2018 - 2019学年高中英语Unit13People单元质量检测(一)(含解析)北师大版必修5

发布时间:2019-06-20 10:14:09


(时间:100分钟 满分:120)




I used to believe courtesy (礼貌) was a thing of the past. Very seldom have I seen a courteous human being in the age of Internet. Recently, I had to change my mind when I came face to face with just such a human being.

I went to a coffee place, with two of my grown­up daughters. The place was crowded and we had to climb a steep flight of stairs in order to find an empty table. After enjoying coffee and snacks, we went down the stairs. Just as I was in the middle of my climbing down, a gentleman entered the main entrance of the restaurant which was right in front of the staircase. As the stairs were steep and narrow, I was sure that I would be pushed roughly by the man who would want to go up in a hurry. My daughters were already down, looking up at me worriedly and hoping I would reach them before the stranger started up the stairs.

Nearly reaching them, I noticed the man still standing near the door. I reached my daughters and passed the stranger at the entrance door which he kept holding open. I looked back thinking he was still at the door, deciding whether to go in or find another less crowded place. I saw him going up the stairs, two at a time. I told my daughters about it and all three of us felt bad because we did not even thank the courteous gentleman who was actually holding the door open for us ladies to pass through before going up.

We applauded his chivalry (谦恭有礼) for both, waiting for us to come down before going up himself and also holding the main entrance door open for us to go out. Such well­mannered people are hard to find in our advanced but aggressive society. Until today, I still remember this gentleman and pray more human beings would be like him.


1What might the author think of others in the age of Internet?

ABusy. BImpolite.

CCourteous. DConsiderate.

解析:选B 观点态度题。根据文章第一段可知,作者认为礼貌只属于过去,言外之意就是认为现在的人都不是很有礼貌。

2Why did the author's daughters worry about her according to Para.2?

AThey had waited for the author for a long time.

BThey wanted to find an empty table soon.

CThey feared the author would be pushed.

DThey saw the author fall down.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第二段“As the stairs were steep and narrow, I was sure that I would be pushed ... looking up at me worriedly”可知,楼梯又窄又陡,作者的两个女儿担心年轻人跑上去会碰倒正在下楼梯的作者。

3Why did they feel bad after they left the coffee house

A.The service there was very terrible.

BThe coffee house was too crowded.

CThe author didn't greet the young man.

DThe young man didn't get any appreciation.

解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段“felt bad because we did not even thank the courteous gentleman”可知,作者和她的两个女儿匆匆离开,竟然忘了谢谢那位有礼貌的年轻人,所以她们感到有点遗憾、有点抱歉。


These teenagers are devoted to community service and are gaining a deep sense of satisfaction in that service. They are making a difference.

Sana Ahmed

Sana Ahmed described a cigarette pick­up at North Hollywood Park. The event was organized by her school's American Cancer Society (ACS), which works to warn people of the dangers of smoking. The cigarette butts (烟蒂) were saved in a large container and used as a symbol in teaching others about the dangers of smoking among other cancer­causing activities.

Woojin Cheon

Woojin Cheon volunteers with the Salvation Army and its child­care center. He helps elementary and middle school students from low­income families with their schoolwork. This work has also inspired Woojin to help raise money for students in financial need so they can buy necessary supplies and books.

Sean Garcia

Sean Garcia belongs to an organization called IXIM. IXIM was started to create a community of Mayan refugees (难民). Mayan customs were controlled in Guatemala during the Spanish Conquest. Many Guatemalans ran to Los Angeles, including Sean's family. Each year, IXIM holds a toy drive for children with the help of the local fire department.

Rahul Goyal

Rahul Goyal volunteers at a non­profit (非盈利的) organization called Caring Hand for Children. The organization provides education for those living in poor areas in India. One project is a cultural show that is held to raise money for this work every year. Rahul's part of the show is a dance whose theme is related to a particular period of Indian history. Last year, the event raised D|S150,000 to help over 1,600 children.


4What did Sana Ahmed do that for?

ATo help clean North Hollywood Park.

BTo advise people to give up smoking.

CTo introduce cancer­causing activities.

