
发布时间:2014-12-03 22:15:59

1. You're in the pink! 要想说人气色好,“You look fine!”当然不错,可如果你说“You're in the pink!”就妙得多了,实际上,在英语口语中,巧妙使用一些表示颜色的词能使得句子非常形象生动。

2.He is bouncy他精力充沛美国人通常说:“He is bouncy,而不说“He is energetic”,牢记一些日常对话中的句式是你生活中一把必备的钥匙。如:久仰,I get mind of you“I heard a lot about you轻松得多。

3. Did you get lost? 有人开会迟到了,你若对他说“You are late,听起来像是废话。若说“Did you get lost?”,则更能让他感到歉疚,可千万别说成Get lost!,那可是让人滚蛋的意思。

4. Do you have the time? 别人征求你的意见,问能否开窗户等,你要是说“You can do that就有点土了,用一句“Do you have the time?”或者“could you please…”就好多了。实际上,问他人的姓名,地址都可以这么用:May I have your name?”要比“What’s your name?”礼貌得多,不过警察例外。

5.I would rather not say。别人问你不愿公开的问题,切勿用“It’s my secret, don’t ask such a personal question回答,一来显得你没有个性,二来也让对方觉得你气短。你可以说“I would rather not say”(还是别说了吧)

6.Its on the tip of my tongue。有时候,你想说什么,可是想不起来,你可以说“Well…”“Let me see“Just a moment“It’s on the tip of my tongue等。相比之下,最后一个句型是最地道的。

7. While I remember…交谈时,你可能会转换话题,不要只说“By the way”,实际上,“To change the subject”“Before I forget”“While I remember”(趁我还记着)Mind you(留心)都是既地道又受欢迎的表达。

8.I got it。遇到你不懂的问题时可别不懂装懂,“I know”可能是被中国人用得最多,而最不被美国人接受的一句话。当一个美国教师向你解释某个问题时,你如果连说两遍“I know”,我敢保证,他不会再跟你说什么了。用“I got it就顺耳得多,要是不懂就说I’m not clear about it。不过如果你会说“It’s past my understandingIt’s beyond me,你的教师一定会惊讶不已的。


1.Im supposed to go on a diet/get a raise。我应该节食/涨工资。

2.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet。会议原定两个小时,不过现在还没有结束。

3. Would you care to see it/sit down for a while? 你要不要看/坐一会呢?

4. Do you mind if I take tomorrow off? 你介意我明天请假吗?

5.Im afraid that its not going to work out。我恐怕这事不会成的。

6. Is everything under control? 一切都在掌握之中吗?

7.It really depends on who is in charge。那纯粹要看谁负责了。


1. packed like sardines 挤得像沙丁鱼罐头

I hate taking subway in rush hours. We’re all packed like sardines and it’s always hot and smelly.


短语释义:packed like sardines 字面意思是挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼,也就是形容在人多的场合下,拥挤不堪的场面。

2. So crowded that… 太拥挤了,以至于……

The bus is so crowded that I can hardly move.


短语释义:So… that加形容词crowded, 表示太拥挤了,以至于……”,用来形容拥挤过度导致……的后果。

3. bustle with 充满

The passageway of the subway station is bustling with people.


短语释义:bustle with充满,一般用来形容有活力的,熙熙攘攘的热闹地方或场面。


1. He is a very stingy person. 他是个很小气的人。

Stingy在这里就是指吝啬的。小气的,例如:He was reputed stingy.(他吝啬得出了名。)

2. What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼!

Miser做名词,意思是守财奴,吝啬鬼。听说Jenny最近要结婚了,Bless her from marrying a miser.(上天保佑她不要嫁给一个吝啬鬼。)

3. He’s not a generous person. 他不是个慷慨的人。

Generous常用来表示慷慨的He is generous with his money.(他花钱大方。);而且,He is generous to the poor.(他对穷人很慷慨。)

4. She’s such a penny pincher. 她真是个守财奴。


You know, with the national debt getting so big, maybe we ought to elect some penny-pinchers to the Congress next time.(你知道,现在我们国家的预算赤字越来越大,也许我们应该下次选举那些花钱很紧的人去做议员)。

5. He’s such a tightwad. 他真是个小气鬼。


Oh, no, my dad is driving me bonkers. He is such a tightwad! (噢爸快把我逼疯了,他太小气了!)

6. Money means everything to her. 她视钱如命。

如果money means everything to her,那在她眼里,也就没有什么更重要了,但是,Money isnt everything.(钱不是万能的。)

类似的说法还有:This news means everything to us.(这条消息对我们来说至关重要。)

7. He’s very tightfisted. 他很吝啬。

怎么样,tightfisted这种说法够形象吧。但有些时候,tight-fisted是因为人们手头紧,例如:As a result, the US consumers will remain tight fisted if the price stays on the same level.(因此,假如价格没有变化的话,美国消费者的手头还会很紧。)

8. Her boss is a skinflint. 老板是个一毛不拔的人。


9. She never wants to splash the cash. 她出手从不大方。

当然了,splash the cash(花钱大手大脚)也不是好习惯。我们再来举个例子看看splash在这里的用法:

Do not splash the news about.(不要四处散布这条新闻。)

10. He’s a real scrooge. 他是个不折不扣的守财奴。

我们还可以说:His middle name’s scrooge.(他是出名的守财奴。),要是天天和这样一位scrooge(小气财神)打交道,可真让人闹心啊。


1. salad days 青葱岁月, 也就是年轻少不更事,没有阅历的一段时间。)

John was in his salad days then and fell in love easily.


