
发布时间:2018-09-05 10:42:37

笔译备考实训 英译汉 第六单元 Passage 1Passage 2

第六单元 金融


Now, for those of you who aren’t techno-libertarians, Bitcoin is supposed to be a visual currency you can use to buy things online. Except it's not really a currency, and you can’t really buy that much with it. It’s more like a dotcom stock - circa 1999.


See, in just the last month, one Bitcoin has gone from closing at a then-record US$192 to reaching $788 on Monday. It then opened at $502 on Tuesday, before briefly rocketing up to $900, and ultimately falling to $646. Just your average 80 percent price swing. Thats totally normal for currencies, if you multiply their biggest swing by 80


You can kind of see these absurd price moves in the chart. But only kind of, because the vertical up-and-downs have come so fast that they've blurred into each other. It’s almost as if Bitcoin doesn’t have a single price at any one time, but rather a range of possible prices that depend on the observer. We can see this a little better if we zoom in on just the last two months. Bitcoin prices were pretty flat from the end of September through early October, but then (relatively at least) doubled slowly. Then they doubled quickly. And then even quicker - before falling fast. Not exactly a stable store of value.


See, the idea behind Bitcoin is to create a decentralized currency that central banks can’t inflate and governments can’t tax. Basically, digital gold. And like actual gold, the only way to get new Bitcoins is to “mine” for them. That involves running a computationally-taxing programme on your computer that mostly generates gibberish, but maybe, just maybe, some Bitcoins, too. The key, though, is that mining for more of the virtual currency doesn’t create more of it. That’s because there’s a predetermined number of Bitcoins.


Specifically, there are around 12 million today, and there will be 21 million in 2040 - and no more after that. Of course, this limited supply means Bitcoin should tend to increase in value against the dollar. But only tend to. See, its deflation means Bitcoin prices will go up and down quite violently.


Think about it this way. The supply of Bitcoins can’t increase much to meet increased demand, so increased demand will make prices soar. And soaring prices will make early adopters try to cash out their winnings - which will send prices crashing back down.


Passage 2

The U. S. has wasted its “subprime” mortgage crisis. The story of how and why this has happened is of interest not only for its own stake, but for the broader themes it reveals. I am a theoretically trained economist who started investigating US housing finance markets more than 20 years ago.


Nobel laureate Ro, Shiller and i separately made proposals to reduce systemic risk in the market. Yet our reform efforts went nowhere during the good times. We could not grab scarce public, press, or political attention with the claim that an apparently well- functioning system was profoundly flawed.


Naively as it turned out, we each believed that the housing finance crash might finally cause more fundamental questions to be asked. After all, our ideas on risk sharing were directly relevant and would have lessened the impact of the crash. We each made specific proposals to speed recovery from the crash. For a while it seemed as if there would be real progress. Our hope was short-lived. Nothing positive has come out of the “subprime" crisis. The changes that have been made treat the nature and ignore the illness.


The US housing finance system is in worse shape than ever. The policy reform process is broken, and there is no quick fix sight. The breakdown of the reform process is simple to understand as it is tragic. Public servants can all too easily prevent experts from judging their performance. This leaves an inexpert press and a readily distracted public as the only sources of reformist pressure. The press commentates on policy responses based on ideological mandates from an ideological readership. The public tweets approval. Unexamined, institutions and opinions continue to ossify.


The problem is deep and pervasive. Many policy-makers have much to fear from exposing their activities to experts who might attract public attention to their failings. Without experts, their performance simply cannot be assessed. This liberates spinners, which is positive for most in the press whose technical training leaves them unable to sort through the competing claims of knowledgeable experts and less knowledgeable policy-makers and pundits.


Even when reform is called for, it is impossible to effectively monitor implementation when experts are kept at arms’ length. Let me return briefly to the case of US housing finance policy. One must predict that Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the FHA will survive unscathed. Without fundamental re-thinking, risks will be allowed to multiply unseen. The seeds are even now being sowed for the housing crash of 2025 - 35 and the bailout of 2027-37.