DTo collect cigarettes with a large container.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由第二段“The cigarette butts (烟蒂) were saved in a large container and used as a symbol in teaching others about the dangers of smoking among other cancer­causing activities”可知,Sana Ahmed捡烟头,然后把烟头放在一个容器里,来告诉人们吸烟的危害。

5Why does Woojin Cheon raise money?

ATo finance poor students.

BTo help with his teaching work.

CTo work with the Salvation Army.

DTo offer volunteers what they really want.

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第三段“...to help raise money for students in financial need so they can buy necessary supplies and books”可知,Woojin Cheon筹钱是为了资助贫困学生。

6How does Sean Garcia help people in need?

ABy collecting toys for kids.

BBy working for the fire department.

CBy helping people go to Los Angeles.

DBy providing shelter for homeless people.

解析:选A 细节理解题。由第四段“Each year, IXIM holds a toy drive for children with the help of the local fire department”可知, IXIM通过举办 toy drive给孩子们募集玩具。

7Who offers local people a chance to learn their history

A.Sana Ahmed. BWoojin Cheon.

CSean Garcia. DRahul Goyal.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由最后一段“Rahul's part of the show is a dance whose theme is related to a particular period of Indian history”可知,Rahul Goyal为当地人提供学习他们历史的机会。


Congratulations! Your child is in. For many years, college has been a seller's market. Everything your child has done in the application process is to convince selective colleges to admit her/him. But now, it is a buyer's market as colleges struggle with each other to get your child to enroll (使入学). As the joy of earning admission gives way to the anxiety of figuring out how to pay for college, you can consider the following to reduce the cost of your child's college education.

Colleges will send financial aid packages either with their admission offers or in the following days. Colleges classify loans (贷款) as financial aid. However, these loans are not exactly financial aid”, as they will leave your family with debts of much more money. Your goal is to reduce the cost of your child's college education by changing these loans into scholarships or grants (补助金) that do not need to be repaid.

The size of a scholarship your child has received is not set_in_stone. Colleges can match scholarships from colleges that are similar with respect to ranking and admission requirements to attract your child to entrance. Your child should adopt a hard bargaining position, schedule a call with her/his appointed admissions officer, and tell the admissions officer that she/he requires a larger scholarship that matches other scholarships she/he has received to enroll at that college. As an admitted student, your child has the right to negotiate.

With the college education costing as much as D|S120,000 for a public university and over D|S280,000 for a private university, you're absolutely in need of help. If your child's financial aid package does not reflect your family's ability to pay for that college, call your child's financial aid officer, explain your family's financial situation, and ask for a reevaluation of grant award it has offered. The financial aid officer may require additional documentation for a reevaluation, but filling out these aid applications may result in additional grants.


8Why does the author say that it is a buyer's market now

A.The government can help students pay for college.

BThe students can get all kinds of loans in college.

CThe colleges compete to enroll more students.

DThe admission fees are low now.

解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,过去上大学是卖方市场,现在成了买方市场,学生成了主动方,所以大学通过提供多种形式的经济资助来吸引学生入学。

9Why are loans not really financial aid according to Paragraph 2?

AThey have to be paid back later.

BThey aren't provided by colleges.

CThey need additional applications.

DThey are accessible to few students.

解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第二段“as they will leave your family with debts of much more money”以及“Your goal is ... that do not need to be repaid”可知,贷款终究需要归还,它会让你的家庭陷入债务之中,所以并不能真正称之为经济资助。

10What does the underlined phrase set in stone probably mean in Paragraph 3?

ADifficult. BTemporary.

CInaccessible. DUnchangeable.

解析:选D 词义猜测题。根据画线处后面内容可知,奖学金的数额不是固定不变的,学生有权利和招生负责人进行谈判,来争取更大数额的奖学金。

11What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

AAsking for need­based grants.

BDetermining what a real aid is.

CNegotiating with the appointed admissions officer.

DChoosing a college according to the financial situation.

