
发布时间:2019-02-19 23:22:40


【篇一:发现别人的优点 600字】

发现别人的优点 俗话说:人无完人。意思是生活在世上的人,没有谁只有优点或只有缺点。每个人都有自己的长处和短处。每个人都是可爱的。 伟大的发明家爱迪生,在童年时期就对许多事情充满幻想。那时,他上小学,充满着奇思妙想得他对课程以外的事物都很感兴趣,却觉得所学的课程是那么的枯燥无味。他总是问一些别人觉得不可思议的问题,给她教学的老师认为他无可救药,劝他退学。回到家后,爱迪生在母亲的培育之下,成为了伟大的发明家。这全部归功于母亲及时发现了他的优点,教育他,鼓励他,才使他获得了这份荣耀。可见,发现别人的优点是十分重要的。 记得初中时学过一篇课文,是千里马与伯乐的故事。千里马的优点被伯乐发现,使千里马得以发挥自己的长处。 在现实生活中,人们都从小发现孩子的优点,然后从这方面入手,充分利用孩子的天分,培养他们成为优秀的人才。在许多的电视节目上,随时可以看到各种各样的选秀及比赛等节目,这也是发现别人优点的最好方法! 优点和缺点就像两个反目成仇的兄弟,它们在每个人的身上不断的斗争着。优点好比是站在正义那一面的威猛勇士,而缺点好比站在邪恶那一面的奸佞小人。它们不能合作也不能分别。随时在人们的身上表现出来。 作为人类的我们在优点和缺点的控制之下,活在多姿多彩的世界上,代表正义的优点或许没有缺点多,但是只要发现了优点,才能让我们更加有信心的活下去。许多人也曾经告诉过我:要发现优点,让优点的光芒盖住缺点的丑恶,鼓励我向前奋进! 发现别人的优点,不仅鼓励他人,同时可以给自己树立一个榜样。让我们一起发现别人的优点,或许他会带给你更多的成功之道!











what technology really brings to us

technology has been highly developed to improve human’s life. nowadays, we have the technology that enables us to talk to friends across the ocean, to manage our schedules and even to finish most of the activities in our daily life. but do all these really give us a happier life? does technology really take us to the day we wanted when we invented it? in this essay i’m going to discuss the effect technology has in reality.

as is always the case, something new will definitely do us good in some way. for instant, huge amount of labor work has been reduced due to the first technology evolution. it’s also undeniable that new technology breaks the isolation of time and distance, which makes it possible for us to share our points and views all over the world just on a click. people have been happy and enjoyed talking with sms, email instead of sending a real letter or have a direct meeting for over decades of years.

for me, i don’t think that technology is leading us to a bright future that it was supposed to. it’s rather creating another situation called “we are alone together”. making the best of the technology doesn’t just mean let it invade every single room in our life. only being used properly can it really bring us a happier life.

