
发布时间:2018-06-27 19:58:03

After reading”Old man and the sea” ’s impressions

This year winter vacation, I read the american well-known writerHemingway's novel”Old man and the sea

It seems to be that Santiago is a poor old man. Hemingway refining the language of their own to shape the image, it can be said that Hemingway didn’t let the elderly achieved success,however has been given under the pressure of the elderly in the image of elegance and fortitude.

Hemingway's novel won the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Pulitzer Prize. The tough guy writer, the proper strength to write his life, tell us how to deal with birth, old age, sickness and death, tells us how wide the heart, such as the sea in general. The elderly are lonely, he was approached in an ideal road trip travelers, but he is not lonely, because his will is so strong.

After reanding this book, I know less than their own. From than on, I don’t cair what kind of difficulties encountered, we must face with confidence, insisted in the end, and never say die!