2. beet red 甜菜红——(窘得)满脸通红

When she realized her mistake, she turned beet red.


3. like two peas in a pod 一个豆荚里的两颗——(一模一样)

The twins are like two peas in a pod.


3. as cool as a cucumber (泰然自若)

Even in the emergency, she remained as cool as a cucumber.


4. hot potato (棘手的问题)

All of them avoid talking about the hot potato.


不过,big potatobig boss或者great man

5. in a pickle (处境困难)

I’m in a pickle. Can you help me?



In pickle表示“准备好待用,备用”

6. a carrot and a stick (胡萝卜加大棒,软硬兼施)

Their method of negotiating is a combination of the carrot and the stick.



1. 一根筋儿: One track-minded


Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded?

2. 出众的人: a lulu


Talking about being pretty, our company’s new secretary is indeed a lulu.

3. 两面派: Two-faced


I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.

注:run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。

4. 傻大个儿: a lummox


It is said that the lummox has loused up their company’s whole business.

5. 收破烂儿的人:a rag man


Those rag men going from door to door sometimes may also earn quite a handsome sum of money.


6. 乡巴佬:a hayseed


She insisted that she would not marry herself off to a hayseed, no matter how rich he was.

7. 不三不四的人(乌合之众)Riff-raffs


There are always riff-raffs hanging around in Lao Zhang’s home, which gives you the feeling that Lao Zhang is not a good guy.

8. 受气包儿:doormat


She’s born doormat, afraid of going against anything.

9. 面无表情的人:a deadpan


You feel choked to work with those deadpans.

10. 扫帚星:a jinx


She’s said to be a jinx, who would bring bad luck to whoever she marries.

其实,海明威的《老人与海》的第一章节中有段话,“but after forty days without a fish the boy's parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky." salao 是西班牙语 西班牙文salao正确的拼写应为salado,意为加了盐的,咸的,苦的,转义为倒霉的、不吉利的。译者在译文中保留了这个西班牙语词汇salado之所以变成salao,少了一个d,译者解释说这是被古巴人念白了的一个词儿。当然,这也不失为可以讲通的一种说法;不过,更为准确的解释,经笔者向秘鲁当代著名作家胡安·莫里略·加诺萨(Juan Morillo Ganoza)教授请教,他认为这是古巴音所致,他们把d吃掉了,而这也正是海明威用这个破残的西班牙语词汇的意图:显示古巴下层老百姓的身份。


1. Stop flattering me like that.


2. I don’t like Peter. He’s such a brown-noser.


3. I know he’s trying to butter me up, but I’m not buying it.


4. In order to get the promotion she kept apple-polishing the manager.


5. He started sucking up to the boss as soon as he got on board.


6. The professor likes her because she knows how to please him.


7. She’s very good at paying lip service.(敷衍,说空话,口头的小恩小惠)


8. Everyone in this company knows that he’s trying to curry favor with the board of the directors.


9. That guy is a real bootlicker.


10. You want me to kiss his ass? Read my lips: No Way!


如:nine-to-fiver指朝九晚五的工作或普通的上班族,fifth column泛指通敌的内奸(第五纵队:泛指隐藏在对方内部、尚未曝光的敌方间谍)a Catch-22 situation表示难以逾越的障碍catch-22是第二十二条军规:如果你能证明自己发疯,那说明你没疯),而forty winks则是小睡、打盹儿(同nap,等等。

1. zero hour 重要决定或变化到来的时刻;危险行动的时刻

Zero hour for the bombers to take off was midnight. 轰炸机起飞的时间是午夜12点。

It was zero hour and the doctor began the operation on the man. 关键时候到了,医生开始为那人做手术。

2A number one A one第一流的,头等的(first class)

The A number one material sells well. 那种头等布料很畅销。

After our holiday, we were in A one condition. 休假后,我们的身体状况都很好。

3back to number/square one 从头开始

We’ve got to get this done without going back to square one. 我们得把它完成,而不要从头再来。

My secretary has left my one and only manuscript in the taxi, so I’ll have to write the book all over again. It’s back to square one. 秘书把我唯一的一份手稿丢在出租车上了,我只好重写这本书,一切从头开始。

4first fruits 最初成果(曾在《圣经》中被理解为“初熟之物”)

