
发布时间:2015-09-26 17:28:21


1、 不同维度的宇宙其实就是强度不同的空间构成的。空间是连续的并且有强度可弯曲的。

2、 宇宙大爆炸是不同强度的宇宙空间,即不同维度的空间相撞之后的空间破碎结果。

3、 我们所在的宇宙维度发生的宇宙大爆炸是我们宇宙的空间破碎现象。我们无法做到夸宇宙维度穿越,因为我们只属于我们的宇宙空间。

4、 在那次爆炸的瞬间产生了等量的,性质(维度)相反的,同等时刻的两种空间缺口,也就是我们认为的物质。

5、 如果两个维度的物质(空间缺口)相遇就会发生空间回补现象,也就是物质的泯灭。缺口回补成为空间。

6、 黑洞是我们维度的空间缺口收集的过程,另一个维度也有黑洞,同时它也在收集它们所在维度的空间缺口,最终两个黑洞相遇,全部空间缺口汇合相遇回补。则宇宙重新回到满空间状态,也就是能量为零的状态。其实宇宙中的能量是一个衰减的过程,一少部分能量转化成了空间的振动。

7、 引力的实质是物质核能的丢失产生的。宇宙中真正存在的是斥力。因为宇宙大爆炸时所有的能量总和已经确定。能量的表达形式有很多种:热能、动能、核能。

8、 恒星的不断核聚变反应放出大量的光和热,其内部物质不断的进行核聚变,也就意味着物质不断的塌缩。恒星的塌缩会变成白矮星之后是中子星,中子星内部进行了核融合的反应,释放出更大核能,当全部能量消耗殆尽就是黑洞。但是核融合现象目前我们无法探知。核聚变放出能量就意味着发生聚变的原子核不断的丢失能量。中子星则说明原子连电子运动的能量也丢失了。所以可以推出黑洞是引力无限大,能量无限小的区域。

9、 宇宙空间是连续相,而且能量为零。能量具有势能,从高向低转化。宇宙中最大的能量是核能,物质核能的释放就意味着其核能的减少,所以空间具有聚集核能减少物质的性质,这个聚集特性就是引力发生的本质。也就是说核能丢失越多就越容易聚集,因为黑洞就是能量无限趋近于零的区域,它喜欢吸收一切能量不为零且核能不断减少的物质,所以引力巨大。能量衰减的越多则越喜欢向能量为零的区域靠近。推论:引力是能量的倒数。

10、 原子之间的距离越小则密度越大,密度越大则引力大,也就意味着核能越小。反过来可以利用这个理论造出反重力装置。物质的核能增大则所受的引力就减小。

11、 但是我们无法增加核能,不过我们可以增加核外电的数量和能量来间接增加原子的能量。做一个装置具有球状高速旋转的磁场,并让电子高速球状运动并不会飞出磁场区域,就相当于制造出一个能量巨大的原子。因为质子数量没变,增加外围电子数量也就相当于增加核能。实际上就是利用电子产生斥力波来抵消掉重力。

12、 宇宙中不存在引力波,真实存在的是斥力波。电子的高速运转产生的斥力波是阻止原子核靠近的力量。而电子的运动能量来自于宇宙当初的大爆炸。如果说粒子是物质的,那么体积就没有意义了,因为无法解释无限小。空间缺口的体积可以从侧面反应出宇宙大爆炸的能量,也就是空间的破碎程度。

13、 核聚变反应就是最好的例子来解释物质塌缩时能量的丢失与引力的增大。核裂变放出能量是因为放射性物质本身就具有多余不稳定核能的物质,核裂变反应实质是将大的不稳定核能转化成相对稳定的状态,从而释放出多余的核能过程。

14、 空间作为能量为零的区域,那么黑洞为能量无限趋近与零的区域,也就意味着空间的本质与黑洞很相似。所以可以用黑洞的密度近似等于空间密度1/2(因为还有另一维度的空间缺口存在):空间密度≈2*黑洞密度如果真的发生核融合现象,那么黑洞很可能是超级大的空间缺口。而且黑洞的旋转会造成周围的空间发生弯曲和流动,这也就意味着黑洞周围会存在小的空间漩涡。其实通过黑洞的引力强度就可以感受到空间压力的强度。

