

When you turn away, my world won't need you anymore. 2、哪次分手我没有挽留,可这次我是真的累了。
I didn't get a stay, but this time I was really tired. 3、因为我曾经掏心掏肺的去爱你,所以我如今只能没心没肺的放弃你。
Because I used to pour out my heart to love you, so now I can only be heartless to give up you. 4、女人,多么美丽的芳华,却总是凋谢在了早春。
Woman, what beautiful fanghua, but always withered in early spring. 5、睁开眼我看不到你,闭上眼全是你。
Open your eyes I can't see you, close your eyes are you. 6、我们的关系是,陌生,熟悉,朋友,情人,陌生。
Our relationship is unfamiliar, familiar, friend, lover, stranger. 7、爱那么短,遗忘那么长。

Love is so short, forgetting is so long.
Life grinds you round to make you roll faster and farther. 9、听说现在结婚很便宜,我们结婚去,我请你!
It is said that marriage is cheap now, we are going to get married, I ask you! 10、不是一辈子的人,就别说一辈子的话。
It's not a lifetime, not a lifetime. 11、不要对我冷淡,因为你始终不会知道,我在乎的是你。 Don't be cold to me, because you never know, I care about you. 12、爱的,不爱的。一直在告别中。 Love, not love. I've been saying goodbye. 13、像孩子一样,真诚;像夕阳一样,温暖。 Like a child, sincerity; Like the sunset, warm. 14、爱就是你的背叛,而我却一直等待着你回头!
Love is your betrayal, but I am waiting for you to turn back! 15、找不到对的人,其实很可能是:改不掉错的自己。 If you can't find the right person, chances are, you won't be able to correct yourself. 16、最怕此生已决心自己过,却又突然听到你的消息。 The most afraid of this lifetime have resolved themselves, but suddenly hear your news.
17、真的没有什么东西,完美的值得我们用生命坚持。 There really is nothing, and the perfect thing to do is to live with it. 18、最厌烦的感觉不是成为陌生人,而是逐渐陌生的态度。 The most annoying feeling is not being a stranger, but becoming an unfamiliar attitude. 19、或许你的一转身,是我们的一辈子。因为我一直在你身后等待。
Perhaps your turn is our lifetime. Because I've been waiting behind you. 20、你如何回忆我的,带着笑或者沉默。
How do you remember me, with laughter or silence. 21破碎的爱情,破碎的心,你比侩子手更懂得如何伤人最痛。 Broken love, broken heart, you know better than the executioner how to hurt the most. 22、朝我胸前开枪的时候能不能让我睁开双眼看你最后一眼。 Can I open my eyes and let me open my eyes when shooting at my chest. 23、如果有一天,我们相对而行却像陌生人般错过,你是否会心痛。
If one day we are all relative and we are missing like strangers, you will be heartbroken.
A knife to my heart to say love me, love your true humor. 25、即使已被踢出你的世界,我还是会选择重新认识你。 Even if I have been kicked out of your world, I will choose to know you again. 26、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。
I pretended not to care about you, but the pain was myself. 27、爱情不是一个名词,而是一个动词,永远的动词。 Love is not a noun, but a verb, an eternal verb. 28、虚伪的爱情里,没有什么真心不真心。
In false love, there is nothing heart. 29、每当盛夏到临,总会有那么一群孩纸在感伤,剩下的就在哈皮。
There is always a group of children who are sad, and the rest are in hapi. 30、我不明白说分开的是我,为什么却是我伤得最深? I don't understand that it is me who said apart, why did I hurt the most? 31、明明是一对情侣,你们非给人家分成两张图片。
It is a pair of lovers, you are not divided into two pictures. 32、你要知道,我现在过的很好,所以不需要你的干涉。
You know, I'm fine now, so I don't need your intervention.
I have no end in my lonely road. 34、在爱情里,任性是因为依赖,沉默是因为伤心,礼貌是因为无望。
In love, wayward is because of dependence, silence because of sadness, politeness because of hopelessness. 35、你是我触及不到的梦,拥有不了的光茫。
You are the dream that I cannot reach, the light that can not have. 36、我希望有一天让你刻骨铭心的名字是我。
I hope one day the name of your unforgettable name will be me. 37、心,有多凉,只有自己才知道。
The heart, how cold, only oneself know. 38、咽喉里带着没来由的血腥,每次呼吸都牵扯心痛。
My throat is bloody, and every breath is painful. 39、世界上最远的距离不是生与死,而是我隐身你在线,我在线却你隐身了。
The furthest distance in the world is not life and death, but I invisible you online, I online but you invisible. 40、有时候,接纳不了一个人,是因为忘不了另一个人。
Sometimes I can't accept someone because I can't forget
someone else. 41、你在我的爱情,写下最后一页。
You wrote the last page in my love. 42、如果你是我,你就会懂,有爱就会有惶恐。
If you were me, you would understand that there is fear in love. 43、如诺不舍放手,又何必逞强让你走。
If you don't let go, why don't you try to be brave enough to let you go. 44、如果有一天下地狱里,我想我会和你一起的。
If there is one hell, I think I will be with you. 45、我想要有那么个人,能保留我的短信,在想我的时候去翻看。
I want to have someone who can keep my text messages and look them up when I think about me. 46、如果你是我的,我希望你永远是我的。 If you are mine, I hope you will always be mine. 47、我有离开的勇气,却舍不得让爱情死去。 I have the courage to leave, but I can't let love die. 48、寂寞人,寂寞夜,抽着寂寞烟,哼着寂寞曲,享受寂寞。 Lonely person, lonely night, smoking lonely smoke, humming lonely music, enjoying the lonely.
49、为了一个人失去太多太多,但我深知不能回头。 Too much for one person, but I know I can't turn back. 50、每个人心里,都住着这么一个人,遥远的爱着。
Everyone in the heart, there is such a person, distant love. 51、当初结婚是看上眼了,后来离婚是看走眼了。 The first marriage was a sight, then a divorce. 52、我才知道原来我的爱那么卑微,还有那么多人爱你。 I only know that my love is so humble, so many people love you. 53、鱼好可怜,伤心的时候,也不能闭上眼睛。
The fish are so poor that they can't close their eyes when they are sad. 54、脸上的快乐,别人看得到。心里的痛又有谁能感觉到? The joy of the face is seen by others. Who can feel the pain in the heart? 55这是一场没有时限的角力战,谁在乎的越多,就输的越惨。 This is a fight without a time limit. The more who CARES, the worse it will be. 56、结婚是爱情的坟墓,如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the sepulchre of love, and if it is not married, love dies. 57、怎么也没法忘记,我们相遇的那一天。