解析:选A 段落大意题。根据最后一段内容可知,上大学费用如此高昂,如果提供的经济资助不符合你家实际经济状况,你可以申请金融援助官重新评估补助金,以便获得额外补助。


While attending a meeting, I returned to my hotel room late one evening. The overhead light outside my door was burned out and I had difficulty finding the keyhole. When I managed to open the door, I felt around the wall for a light switch. I found a plate where a switch was once installed (安装), but there was no switch. Not discouraged easily, I remembered spotting a lamp by the bed when I deposited my luggage earlier in the day. I found the bed in the dark and felt around until I found the lamp, but when I switched it on, nothing happened! Now what?

Though I knew that it was dark outside my window since the outdoor light was broken, I thought that perhaps if I opened the curtains, I might be able to use the light from the street to find another lamp. So I made my way slowly across the room to the curtains and ... no drawstring! (Have you ever had days like that)

I still stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走) until I found a desk lamp that actually worked! That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world can be and how necessary light is.

But even more necessary than physical light is the light that shines from people. That light — the light of love — illumines the dark side of the spirit, warms the heart and makes a difference for someone who today just may be stumbling in discouragement or sadness or fear and in need of some light.

Whatever light you offer may be a beacon (灯塔) of hope and encouragement in someone's darkness. And if you feel that your light is no more than a candle in a forest, remember that there isn't enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of one small candle.


12Which word can best describe the author?

ACalm. BCurious.

CCasual. DCrazy.

解析:选A 推理判断题。分析前三段可知,作者在黑暗的房间中一直找不到灯,但他并没有灰心,而是继续摸索着寻找,并最终找到了灯,照亮了房间;由此可推知,他当时十分冷静。

13Why does the author mention his experience in his hotel room?

ATo describe a different life without light.

BTo explain the great importance of light.

CTo show his attitude towards challenges.

DTo blame the hotel for poor management.

解析:选B 细节理解题。由第三段的“I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world can be and how necessary light is”可知,作者由在黑暗房间里寻找灯的经历体会到:世界有时会很黑暗,而光是非常必要的。

14What does the underlined word illumines in Paragraph 4 mean?

AReflects. BAbsorbs.

CCovers up. DLights up.

解析:选D 词义猜测题。由画线词的上下文可知,有些人处于黑暗中,需要我们用爱的光芒去照亮他们的人生。

15What does the author suggest doing?

ABeing sincere in your beliefs.

BAppreciating others' help.

CLetting your light shine.

DMaking use of lamps.

解析:选C 推理判断题。综合全文可知,作者的目的是号召我们用自己的心灵之光去照亮那些处于黑暗、孤独的人,故选C



Extreme sports are appealing to more and more people. __16__ Meanwhile, a decline has been noted in other traditional outside activities, including basketball. This is most likely linked to several factors like the positive mental and physical health aspects of participating in an extreme sport.__17__

Extreme sports can push you to your physical and mental limits. Individuals who regularly undertake activities such as jumping out of an airplane actually change the chemical make up of their mind. When this happens, they become more able to stay calm and centered during stressful situations.__18__

Extreme sports task you with overcoming difficult physical challenges. __19__ Studies have found a strong link between extreme sports and a higher level of self­confidence. This makes sense when you consider the fact that accomplishing a task so physically daunting (令人畏缩的) is something that you should feel proud of.

__20__Studies have even discovered that socialization is important for cognitive (认知的) functionality. This is another area where extreme sports receive high marks. Most of these activities are done with other people. For example, you're more likely to go skateboarding or jump out of a plane with a friend, which will help increase the bond between the two of you.

AHumans are social creatures by nature.

BIt is true that there are many advantages of extreme sports.

CMost extreme sports help you have a good sense of balance.

DWe all do certain movements during the day to strengthen muscles.

EIn other words, extreme sports help you gain the ability to stay centered.

FIf you can complete these challenges, your rewards will be much more than physical ones.

GActually, activities such as mountain biking and snowboarding continue to attract more people every year.