15、 有三个能量难以计算:1、电子结合质子生成中子时所释放的能量;2、中子星内部核融合现象所释放的能量;3、核融合进一步形成体积扩大的空间缺口时放出的能量。也就是说:核聚变能量<核融合能量<空间缺口体积扩大能量。

16、 粒子的运动可以引发空间的振动,但其振动效果微弱。如果大量粒子一起按照一定方式振动则会发生空间共振效应,类似与空间流动。磁场就是这个效应的体现。

17、 电子在磁场中发生运动偏转是因为电子的运动受到了空间流动的影响。

18、 利用磁场可以使空间发生流动的特性我们就可以制造出爱因斯坦罗森桥。高速环形运转的磁场可以比作一台离心机,这个离心机的作用是防止空间发生回流。然后在环形中央射入一束高能粒子流作为钻头,可以想象为空间钻探机。高能粒子流将空间钻探出来,环形磁场将空间甩出区域,防止回流。这时会产生一个空间漩涡,这个漩涡会不断的将粒子流前方的空间甩出,最后会在对面遥远的区域发生空间漏斗,因为那片区域的空间被吸引过来。当两个漩涡尖部向联通后则意味着遥远空间的两点距离无限接近。隧道打通。

19、 这时我们与高能粒子流一起穿过此隧道,然后关闭磁场合粒子流,则原来被拉近空间会发生回弹,回到最初状态,这时我们已近到达那个遥远区域了。

20、 因为我们宇宙速度极限是光速,说明物质在我们宇宙空间运动的阻力很小,光速是罗森桥距离的一个形成指标。从黑洞的密度可以推出空间密度很大,意味着空间强度非常高。如果使空间发生弯曲,则距离一定非常远。所以罗森桥的距离一定非常遥远,至少会达到银河系直径的1/2这才是真正的星际穿越。

21、 其实冷核聚变是可以实现的,还是需要利用磁场。但不是环形磁场,必须是球状磁场。磁场的作用不只是束缚粒子,更重要的是引发核聚变反应。让磁场使高能粒子高速环形运动,内部粒子运动速度较低,则外层粒子与内层粒子之间会形成一个速度差。在一个速度临界层则会发生原子核相碰撞产生聚变反应。而且高速的环状运动不会使能量无序释放。反应程度只需要控制粒子浓度就可以了。球状磁场的目的是防止能量飞出可控区域。

22、 速度的极限原因是由于空间的特性限制的。

23、 时间是唯一无法改变的变量,物质如果发生时间穿越,则宇宙会发生物质不守恒现象。时间穿越的假象基础是速度极限,但速度是空间的特性,不应该是时间的特性。

24、 宇宙是有边界的,边界是不同维度宇宙间的界面。就像是水与油之间的界面一样。我们无法触及边界,因为我们是宇宙空间的一部分,我们无法看见空间,同时我们也无法对抗空间,因为我们所有的能量都是它赐予的。这才是我们对很多知识茫然的原因。

25、 无法解释空间是从哪里来的,因为空间创造了我们,谁创造了空间不是我们能得知的。

26、 因为宇宙间所有的粒子都是在相互作用的,每一次作用都会引发下一个运动。如果人类可以计算所有粒子的运动关系,则理论上来说未来是可以计算的。

27、 大脑在思考时消耗能量是巨大的。我们仅用了不到20%的大脑,那么为何剩余的80%不退化掉?秘密在于我们的脑容量应该是被设定的,而可使用量是被限制的,是通过基因设定的。使用量的限制很大程度上取决于我们自身对大脑的能量提供和能量转化的效率。这点可以从最常见的高考中得到答案,当人类集中精力进行思考,有效思考时间不足30分钟,之后大脑便会很疲倦。比起容量还有一个东西是起到关键作用的,那就是能量提供和转化器官。因为如果大脑当中直接长有可以提供能量并消化掉因思考所产生的生物代谢物的器官的话,那么思考的时间将会大大延长,并且使大脑有着源源不断的思考动力以及清晰感。这样的话也就意味着学习和探索思考的潜力是无限的!

