s    May I, Wendy?

Wendy: Of course. Take yourselves at home (不要客气). What would you like to drink, some (3) c    ?

Lily& Lucy: Thanks, please.


Lily: May I have a look at your bedroom, Wendy?

Wendy: Sure. Come with me.

Lily: Thanks. Hmm, its so nice. But Wendy, why do you put the (4) b    in your bedroom?

Wendy: Oh, I keep all my books in it. And

sometimes I read something before I go to sleep. You see, there are some books on the (5)

b    table, too.

Lily: But it’s not good for your eyes.

Wendy: Never mind. I have a (6) l    on the table. Its bright enough.


Lu cy: Excuse me, Wendy. May I use your (7) b    ? I want to wash my hands.

Wendy: Sure. It’s just on your left.

Lucy: Thanks. Oh, Wendy, your bath looks really nice.

Wendy: Really? But I dont often use it. I usually have a (8) s    before going to bed.

Lucy: And, the (9) t    in the bathroom looks nice, too.


Wendy: You must be hungry now, aren’t you?

Lucy&Lily: Yes, a little.

Wendy: Let me see what we have in the (10)f    . Aha, some cake. Would you like some?

Lucy: That’s nice. I’d like some. Thanks.

模块训练 Gramma r~Checkout


. 单项选择

( ) 1. What a hot day! Lets go to sit    the tree.

— Good idea. It must be cool there.

A. on B. under C. over D. inside

( ) 2. Tom is tall and I am short, so I sit    him in the classroom.

A. in the front of

B. in front of

C. behind

D. next to

( ) 3. The book is     the shelf    you. Can you get it?

— No, it’s too high for me.

A. above; on B. on; on

C. on; above D. on; under

( ) 4.— Where does Jim sit on the bus?

He sits between Jack    .

A. from I B. from me

C. and I D. and me

( ) 5. —    your phone number, please?

— Oh, you can call me at 58648877 any time.

A. How many is

B. How much is

C. How is

D. What is

. 阅读下面的e-mail, 根据括号里的内容,用合适的数词填空。

Dear Jane

This is my (1)     (第三) e-mail to you. Id like to invite you to our town.

My home is only about (2)     (三百五十) metres from my school. You just need to walk along (沿着) Yuxiu Road and turn left. Youll see the gate of Anju Garden. More than (3)

     (三千五百) people live here. Go into it, and youll see some buildings on your left. I live in the (4)      (第五) building. Its tall. (5)     (九十六) families live in this building. My flat is on the (6)      (第二十) floor. The room number is

(7)     (二零一三).It will be my (8)     (十四) birthday next week. And my party will be on the (9)      (十二) of this month. Will you be free then?By the way, I came (10)

     (第二) in last weeks exam (考试). I am really h appy now. Love Wendy


Integrated skills&Study skills

. 根据对话内容,选择合适的词()填空。

armchair, sofa, dining room, balcony, garden, sink, shower, fridge, sitting room, kitchen

A: Which room do you like best in your new flat?

B: I like the (1)     best because I can chat with my parents while having meals. But this room is too small. We even (甚至) dont have enough space for a (2)     .

A: What about the (3)     . Do you like it?

B: Yes, I do. I sometimes watch TV in it with my parents. But it’s also small. And the

(4)     in it is also small.

A: Really? Then do you have a (5    ?

B: Of course. I like to sit in a(n) (6    there and enjoy the sunshine when its fine. My mother grows many flowers there. It looks like a small (7)     

A: Do you have a big (8)     then?

B: Yes. This room is big enough. I enjoy helping my mother cook in it.

A: Are you good at housework?

B: I try to do everything well. But I find it hard. Sometimes I forget to clean the

(9)     after I wash the dishes in it.

A: You’re better than me. I dislike doing housework. I don’t wash my own clothes after I take a

(10)     or a bath.

B: We should be more helpful at home.

. 阅读对话,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。

A: Hello. This is Moonlight Secondary School. Whos (1)c    please?

B: Oh, this is John White from Sunshine Secondary School. May I (2)s    to Mr Black?

A: Good morning, Mr White. I am (3)s    that Mr Black is out at the moment. Can I

(4)h    you?

B: Thanks. Its about the coming football match (5)b    our schools. Would you please ask Mr Black to (6)c    me back?

A: OK, I am glad to. Could you let me know your (7)n    ?

B: It’s 87787788.

A: OK. I will tell him (8)a    it when he is back.

B: Thanks. I will (9)w    for his call. Goodbye.

A: Youre (10)w    Goodbye.

Main task&Checkout

. 词汇[来源:Zxxk.Com]

A. 根据所给的汉语,用合适的单词填空。

1. The room is small, but it looks clean and     (整洁).

2. My grandpa and my uncle will    (到达) in Nanjing tomorrow.

3. I am watching the     (录像带) of my parents wedding (婚礼).

4. Mr Li is drawing a horse with a piece of    (粉笔) on the blackboard.

5. Their team got     () point in the football match.

B. 根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. That hill is at    (little) 200 metres tall.

7. This is the     (four) bridge over the river.

8. Their classroom is just next to     (we).

9. Id like all of you    (be) here before seven.

10. Its great fun     (go) fishing with my father, I think.

C. 根据句意,从方框里选择合适的词组,并用其正确形式填空。

at the same time, have a bath, the other, on the first floor, have a free day

11. We have two TV sets, so my parents and I can watch our favourite programmes (节目)     

12. Jim cant answer the telephone now. He is    now.

13. Only Wendy rides to school. All     students in our group take buses.

14. We are going to    this Friday. What about going fishing?

15. There are no classrooms    The rooms are all teachers offices.

. 翻译句子

1. 这条河有5,000多米长。

The river is     

2. 我希望能住在一个房后有花园的房子里。

I hope to live    behind it.

3. 王磊住在我们下面三层,在11楼。

Wang Lei lives     , on the tenth floor.

4. 书架上没有其他的书了。

There are     on the bookcase.

5. 我迫不及待地要出去踢球。

I     to play football.


Comic strip & Welcome to the unit

1. dream 2. c apital 3. Palace 4. restaurant 5. biggest


.1. wooden 2. grow 3. town 4. garden 5. neighbour

6. second 7. beaches 8. friendly 9. sitting 10. its

11. street 12. quiet 13. child 14. cook 15. river

. 1-5 CACBA

. 1. share; with 2. their favourite 3. There are

4. Where does 5. What; think of

. 1. more than ten rooms

2. the best place to

3. T he seventh room on the right

4. climbing the ladder

5. rains a lot


1. armchair 2. sofa 3. coffee 4. bookcase 5. bedside

6. lamp 7. bathroom 8. shower 9. toilet 10. fridge


. 1-5 BBCDD

. 1. third 2. three hundred and fifty 3. three thousand five hundred

4. fifth 5. ninety-six

6. twentieth 7. two o one three 8. fourteenth

9. twelfth 10. second

Integrated skills & Study skills

. 1. dining room 2. fridge 3. sitting room 4. sofa 5. balcony

6. armchair 7. garden 8. kitchen 9. sink 10. shower

. 1. calling 2. speak 3. sorry 4. help 5. between

6. call 7. number 8. about 9. wait 10. welcome

Main task & Checkout

. 1. tidy 2. arrive 3. video 4. chalk 5. zero

6. least 7. fourth 8. ours 9. to be 10. to go

11. at the same time 12. having a bath 13. the other

14. have a free day 15. on the first floor

. 1. more than/over five thousand metres long

2. in a house with a garden

3. three floors below us

4. no other books

5. can’t wait to go out

