甘肃省天水市第三中学2017-2018学年高一上学期第一阶段测试英语试题 Word版含答案

发布时间:2018-08-28 23:23:15



第一部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)最新试卷十年寒窗苦,踏上高考路,心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,短信送祝福,愿你能高中,马到功自成,金榜定题名。



When Christopher Columbus landed on the then unnamed Costa Rica in 1502, he saw many Indians wearing gold earrings. So he thought the land must be rich in gold. He named the place Costa Rica, which means “rich coast” in Spanish.

Though little gold was found, Costa Rica today is indeed rich with coffee and bananas. Coffee is the most important product in Costa Rica and most of it is exported (出口) to other countries like America and West Germany. Bananas are the country’s second most important export.

Costa Ricans also grow many other crops such as fruits, corn and beans for their own use. Costa Ricans love colors and their houses are painted in bright colors.

Education is very important to the Costa Ricans. Almost every village has a school and education is a must for children between seven and fourteen years of age. Boys and girls go to separate schools. Classes begin in March and end in November. The other three months of the year are harvest time and the children have to help their parents to pick coffee beans.

1. What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. How Columbus found Costa Rica. B. How Costa Rica got its name.

C. What the Costa Ricans wore. D. What language the Costa Ricans spoke.

2. The Costa Ricans may NOT paint their houses ______.

A. pink and red B. grey and black

C. blue and green D. yellow and orange

3. In Costa Rica, boys and girls between seven and fourteen ______.

A. must go to school B. study in the same school

C. do not have to go to school at all D. can choose to stop schooling at any time

4. From December to February, school children in Costa Rica ______.

A. have lessons every day B. have their examinations

C. help their parents pick coffee beans D. help their parents decorate their houses

5. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. Christopher Columbus B. Costa Rica

C. some products from Costa Rica D. the education of Costa Rica


Mr. Brown worked in a factory of a small town. He had been there for twenty years before one day he was sent to the capital for important business. He was quite excited because he had never been there before. Before he set off, he asked his wife and three daughters if they wanted him to buy something for them in London. Mrs. Brown began to think it over and then she said she wished her husband would be able to buy a nice umbrella for her, and so did their three daughters. As he was afraid he would forget it, he drew an umbrella on his hand. To his regret, he lost it at the station.

On the train Mr. Brown sat opposite to an old woman. The woman’s umbrella was so nice that he carefully looked at it and said to himself not to forget to buy a few umbrellas like it. When the train arrived at the station in London, he said good-bye to the old woman, took his bag and her umbrella and was going to get off.

“Wait a minute, sir,” shouted the old woman. “That’s my umbrella!”

Now Mr. Brown noticed that he had taken her umbrella. His face turned red at once and said in a hurry, “Oh, I’m very sorry, Madam! I didn’t mean it!”

Seven days later Mr. Brown left the capital. To his surprise, he met the old woman and sat opposite to her again. Looking at the four umbrellas, the old woman was satisfied with herself. “It seems that I had a better result than the other four women.” She thought.

6. We can learn from the passage that Mr. Brown was ______.

A. a conductor B. a worker

C. a thief D. an umbrella maker

7. The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refers to ______.

A. his ticket B. his bag

C. his drawing D. his umbrella

8. Why did Mr. Brown take the woman’s umbrella?

A. Because he was lost in thought.

B. Because it was much like his own umbrella.

C. Because he thought the woman would not notice it.

D. Because the woman misplaced it beside Mr. Brown.

9. When looking at Mr. Brown with four umbrellas, the woman felt ______.

A. surprised B. angry C. fortunate D. sad

10. How did Mr. Brown get the four umbrellas?

A. He picked them on the train. B. He brought them from his small town.

C. He bought them in London. D. He stole them from four women.


If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers. These great forests are the oceans of trees. They are full of thousands and thousands of different kinds of plants and animal.

However, the world forests are getting smaller all the time. We are cutting down the trees because we need wood, and we need more farmland. Some people say that there will not be any forests like these in 20 or 30 years. What will happen if they disappear?

If we cut down our forests, a lot of plants and animals will disappear from the world. In a lot of places the new farmland will soon look like the old deserts. Crops will not grow there. It will not rain very often, and the weather will get very hot. Perhaps the climate of the world will change. This will be dangerous for everyone in the world. That is why we must take care of forests.

11. The passage mainly tells us about _________.

A. the importance of taking care of our forests   B. the result of cutting down the trees

C. the world of great forests     D. the reasons for forming the deserts

12. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Africa and South America are the oceans of trees.

