
发布时间:2018-10-02 18:31:51

徐徐展开的,是诗和远方Cows still meander through these villages.奶牛依然在这些村庄里缓步穿行。Being unemployed produces negative attitudes to work.失业会对工作产生消极态度。[+ to/towards ]The people have a very positive attitude to life.这些人的生活态度很积极。Put the spaghetti into plenty of boiling salted water.把意大利面放入大量煮沸的盐水中。We were advised to boil the water before drinking it.有人建议我们把这水烧开后再喝。[T] to push or press something so that it is no longer flat or straight 压弯,弄弯You need a special tool to bend the steel.你要用特殊的工具才能把这钢条弄弯。[I] to become curved and no longer flat or straight 变弯曲Several branches started bending towards the ground.数根枝条开始向地面弯垂。The weather forecast is good for tomorrow.天气预报说明天是晴天。profit/sales/growth forecastthe company’s annual sales forecast公司的年度销量预测Rain was forecast for the weekend.预报周末有雨。forecast (that)The Federal Reserve Bank forecasts that the economy will grow by 2% this year.联邦储备银行预测今年经济将增长2%。The parcel was delivered last week.那个邮包上周送到了。He sends regular food parcels to his family in Libya.他定期给在利比亚的家人邮寄食品包裹。a parcel of clothes and blankets一包衣服和毯子They also sent parcels of food and clothing.他们还寄送了成包的食物和衣物。Do you have insurance on your house and its contents?你买住房和家庭财产险了吗?We can probably claim the damage on our insurance.我们也许可以向保险公司索赔损失。My brother works in insurance.我的兄弟从事保险业。How much is the insurance on your car?你车子的保险费是多少?the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their bodyThe moon permitted me to see a little way into the distance.月光让我能看到距离稍远的地方。in the distanceChurch bells rang in the distance (= they were far away ) .远处教堂的钟声响起。[+ to/towards ]The path led down to a small lake.这条路通向一个小湖。lead sb to/into sthThe riverside path leads visitors to a small chapel.河边小路把参观者带往一座小教堂。There were several ducks on the village pond.村子池塘里有几只鸭子。They can go fishing in the lake.他们可以去湖里钓鱼。The house had lovely views over open countryside .这房子望出去是开阔的乡村美景。I've always loved the English countryside.我一直很喜欢英国的乡村。a little fishing village一座小渔村He lives quietly in the country in a village near Lahti.他在乡下拉赫蒂附近的一个村庄里过着平静的生活。He lives in a secluded five-bedroom luxury villa.他住在一幢僻静的、有5间卧室的豪华别墅里。Cats should always have access to fresh, clean water.应该让猫总能喝到新鲜、干净的水。a villa with easy access to the sea一幢离大海很近的别墅

