Definition of Exposition

发布时间:2012-05-16 13:43:27

Definition of Exposition

n Exposition means explaining. An expository paper explains something, such as how something is made. Why something has happened, in which ways two persons or things are similar or different and so on.

n In an expository paper, we discuss its cause and effect, its nature, and its significance in history. Expository papers are perhaps the type of writing that is most frequently used by a student, a scientist, or a professional.

Methods of Expository Writing


n Things can be explained in many ways, for instance, by

n Process (过程)

n Illustration (列举)

n Classification and/or division (分类)

n Comparison and/or contrast (对比、对照)

n Causes and/or effects (因果)


Title: Moving House

Moving house is a major upheaval (剧变)in peoples lives. Before the men come to actually move the furniture, many things must be done in preparation. All the toys, normally strewn(散播)around the house, must be gathered together and put into large boxes for easy transportation. All books too must be put away in an orderly fashion so as not to be damaged in transit. Drawers and wardrobes should be emptied and their contents carefully packed. Pictures should be taken down from the walls and wrapped with proper cloth. And lastly, don’t forget to take down all the curtains and blinds. Soon everything is prepared and the removal men arrive. All the boxes and furniture are loaded into the lorry. A quick check is necessary to make sure the flat is empty and the lorry is off on its way to the new flat.


n The paragraph gives a step-by-step description of getting things ready before moving a house. The method is called development by process.

n It is a very useful method when we tell people how to do things in correct order, so as to avoid mistakes or even failures.

n It is important to make clear the right sequence of the things to be done, and state every step in a clear way.


n Moving house is a major upheaval in peoples lives. (整段的主题句)

n Before, All the toys, All books Drawers and wardrobes their contents , all the curtains and blinds , (说明事物的过程)

n A quick check is necessary to make sure the flat is empty and the lorry is off on its way to the new flat. (整段的结尾句)

n 说明文是用来说明、解释某一客观事物的特点、性质,某种操作程序、工作原理、生产过程以及某种抽象概念、科学原理、自然现象等阐明事理的文章。完全是客观描述,不带感情色彩。目的是使读者对所解释的事物有清楚、完整的了解和认识。比如:介绍某种设备的使用方法,某种问题是如何解决的,某种自然现象是怎样形成的等等,就需要写说明文。

Illustration (列举)

Title: Understanding Poverty

Small children have a hard time understanding poverty. They want the same things children from more affluent (富裕的) families have. They have the same things they see advertised on television, and they dont understand why they cant have them.

n Other children can be incredibly (难以置信的) cruel. I was in elementary school in Georgia---and this is interesting because it is the only thing I remember about that particular school---- when I was about eight or nine.

n After Christmas vacation had ended, my teacher made each student describe all his or her Christmas presents, I became more and more uncomfortable as the privilege passed around the room toward me. Other

children were reciting the names of the dolls they had been given, the kinds of bicycles and the grandeur (豪华) of their games and toys. Some had lists which seemed to go on and on for hours.

n It took me only a few seconds to tell the class that I had gotten for Christmas a belt and a pair of gloves. And then I was laughed at --- because I cried --- by a roomful of children and a teacher. I never forgave them, and that night I made my mother cry when I told

her about it.

In retrospect (回顾), I am grateful for that moment, but I remember wanting to die at the time.


n This essay gives examples of a small child’s difficulty in understanding poverty and the cruelty of other children. It is a successful illustration paper, because the author has chosen specific, interesting, and relevant examples from his personal experience, and has arranged these examples expertly, grouping similar examples together and arranging them climactically(顶点地)by ending his paper with the only thing

he remembers about the particular elementary school in Georgia.

Classification and/or division


There are three kinds of book owners according to the way they deal with their books. The first has all the standard sets and best sellers unread, and even untouched. The second has a great many books--- a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. The third has a few books or many--- every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated (破旧的) ,

shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books) In a word, these categories of books owners are different in the number of books and in the extent they make use of their books.

Comparison and/or contrast


n Life in a big city has become more and more difficult for people to cope with. In a big city, stress is caused by daily having to contend (竞争) with crowds of people and restricted space. Travel in rush hour can be a real headache. Pollution of various kinds is the result of industrialization. Cars spew toxic fumes into the atmosphere. Noise bellows out from every side. All

these factors add to the pressure of daily existence in a big town. In contrast, life in a country village is much more attractive. Here the pace of life is gentle. There is time to reflect on the beauty of the world. In a village, life is closer to nature. The changing seasons can be clearly observed. There is ample space for everyone, and fresh air to breathe.

Causes and/or effects (因果)

n Title: The Only-Child Policy

n Policies are usually formulated (制定) under certain circumstances, so was the only-child policy. China has adopted the only-child policy because its large population has become a weighty burden instead of a great asset.

n In the first place, the only-child policy is based on the economic strength of the country. It is universally known that China is a developing

country with nearly one-fourth of the world’s population. The first problem the Chinese government has to deal with is to feed its people. So for many years China had to import wheat and other kinds of grain from Canada and Australia, though there were 800 million farmers in the country.

