中国帮助外国抗击疫情的英语作文带翻译 - 把中国抗疫感人故事带回我国

发布时间:2020-05-24 11:01:04



“Come on, China! Come on, Wuhan! Lets work together! “ Recently, a Urdu language video about Chinas fight against the epidemic has attracted much attention in Pakistan. The producer of the video is Aisha Iqbal, an international graduate student from China Womens College in Pakistan. “I am moved by the spirit of the Chinese peoples unity and solidarity. I want to bring the touching story of Chinas fight against the epidemic to my country. “


Its not just the video. Iqbal wrote an article of nearly two thousand words about Chinas fight against the epidemic. “In the face of the epidemic, the Chinese government has taken effective prevention and control measures,” Iqbal wrote in the article. This fully shows that the Chinese government has always put peoples life safety and health first. “


Like Iqbal, more than 30 foreign students from China Womens college are very concerned about Chinas anti epidemic action, full of confidence in Chinas victory over the epidemic, and tell the world the story of Chinas anti epidemic in various ways. “I believe that China has the ability to overcome the epidemic.” Lazia salamad, an international student from Afghanistan, said that in the face of the epidemic, the Chinese people worked together “to work together for the same goal”. According to her introduction, Liu Liqun, Dean of China Womens college, wrote a letter to introduce Chinas anti epidemic situation. The college provided considerate care and protective measures for overseas students, which increased everyones confidence.


“I pay a deep tribute to the medical staff who are fighting on the front line. They always stick to their posts and try to help patients regain their health. “ After seeing many news reports about Chinese medical workers, Yandi naredo, an international student from Mauritius, was very moved. “China will surely prove to the world that China will become stronger after the outbreak.” Other international students designed and recorded a one minute video to cheer on Chinese sisters who are fighting the epidemic bravely when the international womens Day is coming.


中国帮助外国抗击疫情的英语作文带翻译 - 把中国抗疫感人故事带回我国
