全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第3册--Unit 1 文本

发布时间:2020-04-03 11:45:38

Unit 1 Family


Lesson A A Famous Family


Track 1-1

Jacques Cousteau was born in 1910 in France. Cousteau loved the water, and for almost sixty years, he studied the world’s oceans. In 1943, he and a partner invented scuba diving equipment, and later he invented special cameras to film life underwater.

Cousteau taught people about the oceans. In 1968, he started a TV show called The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. On the show, he traveled with his son, Philippe, around the world. They taught people about sea animals and protecting Earth’s waters. In 1973, he started the Cousteau Society, an international organization which works to protect Earth’s waters. Before he died in 1997, Cousteau won many awards for his films and his work as an environmentalist.

Jacques family have continued his work. Jacques’ son, Philippe had two children, Alexandra and Philippe Junior. They are both famous ocean conservationists.

Like her grandfather, Alexandra Cousteau, who was born in 1976, also cares about the world’s seas. In 2000, she started a company with her brother called Earth Echo International. It teaches children and teenagers about keeping Earth’s oceans clean. Later, in 2008, Alexandra started another company called Blue Legacy. It works to protect Earth’s oceans. As the head of this company, she travels around the world, working on important water problems. In 2011, she got an award for her work as an environmentalist.

1. scuba diving equipment:水肺型潜水器

2. to film life underwater:拍摄海底生物

3. The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau:法国著名海洋探险家雅克·库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)所创办的电视节目——《雅克·库斯托的海底世界

4. Cousteau Society:库斯托社,雅克·库斯托创办于1973年的环保组织,倡导人们保护海洋生态系统

5. care about关心;对∙∙∙感兴趣

6. Earth Echo International地球回音国际组织,原名为“菲利普·库斯托基金会”(Philippe Cousteau Foundation,是库斯托家族创办的环保及海洋教育组织

7. Blue Legacy:蓝色遗产国际环保组织,由亚历山德拉·库斯托(Alexandra Cousteau)于2008年创办。


Track 1–2

A: How many people are there in your family?

B: There are four of us—my mother, my father, a younger brother, and me.

A: Who do you take after?

B: People say I’m like my father.

A: Why is that?

B: Because we’re both really into outdoor sports.

Lesson B Brazil's Changing Families

Listening 1


Track 1–3

In the past, Brazilian family sizes were much larger than today. In the 1990s, family size suddenly decreased. What is causing these changes?

For years, many Brazilian families had four or more children. However, today, most Brazilian families have only one or two children. Thirty years ago, many Brazilians lived in small towns. Today, almost 85 percent of Brazil’s people live in cities. Life in a city can be expensive, so a small family is better.

In the past, people started families in their early twenties. Today, many young men and women are going to school and getting a job first. They get married and have families later. In 1980, only about half of all homes had a television. Today, most homes have a TV, and evening shows called novelas are very popular. The men and women on these shows are single or have small families. They have exciting lives. People watching want this life, too.

1. suddenly decreased:(指巴西家庭人口数量)骤然下降

2. Brazilian families:巴西家庭

3. in their early twenties:二十出头的年纪

4. novelatelenovela的简称,在巴西葡语中“电视剧”被称为telenovel多为长剧,展示巴西独特的本土文化

5. People watching:观众们

Listening 2


Track 1–4

Worldwide, more people today are living alone, says a recent study. In Sweden, 41 percent of the people live by themselves—the most of any country in the world. In second place is the UK; there 34 percent of the population lives alone. And in third place is Japan, where about 31 percent of the people live on their own.

How old are the people living alone? In the U.S., says researcher Eric Klinenberg, most are in their thirties, forties, and fifties. After this group are people 65 and older. And finally, people 18 to 34 are the smallest group—but this group is growing very fast, especially in cities.

1. live by themselves:他们自一人生活

2. in second place:位居第二位

3. in third place:位居第三位

4. live on their own:他们依靠自己独自生活

5. in their thirties, forties, and fifties:三十多岁、四十多岁、五十多岁


Track 15

Worldwide, more people today are living alone, says a recent study. In Sweden, 41 percent of the people live by themselves—the most of any country in the world. In second place is the UK; there 34 percent of the population lives alone. And in third place is Japan, where about 31 percent of the people live on their own.

How old are the people living alone? In the U.S., says researcher Eric Klinenberg, most are in their thirties, forties, and fifties. After this group are people 65 and older. And finally, people 18 to 34 are the smallest group—but this group is growing very fast, especially in cities.

(注解同Track 1-4


1. Which country has the highest percentage of people living alone?

2. What’s the percentage of people living alone in Japan?

3. What is the largest group of people who live alone in the U.S.?



Raising Otter Babies


It’s spring, and everywhere families are celebrating the arrival of new life. Glen and Jeanie Chambers are welcoming a very special pair of children, two orphaned baby otters named Babyface and Little Paddles.

Like any good parents, the Chambers must raise the pups with care and love, and teach them all they need to know. For baby otters, this includes a bath and some swimming lessons. Then it’s bedtime. The little otters climb into their parents’ bed, where safe and warm, they can rest for the night.

A few months later, Babyface and Little Paddles are no longer babies. Instead of bottles of milk, Glen makes a healthy meal of meat and cereal, and for a fun snack, a piece of fish frozen in the bottom of a cup.

Once mealtime is over, the otters get back to what they love best, playing. Today they are playing their favorite game: Making a mess in the bathroom.

For these super active little otters, there’s nothing better than a bath full of water and lots of toys to put in it. It’s all fun and games until mom discovers the mess.

Glen, Jeanie, and their otters also have a very important job to do. They travel around the country, and teach people about otters, and how we can keep them safe in the wild.

However, this happy family has only a little more time together. The otters are wild animals, and soon, they will be too big to live with Glen and Jeanie. It’s time for the otters to leave home.

At the Sunset Zoo, Babyface and Little Paddles will be well cared for, and can continue to teach people about their friends in the wild, inspiring people to protect them.

At last, Glen and Jeanie have to say goodbye. It’s a heart-breaking moment for everyone. Fortunately, Glen and Jeanie’s home will not be empty for long. Soon, there is another pair of otter babies that need a good home, and an unusual, but loving family.

1. two orphaned baby otters两只失去父母的水獭幼崽

2. climb into:爬进

3. rest for the night:晚上休息

4. a healthy meal一顿健康餐

5. fun snack:休闲零食

6. all fun and games:充满欢乐和嬉戏

7. Sunset Zoo日落动物园,位于美国曼哈顿

8. inspiring people to protect them:激励人们保护野生动物

9. heart-breaking moment:令人心碎的时刻

全新版大学进阶英语视听说教程第3册--Unit 1 文本