16.解析:选G 本空起承上启下的作用。极限运动吸引越来越多的人,事实上,像山地自行车、滑板滑雪这类的运动每年都在吸引更多的人。但传统的户外运动包括篮球却受到了冷落。

17.解析:选B 本空是本文的中心句。由下文容可知,文章主要介绍了极限运动的好处。

18.解析:选E 本空前的“become ... centered”与E项的“gain the ability to stay centered”相呼应,即极限运动帮助你获得集中注意力的能力。

19.解析:选F 由本空前的“physical challenges”和下句的“a strong link between extreme sports and a higher level of self­confidence”可知,此处是说极限运动需要你克服体能挑战,如果你能完成这些挑战,你的回报将不仅仅是体能方面的,这些挑战还能帮助你提高自信心。

20.解析:选A 由本空后的“socialization”和“increase the bond between the two of you”可知,本段主要谈论极限运动对社交活动的积极作用,故由A(人类是天生的社会性生物)引出本段的内容最为恰当。



In 2016, 60­year­old Marshall Reeves got on his bike in California. He began the Race Across America, a 3,000­mile __21__ that runs from coast to coast.

The __22__ was to reach Maryland in two weeks, which had __23__ him twice. But for his third __24__ Reeves had a new source of __25__. He was racing with 3,000 Miles to a Cure, which raises money for brain cancer research.

The Race Across America is similar to our fight against cancer. It's __26__ easy, but the only way to really fail is to __27__” Reeves said.

The race is one of the most __28__ events in the country. Only about half the competitors are able to finish. The race is continuous — once the clock starts in California, it doesn't __29__ until Maryland.

Racers are typically __30__ by a small crew in cars. It's a(n) __31__ game. So sometimes the crew would have to __32__ him and say the cutoff (截止时间) was in two hours __33__ it would actually be in six, things like that to get him __34__.

In the early days of the race, when Reeves had __35__ to stop at a hotel, he would get a good night's sleep. But after three days, __36__ was a luxury (奢侈品) as he biked for more than 20 hours a day.

After crossing the two points where his __37__ attempts had ended, Reeves entered __38__ areas. With just 25 miles left, Reeves struggled to stay__39__ taking quick naps (打盹) in the van. At last, he __40__ the finishing line in 12 days, 13 hours, and 52 minutes.

语篇解读:本文是记叙文。Marshall Reeves曾经三次参加横跨美国的自行车赛,前两次他失利了,但第三次他成功了。

21A.direction Blevel

Cjourney Drecord

解析:选C 由本空前“He began the Race Across America, a 3,000­mile”可知,横跨美国的自行车赛是一次三千英里的旅程。

22A.goal Brange

Cpotential Dadventure

解析:选A “to reach Maryland in two weeks”即为比赛的目标。

23A.attracted Bdefeated

Cwaved Dreminded

解析:选B 由最后一段“After crossing the two points where his ________ attempts had ended”可知,Reeves以前参加过两次比赛,均以失败告终。

24A.place Bplan

Cdecision Dattempt

解析:选D 由上下文可知,这是他的第三次尝试。

25A.advice Blife

Cmotivation Dfinance

解析:选C 由“He was racing with 3,000 Miles to a Cure, which raises money for brain cancer research”可知,此次他参赛的目的是为脑癌研究筹集资金。这是他新的动力来源。

26A.rather Bnever

Cunfortunately Dactually

解析:选B 由“The Race Across America is similar to our fight against cancer”可知,Reeves认为这两者都不容易,但是唯一会失败的做法就是放弃。

27A.set off Bkeep on

Cgive up Dtake risks

解析:选C 参见上题解析。

28A.difficult Bexciting

Cimportant Dwonderful

解析:选A 由“Only about half the competitors are able to finish”可知,横跨美国的自行车赛是最艰难的比赛之一,只有一半的选手能完成比赛。

29A.change Bcount

Csound Dstop

解析:选D 由“The race is continuous”可知,一旦比赛开始,计时器直到到达终点才会停止。

30A.followed Bprotected

Cguaranteed Devaluated

解析:选A 根据语境可知,参赛选手后面都有工作人员的车辆跟随。

31A.outdoor Bmental

Cphysical Dteam

解析:选B 由下文工作人员的做法可知,这种比赛是打心理战。

32A.promise Bpersuade

Csmile at Dlie to

解析:选D 由“the cutoff (截止时间) was in two hours ________ it would actually be in six”可知,工作人员有时不得不对Reeves说谎。

