
发布时间:2019-12-19 18:44:38


The Conservation of Suffering Principle

by Mark Dillof

Assaulted by a Question

 "What is it about life that there always seems

to be something missing?" --- Epictetus

The ten thousand forms of human suffering are but the transformations of a single dark force. Endlessly it displays itself, and yet it remains unknown! At times its existence may be suspected. Surmount any of life's difficulties and another one takes its place. Overcome that problem, and a new problem arises. Human suffering is truly the most elusive of shape-shifters.

  In its plasticity, suffering bears a curious resemblance to matter. Like matter, it can be neither created nor destroyed. Efforts to eradicate it succeed only in changing its form. We free ourselves from anxiety but now feel bored. We are no longer lonely but now suffer from conflicts with others. Within these transformations, the magnitude of suffering remains constant. Consequently, no matter what we do to find fulfillment, we still find that our world is "out of joint," that something is lacking. The law guiding these changes is, "The Conservation of Suffering Principle."

  The good news is that a level of consciousness exists beyond the force-field of the conservation of suffering. Those who have been there have called it, "the still point of a turning world." The Japanese philosopher Nishita described this state of awareness when he wrote, "My joy and my sorrow do not touch my peace." This book is a practical guide to help you get there.

  Our journey will be along a path few know exist. It emerges out of the unique evolution and present crisis of Western thought and civilization. Here is a route from existentialism -- which many cultural historians consider the final stop on the long train ride of Western thought -- to a higher level of understanding about life. This book is essentially a roughly drawn map of the Western route to Eastern wisdom.

  This path is a via negativa. It is not "negative" in the sense of bad or antagonistic. What makes it a negative route is that we do not proceed directly to that which we desire -- freedom, immortality, bliss, peace of mind, higher consciousness, and so on. Ours is a journey in quite the opposite direction, into the dark side of everyday life. Dante learned from his guide, Virgil, that the exit from hell is to be found at its very center. Paradoxically, to be free, the two of them had to proceed deeper into hell. Likewise, our path to freedom involves a descent into our interior "heart of darkness." We descend into these depths with penetrating questions. The result is illuminating insights that convert suffering into Self-knowledge.

  Apart from the insights they generate, penetrating questions are invaluable for another reason. A question like Epictetus', "Why is there always something missing?" -- which is really an intimation of The Conservation of Suffering Principle -- delivers us from a deadening complacency. It renews our spirit by propelling us on a detective adventure, an adventure more philosophical, and dangerous, than any other and far more uncanny.

  Why uncanny? In a typical detective story the sleuth knows what is missing. But he lacks knowledge of its whereabouts, who has stolen it, and so on. Here, on the other hand, the something that is missing was first reported missing about 2,500 years ago in Greece, and we still do not even know what it is! Yet it is vital that we find it. To refuse the assignment is to resign ourselves to what Thoreau called, "a life of quiet desperation." We shall soon discover that all other mysteries pale before this most perplexing of life's mysteries, the enigma of human suffering.

Man's guiding star is his belief that changes can make him happier. He dreams, "My life will improve after I move into the new house, receive a promotion, retire from work. Or after I have something to eat, buy a car, win the contract. Or after my children are grown, the new president takes office, the snow melts, the heat wave ends, we win the war..."

  Endless are the images of freedom and fulfillment that captivate us, feeding our hope that tomorrow can be better than today. We are easily mesmerized by the advertiser's siren song, "It's new and improved!" If our faith lies in the new and improved, we have not yet grasped The Conservation of Suffering Principle.

  You may protest, "It's obvious that changes do make a difference! If I win the lottery, I won't have to work for my demanding boss. If I move, I'll be free of my noisy neighbors. Progress is possible!" Yes, a change improves our lives in a relative sense, by ending a particular hardship. But here is the rub. We satisfy a desire, or overcome a difficulty, and almost immediately the familiar hunger for "we know not what" returns.

  This hunger does not linger, for a mental image soon appears and declares: "I'm really what you're looking for!" Hopeful, we search for what corresponds to the image. Our search might lead us to the distant corners of the globe, or perhaps no further than the inner recesses of our kitchen refrigerator. We obtain our desideratum, but immediately our lack returns. Our imagination then cooks up a new magical image.

  The cycle of frustrated hunger begins in childhood. The joyous excitement of Christmas Eve is followed by "Okay. What's next?" after we open the presents. In school, we long to be free of exams. But when summer arrives, we are pursued by the demon of boredom. We grow up, and drunk with love's promise, we are soon sobered by family responsibilities. We look forward to retirement, but when it arrives...


为什么生活中似乎总是缺少点什么?” ——埃皮克提图