This book is the first fruits of many years study.这本书是多年研究的初步成果。


5once in a blue moon极为罕见;难得有一次

这个俗语的真正意思很难从它的字面上去猜测。据观测,在一定条件下,当大气中含有一定数量的、大小合适的微尘时,月亮就会呈深蓝色。月亮呈深蓝色这种现象比较罕见,因为人们夜间在户外活动的时间大大少于白昼,再加之微尘的扬起夜间少于白天。根据月亮出现的这一罕见现象,人们便用once in a blue moon表示极为罕见,千载难逢等义。

He won’t let slip the opportunity. Only once in a blue moon does he get one like this.他不会错过这次机会的,这可是千载难逢的。

Be bluein a blue mood= unhappy

6have two strings to ones bow有两手准备

英国大弓(longbow)是14世纪人们使用的最可怕的武器之一。大弓手(longbowman)通常都备有第二条弓弦(string),以备第一条弓弦断时可以马上替换。因此,人们常用two strings to ones bowanother/a second string to ones bow 分别喻指两手准备第二手准备,用have two strings to ones bow表示有两手准备

David has two strings to his bow; if his career in politics falls through, he can fall back on his law practice. 戴维已经做好两手准备,假如在政界失败,他可以重操旧业——当律师。

7play second fiddle 充当副手;当第二把手

管弦乐队中的小提琴分为第一小提琴手(first fiddle/violin)和第二小提琴手(second fiddle/violin)。第一小提琴手是主角,而第二小提琴手则是配角但又少不了。play second fiddle原意是担任第二小提琴手,后来引申为担任副手 多用于口语中。

Tired of playing second fiddle, she resigned and started her own company. 厌倦了当配角,她辞职创办了自己的公司。

8third degree 逼供;拷问

在美国,警察过去常常对无权无势的普通人使用刑讯逼供。人们遂借(thethird degree喻指(警察的)疲劳询问(或逼供),同时还把逮捕入狱分别称为the first degree(第一级)和the second degree(第二级)。third degree常和动词get/give连用,get the third degreegive someone a/the degree

They gave him the third degree to find out who his contacts were. 他们对他进行刑讯,逼他供出联络人。

9three score (years) and ten 人生,七十岁,古稀之年

这个俗语来源于《圣经·诗篇》我们一生的年日是七十岁,若是强壮可到八十岁;但其中所矜夸的不过是劳苦愁烦。”The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow.

He has long passed three score and ten. 他早已年逾古稀。

10four-letter words 四字母禁忌词

英语中所谓的four-letter words其实可以翻译为四字母粗俗词,因其常由四个字母组成,故名。此类词多与性及排泄有关,如piss, shit, cock等等,分量较重。

The football player was suspended after using a variety of four-letter words in front of the umpire. 该球员因为在裁判面前使用了各种低级下流词语而被停赛。

11fifth wheel 备用轮;多余的人或物

普通的汽车或卡车多为四个轮子,第五个轮子被认为没什么用处,因此fifth wheel喻指多余的人或物,无关紧要的人或物

I don’t have a role in the office anymore—I feel like a fifth wheel. 我在办公室不起作用了——我觉得自己像个多余的人。

12six of one and half a dozen of the other 半斤八两,不相上下


What difference does it matter? Theyre both the same—six of one and half a dozen of the other.这有什么区别?两者是相同的——一模一样。

13in the/ones seventh heaven欢天喜地;在极乐世界

伊斯兰教信徒认为天有七重,第七重天乃最高一层,七重天乃上帝和天使居住的天国的高层,乃极乐世界。in the/ones seventh heaven由此产生,多用于口语里,表示高兴万分,处于满足境地等。

The old lady was in the seventh heaven at meeting her long-lost son. 老太太见到失散多年的儿子高兴极了。

14have/be one over the eight 微醉;喝醉

过去西方人有一种比较迷信的看法,认为喝啤酒不醉的上限是八杯,即八品脱,多喝一杯就会显出醉意。由此人们在口语里用have one over the eight表示有三分醉意,多喝了一杯,多用于英国英语中。

He had one over the eight and fell down the steps as he was leaving the party. 在宴会上多喝了点酒,他离开时从台阶上摔了下来。

15a nine-day wonder 轰动一时(不久便被遗忘)的事情

在宗教上是个具有心灵象征意义的数字。三位一体,代表一个完美整体,而即三个,为多重完美。据说,每当自然界出现异常现象,罗马人就会视之为不祥之兆,为了去灾,天主教会总要举行一场历时九天的祈祷仪式。但祈祷仪式一结束就再也没人谈起了。后来人们多用a nine-day wonder指报刊上大肆渲染或耸人听闻的一些报道。

His being caught shoplifting was a nine-day wonder. 他因在商店扒窃而被逮住一事曾轰动一时。

16at the eleventh hour 在最后时刻;在紧要关头

The student always turned the term papers in at the eleventh hour.这个学生总是在最后一刻交学期论文。

Eleventh-hour decisions are seldom satisfactory. 最后一刻作出的决定很少是令人满意的。

17a bakers dozen 十三,一打加一


I asked for 12, but she gave me a baker’s dozen. 我要12个,可她给了我13个。

18twenty-one gun salute 21响礼炮