I can't forget the day we met. 58、残酷的现实,终于带着覆水难收的决绝。
The cruel reality, finally with the broken water. 59全世界都散发着恋爱的酸臭味,就我散发着单身狗的清香。 The world is full of the sour taste of love, I radiate the fragrance of single dog. 60什么天长地久,什么不离不弃,只是你对所有人说的谎言。 What is everlasting, what not to abandon, but you to all the lie. 61、我爱他、就像旋涡、一点一点被它吞噬着。 I loved him like a vortex, swallowed by it. 62、你说爱我的情话,我都铭记于心。
You say love my love words, I remember in the heart. 63、我心中的这个秘密,所有人都能替我保守。只是不能告诉你。
This secret in my heart, everyone can be conservative for me. Just can't tell you. 64、我喜欢这句说双子的话:不是因为双子善变,而是因为世界在变。
I like the word Gemini: not because the twins are fickle, but because the world is changing. 65、我们都太卑微、配不起太多的高贵。

We are too humble to deserve too much nobility. 66、尽管你如何改变,在我的心中你永远都是那么的美好。 Although how you change, in my heart you will always be so beautiful. 67、爱情泡泡不需要你使劲的吹,轻轻的吹一下,它自然会出来。
Love bubble does not need you to blow hard, gently blow, it will come out naturally. 68、我跟闺蜜说,我还忘不掉初恋,她生气的说,忘了他,你还有我呢!
I told my best friend, I can't forget my first love, she said angrily, forget him, you still have me! 69你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。 There's nothing you can lose when you start to get it. 70、那晚我梦见你为我擦眼泪,你说你没好好爱我你很惭愧。 That night I dreamed that you were wiping away tears for me. You were ashamed to say that you didn't love me well. 71、每一个季节,回忆总是会很跳跃。
Every season, memories always jump. 72、你是爱上她了呢?还是爱上了陷于恋爱中的你的想像。 Are you in love with her? Or fall in love with your imagination.
The past is always lingering, but the future is slow. Full of confusion, infinite emptiness. 74、我爱上了你,无可救药,中毒已深,深入骨髓。
I fell in love with you, beyond remedy, poisoned deep, deep bone marrow. 75、姑娘,你应该笑的甜美,纵使有万般心碎!
Girl, you should smile sweet, even to be heartbroken! 76、你忘记的太他妈干脆,我执着的太他妈心碎。
You forgot about his mother. I'm so obsessed with his mother's heartbreak. 77、我淋过最大的雨,是你在烈日下的不回头。
I have been in the biggest rain, is you in the hot sun never turn back. 78、我不知道谁会翻遍我的留言板,看我的胡言乱语时,而傻笑时而心酸。
I don't know who will turn over my message board and look at my gibberish. 79、不知不觉,我已泪流满面。 Before I knew it, I was in tears. 80、内心的挣扎让我的心,无法痊愈。

The inner struggle has kept my heart from healing. 81、待我长发及腰、少年伤我可好;待我刘海齐眉、少年毁我可好。
When my long hair and waist, youth injury I am ok; It's good to be my bangs and teenagers. 82、人这一生,不管来来去去多少人,终归是要散的,一个人来,一个人走。
In this life, no matter how many people come and go, they will be scattered, one person and one person. 83、不要随意的评价他人,因为你没经历过别人的世界。 Don't judge others carelessly, because you have not experienced the world of others.