B. Forests are homes for different kinds of animals.

C. Forests are usually several square kilometers large.

D. Different plants can’t be found in the same forest.

13. The need for more wood and more land results in ________.

A. the change of the world climate B. the disappearance of many plants and animals

C. more desert and less farmland D. all of the above

14. What will happen in 20 or 30 years in some people’s view?

A. We’ll have more and great forests.  B. We’ll have enough land to support our people.

C. We’ll have no forests like those in the center of Africa. D. We’ll have enough wood to do some cooking.

15. The writer thinks ________.

A. it necessary for people to cut down the forests  B. it necessary for people to protect the forests

C. it impossible for people to take care of the world D. it important for everyone to keep animals




There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校). 16 being sent away, this boy was the 17 student in his class. He was at the top in every 18 always with high marks.

But the boy changed after 19 home and attending the boarding school. His grades started 20 . He hated being in a 21 . He was lonely all the time. And there were especially dark times when he 22 committing suicide (自杀). All of this was because he felt 23 and no one loved him.

His parents started 24 about the boy. But they even did not know what was 25 with him. So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and 26 him.

They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking him some casual questions about his classes, teachers and 27 . After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

The boy answered back, “To 28 my grades?”

“No, no,” his dad replied. “I am here to tell you that you are the most 29 person for me. I want to see you 30 . I don’t care about grades. I care about you. I care about your happiness. YOU ARE MY LIFE.”

These words 31 the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears. He 32 his dad. They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.

Now the boy had 33 he wanted. He knew there was someone on this earth who cared for him deeply. He 34 the world to someone. And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him 35 !

16. A. After B. Before C. When D. While

17. A. hardest B. naughtiest C. brightest D. dullest

18. A. exam B. activity C. game D. class

19. A. coming B. returning C. leaving D. reaching

20. A. rising B. increasing C. reducing D. dropping

21. A. group B. term C. company D. party

22. A. led to B. felt like C. thought back D. looked for

23. A. worthless B. careless C. concerned D. annoyed

24. A. caring B. turning C. worrying D. speaking

25. A. crazy B. true C. possible D. wrong

26. A. talk with B. listen to C. tell to D. care about

27. A. family B. friends C. study D. grades

28. A. realize B. analyze C. check D. test

29. A. outstanding B. important C. famous D. familiar

30. A. happy B. excellent C. interested D. satisfied

31. A. caused B. wanted C. encouraged D. forced

32. A. answered B. ignored C. hated D. hugged

33. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

34. A. showed B. meant C. intended D. expressed

35. A. sad B. angry C. pleasant D. joyful

第二节 课文填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


So why has English changed 36 time? Actually all languages change and develop 37 cultures meet and communicate 38 each other. At first the English 39 in England between about AD 450 40 1150 was very different 41 the English spoken today. It was based 42 on German than the English we speak at present. Then gradually between about AD 800 and 1150, English became 43 like German because those 44 ruled England spoke first Danish and 45 French. These new settlers enriched 46 English language and especially its vocabulary. So 47 the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than ever 48 . In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in 49 countries.

Today the number of people learning English in China 50 increasing rapidly.

36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45

46 47 48 49 50

第三节 词组互译(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

51.合计 52.经历

53.记下 54.故意

55.遭受 56.相爱

57.照常 58.在黄昏时刻

59.改变主意 60.装箱;打包

61.make up one’s mind 62.at midnight

63.care about 64.ever since

65.be fond of 66.play a part in

67.such as 68.get along with

69.be/get tired of 70.be concerned about

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单句改错:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


71. I’ve grown so crazy in everything to do with nature.

72. It was the first time that I saw the night face to face.

73. But the moon gave far too many light.

74. It is not pleasure looking through these any longer.

75. I’m having trouble in my classmates at the moment.

76. Believe it or not, there is no such a thing as standard English.

77. She asked me singing a song for her.

78. Anne’s sister asked her that what she called her diary.

79. Father asked Anne why she go to bed so late last night.

80. The teacher requested his students not go to bed too late.

第二节 书面表达: (满分20)

假设你是李华,你的朋友苏珊前不久去了美国,她写信告诉你她很不适应美国的校园生活,感到很孤独。请你根据要求用英语写一封信给她提建议:1.学好英语,从而增加和别人交流的机会;2.多交一些朋友,友情会使她忘记孤独;3.积极参加各种活动,使自己的生活更加丰富有趣; 4. 其他建议。

注意:1.词数:100左右;2.信的开头结尾已给出; 3. 可适当增加细节。

Dear Susan,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting to your new school life in America,











甘肃省天水市第三中学2017-2018学年高一上学期第一阶段测试英语试题 Word版含答案
