
发布时间:2017-10-29 15:53:34



1. 具有形容词性,有之意。如:

one half一半;one or two days一两天

I only have one thing to stay.


2. 具有名词性,有一;一个;一个人等意。如:

How many sisters do you have? I have one.

One of the boys is not here.


No. one , Page One, Picture One


1. 与表示时间的名词连用,构成副词性词组,作某一有一等解时,其前不加介词。如:

one morning(night)有个上午(晚上)one Friday有一个星期五

注意,one day既可指过去有一天,也可指将来有朝一日。细读下面两句子:

One day a young man came to see me.

One day we'll go to the moon by spaceship.


One summer afternoon I met him in the street.

One a summer a afternoon I met him in the street.

2. "the same''之意,即同一的”“一致的。如:

in one voice异口同声地 ; one price一样价钱

It is all one to me. 这对我是一样的。


from one side to the other从一头到另一头

To say is one thing and to do is another 说是一回事,做又是另一回事。


1. 作不定代词,有任何人谁都的意思。如:

One must love one's (his) country谁都必须爱国。

One for all and all for one.个人为集体,集体为个人。

2. 代表人称代词,个人某人之意。如:

run as fast as one can尽量跑得快马

do one's best 竭尽所能,尽力

3. 一个一本一件等解,用来代替上文提到过的某个可数名词,以避免重复,其前不加任何限定词。如:

My pen is broken. I must buy one.

''Have an apple, please."

"No, thanks. I've just had one."


1) A: Do you have a knife?

B:Yes, I have one.

A: Give it to me ,please. B: OK. Here it is.

2) A: Do you have any pencils?

B: Yes, I have one.(此时复数形式用some(Yes, I have some.)

3) A: Would you like the watch? B: Yes, I'd like it.

4. one与形容词连用时,其前常有a, the, this, that, next,last, my, her等限定词。如:

a small one, the blue one, my new one, his big one, your old oneone前有形容词修饰时,才可以与形容词性物主代词或名词所有格连用。如:Jim's new one)

5. one可以与疑问代词(which)、相互代词及序数词连用。如:

1) Which one is yours?

2) This one is too heavy. Give me another one.

3) The second one is bigger.

6. one的复数形式为ones。但要注意:ones只有在其前修饰语时才能用。如:

Which ones are theirs? The blue ones are theirs.

I want big ones, I don't want small ones.

7. 作对比用时,one一个、一方之意。如:

1) There are two(three) balls. one is yellow. The other is (The others are) black.

2) This is my sock. The other one is under the desk.

8. these onesthose ones很不普通。如最好不说:These ones are not good. I want those ones.要说:These are not good. I want those.


