北京住房公积金提取管理办法(Beijing housing accumulation fund extraction management measures)

发布时间:2019-08-23 03:24:35

北京住房公积金提取管理办法(Beijing housing accumulation fund extraction management measures

Beijing housing provident fund extraction management measures.Txt what is optimistic faction? This...... Like a teapot, the bottom was burned red, and the mood whistled. Life is very simple, today is tomorrow. It is not scientific to look at a woman in her life, so she can easily see the illness. Beijing housing provident fund management committee documents

Beijing housing accumulation fund extraction management measures

Beijing housing provident fund management committee [2006] 2

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 in order to strengthen the extraction of housing provident fund management, standardize the use of housing provident fund extraction behavior, according to the State Council of the "Regulations" management of housing provident fund and the Beijing Municipal People's government to implement the relevant provisions of the "Regulations" "Regulations on management of housing provident fund and the state and the city of Beijing City, combining with the actual situation of the city, the enactment of this approach.

The second method applies to the extraction and management of housing provident fund in Beijing administrative region.

Third Beijing housing provident fund management center (hereinafter referred to as the management center) is responsible for the city administrative region housing accumulation fund extraction management.

Extraction range of the second chapter

Fourth employees in one of the following circumstances, can be extracted from the housing accumulation fund account of the storage balance:

(a) the purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul occupied housing;

(two) retired and retired;

(three) completely lose the ability to work and terminate the labor relationship with the unit;

(four) exit settlement;

(five) repayment of principal and interest of housing loan;

(six) the rent expenditure exceeds 5% of the family income;

(seven) living difficulties, are receiving minimum living allowances for urban residents;

(eight) sudden events lead to serious difficulties in family life;

(nine) the labor relations between the migrant workers and the units;

(ten) sentenced to death, sentenced to life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment, and reached the statutory retirement age at the expiration of the term;

(eleven) death or declared death;

(twelve) other circumstances stipulated by the housing provident fund management committee of the Beijing.

Fifth employees comply with the provisions of the fourth (1), (five), (six), (seven), (eight) cases of extraction of housing provident fund, the spouse can simultaneously extract the housing accumulation fund in my account.

Sixth housing provident fund extraction of workers should be priority for repayment of housing provident fund loans principal and interest.

The third chapter is the amount of extraction

Seventh employees to purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul occupied housing and housing loans without the use of workers and their spouses can be extracted once every year the housing provident fund should not exceed the total accumulated from the actual expenditure on housing.

Eighth employees to purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul occupied housing loans housing, including workers and their spouses loan to buy affordable housing and other housing policy of each quarter a housing provident fund can be extracted, other conditions can be extracted once every year, should not exceed the total accumulated from loan purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul since the actual occurrence of housing housing expenses (including loans and payment).

If the loan contract has been signed before the implementation of these measures, it shall be carried out in accordance with the original extraction policy.

Ninth employees of fourth in line with the way (six) extraction of housing provident fund situation, workers and their spouses each year can be extracted from a housing provident fund, the total annual extraction should not be higher than the total annual rent beyond the family wage income part shall be.

Tenth employees comply with the provisions of the fourth (seven) and (eight) cases of housing provident fund, not limited by the amount, can be extracted once a month.

Eleventh employees of fourth in line with the way (two), (three), (four), (nine), (ten), (eleven) the case, I can withdraw housing provident fund accounts within the entire storage balance, while the cancellation of housing provident fund accounts of individual workers.

Twelfth workers died or been declared dead, their heirs, legatee can extract the employee housing provident fund account of the balance of all storage, while the cancellation of the individual housing provident fund accounts. If there is no successor or no bequest, the storage balance of the employee's housing accumulation fund account shall be added into the value-added income of the housing accumulation fund.

Thirteenth except in accordance with the provisions of the eleventh, twelfth provisions of the cancellation of housing provident fund account extraction, the staff housing provident fund account should be retained at least 10 yuan.

The fourth chapter extracts the proof material

Fourteenth employees for the first time to extract housing provident fund, should show the identity of the original identity, and provide copies of identity certificates and related certification materials.

If a housing provident fund is entrusted to other people (excluding the unit for withdrawal), the power of attorney signed by the client and the identity certificate of the client shall be provided.

