
发布时间:2023-12-19 11:21:13

Argentina 阿根廷
The enemy within
A weakened president falls out with fellow Peronists 日渐式微的女总统与裴伦党党内同志吵架闹翻
Jan 5th 2013 | BUENOS AIRES | from the print edition

TWICE in the past quarter-century mobs of looters have helped to drive Argentine presidents from office. So it looked ominous when thousands of people attacked supermarkets and shops in several cities on December 21st and 22nd. The police restored order, but only after two people died and scores were arrested. 過去四分之一個世紀,大批街頭暴民劫掠曾經兩度逼使阿根廷總統下台。因此,當上千名流氓在十二月廿一、廿二日在阿根廷幾座城市內搶劫超市和商店,確實是一個不祥之兆。警方雖然已恢復秩序,但之前已造成兩人喪生,二十多人被捕。
The looting followed months of sporadic protests against the government of
President Cristina Fernández. Labour union s, long a bulwark of her Peronist movement, complain that inflation, unofficially running at 26% in the 12 months to November, is devouring wages. Transport, banks and hospitals have suffered strikes. The middle class is angry about crime and exchange controls. Ms Fernández’s approval rating stands at 39%, down from 69% a year ago, according to Poliarquía, a pollster.
這次搶劫行動緊跟在連續數月的反對克莉絲蒂娜總統(Cristina Fernández政府零星抗議之後。全國各地工會(長期以來一直是她隸屬的裴倫黨堅定支持者抱怨通貨膨脹正在吞食工資,非官方的統計數字顯示在去年十一月之前十二個月內通貨膨脹率高達二成六。運輸業、銀行和醫院已面臨罷工。中產階級因犯罪率上升和外匯管制而怒氣沖天。根據民調機構Poliarquía,克莉絲蒂娜總統的支持率已經從一年前的六成九,一路下跌至目前的三成九。
All this means that some Argentines are starting to think that Ms Fernández will struggle to complete her term in 2015, or at least that she will lose her congressional majority at a legislative election due in October. But she still has several assets. She exercises discretionary control of previously mandatory transfers to provincial governments. She has foreign policyand this week rekindled the row with Britain over the Falklands (Malvinas. The government also dominates the media. Last year Ms Fernández delivered more than 50 national broadcasts, which all channels must interrupt normal programmes to carry and which by law are supposed to be restricted to “serious, exceptional situations”. The lure of official advertising, worth $186m in 2011, has tamed much of the press. Argentina 阿根廷
The enemy within
A weakened president falls out with fellow Peronists 日渐式微的女总统与裴伦党党内同志吵架闹翻
Jan 5th 2013 | BUENOS AIRES | from the print edition