In the second place, the only-child policy aims at improving people’s living conditions. China’s large population has brought a series of problems and caused great inconvenience to its

people. For example, many houses have been built since liberation, but there is still a serious housing shortage.

In the third place, the only-child policy is based on the interests of the individual. The only-child naturally gets more love and attention from his parents and a better education at home than those who have brothers and sisters. For instance, nowadays, many parents buy musical instruments for their only child. Besides, parents with one child may spend less time on

household chores and devote more time and energy to their work. The better they work, the more they earn. So people are beginning to see the advantages of having only one child. And more and more people have come to realize that on the whole the only child policy does good not only to the country but to themselves as well.


n 在写作顺序方面,说明文的写作可以采用空间顺序、时间顺序、逻辑顺序、或认识顺序。

n 在写作层次方面,说明文是由浅入深、由易到难、由外到里、有始到末。这样的层次读起来思路清楚、条理分明、易于接受。

n 在用词方法,说明文用词要客观,避免使用华丽浮夸和含义模糊的词语。


n Youth is a precious gift and a golden time in our life. It will not last forever. When we are strong and healthy, learning comes easily. It is the time for us to prepare ourselves to become responsible citizens.

n Youth comes only once in a lifetime. It is important that we do not waste those years in idleness and bad living. Youth is also the time when our memories are best. We are better

able to learn more during this time than when we are older. Since learning is easy, the young person should try his hardest to learn as much as he or she can. The knowledge will be useful in later years.

n If we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled(个人志向得以实现的)

when we are young as well as we are older. If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishing we were young again.


n 这是一篇以解释说明为主的说明文,说明的是一个较抽象的概念 (Youth)。作文写得条理清楚,三个段落层次分明。第一段说明青春是人一生中的黄金时期,应把握住能使人成材的天赐良机。第二段说明人的一生中只有一次青春,切勿虚度光阴。第三段用简洁而明确的语言把事物的本质属性揭示出来,告诫大家切莫年华付水流,免得老大徒伤悲。整篇文章用词朴实、准确。


n 1.体裁:说明文



n How to Succeed in a Job Interview 2001.1 四级);

n How I Finance My College Education2000.1 四级);

n Practice Makes Perfect97. 1 四级);

n Haste Makes Waste97. 1 六级)

n 题目:How to Succeed in a Job Interview

n 1. 面试在求职过程中的作用

n 2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表,举止 谈吐,能力,专业知识,自信,实事求是…

n A job interview has long been regarded by the interviewees as the most vital part in successful job hunting. On the other hand, the employer also attached great significance to interviews before enrolling new staff members.

n There are several vital factors that will help to make a job interview successful. To begin with, first impression is of the greatest importance in a job interview. The interviewee thus should

wear tidily and properly to impress the interviewers deeply. Secondly, good behavior also counts. You should show the best before interviewers, who view good behavior as important for communications with the future cooperators. Thirdly, your reaction, capability, confidence as well as frankness are key factors in a job interview. These are the qualities of a

person. With the ability and knowledge an interviewee can win the position. It’s with confidence and frankness that an interviewee will get trust from the interviewers.

n Therefore, before going to an interview you should prepare yourself for the above-mentioned tips and then you are sure to have a chance to obtain the position you are applying for.


n 结构点评

n 该范文是2001年四级的真题,要求写一篇说明文,对于主题所涉及到的问题做出说明并提出有效方法加以解决。

n 第一段中用 A job interview has long been regarded by the interviewees as the most vital part in successful job hunting开头点明面试的作用和意义,以此提醒应试者应重视面试机会。

n 第二段中以There are several vital factors作为开头是一种为主题段做好框架的写法,不会偏题。 To begin with, first impression is of greatest importance in a job interview引出第一个成功的因素。Secondly, good behavior also counts 引出第二个成功的因素。Thirdly, your reaction, capability, confidence as well as frankness are key factors 引出其他成功的因素,供即将参加面试的人参考。

Its with confidence and frankness that…为了突出面试中confidence and frankness(自信和实事求是)的重要,所以在此运用了强调句型。

n 第三段中以因果类过渡词Therefore 总结观点,结束全文。

n 用词点评

n 第一段has long been regarded as 说明面试者一直把面试当作找工作的重要组成部分。On the other hand, 引出说明的另外一个方面。 Attach great significance to 表示招聘方也很重视面试的作用。进一步说明面试的重要性和必要性。

n 第二段vital factors以此为开头的关键词,为提出面试成功的因素做准备。to impress the interviewers deeply 意为给面试官留下好印象。counts意为很重要,

可用is important替代。但是counts的表达方式更简洁明快。win the position(获得职位),为了获得自己申请的工作,就要按照文章中所提的方法去做。

n 第三段prepare yourself for the above-mentioned tips (为面试做好准备) applying for(申请…)

Definition of Exposition