Fifteenth spouses of spouses to extract housing provident fund, should provide proof of husband and wife relationship.

Sixteenth employees to purchase, construction, rehabilitation, overhaul occupied housing, the first extraction should provide the following documents:

Purchase of commercial housing, affordable housing, cooperative housing, fund-raising housing and other self occupied housing, to provide housing contracts or purchase agreements, housing invoices;

(two) the purchase of rebuild housing, providing relocation agreements, housing invoices;

(three) buy second-hand housing, provide property certificate, deed tax payment voucher;

(four) the purchase of public housing buildings, housing units to provide housing agreements or purchase certificates, housing receipts;

(five) renovation, overhaul occupied housing, provide the proof, housing or property sector overhaul proof and property purchased material list invoice or allocation to personal expenses invoice;

(six) self built housing, to provide planning, housing management department homestead approval or housing approval documents, purchase materials and other construction cost invoices.

Seventeenth employees to repay the housing loan principal and interest, the first extraction should provide loan contract, the first payment invoice.

Eighteenth workers pay rent extraction, should provide housing rental contract, rent invoices, the lessee income of both husband and wife.

Nineteenth employees retired, retired extraction, should provide retirement, retirement certificate or labor department related certificates.

Twentieth workers completely lost labor capacity, and termination of labor relations with the unit, should be provided by the labor department to determine the loss of labor capacity of workers, units to terminate the labor relations proved.

Twenty-first employees should be provided with the certificate of cancellation of residence registration when they leave the country and settle down.

Twenty-second workers living difficulties, are receiving the gold extraction of urban minimum living security, should provide "Beijing city urban subsistence California Evidence".

Twenty-third workers died or been declared dead, the successor or legatee extraction, should provide the worker death certificate, the notary department of the right of inheritance or certificate issued by the people's court or bequeath to the judgment, ruling or mediation.

Twenty-fourth migrant workers and units to withdraw labor relations, should provide proof of residence and labor relations to prove.

Twenty-fifth employees who have been sentenced to death penalty, sentenced to life imprisonment or sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment have reached the statutory retirement age at the expiration of the term, should provide the judgment of the people's court.

When twenty-sixth employees encounter unexpected incidents and cause serious difficulties in family life, they should provide proof materials issued by the unit or the subdistrict office.

The fifth chapter extracts procedure

Twenty-seventh housing provident fund extraction, generally handled by the unit instead.

Twenty-eighth workers in line with the conditions of housing accumulation fund, should provide the corresponding proof material, the unit to verify, issued a certificate of extraction.

Twenty-ninth units hold the extraction certificate and related materials, apply to the management center for extraction of employee housing accumulation fund storage balance,

The management center shall make the decision to approve or not to withdraw within 3 days from the date of accepting the application.

The thirtieth management center is allowed to withdraw the audit, and within 3 days, the amount of extraction will be directly assigned to the employee's Bank savings account.

If the unit applies for the amount of withdrawal to be included in the settlement account of the unit, it shall be agreed by the staff and workers.

Management Center audit is not allowed to extract, inform the applicant does not allow the extraction of the reasons.

Thirty-first units are not required for the workers to apply for housing provident fund extraction procedures, workers can effectively demonstrate their application materials management center unit for the supervision, supervision is handled by the management center can apply to workers handling.

Thirty-second employees for a single extraction procedures, you can repeatedly extract the housing accumulation fund account of the storage balance.

The sixth chapter supplementary provisions

The thirty-third unit violates the provisions of these measures and extracts the employee housing provident fund, and the management center orders the unit to return the amount within a specified time limit.

Individuals who violate the provisions of these rules and make fictitious conditions for the extraction of their own housing accumulation fund shall be ordered by the management center to refund the amount within a specified period.

The term of the thirty-fourth article refers to the working day (excluding statutory holidays).

The thirty-fifth article is explained by the Beijing housing provident fund management center.

These thirty-sixth measures shall come into force on April 1, 2006. In accordance with the provisions of these measures, the provisions of the present Measures shall prevail.

北京住房公积金提取管理办法(Beijing housing accumulation fund extraction management measures)
