
发布时间:2024-02-11 08:57:58

Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 2019/06/01

解析:这篇考题之前真题出现过,看来以往真题的重要性不言而喻。这篇主要考人类活动和动植物被破坏的关系问题。其实,雅思写作无论考什么 话题,对写作的能力考查是不变的,就是语言词汇、语法、结构及论证逻辑。至于观点对不对或者说话题内容有没有独特性,都没有太大关系,核心在于你这样说,要有理有据,要说服别人,自己先要被说服。 参考范文:
With the developmentof human society, pants and animals are so negatively affected by activities of human that some of them have disappeared for ever.
The situation has led us to think more about the life of pants and animals: what to do? Some argue that it is too late to do anything to change the condition; others maintain that there are many measures for us to take for improving that.

Personally, we should keep positive attitudes towards the future in terms of balance between human activities and protection of other species. Firstly, when adopting some city development plans, we should take into account the possibility of their affecting plans and animals. When we plan to construct concrete buildings, we should do our best to develop more nature reserves for plants and animals.
Secondly, schools, departments and research institutes should make efforts to raise awareness in common people of the ecological importance of plants and animals so as to mobilize them to engage in protection work.
Lastly, the government should create and implement a plan for the ecological restoration of natural areas, and establish and improve mechanisms for the restoration and comprehensive management of mountains, forests, lakes and grasslands where plants and animals can live and reproduce.
In conclusion, I am confident that the future for human and other species is bright if we take immediate and responsible actions now.229 words

