
发布时间:2020-11-12 07:37:49



 )1. ---- ________ is th C? ----  It’s udr th ed

A. HoﻩﻩﻩB. Whre . hat ﻩD. Who

(   2. --- Nice to meet you.   --- ________

A. elloB. I’m in  C. Oh, ys D. Nie t meet ou, too

  )3. ---- ________ ! Where is my pnci? ---- ________ , I do know.

. Sory; Exuse me B Hell; Oh C. Excuse me; Sorry D Hi; Excse

(   )4. ---- ________ ?      --- S-U-E, Se

. Do you know Sue ﻩﻩ. Can yu spell you nam

C. Is it you name . Hw d you spll yur nae

)5. ---- I yur name Brown?   ----                .  

   A. Yes, it iﻩﻩB. Ye, I amﻩ ﻩC. es I’ D. No, I’m not

( )6. -- Your English s ver god.      --                 

A o, noﻩﻩﻩB. No, it isn’tﻩﻩC. It’s not goo ﻩD. Thank yo 

(    7. Sh has n ________.

A. mapﻩ ﻩB. orangeﻩﻩﻩC. book D . erase

(    )8. ---- ________is ou notbok?      ----I’s gren.

A. hre B. Wha ﻩ C. Wha colrﻩ D.  How 

(  )9. -- ________?       --- They’e fn, thank yo.

A. Ho ae youﻩ ﻩﻩ B. How do yo d 

. hat re teﻩﻩﻩ ﻩﻩD. ow are or parents

(   )10. ---- s his a key?      -- ________ .

. No it in’t.. It’s a ruleﻩﻩ. Yes, t’s ﻩﻩD K

(   )11re ________ her paret?

A. this ﻩﻩB. theseﻩ C. he ﻩﻩ D .tha

(   )1 Plae ________ he mah book hre.

A. brn B. takeﻩﻩﻩﻩC. nedﻩ ﻩD look 

(  )13. ook a the map. It’s a map ________ Chna.

A. nﻩ B. of ﻩC.  at ﻩD in  

(   )14 Miss ang is ________ Engish teachr. ________ i a god teacher.

. or Her ﻩB. my, He ﻩﻩ C. a Sh ﻩD. a, She

( 5. --- Wht’s thi in nglis?   ---- ________a pencil case.

A. This isﻩ . Tat’sﻩﻩ . I’s ﻩD. These ar


My name 1 il. ’m 7   English boy. ’m twev. I’m a middl schol student. Li Lei is my 18 We’e in the sae clas. Here s picture 1 hs family. Loo, this is hi 20  . e is policeman. Hs 21 is a teacher of Engish. Se is a good teacher. Bil has 22 sstrs. 2 r twins(双胞胎). Ther 2 are Fang Fang an uan Yan. They have a cat. We ae good 25  ,too.

(   )16.A. am . isﻩ C. ar D. call

( 7.A.a    B. nﻩﻩ C. ﻩﻩ ﻩD. te

)18.A.bother    B. cousi ﻩﻩC friend     D. tacher

( )19A. at B inﻩﻩ C. o . fo

(   )0.A. paretﻩﻩB moter C. randpaents ﻩD. fther

( )21. A. paets B. motherﻩﻩ C. grandparents D. father

 )2. A. aﻩﻩ   B. oneC. twoﻩﻩﻩ D Three

( )23. A. She B. He C. We . They

