锡盟-山东1000 kV特高压输电线路ZBC30105BL塔真型试验分析

发布时间:2020-08-06 18:53:26

锡盟-山东1000 kV特高压输电线路ZBC30105BL塔真型试验分析




【摘要】针对锡盟山东1000 kV特高压输电线路工程中使用的ZBC30105BL酒杯形直线塔进行了真型塔试验,测试了Q345B双拼角钢(旋转90°布置)塔在各种主要荷载工况下受力杆件实际受力值与理论计算值的符合性;验证塔身及塔腿的双拼角钢在考虑扭转屈曲条件时的工作状况;检测节点构造的安全可靠性。试验结果表明ZBC30105BL塔整体刚度较好,满足《DL/T 5154—2012架空输电线路杆塔结构设计技术规定》要求,内力实测结果与理论计算值吻合较好,铁塔强度安全可靠,设计方法合理。同时通过真型试验得出在设计时应尽量减小构造偏心值,严格控制塔身、塔腿长细比等结论。%The full-scale test analysis for ZBC30105BL cup-type tangent tower applied in 1000 UHV Transmissionline Project from Xilin Gol to Shandong has been carried out to compare the theoretical calculation results of the internal force with the practical results of the Q345B towers under the main loads, in order to verify the work situation for the bodies and legs combined by the double angle designed by considering bending an torsion of the tower, and to detect the reliability of the node structure under the lower temperature condition. The test shows that the total rigidity of ZBC30105BL fit the requirements of DL/T 5154-2012 Technical code for the design of tower and pole structures of overhead transimission line. The theoretical calculation results of internal force matches the practical situation. It has been verified that the design is reasonable and the strength of the tower is reliable. At the same time, the test shows that we should reduce the eccentricity and control the slenderness ratio as designing.

锡盟-山东1000 kV特高压输电线路ZBC30105BL塔真型试验分析