28、 大乘佛法三藏:

对世间一切之顿悟 对世间一切之感悟 对世间一切之掌控






邹如飞 +86156********


avity device theory

1 In fact, the universal dimension is the description of the universes with different natures of spaces. Different dimensions should represent different space intensity. Space is continuous, and there is a strength that can be bent.

2 The Big Bang is the result of the space breaking after the collision between different intensity of cosmic space (i.e., different dimensions of space).

3 The big bang that we are located in the universe is the space fracture of our universe. We can't do dimension crossing, because we only belong to our universe.

4 At the moment of the explosion produced an equal amount, nature (dimension) in contrast, the same time and two different kinds of space gaps, we call them particles.

5 If the two dimensions of the particle (space gap) meet, the space will backfill, it is devoid of substance.

6 Black hole is the process of gathering space gaps in our dimension, another dimension also has black hole, it is also in the collection of the space gaps in its dimension, finally, two black holes meet, all the space gaps will be backfill. The universe will be back in full of space, and it will be at the state of zero energy. In fact, the energy in the universe is a process of decay, a small part of the energy convert into the vibration of space.

7 The nature of gravity is caused by the nuclear energy lose of particles. The real existence of the universe is the repulsion. The total energy of the Big Bang was determined. There are many forms of energy expression: heat energy, kinetic energy, nuclear energy and so on.

8 Stars continuous nuclear fusion reaction to release a lot of light and heat, the substances inside continue to carry out nuclear fusion, and it also means that the substances continues to collapse. The collapse of the star will become a white dwarf star, neutron stars, neutron stars inside the electron and proton fusion, releasing more nuclear energy, when all the energy consumed, the black hole created. But we can't detect the phenomenon of electron and proton fusion. Nuclear fusion release energy means the particles lose energy. Neutron stars indicate that the energy of the atom's electron motion is also released. So we can speculate: a black hole is the region with infinite big gravity, but infinitely small nuclear energy.

9 The space is continuous, and the energy is zero. Energy has potential energy, from high to low. The biggest energy in the universe is nuclear energy, the release nuclear energy of substances means that the reduction of its nuclear energy, so the space has ability of gathering substances with low nuclear energy, this aggregation is the real nature of the gravitational force. That is to say, the more nuclear energy lost, the greater the material density, the more gravity. So the black hole is a region of the infinite small energy, which likes to absorb all substances with energy not zero, and the nuclear power constantly decreasing. The more the energy of matter reduced, the more tendency to the zero energy region. Conclusion: gravity is the reciprocal of nuclear energy.

10 The smaller the distance between atoms, the more protons, the greater the density, the greater the gravity, and the smaller the nuclear energy. In turn, this theory can be used to create a anti gravity device. The gravity of matter will be reduced by the increase of nuclear energy.

11 We can't increase nuclear power, means we can't reduce the number of protons, but we can increase the number and the energy of the electrons to indirectly increase the energy of the atom. We can create a device with a high speed rotating spherical magnetic field, and to make the electronic high-speed ball moving and do not fly out of the magnetic field area, it means we create a huge energy atom. Because the number of protons not changed, the number of external electrons increased to increase nuclear power indirectly. In fact, we use the repulsion waves generated by electrons to offset gravity.

12 There is no gravity wave in the universe, real existence is the repulsion wave. The repulsion wave generated by the high-speed electron is the power to stop approaching between the nucleus. And the movement energy of electrons were from the big bang. If the particle is the substance, then the volume is meaningless, because we can not explain the infinite small. But the volume of space gap can explain the big bang of the energy from another side, that is, the extent of space fragmentation.

13 Nuclear fusion is the best example to explain the increase of gravitation when atomic nucleus loss huge nuclear energy. Because of the radioactive material itself is at a condition of high nuclear energy unstable, The essence of nuclear fission reaction is the process: the large unstable energy transform into some small energy with relatively stable state, and release the extra nuclear energy

14 Space as the region with zero energy, the black hole is the region which energy infinitely approaching to zero. It means that the nature of black hole and the space are very similar. So it can be the density of a black hole1/2 the density of space (because there is another dimension of space gap): space density = 2 * black hole density. If the neutron continued to fuse, the black hole could to be a very big gap. And the rotation of the black hole will cause the space around to bend and flow, which also means that there will be a small Space vortex around the black hole. In fact, through the gravity of the black hole we can feel the intensity of space.