33A.thus Bsince

Cbut Dunless

解析:选C 本空前后之间是转折关系。

34A.down Bout

Cthinking Dgoing

解析:选D 上文的做法是为了让Reeves继续坚持骑行。

35A.luck Btime

Cfeeling Denergy

解析:选B 由下文可知,当Reeves有时间时,他就能去酒店睡个好觉。

36A.rest Bbath

Ccourage Dfood

解析:选A 由“he biked for more than 20 hours a day”可知,三天之后,休息对Reeves来说成了一件奢侈的事。

37A.quick Bprevious

Cexact Dsudden

解析:选B 由“two points”和“attempts had ended”可知,他经过了前两次参赛时失败的地方,进入了完全不熟悉的路段。

38A.diverse Bunique

Cunknown Dcentral

解析:选C 之后是Reeves没走过的路段,所以是陌生的。

39A.awake Bpanic

Csteady Dcasual

解析:选A 由“taking quick naps (打盹) in the van”可知,当比赛剩下25英里时,Reeves必须努力保持清醒。

40A.broke Bsaw

Ctook Dcrossed

解析:选D 由“in 12 days, 13 hours, and 52 minutes”可知,Reeves最终成功冲过了终点线。



I've been a volunteer at Radio Lollipop since May. It is one of the best __41__ (experience) that I've had in the last few years.

Radio Lollipop is an international charity (慈善) organization __42__ (found) in 1979 to provide care, comfort, games and entertainment for children in hospital. The service to children is provided __43__ (entire) by volunteers who have been especially selected, and trained to make a child's stay in hospital more interesting and less __44__ (frighten)

I help out regularly on Monday evenings after work at the Royal Hospital for Children and deliver a smile to the children at the wards (病房) __45__ might be there for a few days or even a couple of months.__46__ is hard to find children who want to take part in the many activities that we offer on Mondays as the cinema is on that day and most of them tend __47__ (be) there.

However, I am still __48__ (thank) for this chance to help children in hospital and make them more pleasant. It also __49__ (help) me deal with my own difficulties I've faced — the loss of my father. I am now more positive in helping others and realize that everyone goes __50__ the same pain and suffering from time to time.

语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。Radio Lollipop做志愿者的经历让受益匪浅。

41experiences one of 后接可数名词的复数形式,故用experience的复数形式。

42founded founded in 1979是过去分词短语作后置定语,修饰an international charity organization,分词动作found与逻辑主语an international charity organization 之间是动宾关系。

43entirely 空格中所填单词修饰谓语动词is provided,用entire的副词形式。

44frightening 本空与interesting形成并列,同为形容词作宾语补足语。

45who/that 关系代词who/that指代先行词the children,引导定语从句,并在从句中作主语。

46It It 在句中作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式短语to find children who want to ...

47to be tend to do 意为倾向于做某事

48thankful 空格中所填单词在句中作表语,用thank的形容词形式。be thankful for 意为……而感激

49helps 根据上下文语境可知,本句应用一般现在时;因主语为It,故填helps

50through go through意为经历;经受








Long long ago, people in Rome talked to one another with Latin. Students in school learned to read and write in Latin and all books are written in Latin. When some Romans went to other parts of the world, they still used their languages. Soon Latin was using in many countries, and it gradual became a world language. People in other countries did not talk in the Latin in the same way. In each land, we changed the language a little. As time went by, they made more and more changes. People do not talk to one another in Latin today, they still use many Latin words. For example, street, wall, city, and salt are any of the Latin words we use. Pupil is also a Latin word what means little doll”.




第四句:usingused; gradualgradually
















Have you ever watched the 2016 Olympic Games? If you have, the Chinese women volleyball team, especially the current main coach Lang Ping must be still fresh in your memory.

Lang Ping, born in 1960 in Tianjin, plays an important role in Chinese women volleyball team. Over 30 years ago, as a volleyball player and the captain of the Chinese women volleyball team, Lang Ping and the team won the world champions many times. In 2016, Chinese women volleyball team won the gold medal in the Rio Olympic Games under the training and guidance of Lang Ping. Many of her words and actions represented and reflected the spirits of Chinese women volleyball team, which we deserved to learn from.

As Chinese, we all take great pride in such an excellent person. What's more, we should follow her example.

2018 - 2019学年高中英语Unit13People单元质量检测(一)(含解析)北师大版必修5