15 There are three kinds of energy difficult to calculate: 1, the energy released by the synthetic neutron; 2, the energy released by the neutron fusion; 3, released by the expansion of space gap volume. That is to say, the energy of nuclear fusion < the energy of neutron fusion< the energy of space gap volume expansion.

16 The motion of the particles can cause the vibration of the space, but the vibration effect is weak. If a large number of particles in a certain way vibration will occur in space resonance effect, similar to the space flow. The magnetic field is the embodiment of this effect.

17 The movement of electrons in the magnetic field is deflected, because the movement of electrons is affected by the flow of space.

18 Because the magnetic field can make the space flow, we can create the Einstein Rosen bridge. A high speed rotating magnetic field can be used as a centrifuge, which is to prevent the backflow of space. With a beam of energetic particles into the magnetic the central of magnetic field, as a space drill. Magnetic field will flow space, high-energy particles to flow the space out, the centrifugal force can prevent space return. Then there will be a space vortex, the vortex will continue to flow out the space in front of the particle drill, and then the space hopper will formed in the far zone, because that space region is drawn. When the tip of the two vortex are connected to the post, it means that the two points which were very far, become very close. The tunnel can be opened up.

19 If we take the ship with the high-energy particle flow through the tunnel, then turn off the magnetic field, the closure of the space between the two vortex will rebound, so that the space to return to the original state. It is means that we are at very far region!

20 Because the speed limit of our universe is the speed of light, the speed of light is an indicator of the formation of the Rosen bridge. By the density of black holes, it can be found that the intensity of the space is very high. So if the space bent, it must be very far away. So the distance of the Rosen bridge must be very far away, maybe at least to reach the 1/2diameter of the galaxy. This is the real Interstellar crossing.

21 In fact, cold nuclear fusion can be achieved, we need to use the magnetic field. But it is not a circular magnetic field, which must be spherical shape. The role of the magnetic field is not only the bound particles, but also more important is the trigger of nuclear fusion reaction. Let the magnetic field make the high energy particle High speed rotation, the internal particle movement speed is lower, then the outer particles and the inner particles form a speed difference. In a velocity critical interface, a fusion reaction will be produced by the collision of atomic nucleus. And the high speed of the circular movement does not cause the energy to be released disorderly. The level of the nuclear fusion reaction can be controlled only by controlling the particle concentration. The purpose of the spherical magnetic field is to prevent the energy from flying out of the controllable region.

22 The limit of speed is due to the limitation of space characteristic.

23 Time is the only constant. If the time passed through, the total amount of matter in the universe is not conserved. The theoretical basis of time passing is the speed limit, but the speed is the characteristic of space, and it is not the characteristic of time.

24 The universe have boundaries, the boundaries are the interface between the different dimensions of the universe. Like the interface between water and oil. We cannot touch the boundary, because we are a part of the space, so we can't see the space, and we can't fight the space, because all of our energy was given by the space. That is the reason we have a lot of knowledge confused.

25 I can't explain where space comes from, because the space is created us, but who created the space? We can not find the answer.

26 Because all the particles in the universe are in the interaction every moment, each time the role will lead to a movement. If human beings can calculate the movement of all particles next moment, the future can be calculated theoretically.

27 The brain consumes energy when it is thinking. We only use less than 20% of the brain, so why the remaining 80% not degenerated? The secret lies in: Our brain capacity was set, and the amount of use was limited. It was set by the gene. Our own energy provide and energy conversion efficiency for the brain determine the brain usage rate. Human beings focus on thinking, the effective time to think less than 30 minutes, then the brain will be very tired, which also proves the phenomenon that our ability to limit the intelligence. Compared with capacity, there is a very important thing. There must be an energy transforming organ and a provide energy organ. If these two organs were in the human brain, it can guarantee us a very long time to have a clear and efficient thinking. This means the potential for learning and meditation is unlimited!

Mahayana Buddha Dharma:

Insight the all of the universe

Feeling the all of the universe

Master the all of the universe

All the Insight comes from "journey to the west"

I am sorry, there are too many Chinese style English, but I believe that my theory of the space gap is not difficult to understand.

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, China ZouRuFei Tel+86156********




